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With Me in Seattle Bundle One

Page 56

by Kristen Proby

  “Okay,” I murmur, encouraging him to keep talking.

  “I already told you that my mom passed when I was very young. I don’t remember a lot about her, just mostly what my dad has told me, but I remember that she was really pretty, and she was very affectionate.”

  “I’m sure she was gorgeous, Nate. One look at you, and no one would doubt that.”

  He smiles at me and runs the backs of his fingers down my face.

  “The year she passed, I gave her this for her birthday, which was today.” He opens his fist, and inside is a silver chain with a pretty silver heart-shaped pendant.

  He looks at me, still smiling. “I’d like to give it to you.”

  I feel my jaw drop, and I watch as he takes the heart in his fingers with one hand, cups my hand in the other, and places the warm metal in my palm.


  “She would have loved you,” he continues. “I wish she could have known you. I want you to have this.”

  My eyes are searching his, and I’m just so touched. He’s giving me something of his mother’s. If that doesn’t scream commitment, I don’t know what does.

  “Turn it over,” he whispers.

  Engraved on the back is Love, Nate.

  Tears spring to my eyes as I rub the sweet words with the pad of my finger. I am overcome with emotion.

  “I know it’s not diamonds, or wildly expensive…”

  Before he can finish the words, I climb onto his lap and wrap my arms around his shoulders, bury my face in his neck, and hold on tight, letting the tears come.

  “Hey, it’s okay, baby.” His hands are moving up and down my back, soothing and caressing me.

  “Thank you so much,” I whisper into his neck, unable to look him in the eye and let him see my tears. “This is the most beautiful gift anyone has ever given me.”

  “Hey.” He pushes back on my shoulders so I have to look at him, and he grins at me as he wipes the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. “Can I put it on you?”

  “Yes, please.” I offer him a wet smile, pull my hair up off my neck, and wait patiently as he clasps it. It falls a few inches below my collarbones and shines in the soft firelight.

  “It’s beautiful, Nate, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  There’s suddenly thunder in the distance, and we both look out to the water as lightning strikes through the dark clouds moving closer to us.

  “Looks like we’re going to get that storm,” I murmur.

  “Well, as much as I wanted to make love to you here, looks like it’s going to be plan B.”

  Nate stands and holds his hand out to me, helping me up. He passes me our champagne glasses and the champagne bottle, then lifts me in his arms and climbs the stairs.

  “Seriously, Nate, I can walk.”

  “You don’t have any shoes.”

  He’s not even breathing hard with the effort.

  Holy fuck.

  “What about the food and the fire?” I ask.

  “The catering company is coming back in a few hours to clean up.”


  He sets me down at the top of the stairs and kisses my cheek, takes his glass and the bottle out of my hands and leads me inside and up the stairs to the master suite. We walk into the bathroom, and Nate turns on the water to fill the tub and lights some candles throughout the spacious room, then turns off the lights so the space is bathed in soft candlelight.

  He pulls a remote out of his back pocket—I didn’t know he had that!—and turns on the sound system, and Jason Mraz’s I Won’t Give Up is again coming through the speakers.

  “Did you do that on purpose?” I ask.

  “No, it’s just a coincidence,” he murmurs.

  He lowers our glasses and the champagne to the floor next to the tub, and when everything is ready, he turns back to me and slowly walks toward me in time with the song.

  Nate starts to sing along, softly, “I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I’ve given you all my love, I’m still looking up…”

  He pulls me against him, one arm wrapped around the small of my back, and takes my hand in his, and begins to sway with the music, dancing me across the beautiful bathroom in the candlelight, while the sky explodes in lightning outside. He lowers his face next to mine and just barely touches me with his cheek, turns his face, and brushes my cheek with his nose, sending shivers down my spine and through my arms and legs.

  “I won’t give up on us,” he whispers in my ear, and I feel tears prick my eyes again.

  Where did I find this beautiful man? And how did I resist him for so long?

