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Page 15

by Ashers, LeAnn

  I will get them back and the fuckers who dared to hurt them…

  Hell will be fucking heaven.

  “I’m following Vinny’s tracker in his cut. Let’s ride and follow these fuckers.” Techy runs to his bike and I follow right on his ass.

  To get my family back.



  We stop in a house on the outskirts of town. “Baby, please wake up,” I plead for the hundredth time, but he doesn’t move.

  He lies still, his breathing steady. Trembling, I take ahold of his hand and try to stay calm for the sake of my babies growing in my stomach.

  The doors to the van are ripped open, Freddy is standing at the open door. “Hi darlin’, welcome home,” he says cheerfully, and Andrea comes around the side, giving him a weird look.


  “Thank you.” I smile, pretending to be happy about everything that has happened.

  Freddy holds out his hand for me to take and I accept it. I smile, swallowing back the puke that is crawling up my throat.

  I look back at Vinny, clenching my eyes closed. “Be careful, sweetheart.” Freddy says in a soft voice that sends chills up my spine.

  “Sweetheart? Why are you being nice to her!” Andrea screams at the top of her lungs.

  Andrea slams the van door shut, leaving Vinny inside.

  Another vehicle pulls up to us and one of the guys from earlier steps out, his hand outstretched. “My payment?” Andrea hands him a pile of cash. They get in an SUV and leave.

  We walk inside the house. I don’t resist, but I can hear Andrea huffing and puffing behind us, talking under her breath.

  She has totally and completely lost it.

  Freddy leads me to the couch, handing me a blanket and treating me like I’m made of glass. This is a really fucked up situation. Vinny is in the van and it’s like they have totally forgotten about him.

  Andrea pushes Freddy’s shoulder. His face changes right before my eyes and I shiver internally. I remember that look. He had that same look on his face when he attacked me in Los Angeles.

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up!” he yells in her face. I flinch when I see the spit splatter all over her face.

  I’m shaking. My entire body is shaking, even my insides. I just want to go home. I want Andy to bring me food and I want to be in bed between my guys where it’s safe and warm.

  It’s like this is all a dream. Or a nightmare.

  Andrea’s face shows her shock. “You told me you wanted to kill her, that she hurt you, broke your heart. I helped you,” she whispers, before she turns her evil eyes to me.

  Freddy doesn’t say a word. He just stares at her. If Freddy wasn’t totally crazy, he would have been a good-looking guy, but he is fucking whacked in the head along with Andrea.

  “I love her.”

  Oh fuck, I’m not sure if that was the correct answer, Freddy. I try not to panic, because I don’t want her pissed at me.

  “I gave up everything for you! I’m broke, I’ve lost my doctor’s license! Everything for you! You said you loved me. You said she hurt you. I wanted to make her pay for you.”

  Holy fucking shit, what is going on? I am so confused.

  Freddy laughs. “I just used you, duh,” he taunts her and leans against the doorframe. “She’s a supermodel, everyone loves her and wants to be with her. But she’s mine now. She and our babies will live a happy life together.”

  Oh my god, he’s worse off than I even thought possible.

  She screams at the top of her lungs. I’m not sure how the windows are still fucking intact in the house.

  My teeth are chattering from the nerves and the stress of the situation. “You do not mock me!” she screeches. What is up with her and that fucking screaming?

  I sit back on the couch, hoping that I just disappear into them and Freddy and Andrea just continue to argue amongst themselves.

  Freddy laughs again, smirking and looking at me. “So fucking what? Isn’t my fault you’re stupid. How many times did I cum and I shouted her name? You look like her, a bland version, but I settled with you until I could have her.”

  I cover my mouth with my hand in horror. I’m more than terrified. I pray to God that he doesn’t plan on raping me. That is a horror I hope I never face. I’d make it through it somehow, someway if that happened to be my fate.

