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Page 3

by Ashers, LeAnn

  Ohhh, well, I figured that, but still…you don’t want to assume.

  “I thought that was the case,” I admit and wink at the both of them.

  “But we love women. Not going to fucking lie, we are together, but a woman is what fucking completes us.”

  Gulp, that is not what I expected. Does he mean a threesome for a one-night stand? “Like a one-night stand?” I can’t help voicing my thoughts.

  Vinny pushes my hair out of my face from across the table, “Angel, long term. We’re too fucking old for that one-night stand shit.”

  Angel. I more than love him calling me angel.

  “How old are you guys?” I ask. Trey sits back in his seat, relaxing his hand and burying it in my hair.

  “We’re both thirty,” Vinny answers for the both of them. I close my eyes as Trey’s fingers work magic on my scalp, sending tingles all down my body.

  “Fuck me,” Vinny says under his breath, and I open my eyes. His face shows his shock as he continues to look through all of my pictures.

  I laugh and lean against the wall. Trey scoots closer and both of them scroll through my pictures.

  “You have such a beautiful body, baby.” Trey’s hand leaves my hair, settling at the back of my neck.

  “Thank you. It took a long time to fully accept who I am,” I admit, and it’s true. Growing up, it was hard being teased and bullied, then I grew into myself and I started to see that this is me and that’s all I can ever be.

  “That’s beautiful.” Vinny smiles. His teeth are straight besides one small tooth on the left, which just makes him even cuter in my eyes. Vinny has a long beautiful beard and light brown hair. Trey has dark brown hair and scruff on his face, with light blue eyes. He’s very striking.

  Both of them are beautiful. I’ve been in Los Angeles, surrounded by the world’s most beautiful people, but they don’t hold a candle to these men.

  A lot of things we see in pictures are photoshopped. One thing I was very adamant about was that I wanted mine to be untouched. Young girls will see my pictures and I don’t want them to have unrealistic expectations.

  “Thank you.” I smile sweetly at Vinny, scooting a little closer to Trey to look at the menu in front of him. The second I consume any kind of alcohol, I crave breakfast.

  The waitress finally makes her way over. “What can I get you guys to drink?” She smiles at the three of us, her eyes staying on me longer than the guys.

  Please just let me eat my food in peace.

  Usually I have to call ahead to a restaurant to make sure I have a private table away from everyone else.

  “Are you Lani, the model?” she asks, looking at me closer. Trey pushes me back into the seat to push me away from her.

  “Yes,” I answer simply.

  Her eyes widen. “I thought that was you. I’m a huge fan of yours! Mostly because of my daughter—she’s a plus size gal and she looks up to you.”

  This is the kind of fan I love and adore! “It’s nice to meet you. If you want, I can sign something for you for her?” I suggest, and she hands me her server book and I find a new page.

  “What’s her name?” I ask.


  May all of your dreams come true. You’re absolutely perfect the way you are. Never forget that.

  Love, Lani.

  Then I sign my name at the bottom for her and hand it back to the waitress. When she reads it, she tears up a little. “Thank you so much. I’m so excited to show her!” She takes off with our drink orders.

  This little moment completely has made my day. “I think I’m going to tell her I would love to meet her daughter,” I tell the guys just as she comes back.

  “Hey, if you want I would love to meet your daughter,” I tell her, and she clutches her chest. “Really? She can come down right now!” She practically jumps up and down.

  “Yes!” My heart is happy at the pure happiness on her once very tired face. She runs to the back of the diner and I smile, watching her leave.

  “You're a fucking saint,” Trey says, shaking his head at me, but I can see the happiness on his face too.

  I shrug my shoulders. “If I can impact her life in any way, I want to do that.”

  Trey buries his fingers in my hair once again, playing with the strands and running his fingers along my scalp, soothing me.

  Our food comes a few minutes later, and my mouth waters at the smell of the eggs and hash browns. We dig in. Trey’s hand never leaves me, his hand resting on my thigh.

  I honestly dread going home tonight, and I really don’t want them to go back to Raleigh, Texas tomorrow when my brother goes home.