  When the song is finished, Sade begins to croon about this not being an ordinary love, and Nate pulls back, his eyes alive with love, and he gently brushes my hair off my face. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, Nate.”


  The water is warm and smells like lavender. Nate is sitting against the end of the tub with me between his legs, resting on his chest.

  The sky outside is dancing in light and rolling black clouds, reflecting on the choppy water below. I love that the tub sits in a glass alcove so we can watch the show.

  “Where did you learn to dance like that?” I ask.

  Nate squirts my shower gel in his hands and rubs them together until he’s happy with the lather. “Sit forward a bit.”

  I lean forward, and he starts to rub my back and shoulders, massaging my muscles, and I melt into him. “Holy Moses, ace, you’re good with your hands.”

  He chuckles behind me and continues the delicious massage.

  “I’ve never had a dancing lesson. I guess martial arts taught me rhythm.” His hands slip below the water line, and he rubs my lower back in slow, relaxing circles.

  “Mmm…I love the way you move,” I murmur.

  “You do?” I hear the smile in his voice.

  “Mmm hmm…I could watch you move all day.”

  He kisses my neck and pulls me back against him again, his hands circling up to my breasts.

  “I love your breasts,” he whispers.

  “I thought about enhancing them when I was young and posing for the magazine, but now I’m glad I didn’t.”

  “You don’t need to enhance them, baby. They’re perfect as they are.” He brushes his thumbs across my nipples, making them pucker, and I brace my hands on his thighs and arch my back, pushing my breasts into his hands.

  His left hand slips down my torso, between my legs, and he sweeps his finger lightly over my clit.

  “God, babe.”

  “Shh, I’ve got you,” he whispers against my ear and tugs the lobe between his teeth.

  I can feel his erection against my back. His hands are wreaking havoc on my sensitive skin, and the water is warm and fragrant. Trees sway in the wind outside, and rain is beating on the windows now, reflecting the lightning that’s shooting across the stormy sky.

  I turn in Nate’s arms and straddle his hips. I kiss him, gently at first, my hands in his hair, and then deepen the sweet kiss, tangling our tongues. His hands lift my ass, and he pulls back, his eyes on mine, his mouth open as he pants.

  “I need to be inside you, baby.”

  I reach between us and wrap my hand around his cock, pull up and down once, then guide the tip to my folds and lower myself onto him.

  “Fuck, you’re so small,” he growls.

  “Fuck, you’re so big,” I respond and smile, my forehead resting on his.

  He grins wolfishly and begins raising and lowering me over him steadily, ignoring the water splashing over the side, and we are in a whirlpool of lust. I can’t get enough of him. I’m squeezing around his length, his piercing is brushing along that most sensitive spot, and I feel the familiar tightening of my muscles around him.

  “I’m going to come,” I whisper.

  He grips my hips and pulls me against him, grinding into me, his feral gray eyes on mine, and growls, “Let go.”

  And I do.
  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I wake early, before Nate for a change. We are naked, tangled in soft white sheets. Nate is on his back, one hand thrown over his head, covered from the waist down, and I brace my head on my elbow, admiring the view of his amazing tattoos, long hair, and dark chin stubble. His arms, chest and stomach are deliciously toned, even in sleep.

  Fuck, he’s a feast for the eyes.

  I sit up and stretch, glancing outside. The storm has passed, leaving the beach just a little messy with debris. I get up to answer nature’s call, throw on some capris jeans and a sweatshirt, pull my hair up in a knot, grab my flip-flops and head down to the water.

  I should let Nate know that I’m going out, but he’s so sleepy, I decide to leave him be and make him breakfast when I get back.

  When I get to the gazebo, I’m amazed to find that the caterer did indeed come back and clean up. The space has been returned to its original state. Amazing, I didn’t even hear them.

