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Claiming Their Nanny: A Cowboy Ménage Romance (Montana Ménage Book 1)

Page 17

by Lily Reynard

  Then he began to tease her in earnest with short strokes of the soapy cloth all around swollen, flushed folds before brushing the stiffened pearl of her clit.

  Abby gasped sharply at the touch. "Do that again!" she demanded in a hoarse whisper. Belatedly, she added, "Please, Dan."

  His own arousal was demanding attention now, and he fought the urge to rise up, wrap her soft, plump thighs around his hips and plunge deep inside her. She was ready for him…but he wanted more than that.

  He wanted her desperate and begging for his cock.

  The rough, wet fabric stroked over the hot, swollen folds between her thighs in a lingering caress that made her inhale shakily and make an appealing whimper of need before he drew the cloth down from her groin to her knee in a long sweep.

  The sound drove straight down to his hungry cock. Dan entertained a brief, vivid fantasy of bending her over the stool and taking her hard and fast from behind.

  Too soon, he cautioned himself. He gritted his teeth and tried to think of something else, anything else as he continued to tease her into a fever pitch.

  She trembled and panted as he returned to her nipples, using his tongue on her while his hands continued to delve between her legs.

  It was an effort now to keep his touch light, to concentrate on tantalizing and arousing her instead of moving in to give her what they both wanted—his cock, pounding into her.

  "This is the part where I wanted to cuddle with you while we enjoyed a nice long soak together in this tub," Dan said, his voice husky. "Fuck that. I can't wait any longer. Abby, I need you."

  "Oh, thank goodness," she breathed. "Dan, I need you, too."

  He parted her legs and bent between them.

  She cried out sharply as his greedy mouth fastened on her sweet pussy, and he began to lap up her musky juices. He kept his touch deliberately light over her stiff, swollen clit and slick, pulsing entrance.

  When her thighs clamped around his head and she tried to push her hips up to press herself against his mouth, his hands closed on her hips and pushed them down with ruthless strength.

  He used the tip of his tongue to circle the swollen bud of her clit, enjoying her sobbing gasps whenever he licked across it.

  She began pleading with him after a few minutes, and the sound filled him with deep satisfaction. When her breathing began to change, he knew she must be close to coming. It took every bit of his self-control to pull away from her.

  "You're close, aren't you?" he asked.

  "Yes," she panted, squirming on the stool. "Don't stop."

  "I won't, but it's my turn now," he growled, rising to his feet and tugging at her hand. "Tell me that you want me."

  "I want you," she said, without hesitating. She rose on tiptoes and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him with desperate hunger. "I want you so badly, Dan."

  He enjoyed the sensation of her hard, tight nipples pressing against his chest.

  Dan slid his hand between them and stroked the tip of one breast with his thumb before tugging at it and rolling it between his fingertips.

  Abby cried out and tried to climb him like a tree. He covered her mouth with his own and drank down the noises she was making.

  "Please," she begged. "Please, Dan."

  "Please…what?" he asked. He needed to hear the words.

  "Please take me!"

  "Oh yeah. Your wish is my command," he said, drawing her down into the tub. "Come here, Abby, and let's ride to heaven together."

  She moaned softly as Dan lifted her onto his lap.

  Chapter 17

  Obedient to the silent commands of his touch, she parted her legs and let him pull her forward until she was straddling his lap. She whimpered in frustrated lust as his fingers slid lightly past her swollen clitoris and parted her engorged, aching nether lips with firm authority.

  Then something smooth and hard pressed up against her, and she felt herself quiver in anticipation.

  She pushed down experimentally, her desire-slicked tissues stretching around his hard shaft. It felt pleasantly large, and Dan's soft groan and the sudden pressure of his fingers on her shoulders only excited her further.

  She lowered herself upon his stiff penis by fractions, relishing the invasion against her swollen, throbbing flesh. It felt good…like exactly what she needed to quench the aching need that Dan had aroused in her.

  When she was completely filled, she found herself pressed against his groin, her inner thighs enclosing the hard muscle of his long legs.

  "You're so damned tight," he growled against her skin, his voice seductive and teasing at the same time. "It's so good." He paused. "You okay, Abby?"

  "Yes," she panted. "Better than okay. You feel good to me, too."

  He kissed her, his mouth hard and hungry against hers, and she lost herself in her need, squirming on the deliciously hard length that impaled her.

  With a pleased laugh, he ended the kiss at last, only to bend his head, put his mouth to her breasts, and inflict a further sensual torment using his lips and teeth and tongue.

  In response to the sensations jolting through her, she squirmed and rocked and writhed on his lap.

  "Oh, Abby, you're killing me!" Dan's face contorted with some strong emotion.

  "I'm sor—" she began.

  "Here, like this." Dan's hands dropped to her hips, and urged her up.

