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Claiming Their Nanny: A Cowboy Ménage Romance (Montana Ménage Book 1)

Page 20

by Lily Reynard

  Dan liked that idea a whole lot. But he also worried that his brother, who'd always been on the impulsive side, might be hurrying things too much.

  "I don't know. She was really worried about her reputation and the possibility of unwelcome gossip," Dan reminded his twin. "We gotta take it slow and easy.

  Jim nodded. "I'm not gonna lie, Dan. I've fallen for her, hard. I want to be with her more than anything."

  "Same here," Dan confessed. "And if she chooses you, I'll try not to let that come between us."

  Jim clapped him on the shoulder. "Same here. But let's at least ask her. If she takes offense, then at least we'll know how to proceed. "

  "All right." Dan finished the last of his coffee. "Well, now that that's settled, we got a bunch of chores to finish before breakfast."

  It seemed like an eternity until suppertime. Keeping busy until then was the only way he'd stay sane until he and Jim could proposition Abby in private.

  Chapter 20

  It was Dan's night to court her.

  When the tap sounded on her bedroom door, Abby was sitting naked on the edge of her bed, brushing out her hair. She had daringly decided to surprise him by dispensing with the nightgown that he would want to remove anyway, and leaving her hair down.

  It fell over her shoulders, breasts, and back and brushed her hips like a soft, heavy cloak. I wonder if this is how Lady Godiva felt?

  Smiling at the mental image of herself perched on Castor or Pollux's broad back, clad in nothing but her hair, Abby padded across the room to answer her door, and opened it.

  As expected, Dan was standing in the hallway.

  So was Jim.

  "Oh! I wasn't expecting—" she began, reflexively clutching at the curtain of hair to conceal her nakedness. "Is something wrong? Is Christopher all right?"

  "Everything's fine. And Chris is, well, sleeping like a baby." Dan smiled at her reassuringly.

  "We got something we need to discuss with you. May we come in?" Jim asked.

  "Of course." Wishing she'd worn her nightgown after all, Abby stepped back to let them enter.

  They did. Then stood in the middle of her room, looking uncomfortable. Neither of them spoke. Nor would they look her in the eye.

  A sickening jolt of apprehension struck her. Her heart began to pound heavily.

  Oh no. This is it. Now that I've shown my true colors by sleeping with both of them, Jim and Dan have thought better of their courtship and have decided to dismiss me.

  Finally, she couldn't bear it any longer. Her throat dry, she asked, "Wh-what did you wish to discuss with me?"

  Instead of immediately replying, they looked at each other. Abby felt dizzy with nerves.

  Then, together, they said, "We don’t want to sleep alone tonight, Abby."

  Jim added, "So will you have us both?"

  Her heart began pounding even faster, but not with fear. She remembered Jim mentioning the possibility and how exciting it had sounded.

  Should I do it? Should I invite them both to my bed tonight?

  The old Abby would have found a proposition like this unimaginable.

  The new Abby, the one who breathed freer air out here on the frontier, had enjoyed making love to each of them separately. Now, she desperately wanted to discover what it might be like to share the act of love with both of them. At the same time.

  "Yes" she began, and heard the nervous quaver in her voice. She repeated more firmly, "Yes. Please."

  Jim whooped, and Dan smiled at her radiantly. Then both brothers closed in on her.

  The next few minutes were a wild tangle of frantic kisses and caresses as they both attempted to undress while kissing her in turns.

  Two pairs of hands caressed her breasts, cupping, stroking, teasing as Jim and Dan trapped her between their hard bodies, one devouring her mouth while another explored all of the sensitive places on her neck and ears.

  Her arousal sparked almost instantly, kindling to hot, throbbing desire between her thighs.

  Before tonight, Abby had never imagined that being the subject of their combined passionate attentions could be so intense, so utterly wonderful. She wanted more.

  Once they had stripped naked, their clothes heaped on her bedroom floor, Jim and Dan pulled her over to her bed. They lifted her effortlessly and laid her on her back before kneeling on either side of her. Then they pinned her wrists to the mattress before bending over her breasts.

  Abby whimpered with need and arched eagerly upwards as they began licking and nipping at her tender flesh. Their teeth scraping lightly against her sensitive nipples made her strain against their sinewy grips as she offered herself shamelessly to their mouths.

  Without ceasing their worship of her breasts, Jim and Dan each slid a hand between her thighs, opening her legs wide.

  Fingers slid over her wet, needy folds with wicked skill, stroking and penetrating her while a fingertip toyed skillfully with her clitoris, teasing her with tantalizing skill. She writhed and moaned beneath the overwhelming onslaught of pure sensation.

  "Yeah, like that, love," Dan urged her.

  "We want to hear you scream, sweetheart," Jim added. "Let us know that you're enjoying this."

  "Yes, oh yes," Abby panted, her climax gathering like a wave.