  I reach the bottom of the stairs and kick off my flip-flops, wiggling my toes in the sand, and take a deep, deep breath. The air is salty and just a bit musty from the storm. Seagulls are flying around, scouring the sand for food, and the water is crashing on the shore in white clouds, then pushing out onto the sand in sheets of wet glass.

  I can’t wait to put my feet in it.

  I walk down to the edge of the water and stand still, waiting for the water to rush forward and engulf my feet and ankles. Oh my, it’s so cold! I giggle and do a little dance in the water, splashing about, getting used to the cold, looking down at my toes.

  I need a pedicure. Maybe I’ll call Nat and see if she wants to go with me after work this week.

  Work. I’m not ready to go back.

  “There you are.”

  I hear Nate call from behind me, and I turn to smile at him. He’s pulled on his jeans and a sweatshirt, but he’s not smiling. He looks pissed.


  “What’s wrong?” I ask and walk toward him.

  “You were gone when I woke up again.”

  “Uh, you were asleep, Nate. I just came down to the beach for a bit. Where else would I go?”

  “I hate waking up and finding you gone. Bad memories.” He hugs me to him and kisses my hair. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll wake you next time and tell you I’m up.” I pull out of his arms but link my fingers in his. “Take your shoes off. I’m not done wading in the water.”

  “It’s cold.” He frowns down at me. “I don’t want you to get sick.”

  “Oh stop, I won’t get sick. C’mon, it’s fun.”

  Nate removes his shoes, rolls his pants to his knees and we walk through the water down the shoreline.

  “I’m not ready to leave,” I murmur and take a deep breath of salty air.

  “We don’t have to head back until this evening if you like.” He kisses my knuckles and smiles at me.

  “I know. I guess I’m not ready to go back to work tomorrow either.” I shrug. “Probably not something I should admit to my boss, I know, but there it is.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” he asks.

  “Oh, nothing.” I wave his statement aside. “There’s no drama. I’m just not a great actress, and the whole ‘you’re my boyfriend at home but just my boss at work’ thing is tiresome. By the end of the week I’m exhausted from being afraid that I’ll say or do something inappropriate.”

  “You know, baby, if you ever decided you didn’t want to, you don’t have to work.”

  I laugh and kick the water, splashing. “Right. I do have to work, Nate.”

  He pulls us both to a stop and looks down at me with serious eyes. “No, you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do.” I shake my head and rub my forehead. “I like my job. I’m good at it. And, yes, I’ve been smart, and I have a nice-sized nest egg, along with a bit of an inheritance, but I do have to work, babe.”

  “I can take care of you,” he whispers.

  Oh, I love him.

  “But you shouldn’t have to, that’s the thing.” I start walking again through the water, and Nate follows me. “Besides, what would I do if I didn’t work? I’d go crazy. I’m not crafty. I hate TV. I need to do stuff.”

  “You are, too, crafty. What about making more signs like the one you gave Natalie for the nursery?”

  “Oh no.” I laugh up at him and shake my head. “That was a one-time thing. It was fun, but I’m not artistic.”

  “I thought it was great.” He kicks water up, splashing my legs, and I giggle.

  “Well, it’s not a career.”

  “What if you had kids?” he asks, and I immediately shut down inside.

  I do not want to have this conversation. I’m not ready.

  “Don’t go there.”

  “It’s a valid question.”

  “Kids aren’t even on my radar, Nate.”

  “What is on your radar, Julianne?”

  We aren’t looking at each other. We’re just walking, hand in hand, through the water, watching the waves and the birds.

  “You. Work. Family.” I shrug. “That’s plenty for now.”

  “As long as I make the list, baby.”

  “You’re at the top these days, ace.” I smile sassily and try to lighten the mood. “In fact, I like it when you’re on top.”

  He laughs, a full-on belly laugh, and splashes my legs again. “Okay, funny girl.”


  Pedicures tonight after work?

  I send the text to Natalie and resume reading a report on my desk. I have so much to do! Three reports to write, Nate sent me a list of items he needs researched, and we have a meeting in just a few minutes.

