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Didn't Stay in Vegas

Page 12

by Chelsea M. Cameron

  This was also a pretty new experience for me, but I learned quickly what Emma liked. Once I got a good routine going, I added my finger, fucking her on the inside and drove her hard, feeling with my finger and my tongue when she was close and backing off before she came. Mean, but it was going to be worth it.

  “You are a horrible person,” she said, the third time I did it.

  “No, I’m a wonderful person and you will thank me,” I said, licking my lips. I was going to need a towel to wipe off my face after this.

  “Please, I can’t take much more.” Her knuckles were white as they gripped the blankets and her legs thrashed.

  “I guess I’ve tortured you enough. Are you ready to come?” She glared down at me.

  “If you don’t let me come in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to murder you.” I almost burst out laughing, but she looked pretty damn serious.

  “Fine, fine. Don’t get your panties all twisted.”

  “Shut up and suck my clit.” I was so shocked my mouth dropped open. I’d never heard Emma talk like that before. Granted, I’d never gone down on Emma before so maybe this was a new facet of her personality that I was just getting to witness.

  “As you wish,” I said, and went back to sucking her clit and flicking it with my tongue and remembering to give her labia some love as well. I fucked her hard with my fingers, curling them to hit that special spot inside her that would make her scream. I didn’t count (because I was busy with other things), but just about thirty seconds later her thighs smushed my ears again and her back arched and she called out as her hips jerked with her release. It went on for a while, and I kept it going as long as I could until I could tell she was done. I rested my cheek on her leg and looked up at her.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re very welcome, Emma. It was my pleasure.” Literally. I was hornier than I’d ever been in my entire life. I could probably come with minimal effort, but I wanted her to bask in her own orgasm before I started thinking about my own. This moment was for her.

  She stroked my damp hair away from my face.

  “You’re a mess,” she said with a warm smile.

  “I’m your mess.” Her chest was damp from sweat, but she was glowing, like she was lit from within. I was responsible for that. The feeling of power struck me so hard that I wanted to get up and shout from the rooftops. I wanted everyone to know that I had made Emma look and feel like that.

  “That was amazing,” Emma said, looking up at the ceiling. “I’ve never come that hard. I didn’t know I could come that hard. Jesus, Callyn.”

  I buried my face between her legs again to hide my blush. I couldn’t deal with this level of compliments.

  “Hey, look at me,” she said, tugging at my hair. I lifted my head and rested my chin on her leg.

  “What?” I said.

  “You were amazing. And it wasn’t just what you did. It’s because it was you. Come here.” She lifted my chin and guided me forward. I scooted up until my face was level with hers. I wasn’t sure if she’d want to kiss me, but she lifted her face until our lips touched.

  “Thank you,” she said again.

  “You’re welcome.” Her smile turned wicked and a shiver went down my spine.

  “Good. Now sit on my face.”

  That was completely new territory for me, but fuck it, I was going to sit on my best friend’s face and fuck her like there was no tomorrow.

  It took a little adjusting and giggling and blushing (on my part mostly), but I got where I needed to be and thanked her for buying a guest bed with a solid headboard because it gave me something to hold onto. It was quite the view looking down between my legs to find Emma looking up at me.

  “Am I suffocating you?” I asked, lifting my hips a little. I was worried about her ability to breathe right now.

  “Nope,” she said, and then that wicked smile returned and then I wasn’t thinking about Emma being able to breathe. I wasn’t thinking about anything at all. I was taken over by the all-consuming pleasure of Emma licking my most intimate place. I wanted to write songs about her mouth and its ability to completely turn me inside out. Had she been doing some sort of special exercises? Where had she learned to do all of this?

  It didn’t matter, and my thoughts were increasingly getting pushed out of my brain by the building intensity that was threatening to destroy me.

