Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1) Page 22

by Alessandra Jay

  “And I am Ava,” the woman finishes. Ava! The eldest of all the Sisters. The head Elder! I can’t believe I'm meeting her! Turning red and stumbling over my own two feet, I surprise everyone in the room, especially myself, when I run into her arms and pull her in for a hug. There were gasps from some of the other Sisters, and the rest chuckled with Evan. Ava let out the sweetest sounding laugh as I slowly peeled myself off of her. But sensing my embarrassment, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back in. “I don't remember the last time someone hugged me like that, dear Scarlet,” she says, smiling down at me. She pulls away and leads me to the chairs a few steps behind us, sitting me down and taking the seat next to me.

  “I know there are a million questions that you have, and I promise you we will answer all of them. But first, we need help. Regardless if you are the chosen one of the prophecy or not, after we test it, we will love nothing more but for you and Evan to stay a night or two here on our estate. So we can answer both of your questions,” she says nicely. I can tell she’s stressed and scared. And that scares me. Standing straight up and taking a deep breath, I say bravely to her, “What do you need me to do?” She smiles and taps her naturally manicured nails on the table in front of us. A very old-looking parchment appears beneath her fingertips.

  “All you do is hold the prophecy in your hands. If you are the chosen one, the rest will appear, pointing us in the next direction.” She nods encouragingly towards the parchment. I peek over at Evan, and he immediately walks over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder as a show of support. Slowly I reach down until the ancient prophecy is in my hands, but nothing happens. And I'm relieved. I don't think I had it in me to be this chosen caster. I shrug my shoulders and turn towards Ava. “I'm so sorry. I know how important this is for all of us,” I say feeling guilty.

  Ava places her hand on my other shoulder, and for just a moment, I felt a spark under her fingers, like when Evan touches me. But then I felt it trail straight to my heart and into my soul. I felt a click inside of my chest and then a pulsing. It was becoming stronger and stronger every second. Evan and Ava both quickly lowered their hands from my shoulders, and they backed away. Confused, I look at them with questioning eyes. Evan looks down at my hands, and I follow his line of sight. My hands are glowing, and pure white light is radiating out of my body.

  I hear Sister Hunter shout, “The prophecy! Someone get the prophecy out of her hands! Hurry!” But it was too late. A pop sound burst through the room, and then everything around me turns blinding white. I felt like I was in a humid bubble. I smelled flowers of every kind. The longer I was in this white abyss, the lighter the air felt, until I felt nothing but clean and pure air. It’s hazy here, like a dream. But I know now this isn't a dream. Could I have fainted, and I'm now in another vision? I see a shadow of a woman across a lake that just appeared. Her dark red hair is flowing all around her, like she’s under water. I can’t see her face, but I can hear her clearly.

  She whispers to me, sounding like she’s standing right next to me. “Your journey begins here. Nothing is as it seems. You will be tested, and you must not fail. You are strong, and you will fight through this. You must go back now. I love you, Scarlet.” As I try to speak, nothing comes out. I try to reach for the woman as I see her fading away. The whiteness subsides and begins to merge with the conference room in the Elders’ estate.

  When I open my eyes, the look on everyone’s face was enough to make my whole world spin. It isn't until I lift my shaking hands that I see the parchment is full of new writing, the rest of the prophecy! The chosen caster is me! The parchment falls to the ground as I feel myself fall with it. The last thing I see is Evan rushing to break my fall. And as the blackness welcomes me, chaos erupts in the room.

  Chapter 24

  The Chosen One

  I feel a bit groggy as I start to wake up from my odd vision and wonder if it had anything to do with the cast that was placed on the parchment. The scattering of feet is the only noise I hear clearly. Each person is saying something different. I feel weak as I try to open my eyes, and when nothing happens, I almost give up. But then I feel my heart pick up speed. And it doesn't stop. It keeps racing faster and faster until suddenly I feel an explosion. Every fiber of my being is pulsing with adrenaline and power. My eyes shoot open, and I sit straight up, almost clashing heads with Evan. Everyone freezes, and I feel the air still, even the dust particles have paused in their position.