  “Do you guys fuck each other?” I flat out ask, because that thought has been weighing down on me.

  Trey smirks, eyeing Vinny, who licks his lips, staring right back at Trey, who turns to me. “I fuck Vinny.”

  Hot damn, I would love to see that. My hands shake as I lift the fork to my mouth. The images in my mind of them fucking are going to drive me absolutely crazy.

  “That’s hot.” I bite the inside of my lip, seeing Vinny bent over as Trey… Ahh, I need to stop these thoughts because they’re getting naughtier and naughtier by the second.

  The door to the diner swings open, slamming into the window, and a young girl runs inside, looking around the diner before her eyes settle on me. Her hands close around her mouth and I smile at her, encouraging her to walk over.

  Trey scoots out of the booth and I walk over to her, “Hi, you’re Cindy?” I ask her, and she nods, star struck as she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, that’s me,” she manages to whisper.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, honey. You’re such a gorgeous girl.” She really is. She would make a killing in the modeling industry.

  Her mouth opens in shock and she touches her chest. “Me?” she whisper-yells, like it’s a big secret.

  I laugh, “Yes, you! I bet one day you’ll be more popular than me.” I wink, and her eyes widen in complete shock as I continue to compliment her.

  I was her age once, and not fitting the accepted ideal of perfection is hard. “I want to be a plus size model like you. I love how you don’t edit your pictures.”

  My poor heart may just burst with this precious girl. “How about this, if you seriously want to pursue this, I’ll give you my manager’s number. He picked me up and made my career.” I take out his card from my wallet.

  She takes it from me and stares at it like it might just bite her, and a tear slips from her eye. So I take out my card, then write my personal number on the back. “And here’s my cell. Message me anytime.”

  She looks at both of the cards for a good minute or so before she hugs me tightly, “Thank you so much. You have made all my dreams come true!” she shakily whispers in my ear.

  She lets me go and goes to her mom, telling her everything that happened, and my heart is happy. I really do hope that all of her dreams are successful.

  Maybe she would be more cut out for that life than me. One of the best parts of it was the charity work and making a difference with it, and once I get settled in my life, I think I want to do that again.

  “Are you guys ready to head out? The Uber will be here in a few minutes.” Vinny breaks the moment, walking up to us.

  I wave goodbye to Cindy, who is currently being hugged by her mother, and she waves back, her smile blinding.

  The outside air is slightly chilly now as it’s late. “Hey, there she is!” I hear someone yell, and I look over towards the bar to see the guy who called me a whore running over with a group of people following behind him.

  I look at Trey and Vinny in a panic. Vinny picks me up off the ground before I can even speak, and soon we’re back inside the diner and running out the back door.

  “Why are they doing this?” I say to myself in confusion, wounded that someone wants to hurt me like this.

  I already had so much to do with Freddy, I never expected this to happen here with someone comp
letely random because I kissed two guys in the bar.

  Vinny runs in front with me clutched into his side and Trey is behind us. “Fuck, I wish I had the truck!” Vinny yells as I hear a ton of yelling behind us in the diner.

  I turn and look behind me to see the diner filled with people. “You don’t think they’ll hurt Cindy, do you?” My heart freezes with fear at the thought.

  Trey doesn’t say anything and neither does Vinny. They just hurry, dragging me farther and farther from the diner as I hear the back door slamming open.

  The only hotel in town is a few blocks away, and I hear a lot of pounding feet as Trey pulls me behind a shit ton of bushes, and he and Vinny stand outside like they’re going to meet the group of people head on.

  Wait, they’re not going to do that, right?

  “What are you doing?” I hiss and start to stand up.

  Trey turns around, glaring at me, “Sit your ass down there and be quiet.”

  What do I do? I shut my mouth and I sit back down onto the ground. I learned when to fight my battles and this is one I know I won’t be able to win.

  The group comes around the corner, stopping dead when they see Trey and Vinny waiting for them. That’s when I notice the gun in Trey’s hand.

