Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1) Page 23

by Alessandra Jay

  “There is more to the prophecy. We only know our half, the caster half. There must be much more than just our world that is in danger,” Ava says slowly. Hunter clears her throat, attempting to snap Ava out of the news she just blurted out. Ava looks at Hunter for a moment, entranced, then blinks her eyes a few times and looks straight at me. “Scarlet, that Mark on your neck, it isn't from our world. It’s from the world of the Divine. That is the Mark of what they call the Nephilim. Have you heard of that before?” She pauses as I shake my head no. She takes my hands and sits me down next to her. “Have you heard of the war between God and a league of rogue angels that were jealous of his love for the mortals he created?” I nod my head, remembering learning about that war.

  “Well, there is much more to that story. God didn't rule alone. There were other Gods and Goddesses that ruled alongside him. Only, there were angels who did not want to serve them anymore. They wanted their own positions as leaders. The rogue angels were punished and banned from the Divine world and they fell. They fell from paradise and were banished to the mortal world to live among the ones they despised so much. Some of the angels went in hiding, begging the Gods and the Goddesses for their forgiveness. While many of them did not change their ways and they let evil consume them, wreaking insurmountable havoc among the mortals. Other fallen accepted their judgment and lived an ordinary life. For some of them, it was easy to fall in love with the daughters and sons of man. But if they mated with them they created a line of their own children, called Nephilim, half mortal, half angel.” She pauses, waiting for a reaction from me. But I'm numb at this revelation. I can’t move.

  Afraid she’ll stop explaining, I nod again. “Like I said, not all fallen were evil. The evil ones were against the Nephilim race. They set out to hunt them, to wipe them from the face of the earth, and show no mercy to the fallen angels who created them. The evil fallen were threatened by the new amount of Holiness that was growing on earth. So they ended the Nephilim’s lives before they could fully transform into their angelic half and develop their Divine powers. There is said to be a device that tracks the Mark of the Nephilim, and it alerts these hunters. They would summon up a demon and send them to do their dirty work. We haven't had a report of activity with those fallen for centuries,” she says, going off topic.

  As Evan speaks up, I numbly turn my head towards him. “Actually, Ava, now that you mention it, there have been three different demon cases that involve Scarlet. Each time it was at the college, and each time they took an interest to her. In fact, a Tahr demon attempted to take her, but it pulled its hand away, as if it were burned,” he finishes, as he sneaks a peek at me. Ava looks around frantically for a moment as her eyes glaze over going in deep thought. Half angel, demons touching me? This has to be a joke! I'm just getting started learning more about the caster world. I didn't even know fallen angels actually existed. Now Ava is telling me one of them might be my mother? I feel my heart race as Hunter says Ava's name.

  She flutters her lashes, returning to the present. “I'm sorry. This is just--I apologize. Where was I? Oh, yes. The Nephilim were born with half of the angelic Mark, like the one on your neck, Scarlet. And when they fully transform into the half angel that they are, that’s when they get the other half of the Mark. But the fallen hunters never gave them a chance. That must be why your mother locked away your power. And the Mark must have begun to appear when you saw Evan for the first time, which means there are still fallen out there searching for Nephilim to hunt,” Ava says, surprising us all. I'm stunned silent as I stare into the fire. Ava flicks her wrist, and I feel my head getting hazy. And I shake my head, quietly thanking her.

  “I was just a mortal last week. Now I have a growing list of titles. How is that even possible? My dad is a caster. I would think he would be able to tell if my mom was a freaking angel! And how am I supposed to defeat some ridiculously strong coven, on top of protecting myself from these angel hunters?” I say to no one in particular as I ramble to myself. I'm thankful Ava intensified the calming elixir in here, but it’s still not enough. I feel like I'm on the verge of a massive freak out.

  “That is a conversation you must have with your father, dear,” Ava says. “And I don't mean to add another title to your list, but the prophecy states that the chosen one will be the newest Elder in the Caster’s Council. After we welcome you to Eden and transform you to the full caster that you are, it will be sealed. And as for your protection, Evan and his cousins are highly skilled fighters. I can guarantee you'll be safe under their watch.” She looks at me encouragingly.