  Evan’s face is in utter shock as he’s in mid-fall. Even the gorgeous Ava is frozen as she stares at the prophecy in my hands. I follow her line of sight and look down. Black letters are scattering all around the bottom of the paper. They jumble up until they begin to make coherent words. A list of 10 lines appear on the right side of two new paragraphs. Number one says my name. Numbers two through five are sets of more numbers that look like coordinates, locations. And numbers six through ten are blank.

  A miniature picture of four feather arrows overlap each other on the lower right corner. What could it mean? It’s beautiful. Just as I'm about to read the new details of the prophecy, everyone unfreezes and returns to their chaotic eruption. Evan rushes over to my side and checks me over, and when he reaches my face, he stills again and takes a step back. With eyes wide open he quickly swings his head to Ava.

  “What is happening?” An unexpected sob escapes my mouth. Evan rushes to my side and pulls me into a hug but I can’t stop the tears from cascading down my face, soaking into his shirt. He rubs my back, and I can feel him turn his head. “She’s Marked,” he says, trying to catch his breath, too. Everyone goes silent and moves to stand across from me with Evan still by my side. I feel like I'm in a zoo, behind a cage on display and everyone is watching my every move.

  “What are you talking about? Evan?” I say shakily. Ava slowly walks up to me. “Scarlet, honey. Sit down. There’s much to discuss.” I do as she says, in hopes of getting answers. When she takes the seat across from me, I give her back the prophecy. Evan stands behind my chair with his hands on my shoulders, and I look up at him to give him the best smile I could force myself to make. But when I see the worry and confusion clear on his face, all hope of a smile is gone. He squeezes my shoulders as encouragement, for the both of us.

  Ava gasps as she finishes reading the new information on the prophecy. She straightens her back and looks directly into my eyes. “Sisters, meet our chosen one. Scarlet, you are very special, indeed.” She places her hand over mine and bows her head. Ava stands and silently walks towards the window, processing and planning. “Belle and Jade, I need you to look up these coordinates and round up ten Marked casters. We’ll need to send two of them to each location to bring back the potential casters that are to be in Scarlet’s fighting coven. Hurry, please. Nova, you get Scarlet’s family here. And Hunter, you stay here with me. We have some explaining to do to our dear new Sister.” Ava turns around and at once, the Sisters, with their tasks to accomplish, evaporate out of the room.

  “Hunter, could you please bring Scarlet, and Evan to a more comfortable room, please.” Ava says, as she continues to stare outside. Hunter nods her head, and we stand to follow her. “I’ll take them to the fire room,” she says, as we reach the door. Ava quietly replies, “I will be right behind you. Please get them whatever they need. I just need a moment.” Hunter walks out of the room with Evan and me following her. And as I take a glance over my shoulder, I could swear I smelled the same flowers I smelled when I was in the vision.

  Entering the fire room behind a bouncy Hunter, I stare around in awe. I can now understand why they call it the fire room. It’s massive. The walls are all black and red brick, with black fireplaces along two entire walls opposite each other, keeping the room cozy and warm. The furniture is all black with one couch in front of each fireplace. There are black canopies hanging from the ceiling along the back wall, making it look mystical and mysterious. Under each canopy are black loveseats, each with a small table on the side. And on the same wall as the door we
came through is a fully stocked miniature kitchen and bar.

  “I designed this room myself,” Hunter brags, breaking me out of my admiring trance. It does look like her style. She looks proud as she throws herself on one of the couches. I walk towards her, and I fall down on the seat next to her, staring into the fire in front of us. And I feel oddly relaxed. In fact, I'm so tranquil I almost feel numb, like the way the calming elixir, that Demi gifted me, made me feel. But this was much more intense.

  “It’s amazing in here. I feel like everything’s going to be okay,” I say with a giggle to no one in particular. Hunter sits up and looks at me sideways with a smirk on her face. “That was Ava's personal touch in here. Over the years we have declared this room the fire room. We come here to watch movies and relax.” She points towards the ceiling in the middle of the room to where a pull-down screen was. Then she points over by where a canopy is hung, and I can see a projector hiding right next to it.