  I wasn’t even in control of my body as I thrust my hips against her mouth and made so many sounds I didn’t even know I could make and I’m pretty sure I heard some muffled moans from Emma. I really hoped I wasn’t killing her because then we could never do this again. That would be the worst.

  I could feel the climax coming and just as I was teetering on the edge, she stopped. Terrified that I’d hurt her, I froze, which was the most difficult thing I’d ever done in my life.

  “Are you okay?” I panted, looking down. I had to move my hips back so she could answer me.

  “Yeah, I’m just paying you back for what you did to me.” I wanted to scream. I wanted to shake her. I wanted to kiss her.

  I couldn’t even speak, so a bunch of sputtering noises emerged instead.

  “It’s only fair, Cal,” she said. “Would you like me to continue?”

  “Yeah,” I said. At least I could form that word. It was the most important.

  “Then get back up here. I’m enjoying this too much. And I can’t wait to feel you come on my tongue.” I couldn’t wait for that either, so I got back in position and she started again from the beginning. Slow and deep and torturous. Emma fucked me hard with her tongue and her mouth and I couldn’t hold out anymore and fell over the edge and into the abyss where nothing existed but what was happening in my body. I was drowning in the most intense sensations that I had ever felt. Wave after wave crashed on top of me, and I didn’t think it would ever end. Emma did her part and kept up the intensity, making the climax last even longer than I thought possible.

  When the last little shudders started to subside, I felt like I could fall immediately asleep and stay that way for a year. My skin tingled and sparked, and it was almost too much.

  I somehow swung my leg over and collapsed on the bed next to Emma, still panting and struggling to keep my eyes open.

  “You are really good at that,” I said. “Did you take a class? Did you read a book? Because that was something else. Are you still alive? Are you still breathing?” I turned my head, with major effort, and she looked at me. Her face was red and glistening from me. I liked how she looked right now. Even her hair was a mess, which I’d seen only a handful of times before.

  “I just trusted my instincts and did what I would want done. That was the first time I’ve done that, but I’ve been thinking about it for a lot longer. I may have watched some videos.” My eyes went wide.

  “Are you telling me that you watch porn?” That was something completely unexpected. I mean, I did, but I’d never told her that. There were only a few secrets I kept from Emma and that was one of them.

  “Yes, why is that shocking? A lot of people watch porn,” she said, a little defensive. I turned on my side.

  “Hey, don’t be upset. I guess I just never saw you that way. You always got weird whenever sex came up, so I thought it made you uncomfortable, and I didn’t want you to be, so I stopped talking about it.” I was being crushed under too many revelations tonight. It was going to take me a year to work through everything that had happened in the past few hours. Maybe even longer than that.

  “I got weird when I talked about sex around you. There was a reason for that. Can you imagine what it was?” I wrapped some of her damp hair around my fingers.

  “I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that we’re both naked in my bed and we just fucked? Holy shit, we just fucked.” Reality was starting to come back to me in drips and drops now that the glow from our orgasms was starting to dim.

  I just fucked my best friend. The best friend that I never, ever, EVER thought I would f

  Ok, maybe not NEVER, ever. I might have thought about Emma in a sexy way before. A few times. Definitely more lately, but I’d pushed those thoughts aside so forcefully that I’d hidden them from myself.

  “Yeah, we just fucked. And we kissed,” she said. I wasn’t sure what the distinction was there, since it seemed to me like it was all part of the same package.

  “And what the fuck happens now?” I jumped as she stroked my hip. We were both still completely naked and I was starting to get a little chilly from the drying sweat.

  Emma closed her eyes and let out the biggest breath.

  “I have no idea.”

  One thing was for sure: our friendship would never be the same.


  I wanted to ask her a million questions and I wanted to ask myself a million more. Instead of doing that, I said I needed to take a shower and Emma asked if she could come with me. A microscopic part of me wanted some space from her so I could think, but the majority of me was too horny for that, so I said she could.

