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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

Page 9

by Alessandra Jay

  “Wait. He’s in Eden? What did you say his name was?” Just as I was about to answer, there was a crash on her side of the phone. “Oh no! Scar, Violet just broke Silas’ favorite mug. I'm going to have to call you back.” Demi says, flustered. “Okay. Call me later. Love you. Miss you.” I tell her. “Oh, I’ll definitely be calling you back. Love you, too. Can’t wait to see you for your party!” I hang up and roll over. If I go to sleep now, I’ll be awake for Evan when he comes over. I let my eyes close as I eagerly await the return of my very own caster boyfriend.

  Chapter 10

  Marked Meeting


  Sneaking into Scarlet’s townhouse was easy. With a flick of my wrist, the door unlocked and quietly drifted open. My plan was to wake Scarlet, so we could continue our conversation. But when I saw how peaceful she looked in her sleep, I couldn't bring myself to disturb her and definitely didn't want to leave. I didn't think she would mind, if I slid in beside her and slept, until she was ready to wake up. So I did just that and stayed on the other side of the bed for assurance of respect.

  With one hand under my pillow, I face her, just admiring how beautiful she is. I could lie here forever and never get tired of looking at her. Going through all of the events of this entire day, all I see is her. I'm not tired. There is too much to think about. The fact that Scarlet isn't a caster is really fascinating, considering her blood line. After learning who her father is, I couldn't believe the power skipped her. Rick Winter is highly known in our world. He’s a lethally skilled fighter and demon hunter, both him and his brother Dimitri. It’s so crazy to know that that same Dimitri is the one who taught Scarlet how to bake.

  I saw Rick at the meeting. There are only 30 of us who are Marked. And after remembering what her last name was, it was easy to make the connection to who her father was. The director for the New York Village has been trying to get Rick and Dimitri to teach a few fight classes a week there, but they have never accepted the invitation. I was already planning to meet with him in a couple of weeks, but now that I have met and fallen for his daughter, introducing myself now would be smartest. We have never really spoken because he usually left as soon as the meetings were over. He’s big and muscular, with a full salt and pepper beard that matches his salt and pepper hair, with eyes gray like Scarlet’s but not as illuminating.

  Part of me is nervous because I'm about to introduce myself as someone who's interested in his daughter. But the other part can’t be nervous because I'm the director of a Village, and I can’t show any weaknesses. The meeting hasn't begun yet but the Sisters all look on edge and eager to begin. Still, I take this moment, and walk over to where Rick is sitting. He sees me coming and stands to meet me as I straighten my back and take out my hand to shake his. “Mr. Winter, it’s a pleasure. I'm Evan White.” He shakes my hand and gives me a welcoming grin. “Ah, the new director of the NYC Village. As someone who's lived in the Big Apple for centuries, welcome. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Thank you, sir. I'm looking forward to starting new beginnings there. I actually have a pretty funny story to tell you, if you don’t mind me taking a moment of your time.” I motion towards the seat next to him, and he nods his head while sitting back down. “If this is a way to get me to teach at the Village, it’s not going to work.” He says with a hearty chuckle. I smile up at him and shake my head. “No, sir. It has nothing to do with the Village.” I look up and he nods, willing me to continue.

  “I'm the new director of that location because I chose to accompany my cousins in attending a mortal college.” Rick’s eyebrows scrunch together, and he looks confused. “We just moved in on Monday, and I ran into the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in all the years that I have been alive. She makes my heart race, and I get these intense electric sparks down my spine any time she’s nearby…” I begin to ramble, but he cuts me off.

  “Ah! That there is true love, linked souls, the signs of the Collegati. If casters are lucky enough to find their Anima Partem, that’s how they know. Lucky you. Who's the lucky lady?” Temporarily frozen, I think of what he just said. I knew it. Could it be? Could Scarlet really be connected to my soul? But she doesn't have magic in her blood. She’s not a caster. I have so many questions. “Well, sir. That’s where I'm lost. Did I mention it’s Syracuse that I'm attending?” It takes him a minute to put the pieces together. When he does, he immediately stands up. His eyes are huge, and he stands still in his place. So I continue. “Her name is Scarlet.” Rick’s eye twitched but I still went on.