  Hunter continues, “Ava liked how cozy and comfortable it felt in here, and she thought it could use an extra push of calm bliss. So, she charmed the room with mint and lavender and a secret little touch. But she won’t tell anyone what it is. She can turn it off or turn it down with a flick of her wrist. Right now, it’s set to feel out the energy in the room and work its magic based on the intensity level of stress. And by how numb I'm feeling right now, I’d say it’s feeding off of your new power. And all that stress going on in there.” She points her thumb towards my head.

  Just then, Ava walks in and sees us on the couch. If I wasn't so comfortable, I would look around for Evan. But I know he’s in the room because I could still feel our connection dancing along my spine. “Oh, dear,” Ava says, as she flicks her wrist. I feel slightly less hazy and can think straight now at a normal speed. “I'm sorry. I must have forgotten to turn that off,” Ava says, as she makes her way to us. I turn and see Evan sitting by the bar, looking tense. Ava gets to us and takes the seat next to Hunter, lifting her feet and tucking them under her. She also looks tense. “I think you and Evan need that turned back on,” I say playfully.

  Hunter and I both start giggling, and Ava's sweet voice silences us. “Evan, why don't you come and join us over here. I think Scarlet may be right.” The seat next to me sinks in as Evan sits close to my side. He takes my hand in his and watches the fire. Ava flicks her wrist, and a wave hits me, a cleansing feeling of calmness. At this moment I feel in my heart that everything really is going to work out just fine. The soothing voice of the woman from the vision plays back in my head, reminding me that I'm strong. And whatever task is placed upon me, I know deep in my heart that we’ve got this, together.

  Ava lowers the intensity and takes a deep breath. “How do you want to do this? Would you like to ask me questions, and I can try to answer as best as I can? Or I can start from the beginning and tell you everything I know.” That question is definitely loaded, and I really don't want to be the one to answer it. So I look over at Evan, and I let him choose. “How about we ask you our questions, and when we’re done, if there is anything we missed, you can tell us?” He suggests as she agrees and looks at me expectantly. I take a deep breath and ask what I’ve been wanting to ask for years. “Why didn't I ever get my power? Before now, I mean.”

  “When I stayed behind just now, it was to ask permission to view your path. I was taken to that whiteness you explained, and I was met by a woman. She allowed me to see visions of the past and only a second glance into the future. What I saw from your past was that you were special from the day you were born. So special that someone thought it was too dangerous for you, dangerous enough to get you taken away from her. So she thought it was best to lock away that strong power, so you could grow up and live a normal life, a life with none of this mess.”

  “When you met Evan, he unlocked just a spark of your power. And as your love for each other grew, he kept unleashing more and more of it. In the conference room, when we both touched you, that was when all of it was set free. But there is still something locked away, something that will present itself when the time is right.” Ava answers, causing me to turn a shade whiter. Numbly, I ask, “What does Evan have to do with unlocking my power?” I ask, as I feel him slightly stiffen next to me.

  “In the mortal world, they call it soul mates. But in our world, it means so much more. When mortals are born, they are born with a full heart and full soul. But for us, although we’re born alone and with a full heart, half of our soul is divided with the person we are destined to be with. If you're lucky enough to find that person during your time alive, the power you possess doubles in strength and have also found an eternal partner. The name for it in this realm is Anima Partem. You should thank the stars that you have found yours at such a young age. You have a rare opportunity to share, learn and, most important, experience love as your soul becomes one with Evan. There is a binding ceremony that follows when the casters are ready to seal their destiny. It is a beautiful sight to see,” she says, as she stares at the fire. Her and Hunter both look a bit envious. But how could they be? Of me?

  I slowly turn my head to look at Evan, my soul mate. No. My Anima Partem. I knew the first time I saw him that he was special, but I never could've imagined being lucky enough to share a lifetime with him. And instead of freaking out, I'm incredibly overjoyed. Of all of this craziness happening around me, Evan is the one sure thing that keeps me grounded. He’s mine, for all of eternity. My heart melts as he brings my hand up to his mouth to kiss it softly. And intimately I feel my cheeks get hot, and I turn away, smiling.