  We ended up getting dirtier instead of cleaner in the shower and she fucked me standing with her fingers while I tried to hold onto the shower bar so my legs wouldn’t collapse beneath me. Then I paid her back by doing the same thing and she braced her back on the wall and lifted her leg so I could get a better angle and I decided to try going down on her again, but nearly drowned in the spray, so that was a fail, but we both laughed and I finished her with my hand anyway. Before the water got cold, we did a quick wash of all our important parts. It was seriously late and I was going to be a mess for work tomorrow, but none of that mattered. Emma wrapped me in a towel and I followed her into her room.

  “You going to watch?” she asked, as she grabbed some pajamas from her drawer.

  “I mean, yes? If that’s okay.” I’d always stopped myself from admiring her at all so, as a result, I hadn’t gotten to appreciate her incredible body. Seriously, WOW.

  “It’s a little weird,” she said, but dropped her towel anyway. She turned her back to me which gave me a great view of her ass, and that sweet little tattoo. It was generous and round and I wanted to bite it. Emma looked at me over her shoulder.

  “You’re looking at me like you want to eat me.”

  “I do. I want to eat all of you. In a non-cannibalistic way. In a sexy way.” I was not that great at this. I was beginning to see why I was single so often.

  “Thanks, I think?” I went back to staring at her ass as she put on a tank and then slipped on some bottoms. No undies there either.

  “Why didn’t I know that you don’t wear underwear most of the time?” I feel like that was something I should have known.

  “I don’t know.” She lifted one shoulder and dropped it before picking up her towel and tossing it in the hamper.

  She crossed her arms and nodded at me.

  “Your turn.”

  “I don't have clothes in here,” I said.

  “I don’t care. You got to see mine. Now show me yours.” My mouth dropped open.

  “Emma Christine. Are you demanding that I drop this towel and walk back to my room naked to get my pajamas and let you watch the whole time?” I pretended to be horrified.

  “Uh, yes? Have you seen yourself from the back?” I turned my head and attempted to do that, but ended up just going in a circle.

  “I mean, not really because I’m not an owl and can’t turn my head all the way around. I’ve caught glimpses in mirrors. I don’t see anything to write home about.” I mean, I didn’t think my body was disgusting, but I didn’t think it was the bomb either. Just . . . in between. I had parts I liked and parts I hated and I tried most of the time not to focus too much on the latter. I was old enough now that I knew that thinking too much about those perceived flaws was a waste of fucking time and wasn’t going to make your knees not do that weird thing when you ran.

  “Your body is beautiful. Don’t ever doubt that. Haven’t I told you you’re beautiful a dozen times before?” I clutched the towel tighter.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t in this context.”

  “What context is that?”

  “Naked context.” She laughed.

  “Just drop the towel and let me watch.” I rolled my eyes and sighed with as much drama as I could.

  “Fine, fine.” I pulled off the towel and dropped it on the floor.

  “Did I mention that I sleep naked?” I asked, before I pivoted on my toes and walked back to my bedroom.

  “Wait, what?” Emma said, stumbling after me. It was a testament to how shocked she was because she went right by the towel I’d so carelessly flung on the floor without picking it up.

  “Yeah, I’ve been not sleeping naked because I didn’t want to go through a whole production when I went to the bathroom, but yeah. I prefer it. See, there are still some things you don’t know about me.” Very few, but I’d told her about two more of them tonight, so I was running low on secrets at the moment. I needed to get some more so Emma wouldn’t know every single fucking thing about me.

  “Are you going to sleep naked tonight?” she asked, while we both stood in my bedroom. Me, naked, her, not naked.

  “Thinking about it. Do you have any opinions on whether I should or not?” I tapped my chin and pretended to think. “Should I sleep naked tonight? Hmmm . . .”

  “This is the easiest question I’ve ever answered in my life. Yes, you should sleep naked. If you want to. If that’s what you usually do. Have you seriously been sleeping naked all these years and I had no idea?” She almost looked like that emoji whose head was exploding.