  "Now," Jim said to his brother.

  And the wonderful, maddening caresses between her legs abruptly halted.

  "Please—I need more," begged Abby. Consumed with need, she tried and failed to break their hold. "I need both of you!"

  "And you'll get us," Jim said, with a ruthless smile.

  "We won't leave you hanging forever," Dan promised.

  "But now it's our turn," Jim told her, still smiling. "Fair warning, Abby. We intend to make you scream so often tonight that you'll be hoarse come morning."

  Despite her current desperate need for a climax, a thrill shot through her at his promise.

  "I get her first," Dan said firmly from his place at her side.

  He was hugely erect, the moonlight catching a drop of clear moisture glistening on the tip of his penis.

  "Now, Dan, don't be selfish," Jim chided his brother. He was every bit as aroused as Dan, his shaft displaying swollen veins along its thick length. "How would you feel about pleasing both of us at the same time, sweetheart?"

  "Show me what to do," Abby said, her heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and anticipation. "I'll do my best."

  Dan and Jim both chuckled. "We know you will," they both said simultaneously.

  Abby joined in their laughter.

  "How about you use your mouth on me while my brother's serving you?" asked Jim.

  "Ah—" Abby tried to deny the thrill that shot through her at the suggestion.

  "It's a sight to behold," Jim assured his brother. "If you haven't already had the pleasure, our beautiful girl's got natural talent."

  "I like to watch," Dan assured her. "I find it…inspiring."

  Abby nodded eagerly. "All right."

  "Whee-ha!" Jim cheered.

  He piled up her pillows against the metal head of her bed, and moved to sit with his back against the pillows.

  "On your hands and knees, sweet Abby, and come here." Jim motioned her forward.

  His dark gaze burned into her as she obeyed, crawling over his feet and continuing until she was crouching over his knees, her head bent, her hair sliding forward to veil her.

  Jim leaned forward to tuck the long strands behind her ears, and tenderly cupped her cheeks between his palms, guiding her down to the erection rising proudly from his lap.

  She slid her fingers around him, enjoying the contrast between the soft, silky skin of his shaft and the hardness within as she pulled it forward. She extended her tongue and teased the broad, smooth head with short licks, as if she were enjoying a lollipop.

  Jim's breath hitched and his thigh muscles clenched beneath in the most gratifying way.

  Oh yes. I am going to enjoy this.

  As she teased him with her tongue
, she caressed his shaft with long, slow strokes of her hand, trying to give him as much pleasure with her hands and mouth as he had given her.

  Jim's breathing sped up and he groaned softly at her attentions. Her own unsatisfied arousal intensified until it was nearly painful. She badly wanted to climb on top of him and feel him inside her.

  "My God," Dan breathed. "You're a lucky bastard, Jim."

  She glanced to the side and saw that he was kneeling on Jim's other side, watching her with predatory intensity as he stroked his own erect penis.

  Seeing it reminded her that Dan hadn't made a move yet to satisfy his own rampant desires. And she was ready for him…more than ready, truth be told.

  "Got that right. Our Abby is amazing," Jim panted. "So is her mouth."

  "And I haven't even made a proper start yet," she teased him.

  Then she opened her mouth as wide as she could and engulfed him.

  He reacted nicely when she started to work him with her mouth; she continued to stroke his shaft with firm strokes while her other hand toyed with his heavy scrotum.

  "God, that's good," he breathed. "Abby, you are a treasure."

  "Mmm," she said, and felt him shiver at the vibrations of her voice.

  His hands came to rest on her head as she worked on him. She felt his fingers slide into her hair, combing through the soft mass.

  She liked feeling the sudden shifts in his muscles as she lavished her attentions on him and relished hearing the changes in his breathing when she did something that he liked.

  "My turn," Dan said, moving behind her. "Beautiful girl, you look like the most perfect ripe peach from this angle."

  An instant later, the blunt head of his penis pressed against her swollen, throbbing folds. It felt wonderful as he pushed it inside her, quenching some of the frustrated ache of desire as he stretched and filled her.

  Abby fought to concentrate on pleasuring Jim as Dan put his hands on her hips and began to move with powerful thrusts.

  Just as before, something about being penetrated while in this position sent jolts of pleasure through her like shooting stars as he repeatedly hit some magical place inside her.

  She panted around the stiff flesh filling her mouth as her climax began to gather force once more, rushing towards her shore.

  Don't stop this time! Please, she begged silently.

  As if he had read her thoughts, Dan's fingers dug into the soft curve of her waist, and his movements sped up.

  Abby's climax hit her like a tidal wave, obliterating thought and drowning her in overwhelming pleasure. She screamed, the sound muffled by Jim's thick length.

  Jim swore. Every muscle in his body spasmed. He arched up with a triumphant cry, and filled her mouth with his thick, salty seed. She swallowed eagerly, licking at him.