  “I have never met someone more interesting and fascinatingly perfect than her.” Rick brings his eyebrows together and slightly tilts his head, finding his voice again. “How did you know I was her father? She’s not even a caster. Are you sure you feel the signs of the Collegati? Does she feel it? Can she?” He looks down at his hands, contemplating the situation.

  Embarrassingly, I reply, “Well, I don’t ever let my guard down around mortals, ever. But your daughter, sir, she clouds my mind. I can’t think straight when she’s around. So… I accidentally said ‘oh, my Ava,’ and she caught on.” At that moment I hear someone snicker. I look up to see the head elder, Ava, quickly avert her eyes from mine trying to hide her smile. I clear my throat and look down at my feet, as Rick slowly retakes his seat.

  Then I continue by answering his questions. “Yes, I'm positive I feel the electric lava melt down my spine. It feels like a comfortable and exhilarating electrocution. She feels it too, sir. I see her reach for her arms to rub the goosebumps away every single time, and I know because she told me herself. It was right before I came here, when she found out about me being a caster. I told her I had plans, and she asked if it was for this meeting. It wasn't until then, when I put two and two together. Knowing your last name made it easy.” I shrug my shoulders as he takes a deep breath.

  “Evan, if I may, although I find it inappropriate for you to confront me about this here, at this meeting, I'm quite delighted with the thought of you being her Anima Partem. I know about your history, so I know you're an honorable man. I can trust you around her to protect and respect her. But there are bigger questions coming to fruition with this information that I now would like to know the answers to. Could she have magic running through her veins, only days before her 18th birthday? It would have to be, or she wouldn't be able to feel the effects of the Collegati.” He looks like he’s in deep thought. I quickly reply, “I was thinking the same thing, sir. But either way, I don't care. Caster or not, I want to be with her.” I admit it out loud for the first time. He puts his hand up and says, “Call me Rick. If this is all true, we’ll be seeing each other a whole lot.”

  Ava announces loudly, “The last Marked have arrived. Please take your seats.” Rick quietly leans over, “Evan, we’ll discuss this at another time. If Scarlet hasn't already told you about her birthday party, I am. Why don’t you and your cousins join us.” I quickly accept. “Thank you. We’ll be there.” We both turn forward, towards the Sisters. “Let us begin,” says Ava, as we all eagerly await the details of this sudden meeting. The Sisters all exchange glances at each other, and they all nod their heads to Ava as she finally begins.

  “As some of you have heard, we were attacked here in Eden today. Sister Nova was out delivering our elixirs to the Village here, when a fireball was cast on her. Luckily, only her clothing was tainted. She put out the fire almost instantly, but not fast enough to see who the culprit was. There has never been an attack on us. Which causes us to believe Sister Hazel’s prophecy has begun its course.” She raises an old-looking parchment for everyone to see. We all have heard of Hazel’s prophecy, but it has always been more of an age-old myth. Until now.

  Ava continues, “There is a dark coven that’s attempting to kill me and the remaining Elders. This coven wants to take over our realm. She could not tell us who they are. But she did say that there will be a chosen one, a woman caster, who can and who will save us. She will fight along a coven of her own, a coven of l
ight. Hazel’s magic has enchanted this prophecy, so that all we can see is the first half. Before she passed, she left us with a verbal message that we have not spoken one word of to anyone besides each other. ‘When the chosen one holds this parchment, the other half will appear.’” She finishes, leaving every single Marked caster stunned into silence.

  Just when I thought she was done surprising us, she continues, “Also, I must confess something. After Sister Hazel had this vision and regretfully left us, we all came up with a perfect solution to try and find this chosen one. We tried coming up with something that can distract you all from the reality of the dire situation. A tournament, repeated every other year, to casters that have just received their power, the Caster Matches. We glamour the prophecy, and we have every female caster competing touch the parchment. After all these years, we continued to host the matches in hopes of finding the chosen one before the events of the prophecy began to take place. Unfortunately, we failed. We must continue the search and double check the women casters.” She completes her confession with a gloomy tone.