  “Is that why I feel electric heat down my back when we’re near each other? And the goosebumps? And the sparks when we touch?” That last part slipped out. I didn't want them knowing I’ve been all over Evan before. Hunter and Evan chuckle at my innocence. Answering me with a smile of her own, Ava nods her head and plays with a string on her flowing skirt. “That’s the Collegati, the call of the Anima Partem. It’s initially placed there as a safety precaution. You two can feel each other’s emotions with little effort. The connection is so physically powerful that both of you can feel if the other has obtained some sort of injury, be it physical, mental, or emotional.” She leans up a little to look at Evan over me.

  “I'm surprised you haven't received your Anima Partem Mark. It appears the moment you two meet. Unless, when we unlocked her power, that’s when you got Marked.” She suddenly stands up and softly grabs my hands, pulling me to stand directly across from her. She twirls her finger, and a shiny silver handheld mirror appears in her hand. A very old-looking and very delicate mirror it is. I'm almost afraid to touch it. Ava gives me a nod of encouragement and moves her hand another inch my way.

  “After you touched the prophecy, you came back with a Mark, an ancient Mark that I haven't seen in more than 15 scores. When you are Marked, it should appear on an area that’s easily visible, signifying the importance of who you are. It’s placed there, right under your temple, to remind the people who have the honor of meeting you, that you are incredibly powerful and extremely important to our world.” With eyes wide, I reach for the elegant mirror, and I lift it in front of my face.

  The first thing I notice is the puffiness in my eyes from crying. My lips are swollen and more red than normal. And my hair isn't as unruly as I thought it would be. I lift my hand to move my smooth curls out of my face, and instantly I see the Mark. It’s right below my left temple, just above my cheekbone. It’s the same Mark that appeared on the prophecy after I touched it, in the size of a quarter, feather arrows crisscross over each other, four of them, forming a flowery star. It’s enchanting. But it’s on my face. Before all of this, I would have laughed at the thought of a tattoo on my face. But now that it’s there, it feels like a part of me. It'll take some time to get used to it, but it makes me feel kind of unique.

  Ava gently takes the mirror away from me. “I’d like to do a quick evaluation on your body to see if you're Marked anywhere else. Is that okay, Scarlet?” Trusting
her and curious myself to see if there are other markings on my body, I eagerly nod my head. She smiles and closes her eyes. I can feel how powerful she is in the way she uses her power to cast. She lifts both hands above my head and trails them, palms facing me, down my body. When she completes her cast, her eyes open, and she stares at me expectantly. But I feel nothing. “Guess this is the only one,” I say, as I scratch the back of my neck.

  It’s getting intensely itchy there, directly under my hairline. As I was lifting my hand to scratch again, Ava catches it and stops me, placing her own hand on my neck and making the itching go away. She gently turns my head, so she can see what it is. And she unexpectedly sucks in a breath. “It can’t be,” she says, taking a step back. Evan stands up quickly and takes a step towards me, placing his hand on my lower back to steady me. He looks at the spot on my neck, and I see his eyes get big. Slowly he returns, facing forward, looking at Ava for answers. “Can someone tell me what’s going on? Please?” I ask.

  Hunter comes over and takes a look. “Wow. I’ve never seen that one on a caster. Looks like you're not only a caster, sweetheart,” she says, like it’s not a big deal. I grab the mirror from the place Ava set it down, and Hunter flicks her wrist, summoning another mirror, a bigger one. She stands in front of me, showing me the reflection of the new Mark that appeared on my body. It’s bigger than the one on my face, about the size of a plum. I see what appears to be a feathered wing, only the right side of the set. It looks incomplete. I scrunch my eyebrows together and look towards Ava for answers. “What does it mean? Why is there only one wing?” Ava bends down to pick up the prophecy from the table and turns it over. Right on the bottom of the blank page, I see a picture of wings on the bottom corner.


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