  “How dare you say that to me! You were homeless, I took you in and into my bed!” Andrea smacks Freddy across the face, and he pushes her away from him. She hits the wall opposite her.

  My eyes are moving back and forth, watching all of his unfold. I hold my breath and just listen.

  I hope that they fuck up and just argue between themselves until Trey finds us.

  “Lousy fucking lay! You’re a fucking pillow princess. You just lay there and didn’t even fucking make a sound!” He points his finger in her face, his face growing unbelievably redder by the second.

  She gasps dramatically, clutching her chest like he just shattered it right out of her chest. “How fucking dare you! You’re just so fucking small I couldn’t even tell if you were fucking me or not.”

  In any other circumstances, I would be laughing my ass off at the ridiculousness of what is happening in front of me, but these people hold my life in their hands and they are fucking batshit.

  I wish I could slip out of the door right now and just snatch Vinny up and leave this fucked up shit.

  All traces of amusement leave Freddy’s face at her jab about his small penis. Andrea grins happily, knowing she struck a low blow.

  “I could kill you, bitch.” He takes a menacing step in her direction.

  Her smile drops at his threat. “Do it, fucker. I want you to try.” She lifts the gun from the back of her pants and points it at him, shooting without even blinking or hesitating

  Holy fuck!

  I watch as his body falls to the ground, blood pooling out of the gunshot wound on the right side of his chest.

  He coughs, blood splattering out of his mouth, running down the side of his lips to his neck.

  I turn my focus back to Andrea, who screams again, falling to her knees and clutching his head in her arms. “Oh my God, Freddy!” she sobs. “How could she kill you!”

  The fuck?

  She cries and sobs over him for a good minute before she stands up. “I’m going to go kill her for you, baby, and get justice for what happened to you.” She sniffs and wipes her eyes.

  She picks up the gun that she tossed on the ground by him, puts it in her waistband and walks out of the room towards another part of the house.

  She leaves me alone with Freddy, whose head is turned in my direction as he dies. This is completely fucked up.

  “Oh shit, I left my phone.”

  I notice her phone on the table next to me. Andrea walks back into the room and looks around for the phone.

  I pick it up and hold it out for her. She takes it from me. “Thanks.”

  She then leaves again, before she stops, turning to look at me. “Huh, someone answered my prayers and hand-delivered Lani to me.”

  She lifts the gun and points it at me. “Well, I guess it’s time for you to die. You killed my man, bitch.” She takes off the safety.

  Then Vinny comes out of nowhere, his face appearing behind hers. He reaches out and snatches the gun out of her hand, and he buries his hand in her hair. “No, bitch, you’re going to die.”

  He drags her by her hair, slamming her face into the wall. I hear a sickening sound as something breaks in her face.

  Vinny tosses her to the side, and she crashes into the side of a table next to the bed. Vinny scoops me up off of the couch. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?” He touches me all over, trying to make sure I’m fully intact.

  “I’m fine, they didn’t even touch me,” I reassure him. I’m so glad he’s okay. “Baby, are you okay?” I ask.

  “I’m okay. I think I may have a concussion.” He touches the side of his head and I look over his shoulder. I see a ma
n walk into the room, and he looks a hell of a lot like Freddy. He looks down to the ground, in shock, staring at Freddy’s lifeless form.

  Vinny turns around, pushing me behind him. “Who the fuck are you?” Vinny demands, and I hold my breath, waiting for his answer.

  “My brother, you killed him?” He takes a step towards Vinny, his face red with anger. “I came here for his wedding.” He pulls out a knife in his pocket, lifting it above his head. “I am going to kill you.”

  He charges at us, yelling.



  Vinny steps towards him, ready to meet him head to head. Trey comes out of nowhere and pulls him back before he can sling the knife at Vinny. Trey wrestles the knife from him, wrapping his arms around him and putting the knife against his neck. “Big mistake,” Trey whispers in his ear. His voice is devoid of all emotion, I shiver at his tone.