  Ava clears her throat and continues. “This chosen one will not only be the one to save us all, but she will also be the newest Elder to join the Council of Casters. She will be the first new member in over five centuries.” I look over to Sister Hunter, who is the most recent Sister. Until now there hasn't been a new Elder. If we lose this battle, we’ll have a handful of evil ones. “I understand there are a few Marked here going through an immense life change. So you will be excluded from this mission. All I ask is for you to keep your guard up for any type of information. Mr. White and Mrs. Aurora, you both may be excused.” I was not expecting that, but I'm not complaining. Now I can be with Scarlet.

  I give Rick a nod goodbye and stand up to leave. I'm walking to the back of the room, when a girl around the same age as me walks along to leave, too. She must be the Marked caster that switched Villages with me. We pass a small smile and walk towards the door. “One more thing. Katerina, please come up here and hold the prophecy.” I see her eyes get wide as she squares her shoulders, making her way up to the front of the room. I could leave now if I wanted to, but I'm curious.

  She reaches the Sisters, and Ava stands, slowly passing the parchment to Katerina, and you can hear all of the air in the room get sucked in, as every single person holds their breath. She holds the prophecy and sags her shoulders when nothing happens. I wait for her at the back of the room and when she reaches me, I open the door to let her through first. I have to ask. “Are you the director who took my place in New Orleans?”

  “I am. I must thank you for that. Life was getting…boring. When the Sisters summoned me here to ask me to move, I was more than happy.” She looks genuine and it’s then that I know the New Orleans Village is in good hands. “No problem. I was feeling the same way.” I was eager to get back to Scarlet but struggle with what information I should give her. There’s no way I can tell her that she’s linked to my soul, because we’re not even officially dating yet. But I am going to tell her I met her dad. Also, that he invited me to her birthday party, which I'm actually excited to attend. Now that I know what she is to me, I really don’t want to be apart from her. I’ll let her settle down with classes and work, and I’ll make it official after. She deserves something special to be done, and I'm going to give it to her.


  Waking up to the smell of bacon has always been a favorite of mine. Dimitri did it for me all the time, especially on my birthday. This year I’ll be here, and I sadly won’t get that tradition. I wonder who's cooking it now. Mack is at work, and Charlie wouldn't be up this early if there were no plans made. Wait. Where’s Evan? Did he ever come back last night? I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. My teeth are brushed, and my hair is tamed in record time. I race to the kitchen and stop short, when I reach the kitchen doors. Princess Princess by Johnny Tillotson is softly playing in the background. That’s Demi’s favorite song.

  I put my hand on the door, and just as I'm about to push it open, electric warmth slowly makes its way down my spine. I smile, knowing it’s Evan on the other side of this door. This couldn't be more perfect. I enter the kitchen and suck in a breath, when I see the beautiful breakfast display spread out on the counter. Evan turns around with his arms crossed over his chest, with a kitchen towel folded over his shoulder. He’s got that mouthwatering smirk on his face, instantly making me want him. I feel my cheeks get hot, and Evan straightens up to walk towards me. When he reaches me, he fits his palm on my cheek and places his soft lips on mine.

  With a teasing smile, he says, “If you're going to blush every time I make you breakfast, I’ll be here every morning.” Numb from his closeness, I shyly say to him, “It wasn't the breakfast.” As I turn towards the food, I hear him chuckle. Picking up my plate and filling it to the top then turning towards the coffee pot, I take out my personalized mug. But then I hear a finger snap and the mug warms my hands gradually. I watch in awe as it fills itself with foamy cappuccino. Slowly turning towards Evan with my eyes wide open, he simply shrugs his shoulders. “You're gonna have to warn a girl before you start snapping and clapping all over the place.” I’ve never seen anyone other than my family do magic before, and its sort of weird. Evan laughs and walks towards the food filling his plate and joining me at the table.