  I cover my mouth so I don’t make a sound. I don’t want to be a distraction. “Where is the whore? I saw her pictures on the internet. She is a jezebel,” one of the guys hisses, trying to look behind Trey and Vinny in search of me.

  What the actual fuck is happening? This is not the 1700s where women are shamed for this kind of thing. It makes me want to fuck Trey and Vinny right in front of them.

  “What the fuck is the matter with you? Are you sick in the head? If you’re such a fucking Christian, where does it say in the Bible to hunt down a woman for kissing someone, and judge not lest ye be judged, bitch,” Vinny snarls out. He is completely pissed.

  The guy looks shocked that Vinny would actually call him out, then he looks down and sees the gun in Trey’s hand. I can see the shift in him immediately.

  “Well, it looks like she’s gone. I guess we better head home,” the Bible-thumper says completely out of the blue, and the others look confused.

  Trey grins at them, lifts his gun and scratches the side of his head. The others catch on and they all run off as quickly as they came.

  I let out a deep breath and cover my face. The bushes are pushed out of the way and the guys pull me out.

  Vinny cups my chin. “Are you okay?” he asks, and I nod, looking behind them to make sure those crazies aren’t coming back.

  “Come on, let’s get a hotel. I feel like it’s safer and I don’t want to bring that shit on your parents.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  “Why did this happen?” I think out loud as we walk to the hotel.

  Trey runs his hand down my back. “Shit like this happens all of the time. When it was found out that I liked dick as much as I like pussy I was jumped, and over the years people have attempted more than once.”

  My heart breaks at the thought of a younger Trey being hurt like that just became of his sexuality. “I am truly sorry.” I take his hand and he squeezes mine back slightly.

  We don’t speak as the guys book us a hotel room, and soon after that we slip inside. I sit down on the bed.

  Vinny takes his shirt off and hands it to me. “Here, so you can sleep in it.” I take it and move into the bathroom to get undressed.

  I look at the shirt sitting on the counter and bring it up to my nose, breathing deeply, loving the smell of Vinny.

  I put the shirt on. It’s so long on me, it’s just a few inches from my knees. I smooth out my hair and smile in the mirror as I look myself over.

  Will they have sex with me tonight? Is that something I want? All I know is they’re very attractive and they protected me tonight.

  I push open the bathroom door and turn the corner to see the both of them sitting on the huge king-size bed, the blankets pulled back from the top.

  Both have taken off their cuts and are just in jeans and their T-shirts, which are tight along their chests.

  Goodness, they are so beautiful.

  “Damn, baby,” Vinny groans and sits up a little higher, looking me up and down.

  My face burns at the compliment. I make my way over and climb up on the bed, wiggling my way right in between the both of them.

  Trey takes the remote and turns on the TV to fill the room with noise, “Here, darlin’.” He reaches down and pulls the blanket up my legs, which is sweet.

  I haven’t had sex in at least two years. I’ve been way too busy to do anything but work, college and sleep.

  Trey puts his arm around my back, pulling me into his body so my head is resting on his chest. I can feel movement in his arm, so I peek over and see him rubbing Vinny’s shoulder and neck.

  God, that’s hot.

  “I’m really sorry, you guys,” I tell them again, because I really am sorry about what happened. It seems that all I do is bring trouble.

  Vinny shifts beside me. He comes into view and grips my jaw tightly, but not enough to hurt me, just to get my attention. “I don’t want to hear ‘sorry’ come out of your luscious fucking lips again, do you hear me?”

  Butterflies swarm my belly, his face is oh so close to mine. “I hear you,” I whisper, not daring to move or look away.

  Please kiss me.

  Trey reaches around and puts his hand on the back of Vinny’s head, pulling him down until his lips are pressed firmly against mine.

  Vinny moves his mouth against mine, softly but deeply, testing the water, but the hottest thing is that Trey is in complete control of the both of us.

  “Kiss her harder,” Trey demands, and shivers rack my body, goose bumps breaking out across the surface of my skin.

  Vinny moves closer to me, cupping my jaw, holding my face in place as he kisses me like his life depends on it. I grip his shoulders and lean forward, kissing him back with just as much feeling.