  His eyes are so black, I can’t see his true eye color. “Look away, angel.”

  I turn around and look away.


  I wait for Lani to turn around. I drag the knife across his throat. Blood pours out of the wound, spraying everywhere, and I toss him to the ground. He fucking dared to point a knife at them.

  I pick up the blanket and cover the both of them so Lani doesn’t see that shit.

  “Okay, baby.”

  Vinny’s eyes haven’t left mine. It’s fucking killing me seeing the blood on the side of his face. I know right off the bat that he’s the one who got hurt. I can’t stand for that shit.

  The room fills with our brothers, looking at the mess all around us. Some are stationed at the door in case more fuckers show up.

  “Who took out the bitch?” I kick Andrea to make sure she’s still out.

  “Vinny did. She tried to shoot me after she killed Freddy. She’s crazy,” Lani pipes in with her sweet as fuck voice.

  God, that shit hits different. The thought of losing her and Vinny fucked with me. I couldn’t survive life without the both of them. Today made that shit a reality.

  “Well, I guess since she is the only one living, I guess we have to call in the big dogs for her,” Kyle says, amused.

  I look at Butcher, smirking. “Better call Shaylin.”



  I step into the shower with my men. I am so exhausted. Anna checks us out and thankfully the babies are fine. Vinny doesn’t even have a concussion some-fucking-how. The rock just hit him a different way and it knocked him out.

  The guys stand around me, and I wrap my arm around Trey’s stomach and hold on for dear life. I’m shaking so hard. Everything is crashing down on me.

  “Come here.” Trey’s voice is dark. I look up to see him pulling Vinny’s face down onto his shoulder, and he just holds us, me smooshed in the middle between the both of them.

  We all stand together, holding each other as everything that just happened settles inside of us.

  We could have died. I could have lost Vinny or lost our babies. The thought of that is unbearable.

  “I was so scared when I saw her hit you with the rock.” I turn around and hug Vinny. “The thought of losing either of you kills me inside.”

  Trey kisses the back of my head before kissing Vinny softly. “It knocked me to my fucking knees when I found out you were taken. I never fucking thought Andrea had a part in this.”

  I can hear the guilt in his voice. “Please don’t blame yourself, Trey. You can’t stop fate. We’re all safe, happy and healthy. Now life is going to be better. No more looking over our shoulders.”

  “You’re right, darlin’.”

  We take our time washing each other, enjoying the moment and finally knowing that everything is okay.

  It’s all over.

  * * *

  I crawl into bed in one of the guys’ shirts. I pull the covers up to my neck. I just can’t get warm, the adrenaline is still wearing off all of these hours later.

  The guys follow me to bed, and we all snuggle together as tightly as possible. My eyes sting just thinking of how close I was to losing Vinny, and I could have lost my babies if I had been hurt.

  I press my face against Trey’s chest. Vinny presses against my back and he holds me and Trey at the same time.

  I bite my lip, trying to hold back the sobs that are trying to break free. Trey shifts under me until I’m lying flat on the bed with him hovering over me.

  He’s so observant.

  Trey’s face softens, studying me. He touches my face gently and strokes my cheekbone with his thumb. “It’s okay to cry, baby, you feel what you feel and there’s no point in hiding that shit.”

  He undoes me. I cover my face and cry. I cry for myself, that someone stalked me because I was a model. I cry for my babies growing in my stomach who could have easily been taken from me

  I cry for my Vinny, who I watched get attacked and hurt. His face is a reminder of what happened to him. He’s bruised to holy hell, his fingers are sprained, and he has a huge-ass knot on the side of his head.

  I cry for my Trey who had to find out we were taken. I can’t imagine the fear he faced.

  I cry for my brother, my family who had to be terrified of this fucker who terrorized my life.

  My heart just hurts, but I hurt for everyone around me because I was the cause of this. They protected me and I just caused pain in the process.

  But I won’t let my self-destructive thoughts destroy this. I am weak for them.