  “I mean, I didn’t do it around you. That would have been weird. But I’m guessing it might not have been weird?” This whole night was weird, and I still didn’t know where we were going with all of this. I could still feel the thrust of her fingers inside me and her teeth biting my lips.

  “No, it would have been weird back then. I mean, for you.”

  I shivered a little bit. Maybe sleeping naked wasn’t the best idea. I wanted to ask Emma what she meant by that, but then Vegas bounded into the room and started licking my legs and I decided that sleeping naked wasn’t the best solution when you had a new puppy that was hyperactive and liked to lick things.

  “Okay, not sleeping naked,” I said, as Emma grabbed the puppy and kept him from jumping up on me and digging his little murder feet into my skin.

  I pulled some undies, shorts, and a tank out of my drawers and put them on.

  “Bummer,” Emma said with a sigh, as she held Vegas.

  “I’m sure you’ll see me naked again.”

  “Will I?” she asked, and she looked so worried about what my answer would be.

  “I mean, I guess? I don’t know, Em. This all is happening really fast and I’m tired and I think I just need to shut down for a little while. Is that okay? I’ll take the puppy though.” I held out my arms for him and she passed him over.

  “Yeah, yeah. That’s fine.” It definitely didn’t sound fine, but I needed a break from all this. My entire world had been flipped on its axis and I was floating around in zero gravity and trying to figure out how to stand up again. That was going to take time and sleep and a lot of thinking and processing. I couldn’t do that all in one night, and I didn’t know how to tell Emma that now I needed space from her.

  “It’s a lot,” I said, rubbing Vegas’ ears. He loved having them rubbed for some reason.

  “Yeah, fine,” she said, but her face fell anyway. It hurt me that she was hurting, but I needed this and I hoped she would understand that.

  “I need a snack,” I said, putting my hand on my grumbling stomach. “Like right now. You hungry?”

  “Maybe a little.” I heard another stomach noise, and it wasn’t mine. Hers was complaining too.

  “Come on,” I said, putting the puppy down. He bolted out the door and into the living room and I heard the frantic squeaking of a toy. We needed to remember to put away the noisy toys before we went to bed every night so he wouldn
’t sneak them out and then we’d hear them in the middle of the night.

  “What are you going to make?” she asked as I stared into the pantry and then opened the fridge.

  “It’s time for . . .” I made my voice deep and intense. “Lazy Charcuterie.” That was what I called it when I wanted to eat crackers and cheese for dinner. I didn’t want to cook or do anything too complicated because I was tired and needed something fast.

  “I have some brie, if you want.” Of course she did. Emma always had the good stuff. I raided the fridge and she helped me set up a tray with a few different kinds of crackers, several cheeses, some pepperoni, some grapes, a few handfuls of nuts, and some small candy bars I’d found that I had probably stashed here in case of PMS.

  “Classy AF,” I said, looking at the creation. Emma arranged it much more artfully than I would have.

  “Shall we?” I asked, picking up the tray. Emma got some seltzer waters and followed me to the couch. I put my feet up on the coffee table and tried to keep the food out of puppy reach.

  “Maybe we should do this in bed. I’m having visions of him just flipping this entire thing and then us being really sad. Your room?” My bed was covered in sex sheets that I was going to need to change before I went to bed. I was definitely going to make Emma help me change them since she was partially responsible for them being sex sheets in the first place.

  “Sure,” she said, but I could sense hesitation, but she followed me with the drinks as Vegas frolicked happily along beside us, totally convinced that we had made an entire tray of delicious snacks for him. I was going to sneak him some pepperoni when Emma wasn’t looking. I couldn’t be a total monster and deny his sweet face.

  We both climbed on Emma’s bed and then Vegas whined to be let up.

  “I don’t think we’re going to be able to do this with him up here.” Emma pulled something out of her nightstand.


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