  My head falls back as I stare up at the ceiling. “But I'm just Scarlet,” I declare, as tears begin to slowly fall down my cheeks. Evan pulls my chin down until I'm looking into his eyes, and he wipes my tears away. “You're so much more than that, love, especially to me,” he says, filling my heart and reminding me that I'm not alone. I have him. I have five new Sisters. I have my family. And I have my friends. Feeling lighter, I look to Ava. “Can we move on? I think I’d rather have everything thrown at me, so I can pound myself with details later.” She nods, waiting for my next question.

  But then I get itchy again, right above my heart. This time if feels hot, like it’s beginning to burn me. She realizes what is happening and places her hand there, instantly making it feel cool and normal. I tug my shirt down and see yet another Mark. It looks like a melting heart. The left side of the heart is a single feather, bent to form the left side perfectly. The right side looks like a thorny rose vine, twisting elegantly and bending to form the other half of the heart. The bottom of the vine falls slightly longer than the bottom of the feather, looking like a raindrop. Evan lifts his hand and pulls up his shirt and right there, in the exact same spot as mine, is a matching Mark. He leans forward and lovingly kisses my cheek.

  “There is your Anima Partem Mark. And what a beautiful Mark it is,” she says, admiring mine. Deep down I hope there are no more Marks. As if Ava read my mind she warns me, “Being that you're one of us now, an Elder, I mean, you'll get a Mark for that, too, when you complete your transition.” Again, I numbly nod my head. “Are you sure you want to continue, Scarlet? You've already learned so much,” she asks politely. I have to know everything. I have to be strong enough to hear it all. “I'm okay. I’ll regret it later if I don’t hear everything now,” I say to her. But to be honest, I think I would feel better if I bake something. I peek over at Evan and mentally tell him, “Baking something chocolaty sounds really good right about now,” I say seriously, causing him to laugh. His smile is radiant as he stands up, holding his hand out for me to join him.

  “Scarlet has this thing. When she’s really stressed, she throws herself in the kitchen and bakes up a stress-reducing masterpiece.” Evan explains to Ava and Hunter. I stand and follow him to the mini kitchen across the room. “And I will never deny her baking. Just wait. You'll see why.” The light in his eyes brighten back up. And that alone gives me hope. “Hunter, wouldn't you love to see the look on Scarlet’s face when she sees our main kitchen?” Ava says, as she stands up excitedly. Hunter follows, jogging in place. This is the giddiest I’ve seen her yet. “Oh, yes! And I'm a sucker for desserts. I think you're my new favorite Sister. Let’s go!” Hunter says.

  I temporarily let every stressful feeling evaporate. There is always light in the dark. My father always told me that. And if the head Elder is this excited to show me something, then I need to take full advantage. I grab Evan’s hand as Hunter grabs my other one, pulling us out of the room. Ava laughs as she races by our side. We were walking so fast that I didn't get to see the rooms we were passing on the way to the kitchen. Some doors were closed, but the ones that were open made me want to stop and go in. Hunter stops short in front of two very tall white doors and very dramatically looks back at me, telling me to ready myself. I snicker a little when Ava impatiently says, “Well, come on! Open it!”

  Chapter 25

  Welcome Home

  Stepping through the doorway i
nto this kitchen was like a dream. It’s the biggest kitchen I’ve ever seen. The walls are covered with large, smooth, dark stones. One wall has a fireplace in it with kitchen pots and pans of all sizes. They hung scattered around from top to bottom, covering the entire half of the other side of the wall. The appliances were silver to compliment them. The cabinets and furniture were a beautiful dark wood color. It was stained and polished to a glimmer that the light reflected brightly from its surface. There are minuscule drawings of different types of leaves that are engraved into the outline of all of the furniture.

  The lights hung down, as they do in the kitchen of the finest restaurants. But they ranged from different sizes and different lengths. It was all made to look random. Yet, they looked like that’s how they were meant to be. It was peculiarly beautiful. The pantry door and two other doors were constructed like barn doors. They hung on a single rod above the frame and slid from side to side. There appeared to be about 12 stools placed in line in front of the enormous stone prep island, with a thin maroon pillow on top of each wooden stool. Maroon placemats lay in front of the stools, waiting to be served on.