  * * *


  The next morning Vinny and I leave Lani in the special care of Andy, who is babying her. She’s going to spend the day in bed resting.

  Vinny and I have to be at the club. We have one more fucking person to deal with—Andrea.

  We walk into the club. I put my hand on Vinny’s back. Usually around the brothers we try to keep the PDA to a minimum because Vinny doesn’t want to appear weak to the guys.

  But it’s been fucking years. We’ve been around our brothers for a long-ass time and I just don’t have it in me to hide shit anymore.

  Vinny secretly smiles and pushes open the door. I lead him inside of the basement where Andrea is sitting in the middle of the floor tied to a chair.

  The door slams shut behind us, and it’s just me, Vinny, Techy and a few other guys. The star of the fucking show isn’t here yet.

  Andrea turns to look at us, glaring. “Finally tear yourself away from that murderer?” she hisses.

  Vinny laughs. “Last time I checked, bitch, you’re the one who killed Freddy,” he gloats, and I try to hold fucking back from growing hard.

  I love when he’s like this. This shit does something to me.

  Andrea moves in her seat, trying to break free. “Lies! You believe that, huh? I bet those fucking babies aren’t yours! I hope they die!” Spit flies from her mouth.

  Anger burns deep inside of me. Hearing her speak ill of our babies makes me want to hurt her.

  But I will never hurt a female no matter how much I want to hurt this one. She tormented Lani and hurt Vinny. That shit is unforgivable in my eyes.

  “What are you going to do? Kill me?” She gets an evil gleam in her eyes like she’s enjoying this. “You guys won’t hurt a woman.” She smirks, thinking she has a get-out-of-jail card.

  “We won’t hurt you, but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t.”

  Right on fucking cue, the door opens and in comes Shaylin with Butcher right on her heels. “Honey, I’m fucking home,” she yells and grins at everyone, like this is the best fucking thing to ever happen to her.

  Shaylin is the daughter of the Grim Sinners ex-president and the brother of the current, along with being married to the baddest motherfucker in the club, Butcher.

  Andrea stops speaking altogether when it hits her. Shaylin is going to settle this shit for us.

  On many occasions when shit happens and we as men can’t settle that shit, we call her in and she fucking enjoys every second of it.

  Death is an ending, but sometime
s the road there shouldn’t be easy, and this is the case here. Woman or not, shit needs to be settled.

  “Well, what the fuck do we have here?” Shaylin grins that fucking grin. She gets that from her dad Smiley. He will fucking kill you and do it smiling, Shaylin got the shit handed to her straight from her dad.

  Andrea doesn’t speak to her, just stares at Shaylin. I can see sweat rolling down the side of her face. “Look, you guys, I was just being a bitch. She killed my man, you know what you would do if someone hurt Butcher, right, Shaylin?” she tries to reason.

  Shaylin just keeps smiling, taking her bag from Butcher. “I learned over the years that it’s best to keep my own supplies. The guys ruin tools so fucking much, it’s better to keep my own.”

  She reaches inside and grabs a pair of pink steel knuckles, “Do you like them?” She flexes them to the guys.

  Butcher glares at everyone, making sure we all nod that we like them. I’m not afraid of anyone, but Butcher will make me second-guess shit.

  “Please don’t do this,” Andrea begs.

  Shaylin rolls her eyes. “Listen, you fucked with a lot of people in this club. I make it my mission to protect the women in the club. You fucked with them and I will fuck you right back.” She wrinkles her nose. “Not literally, but you get what I’m saying.”

  Shaylin steps up without hesitating, hitting her twice in the face. Andrea screams, trying to tear her arms free.

  “I will get free from you,” Andrea grumps through her messed up mouth. She looks at Shaylin right in the eyes. “When I do, I’m going to come for your sweet little daughter and son.”

  This bitch is the dumbest person I have ever met in my life. You don’t say shit like that to Shaylin about her kids.


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