  A moment later, Dan pushed himself deep inside her and shuddered through his own release with harsh, rasping breaths.

  The three of them collapsed together on the bed, with Abby cradled between them.

  Jim put his arms around her, pulling her against him. Dan spooned against her from behind, his hand resting on the swell of her hip.

  "Was that all right for you?" Dan asked softly.

  She nodded, too overcome to find words to express how cherished and thoroughly ravished she felt.

  "Good. Because it was wonderful for me," he said, kissing her bare shoulder.

  "And for me, too. You tell us if we do anything—anything at all—that doesn't please you," Jim said, his tone serious. He pressed his lips gently against her forehead.

  Dan added, "We want to make you feel good. You're a very special woman, and we're so lucky and thankful that you answered that advertisement."

  "I'm the one who ought to be thankful," Abby said. She smiled, turning her head with an effort to include both of them. "I've learned what kind of men you are—loving, generous, open-minded—and I'm so honored that you both still want to court me. Especially after, ah," she looked around the bedroom, taking in the clothes heaped on the floor and the rumpled bedclothes, "all this."

  "Especially after all this," Jim bit out. He didn't look happy now.

  "What kind of men do you take us for?" Dan demanded. "We're in love with you, Abigail Rose. My brother and I have always shared everything, and we're honored that you're willing to take both of us into your affections."

  "Love me?" His words felt like a bolt of pure fire through Abby's chest. "You're both in love with me?"

  Both men nodded.

  "Is there a chance that you could love us back?" asked Jim.

  "…without favoring one of us over the other?" Dan added.

  "Oh, yes," breathed Abby. I might not have to choose between them? Can it really be true?

  Under their hot, intense gazes, she felt like the most beautiful, most desirable woman in the world.

  She glanced away in embarrassment. I don't deserve them.

  "Looks like we'll need to convince her," Dan said, sounding amused.

  Jim didn't say anything, just captured her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss that reawakened all of her sensual hungers.

  "I sure hope you're not done yet, Abby," Dan said, kissing his way down her nape to her back, mapping the line of her backbone with his lips.

  Jim broke the kiss at last. He cupped her breast and teased the tip to a stiff point with his callused thumb, the rough pad scraping against her nipple like a cat's tongue. "How would you feel about taking both of us inside you at the same time?"


  Jim was taking a big risk with a request like that.

  But over the past few weeks, he had learned that their sweet Abby had a taste for a bit of rough play.

  He recalled her mouth stretched around his cock and her moans caressing him while Dan pounded into her tight pussy…she'd enjoyed it. He had seen how hard she had come.

  The memory of her screaming in pleasure, the vibrations trigging his own climax, left Jim consumed with the thought of her impaled on both of their cocks at the same time.

  He studied Abby's reaction. Felt her inhalation, and the sudden heat as she flushed.

  Dan reached out to stroke her cheek. "We could make it real good for you."

  His gaze met Jim's, and Jim nodded.

  "I—" Abby licked her lips, and slick wetness glistened in the moonlight. Jim felt renewed arousal stir his cock. "How is that even possible?"

  Under the soft breast cupped in his hand, Dan felt her heartbeat accelerate. A smirk stretched his mouth.

  Yup. Our sweet girl is definitely interested.

  "Let us show you," Jim suggested. "And if you don’t like it, we'll stop and try something else. Plenty of other fun to be had," he assured her.

  "All right. Yes," she whispered.

  He rewarded her by stroking her nipple again with his thumb. In response, she squirmed against him, her soft belly stroking his rapidly hardening cock.

  Dan's eyes fastened on the sight. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Are you sure?"

  Jim bit down on Abby's shoulder. At the same time, he pinched her nipple.

  She gasped and writhed. "More. Please."

  "Oh, she'll be able to handle both of us, no problem." Jim grinned up at his brother. "Why don't you go fetch us some supplies while I get Abby ready?"

  Dan watched for a few seconds longer as Jim continued to toy with Abby's breasts, and she squirmed and whimpered. His cock swelled and rose to half-mast.

  Then he reluctantly swung his legs over the edge of the bed and padded out of the room.

  "I won't lie to you," Jim told Abby. "We're gonna ride you hard tonight."

  "Is it going to hurt?" she panted.

  "It might, but hopefully in a good way. If it isn't good, you tell us, and we'll stop." Jim slid his hand over her hip and down, finding the bud nestled between her thighs. He brushed it lightly with his fingertip. "Harder?"


  He obliged her, and she closed her legs around his hand, grinding herself enthusia
stically against him.

  She's a real treasure, he thought. A perfect lady in the parlor, and a refreshingly uninhibited, passionate lover in the bedroom.

  "You might be walking funny tomorrow," Jim continued, "but we're going to make you come so many times that you're not gonna be able to move."


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