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Big Flirt: A Flirt Club collection

Page 22

by Angel Devlin

  Casey shouted her over and Audrina squeezed my shoulder and walked away.

  Should I make the first move?

  It could all end up in tears.

  But then if Ty went and dated someone else maybe I’d be in tears anyway.

  Where was that wine again?

  “Hi there.” A guy with dark blond hair and green eyes stood in front of me. “Sherry, right? Dante asked me to come check see you were okay because you were on your own. I’m Blake, named after the poet William. I think I got the lucky break there, they were between that and Poe.”

  I laughed.

  He held his hand out to shake and I took it, but instead he pulled me in toward him and gave me a hug, before letting me go. “Dante told me everything. You looked like you needed one.”

  “You hear me complaining?” I told him. “I’m going to call it quits tonight though, and that’s nothing to do with you. The events of the week have been rather overwhelming and I’m tired. So if you’d excuse me.”

  “Well, I bid you a good night but I hope you’ll come to my funeral.”

  I looked at him, my brow creased.

  “Dante asked me to do this. Not that it was any hardship because you’re absolutely gorgeous, but he wanted to see his friend’s reaction. Now I’ve seen it I’m going to run for my life. See you around.” Blake dashed back toward his brother. I turned around and found Ty stood next to me, glaring at me.

  “What did Blake want? You want to watch him, he’s a lady’s man.”

  “Thanks for the warning. It’s good that I have friend’s like you on my side.” I glared back. “But I can handle men like Blake all on my own. Anyway, he was nice.”

  “Nice?” Ty almost growled, his tone had gone so low.

  “Yes, nice. Anyway, I’m going back to my room now. I’m tired.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No, stay with your friends. I can sit in the back of a cab on my own like I did on the way here no problem at all.”

  And with that, I said my goodbyes and left.

  When I got home, I made a hot drink and went straight to bed.

  Chapter Nine


  I stood there in the bookstore not knowing what the hell to do.

  I’d sat in the front of the cab because I felt too nervous to sit in the back with her. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a tight black top and blue skin-tight jeans that hugged her ass; her blonde hair curled. If I’d been that close to her, my feelings would have been very clear. I’d have had to sit with her purse across my lap.

  But now she was offended and not talking to me. Well, I would say my goodbyes, follow her home in a cab and then go to say sorry. After that, if she gave me another clue she was interested, then fuck it, I was making a move. I’d had all on not to grab Blake by the shirt collar and push him away when I’d seen him hug her.

  As I entered the apartment later than I’d intended due to being caught in conversations with people as I tried to say goodbye, the lights were all out and light snoring came from Sherry’s doorway. I’d missed my opportunity.

  I grabbed a bottle of scotch and a glass and sat in the living room, not knowing what the fuck I should do. Though I knew the answer didn’t lie in a bottle, it certainly felt needed tonight.

  I woke early, surprisingly free of a hangover, and so went into the kitchen to fix coffee. I heard Sherry get up and the shower running, and I started running through things I could say, in my head. Did I start straight off with an apology? Did I actually tell her what I was really feeling? Should I ask her on a date? I’d never felt so confused in all of my life.

  But that was nothing to how I felt fifteen minutes later when the outer door banged and I realized that Sherry had left without even saying good morning to me.

  I really had messed up this time.

  Tonight I was going to have to apologize and tell her how I really felt, and if it all blew up in my face, well, I was a paramedic. I’d have to save myself.

  Chapter Ten


  “Asshole. Stupid idiot asshole.” I flung a pencil down on my desk. I couldn’t concentrate this morning and it was all Ty’s fault.

  I heard a giggle from the doorway behind me and spun around on my desk chair, my heart palpitating. Shit! I needed to be professional. This was a brand-new job, I didn’t need to be fucking this up. Glancing at the doorway, I found Ella standing there. She knocked on the doorjamb. “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” I beckoned her in. “Hi, Ella. It was great to meet you last night.”

  “Yeah, about that. I came to apologize for putting my foot in it. I didn’t know about your wedding, well, non-wedding.”

  “Seriously, don’t worry about it. It was the right decision and I’m not embarrassed about it at all. Would you like a drink?”

  “Just a water would be nice, thank you.”

  “So have you decided to go through with your own wedding? Only it seemed like you weren’t keen last night, though I don’t think your fiancé is letting you get away with not going.”

  “Yeah, I’m getting married. It’s just when I dreamed of my big day, I didn’t have a fat stomach in my mind. Rather I was a svelte bride. It was all a complete fantasy anyway. I’m five foot four and plump without being pregnant!”

  “You’re lovely and I’m jealous that you’re getting married and having lovely, cuddly babies. I thought that was my next chapter in life, but I’ve closed the book on that for now.”

  Ella pulled up a spare chair at the side of me. “That must be rough.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I feel guilty that I don’t feel devastated.”

  “You really made the right decision then? And it was a joint one?”

  Nodding, I pulled an imaginary piece of fluff off my top. “Yeah, guess we’d both just been settling. Now I like someone else, and I think they like me, but I worry it’s too soon.”