  Panting, Abby braced her feet against the bottom of the tub and rose, letting his shaft slide slowly out of her. She rubbed herself shamelessly against his length as she followed Dan's lead and lowered herself again on him with slow deliberation.

  He stiffened and froze at her movement. The breath rasped in his throat. "Oh yeah, love, just like that."

  Well, that's better than telling me to stop, so I guess I'm doing this right, Abby told herself, relishing the chance to turn the tables, at least temporarily.

  She repeated the movement again and again, taking control as he began to tremble beneath her, a spiral of pleasure tightening inside her as she neared her climax. Finally, she was racked with wave after wave of a pleasure so intense she nearly fainted.

  Dan took control, driving up into her with long, hard strokes.

  Then, abruptly, he lifted her off him, groaned, and shuddered. His seed spattered her belly as he buried his face between her breasts and breathed in ragged gasps.

  Abby's knees felt weak in the aftermath of her own climax and she wobbled a little as little ripples of climax continued to move through her.

  "That—that was astonishing," she managed.

  He raised his head and looked up at her. "So, you liked that?"

  In reply, she bent and kissed him, long and slow.

  The water was lukewarm now. They hastily rinsed away the evidence of their lovemaking, then climbed out of the tub and took turns drying each other off with their towels.

  Abby put on her dressing gown while Dan pulled on a plain nightshirt that fell halfway down his strong, black-furred legs. She watched him empty the tub into the garden, admiring his broad shoulders and the way his muscles flexed under the thin fabric of the shirt as he lifted and tipped the heavy basin.

  They hung the damp towels on a simple wooden drying rack set outside the kitchen door. Then, hand-in-hand, they walked upstairs.

  When they reached her bedroom, Dan closed the door gently behind them. Both of them hurriedly shed their nightclothes before he swept her up into his arms and carried her over to her bed.

  "Will you unbind your hair for me, Abby?" he asked, seating himself on the edge of the mattress.

  Even after what they had done together, his request felt deeply intimate.

  She nodded and pulled the end of her long braid over her shoulder so that she could untie the bit of thread fastening the end.

  "Let me," he whispered, as she began to unravel the tight plait.

  His fingers were deft and gentle as he worked. He paused himself every so often to lean in and kiss her forehead, her eyes, and even the tip of her nose.<
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  When he had finished undoing her hair, he combed his fingers through it, spreading it over her shoulders, where it cascaded down over her pillows in a soft, shining curtain.

  "So beautiful." His tone was reverent as he leaned forward and captured her lips in a long, slow, deep kiss.

  Then he pressed her down into the bed and moved over her.

  She combed her fingers through his thick black hair and stroked his neck, shoulders and back as his mouth and his fingers found every sensitive spot on her neck, her breasts, the insides of her elbows, and finally, between her legs.

  Abby shook and panted, trying desperately to remain silent as Dan made slow, delicate love to her. His tongue and lips teased and caressed every secret, sensitive part of her until a second climax broke over her in a slow, sweet wave.

  He moved up and slid inside her while she was still pulsing with her release, filling and stretching her once more. She eagerly wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him close as he began to thrust.

  They kissed, a frantic joining of mouths and thrusting tongues that echoed what was happening below.

  Once again, Dan withdrew from her just before climaxing. Abby quickly sat up and set her hands on his hips.

  "Abby, what are you--?"

  He interrupted himself with a gasp as she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. She used what she had so recently learned, and felt a deep satisfaction when she brought him to completion with a combination of hard suction and swirling her tongue over the broad tip of his penis.

  Dan's hands buried themselves in her hair, gripping handfuls of her tresses as the breath rasped in and out of his throat. He convulsed against her with a low groan, filling her mouth with his salty, musky essence.

  She swallowed, and tenderly cleaned him with her tongue, enjoying how he shook under her ministrations.

  When he pulled away at last, it was to spoon himself around her, carefully avoiding lying on her hair.

  It was a warm summer evening, and before going downstairs, Abby had opened her windows to admit fresh air. Now, she cuddled in his arms, listening to the musical rasp of crickets and the occasional chirp of a frog drifting in from the garden, borne on the mingled sweet scents of roses and lavender.

  She felt relaxed and thoroughly pleasured…and cherished.

  "How are you feeling?" Dan murmured after a long, blissful interval.

  His breath raised pleasant shivers as it brushed her ear and the nape of her neck.

  "Happy," she replied, simply and truthfully. She stroked the back of his large, sinewy hand where it cupped her breast. "I know I haven't been here very long, but I love this place. I've never felt so…" She thought about all that she had learned and experienced during her stay so far. "Accepted. And beautiful."

  Dan chuckled softly. "You are beautiful, Abby. Inside and out. And I can't tell you how grateful we are that you're here."

  He paused for a long moment, and Abby thought he was finished speaking.