  “May I snap or clap a cup of Joe for myself, love?” He says with a wink. I playfully roll my eyes and nod my head. Instead of snapping this time, he just flicks his wrist, and a matching mug appears next to his full plate. When there’s nothing left on my plate, I reach for my coffee but didn't realize I already finished it. I want more. I embarrassingly clear my throat and shyly look up at Evan. “Refill?” He laughs at me and again flicks his wrist. My mug is refilled, and I immediately take a delicious sip.

  Evan stands up with his also freshly refilled cup of coffee and tilts his head towards the door. “Want to sit on the balcony with me?” I nod my head in agreement and he gives me his best evil smile as he snaps his fingers. I turn to look at the kitchen, and it’s spotless. This could get some getting used to. My dad and Demi don’t like to cast things that we could do ourselves. I hook my arm through his open one, and we walk out onto the balcony. Evan’s phone rings and as he answers it, I take the moment to check my own. Forgetting it was on silent, I was not expecting to have so many messages.

  Mackenzie: @ work till 4. Went to check on you and saw lover boy in your bed, you dirty, dirty girl. Love ya!

  Dimitri: Miss you, Pal. Heard about your new boyfriend. You snagged yourself a good one. Love you.

  Demi: Evan White!?! You're dating Evan White?! He’s a total babe! Call me ASAP! We have LOTS to discuss.

  Dad: Hey, honey. Just wanted to say I love you. Evan’s a good guy. Can’t wait to see you.

  The look of dread must be evident on my face because Evan tilts his head to the side and puts his phone down. What in the world is going on? How does my family know about Evan? How does Demi know he’s hot? How do dad and Dimitri know he’s a good guy? “What exactly happened last night?” I ask, trying to prepare myself for the answer. With a broad smile on his face, he leans forward. Taking my hands in his, he says, “Which part would you like to hear? The very important meeting with the Elders or the very important meeting I had with your dad?” He says teasingly.

  “First my dad.” I say. “Well, you told me before I left that you knew about the meeting because of your dad. He could've only known about it if he was attending. I put two and two together, when I remembered your last name and I knew who your father was. Which by the way, is one of the best fighters out there. He and your uncle are legendary. The director of the Village here in New York has been trying to get them to teach there, and they’ve always declined. It was inevitable that he and I were going to meet, so I sped things up by introducing myself. But I introduced myself as a man that’s falling for his daughter. At first, you could tell he was a little freaked out. But after a minute, he was telling me he wishes
us the best, and he invited me to your birthday party.” He says, surprising me completely.

  So many questions are floating through my mind right now and I can’t just ask one. “How does my sister know you're hot? What did you mean when you said it was inevitable for you and my dad to meet? And what does Marked mean?” Evan cuts me off and instructs me to take deep breaths. When I do, he finally replies, “She probably knows I'm smoking hot because, like your dad, I'm also well known in the caster world. I was the director of the Village in New Orleans. But, now that I'm here in Syracuse, I transferred to the Village here in New York. And what I meant by the inevitable meeting was that soon I was supposed to meet with him, to try and convince him to teach at the Village. Had to hear no for myself, you know? And are you telling me your dad never told you what being Marked means?”

  Embarrassed by my lack of knowledge about that world, I look down at my hands. “After they realized I wasn't getting my power, they didn't think I needed to be burdened with the things going on in that realm.” I shrug my shoulders as he looks at me in shock. “I understand why he didn't tell you everything. But being Marked is just as important as knowing about the Elders.” He shakes his head slowly, and gives me information I longed to know.

  “Your dad and Dimitri are the best demon hunters our world has ever seen. Even now they both still hold the record. Luke, Derek, and I are ranked right behind them. If you're Marked it means you hold a very special place in the caster world. I'm Marked because I'm a director of a Village and because I'm in charge of making sure the demons in the region that I'm in are sent back to their hell. There are Marked casters who are solely Marked for having massive power and some are Marked for other talents that are useful to the Sisters. If you ever acquired your power, it’s possible that you would be Marked, as well, because of your father’s place in our world. When you are Marked, a distinctive image akin to a tattoo appears somewhere on your body.” He moves his head to the right and lifts his hair away from behind his ear. There are seven small swords forming a sharp-edged star tattooed there. “Everyone’s is different,” he explains.


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