  My phone pings with a response from Natalie. Sure! I’ll bring Liv. She’ll sleep.

  Perfect! Can’t wait to see you both. Will call when I’m on my way to pick you up.

  I smile and gather my coffee and things I need for the meeting. I’m so excited to see Nat and the baby. It’s just what I need.

  We all file into the conference room and sit in our usual places. We don’t have assigned seats, but we are people of habit. There are six of us: Nate and I, Mrs. Glover to take notes, and the other partner, Mr. Luis, and his team, Carly and Ben. Mr. Luis is in his mid-forties, graying and pot-bellied. He’s a shrewd businessman, and is not at all friendly in the office. He’s all business.

  Ben is much the same way. He’s about my age, not much taller than I am, thin and wears glasses. He’s handsome and very intelligent. He’s not rude. He’s just all about business, which I can respect and even admire.

  I have no idea if either man is married or what their private lives consist of, and that’s just fine by me.

  Carly sits across the table from me, dressed in a green shift dress, her red hair pulled back in a bun. She looks over to me and offers a fake, brittle smile.

  I don’t reciprocate.

  I glance casually over at Nate, and he’s watching our exchange, running his forefinger over his lower lip in thought.

  My fingers unconsciously touch the silver heart at my neck. My birthday diamonds are in my ears, and I’m wearing my birthday tennis bracelet. I’m draped in my man, he’s sitting three feet from me, and I can’t touch him.

  It’s a little weird.

  When everyone is settled, Mr. Luis begins the meeting, bringing us all up-to-date on account statuses, what needs to be worked on and what’s not working at all, then he turns it over to Nate.

  He passes around some reports. “Miss Montgomery put these reports together this morning. I’d like to go through them now, since I have you all here.”

  As he methodically works his way through the reports, I find myself able to focus on the work, and it makes my stomach settle. I was worried that we’d ruined this for me, that it would always be a struggle, and I’m relieved that I answer his questions appropriately and professionally, and no one would ever guess that we are anything but colleagues.

  As we all begin to file o
ut after the meeting, Nate says to me, “Miss Montgomery, I’d like to see you in my office in ten minutes, please.”

  Huh. “I’ll see you then.” I nod and head back to my office, close the door, and exhale. Another meeting accomplished without any screw-ups.



  “You can go on in, Miss Montgomery.” Mrs. Glover smiles warmly at me as I walk past her desk toward Nate’s office.

  “Thanks.” I knock once and walk into his office. “You wanted to see me?”

  I close the door behind me and smile over at my hot executive boyfriend. He’s in another one of his dark suits with a white shirt and gray tie, his hair pulled back.

  He’s effing hot.

  He steps out from behind his desk and crosses to me, and I’m suddenly crushed to his chest in a big hug. He smells fantastic, all fabric softener and coffee and Nate.

  He reaches behind me and locks the door quietly, and I pull back to look into his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just missed you this morning.”

  “I’ve been right down the hall.” I chuckle and kiss his chin.

  “I know, it’s not the same. Mondays suck, for more reasons than one.”

  I know exactly what he means. We’ve just had the whole weekend together, and now we’re back where we have to pretend.

  “Hey, before I forget, I made plans with Natalie for after work. We’re getting pedicures. So I won’t be at your place when you get home.”

  “Okay. Are you coming over when you’re done?” he asks.

  “I think I’ll just go home, Nate. I have a mountain of laundry to do, and I’ve barely been there over the past few weeks. One night apart won’t kill us, you know.”

  He frowns and runs his fingertips down my face. “I’ll go to your place tonight.”

  “You don’t have…”

  “I don’t want to sleep without you, Julianne.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you at my place then. I need to make you a key.”

  “No need.” He smirks down at me. “I’ll talk you into moving into the condo with me soon enough.”

  “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, ace?”

  “Yeah, pretty sure,” he whispers and kisses me softly.

  Yeah, I’m pretty sure, too.


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