  “Could be a rebound, I suppose.”

  “That’s what I’m wondering. I liked this guy, found him attractive, and now I’m sharing an apartment with him.”

  Ella’s eyes widened.

  “I’m his new roommate.”

  “You’re screwed then. That’s how Finn and I met and look at me now.” She stroked her stomach tenderly.


  “Yeah, we did the whole lusting after each other and not saying a word for a year. Then I joined a dating agency. You can meet the owner next Wednesday if you come down to Dante’s bookstore at 7pm. Finn contacted Grace and well, long story short, I thought I had two suitors writing to me and they were both Finn!”

  “Oh my god. That’s crazy.”

  “Right? Anyway, it totally inspired Grace’s next book about love maybe being closer than you think and to consider that before you explore the alternatives. Sounds like you might need a copy.”

  “Could be. I’ll definitely come along. God, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be like you and Finn were, but what if I am just wanting something with him because of what just happened to me?”

  “Sounds like you need to take a little time to think about things more. Just don’t leave it a year okay? It’s wasted time.”

  Ella finished her water. “Okay, I’d better get to my meeting. Lovely seeing you again and hopefully I’ll see you next Wednesday at the bookstore.”

  “You definitely will. I’m entirely intrigued by this Grace Graham woman.”

  “Look her up online. Mine and Finn’s story is on her website.”

  “I will. Thanks for popping in, Ella. It was great to see you again.”

  “Well, you’ll be stuck with us all now. There’s me, Jodi, Audrina, and Casey, and we quite often meet at the coffee shop after work and grab a pizza and then gossip. With you being Riley and Tasha’s friend, you’re in the girly gang now.”

  I beamed. “I’m honored. Can’t wait. I love pizza.”

  We exchanged cell numbers and email addresses and she left.

  And I f
elt a lot more positive.

  When I got home, I found a message on the table from Ty saying he was on a late shift and wouldn’t be home until after ten at the earliest. I’d been going to apologize by ordering a takeaway pizza. I decided to do it anyway. He could warm his up when he got home. I was sure he’d be hungry. After enjoying mine, I made my way to bed with my Kindle and enjoyed a read and an early night.

  Saturday dawned and I wasn’t sure what to do with my day. This time last week I’d been getting ready for the wedding that never happened. In just over a week’s time Kade would be back and reality would hit home more.

  Grabbing my Kindle from the side, I stretched my toes and got back down under the covers. For a start I’d have a lazy morning.

  A knock came to the door and a quick glance at my alarm clock showed me it was just after midday.

  “Yeah?” I yelled out, a croak coming from my dry throat.

  “I was just checking you were still alive in there.” Ty’s voice was a mumble through the door.

  “Just being lazy.”

  “Want a coffee?”

  “I’d love one.”

  “Cooked breakfast?”

  “Yes please.” My stomach rumbled in anticipation.

  Footsteps padded away and I heard the sounds of cabinets banging and crockery and pans being moved around.

  I decided that I’d just put a robe on and wander to the kitchen and then after my food I’d crawl back in my bed to read a little more. My calendar was empty and so I thought a pamper day was just the ticket. I’d have a soak in the tub later, and finish with a chick flick maybe—no actually, I could do without a happy ever after romance—I’d watch an action movie. Maybe Ty might want to join me?

  Heading into the kitchen, I pulled my robe tighter around myself and took a seat at the table.

  “Hey, so I’m sorry about Thursday night. I don’t know what was up with me. Think I was just tired. It’d been a strange week: new home, new job.”

  “You left me pizza. All is forgiven.” Ty grinned at me as he put a plate of crispy grilled bacon, along with eggs and toast in front of me.

  “Oh my god.” I groaned in delight. “I am soooo hungry right now.”

  Coffee came next. “Never am I lying in ever again. My stomach does not like being kept waiting for sustenance.”

  We ate in companionable almost silence, with small talk in between about our days at work.

  “That’s great that you made a couple more friends. And I don’t have to tell you that none of us guys will be at Dante’s bookstore on Wednesday night. Matchmaking by letter writing? Sounds far too much like hard work. What’s wrong with a text?”

  “Ty, it’s romantic.”

  He pulled a face.

  “Yeah, I know. I feel the same way. Now, I fully intend to laze about all day, but then how about we watch an action flick tonight, get popcorn and drinks and stuff?”

  “Sounds good. I’ve no plans since my friends became pussy-whipped.”

  “Likewise, since mine became dick-lashed.”

  We both burst out into hearty guffaws.

  And that’s pretty much how the whole weekend went. Ty came out with me on the Sunday to purchase some paint and helped me decorate the guest room, though he made mock-retching noises at the pale lemon I’d chosen, protesting that I was ‘girlying’ up his space. He then let me persuade him to get a few cushions and a rug for his living room.

  We watched another movie Sunday night and by the time I went to bed I felt happier and more content than I’d done in a long time. I still fancied Ty like mad and we got on really well, but I was getting to know him better and not rushing into things and I felt that was wise.