  The oddest part of the kitchen was the windows. There were four windows, and they were all round. Four huge circles were overlooking the gorgeous kaleidoscope of land. You could see the array of colors from where I'm standing. The maroon curtains reach the floor but were tied on each side, to keep the room open and bright. In front of two of the windows is a rectangular dining table made of the same dark wood. But the placemats set on this table were of a silver shimmering cloth. I spun a full circle when Hunter came behind me and pushed me towards the pantry.

  She was definitely eager for me to get started on my dessert. Evan and Ava took their seats on the stools directly in the middle of the island, facing Hunter and me. As I walk into the pantry, my breath hitches. I basically walk into a miniature grocery store. There are plants of all kinds hanging from the ceiling for garnishes or spices. The back wall is lined with homemade jars of sauces, flours, and juices. An entire wall is dedicated to the all-important fruits and veggies. And last was my personal favorite, a wall filled with every type of junk food you could think of. I excitedly walked around the full-size room and piled ingredients into Hunter’s arms. I decided on baking my delicious s’mores stuffed cookies. They're not as messy as normal s’mores, but they taste just as incredible.

  “Do any of the other Elders like to cook?” I ask Hunter curiously. She hopped up on the island where I was about to start my baking and stuffs her hand into the bag of marshmallows. “We all take turns cooking dinner here. With five of us switching up, there’s always a nice variety of food. But not one of us knows how to bake very well. Tara makes really good pie. But that’s it. So you, cupcake, are going to be an amazing addition to our family,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows. Shaking my head with a smile on my face, I turn to Ava. “So now that I'm more in my element, could you explain to me exactly what it means to be an Elder?” Nervous to hear her answer, I don't look into her eyes. I turn my attention to the baking. Ava taps the counter, and four iced teas appear in front of us.

  “I haven't had to explain these standards in a very long time. It’s surreal thinking of them now.” She looks over at Hunter. “Some of these terms seem outdated, Hunter. Don't they? I think a few of them can be revised. We’ll call a meeting sometime this week to update them. But for now, I’ll tell you the important ones.” Oh, great. I continue with my tasks as Ava begins, “For one, being an Elder is the most important privilege in the caster world. So you must take it very seriously. We are part of a council that makes rounds all over the world to make sure casters are well taken care of, especially here in Eden. We hold meetings for casters to discuss their thoughts or concerns. And we secure the promise of safety,” she says to me. I look up when the details of what she’s explaining finally catches up with my brain. “Wait. The world? Did you actually just say I could travel all over the world? Do you guys have a private jet or something?” I ask seriously. Hunter laughs at me, and Ava shakes her head. “We do have a plane, but it’s rarely used. Portals are the most convenient way of transportation for us,” she simply answers.

  “Does that mean I'm going to have to drop out of college? Am I going to have to give up everything? My friends, give up being me?” I ask sadly, as realization kicks in. Ava quickly answers, “Well, that would be one of the terms we would change. I don't think it’s fair that you have worked so hard to get to where you are without magic, to have to give it up. Until you learn more of your newly discovered power, I want you to feel most comfortable. So no, you do not have to give up everything. But there will be days that your presence will be required here with us. Meetings are very important. And your duty as the chosen one comes before any plan already made. Here on the estate, we each have our own wing. You'll find it quite comfortable. And being that you're the only one here with an Anima Partem, Evan is more than welcome to share your wing with you.”

  That was enough to bring my hopes back up. “And don't think I don’t know that Mackenzie and Charlie know about our world,” she says jokingly to us. Evan and I both turn red. “A bison demon from the night of the attack escaped into the portal, when it heard Scarlet with her roommates. The Collegati called to Scarlet when I was in danger,” he explains shyly. Ava laughs. “I know. Not to worry. We were alerted. So moving on, twice a week we train together. You will definitely need to be here for that, especially since you just got your power.” She turns towards Evan, “Actually, it would be a good idea to bring her to the Village once a week, also, to teach her more casts. Would that be okay with you?” She asks Evan as he smiles at me. “It would be an honor.” Ava smiles and moves on. “Since you're still new to casting, we’re going to need to have you protected at all times, until you can defend yourself properly with your power. I know your dad had you and your sister learn the art of fighting, so that is a plus.”