  Then he continued, "After Clara and Eddie died, Jim and I felt like we'd bitten off more than we could chew, trying to fill in for them. I confess we were terrified of doing everything wrong. I had nightmares the first couple of weeks about accidentally dropping Chris, or feeding him the wrong thing, or…well, that he'd up and die on us. Jim and I didn't get much sleep for the first month, and if it hadn't been for Isaiah and Huritt stepping in to keep things running around here, well, I don't know what we would have done."

  "Christopher was a healthy and happy baby when I arrived, so I think you did everything right," Abby said.

  Dan sighed. "Did Mrs. Kottinger tell you that she and the reverend offered to adopt Chris? "

  "No!" Abby couldn't conceal her surprise at the news.

  "They came by to check on us about a week after we'd buried Clara and Eddie, and I won't lie to you, we were in an awful state. Neither Jim nor I were sleeping much, and we hadn't really gotten the hang of caring for Chris. Mrs. Kottinger was really broken up about Clara's death—they were the best of friends—and she told us that she'd love to raise Clara's son as her own, seeing they didn't have any kids of their own yet."

  Abby remembered Emma's wistful expression when she spoke of having children. "That was kind of her," she said carefully.

  "I won't lie to you. Jim and I talked it over. We didn't want to send Chris away, but we also wanted to do what was best for him. And seeing how close our sister and Mrs. Kottinger were…well, it was tempting. We knew she'd take real good care of him and that he'd be with someone who'd known his parents and could tell him about them when he grew older." Another long sigh. "In the end, though, we couldn't bring ourselves to do it. It felt too much like giving up."

  "So you and Jim decided to advertise for a nanny instead?"

  "Yup. We figured that way, Chris could stay here at the ranch with us but still get the care he needed." He kissed her neck, sending a jolt of sensation down her spine. "There were two nannies before you turned up, and neither of 'em lasted longer than a week or two. We were getting really discouraged. But both Jim and I are feeling so much better now that you're here."

  He stroked her breast, and fresh arousal kindled in the pit of her belly as his callused thumb passed over her nipple, instantly stiffening it. "And not just because you're a cuddlesome armful. You're so good with Chris—you treat him as if he were your own son." He stroked her breast again, lingering over the sensitive tip, and Abby arched into his hand. "If you married me, we could raise him together."

  It was so tempting to say yes to this strong but gentle man who made love to her so sweetly and tenderly. But she was equally drawn to his brother, and his bolder, rougher lovemaking. "I know there aren't many women here, but hasn't there been anyone else you wanted as your sweetheart?"

  Dan drew her in closer. "Well, there was one particular girl a couple of years ago. I was courting her, and I thought she'd make a good wife. She was really nice, and she liked children."

  Abby felt a pang at the mention of children. It was another reminder that there was one very important thing that neither Jim nor Dan knew about her.

  "What happened?" she asked.

  "She broke it off and married someone else, a fellow from Helena. They moved there right after the wedding." Dan laughed softly. "I was crushed at the time, but looking back now, it was mostly my pride that was hurt. I'd already made all of these plans for having a family of my own, with lots of kids."

  All of her pleasant post-coital glow vanished at his words. Abby felt like curling into a ball as his words struck at her heart.

  I need to tell him, she thought. Especially since he's been so open with me about his own feelings. I can't keep leading him on by pretending that I can be the kind of wife that he wants.

  She was well aware that this sweet idyll with her employers couldn't last forever.

  Am I wrong to try and snatch a little bit of happiness while I can?

  Abby steeled herself. She didn't think Dan would be unkind when she confessed the truth. But it would probably also be the end of his attempts to court her.

  She turned in his arms to face him. He looked so handsome in the moonlight, with shadows picking out his fine-boned features and a silver glow highlighting his sinfully long eyelashes. "Dan, there's something I need to tell you, and I'm very sorry that I didn't mention it before."

  He froze. "You haven't agreed to marry Jim, have you?"

  She shook her head and felt him relax.

  "Good. I'd hate to think that this—" he closed the tiny space between them with a warm kiss "—was some kind of consolation prize."

  "You and Jim have both mentioned that you want a family. Children," she said, grimly determined to make her confession despite the distraction of his mouth.

  "I do." Dan grinned at her, his teeth gleaming. "Lots of them."

  "I'm barren," Abby said. "I will never be able to bear children of my own."

  His eyes widened at that. She braced herself for possible recriminations.

  "How can you be sure?" he demanded. "I mean, you're nineteen, Abby. A lot can still change."

  "Not for me." The hope in his eyes was worse than anger or recrimination. She had to make him understand, even if it meant telling him something that no one outside her family—and Arthur—knew. "My father is a doctor. When I turned sixteen, I began suffering from a series of female troubles."

  Dan frowned, so Abby clarified. "I began bleeding uncontrollably. At first, Mother thought it was only a heavy, ah, monthly—"


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