  Even if my body protested.

  Chapter Eleven


  I had blue balls.

  Even though I’d jerked off a couple of times while having a shower, I was still walking around with a permanent semi anytime I was near, or thought of, Sherry.

  We were getting on so well. How did I move things onto the next level? I was more convinced than ever that she was the girl for me. However, she just seemed happy enough to be my friend. I wasn’t getting any vibes from her at all now that she found me hot. Maybe it had just been the alcohol talking?

  Tonight she was off to this book signing and so me, Seth and Shane were meeting for beer and steak. I couldn’t wait. Time with my buddies without them making goo-goo eyes at their girlfriend. Dante was on his own.

  My phone dinged with a text.

  Seth: Tasha doesn’t think it’s fair we leave Dante with a group of women. So, erm, bookstore at 7pm?

  You had got to be kidding me. I needed new friends.

  Me: Fine. I’ll come look for your missing balls in her purse.

  Seth: I know, but she looks after them so well ;)

  Great. Steak and beer had turned into lemonade and a cupcake while I listened to a talk on romance.

  Fuck my life.

  Oh Christ. It was even worse than I thought. Women were gathered around this Grace Graham woman like she was the Second Coming and us guys had to be quiet soon as she was going to do a reading from her book. Sure enough the only thing to eat was cupcakes and heart shaped cookies. They hadn’t made a small dint in my manly appetite.

  “Your face. Could you be any more transparent that you’d rather be any place than here?” Dante complained. “Please fake it, for me. You’re going to be putting my customers off true love and that’s why they are all here tonight. I need them buying that book.”

  “It’s okay for you lot. You’re going home to your loved ones where no doubt you’ll get an award for being a good boy.” I exhaled loudly. “And I’ll just be on my own, once again.”

  “Can you keep an eye on the shop a minute?” Dante asked me.

  “Uh, sure, for how long?”

  “Just as long as it takes to nip out and buy a violin.”

  “Screw you.”

  “If we can have quiet now please. Grace is going to commence her reading.” Riley announced.

  Aaarrrggghhhh, help me Lord.

  “Thanks for being here tonight everyone. Excuse me if I get a little nervous, but this is my first book tour and while I matchmake lots of lonely hearts, I do that from the safety of my home and office. It’s not often I get out to meet people.

  “So, my book is dedicated to two people here tonight: Finn and Ella. It was their romance that inspired me to write a book on finding love. While of course the book covers my dating agency and how I started it with the writing of love letters, there’s also general advice on looking for love and that’s the piece I want to read to you today.”

  Grace took a small sip of water, cleared her throat and then opened her book at the page she had marked with a pink sticker.

  “It was while I was in the process of matching up a woman from New York City that the strangest thing occurred. I received a letter from the roommate of the woman, asking me if I would not send her any matches. I couldn’t do this. I needed to keep my agency’s good name and ethical standards, so we agreed instead that I would run him through the books and see if he came out as a match. It showed was that Ella’s love match had been there all along, right in front of her eyes, and talking to them both afterwards, if either had taken a chance, they could have got together a lot sooner, instead of staying in the friends zone.”

  I started to shuffle uncomfortably on my feet. This was a little close to home.

  “So what this part of the book says is that before you contact dating agencies or ask friends to set you up on blind dates, just look around you, and see if that perfect person is already there; and if he or she is, then take a chance. Take a chance on love. It might just give you your happy ever after, like it has Finn and Ella.”

  She closed the book, and everyone burst into a huge round of applause. I went over and grabbed another cupcake so I didn’t have to look at anyone, because if my gaze met Sherry’s right now, I didn’t know what I’d do. Probably get
down on fucking bended knee or something. Now, I’d decided Grace Graham was amazing and I needed a copy of that book.

  Might as well get it signed.

  I know, I’d pretend to get it for my sister. But just not have her name put on it.

  “Sherry’s staring at you. For God’s sake ask her out. You just spend all your time mooning at each other.” Seth whined.

  “We’re friends and roommates.”

  “If you really believe that you’re deluded. Everyone here can see you have the hots for each other. Everyone. Do you think me and Shane really wanted to come hang around here tonight? It was Tasha’s idea. She thought given the subject matter it might get either of you to see sense. Now get in that queue at the side of her and make sure you take her home.”

  I saluted him and swallowing hard, made my way to Sherry.



  “I’m going to get a copy of the book for my sister.”

  “Me too.” Sherry replied. “I mean, I don’t think I’m looking for my one true love right now, not two weeks after running out on my own wedding, am I?”

  “Er, right, yes, of course you’re not. And I’m not getting the book for myself. I mean I don’t need a dating guru to get me a girlfriend, do I? I’m happy being single right now anyway. Bad enough seeing those lovesick idiots.” I gestured with a nod of my head over to the guys.


  “Are you wanting a book?” Grace Graham was looking at us both with a bemused look on her face. “For your sisters, of course.”


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