  “That’s right, angel. Vinny is getting hard for you.” I open my eyes a little to see Trey move his hand to Vinny’s dick, rubbing through his jeans.

  Oh my dear god.

  “Lani,” Trey says, his voice demanding.

  I break the kiss, looking at Trey, who has moved onto his knees beside us. “Lani, you need to tell me if you want to move further or we’ll stop here.”

  I love that he’s asking for my consent. I clear my throat. “Yeah, I want to move further.” I look at Vinny. “You good with that?” I ask him to make sure he’s down with it.

  Trey chuckles and Vinny’s face just softens. “Yeah, sweet girl, I’m down for it.”

  Well that settles that, but then I think about how it’s been a few years for me. “It’s been like two years…” I cringe with embarrassment on the inside.

  In sync their eyes flare. Trey reaches forward and pulls my shirt over my head as Vinny makes quick work of my jeans, tearing them down my legs and leaving me in my bra and underwear.

  Their eyes feast on me from head to toe. I smirk, loving seeing their heated looks. Trey grips my legs, drifting his fingers down to my ankles.

  I should be embarrassed by their intent gazes, but I’m not. It’s just adding fuel to the fire because they both want me.

  It sinks in that I’m going to be with the both of them.

  Trey turns to Vinny, grabbing him tightly by the back of the neck and pulling him to his mouth hard.

  My pussy clenches hard at the sight of Trey holding Vinny, daring him to move and resist him.

  I grab ahold of the sheets so I don’t bury my hand in my panties, Trey reaches down and snatches my hand, lifting me up on my knees next to them.

  Trey breaks his kiss from Vinny and looks down at me, his breathing slightly labored and his pupils dilated.

  He brings his arm around my back, pulling me taut against his chest. “I’m going to kiss you now. Vinny, make quick work of her panties.”

  My breathing s
tops, and before I can think or say anything, Trey kisses me. His kiss is so different to Vinny’s. Vinny is more soft, gentle and teasing

  Trey’s is commanding, powerful, and he’s showing me I’m his and that he’s the one in charge here.

  I love every single second of it.

  As Trey kisses me, I feel Vinny grabbing the sides of my underwear and then giving a sharp tug. My ass lands against his dick, then my underwear falls to the bed. He literally ripped it off of me!

  I grow wetter, if that’s even possible. I feel Vinny’s hands rubbing the top of my thighs. My legs shake in need. God, how I need them to fill this ache inside of me.

  I can’t resist the urge to open my legs just slightly, and that’s all Vinny needs as he snakes his hand in between my legs.

  At the first feel of his finger touching my entrance, I jump and break my kiss. Trey looks down in between my legs as Vinny slides one finger inside of me.

  My head falls back against Vinny’s shoulder and I moan.

  “Lay her down. Let’s taste her pussy,” Trey tells Vinny. I open my eyes and I’m suddenly nervous.

  No one has done that to me yet. I’ve always wondered about it, but it’s never happened. Trey grips my face. “What’s that look?”

  My mouth dries. “No one has gone down on me before,” I say softly. I start to close my legs, feeling exposed, but Trey doesn’t let me. He brings my legs back open.

  “A first…just for us.” Trey runs his finger down the top of my lips, teasing me, enough to make me hyper-aware of where he’s touching.

  Vinny’s hand slips from my face to my neck. He moves down my body until he’s right in front of my pussy.

  “Keep your eyes on him and feel, sweetheart.” Trey pushes my hair off my chest. I lie back in bed and look down at Vinny.

  Trey turns his attention to Vinny. He grips him by his hair and pushes him down. I grab the sheets by my sides at the first lick.

  “Ohhh,” I moan, tilting my hips up.

  “Hmm, I think she liked that, Vinny.” Trey turns his intense eyes to me, crawling up the bed to my side.

  “I did.”

  He grins, flashing his teeth. He bends down and kisses the tip of my nipple, before he sucks it deep inside his mouth, and I bite my hand so I don’t call out.


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