  Evan speaks up, “I would like to offer my cousins and myself to be her protectors. We’re already there with her. And the boys and I are more than qualified.” Ava nods once, quickly accepting his offer. “Although I agree, I would like to inform you that the coordinates of New York were on the prophecy. Someone in your area will be part of Scarlet’s coven. I know with your history; you and your cousins will have to compete in the Caster Matches. Do you think you three will be able to protect her AND prepare yourselves for the competition?” She asks him seriously. But he looks surprised. “New York is on the list?” With a smirk, she replies, “Yes. And you are within the age limits to compete. But I think we all know it’s you that’s going to succeed.” She tells him confidently. He perks up and puffs his chest out causing Hunter and I to giggle. “Then yes, we can handle it.” He finally answers her.

  With a smile Ava accepts. She finishes listing off rules that are mundane. Don't do anything to give yourself or us a bad name. No dark magic. Absolutely no ill will towards the other Sisters and an array of other rules. I placed the cookies in the oven 20 minutes ago and, although baking helps calm me, all of this information is slightly more difficult to bake away. As I stand by the oven, Ava clears her throat. “Scarlet, before we end our conversation, we must talk about the prophecy and what is to come,” she says in all seriousness. I look back at her and smile sweetly. “I agree. I want to try and understand as much as I can. Please, go on.”

  “Thank you. It’s inspiring how brave you're being about this. I have much faith that you will be an unforgettable addition to our sisterhood.” She compliments me, causing me to blush. The oven sings, and I excitedly take the cookies out of the oven. “Wow, Scarlet. Those look incredible, and they smell delightful,” Ava says, leaning over the counter to get a better glimpse. Hunter nods her head quickly. “Seriously, it’s taking everything in me to stop myself from shoving one in my mouth,” she says seriously with a focused look on her face.

  Evan laughs. “Oh, just wait ‘till you taste them. You're going to be blown away,” he brags. Not a mom
ent later, the kitchen doors open, and the other three Sisters come rushing into the kitchen. Nova is the first to speak. “I have never smelled anything so mouthwatering in all of my years,” she says to us.

  Hunter replies, “We got lucky. Our new Sister is a baker!” She says, as her and Nova high five each other. I'm a little nervous for them all to try my dessert, and anticipating their reaction I look down at my feet. Of course, Evan sees it, and he’s in my head in the next moment. “I'm right here with you, love. Always and forever.” I want to do something to let him know how much I really love him and appreciate the faith that he has in me. I don't know if this is what casters do or just something I'm feeling in my soul. But I begin placing all the love I have for Evan into a small ball of energy, and I make it bigger and bigger, I imagine that Evan is going to get slammed in the heart with all of my desire, with every amazing feeling he’s ever made me feel, and with every ounce of love that I have for him.

  I focus on Evan like I do when I'm sending him a mental message. Then I think of the feelings I have entering his heart. I find my power and cast it out. Feeling it leave my body, I peek out of one eye. Evan somehow silently got out of his seat and appeared directly in front of me in seconds. I know everyone is looking at us, but the way he is looking at me, I could care less. He takes my face in his large warm hands, and he leans down until his lips are on top of mine. He’s never kissed me so passionately before. I was so lost in his kiss that when he stopped and pulled away, I instinctively moved forward, wanting more. He puts his forehead onto mine, slowing his breathing down. “How did you do that, Scarlet?” He whispers to me. “You felt it?” I ask, still numb from our kiss. “I did. If you show me how you did that cast, I could show you what’s in my heart, too. But I assure you, it will only match yours,” he sweetly says. As I wrap my hands behind his neck, he pulls me towards him, into the warmest hug I’ve ever felt.


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