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Page 11

by Alyssa Day

  Jack and I stood and watched Susan and the deputies take the mayor and the thugs, who turned out to be vampires, into custody. Susan rode personally in the ambulance with Ronald, who shot me a look of such loathing when they strapped him to the gurney that I almost took it as a compliment.

  "Ready to go?"

  "More than ready."

  When we walked past the ambulance, Susan called out to us.

  "Hey, did you hear that Elvis has left the building?"

  I grinned. "Old joke now, Lorraine already used it."

  "Okay, did you hear that another hurricane is coming up right behind it?"

  "Oh, great. Lorraine will have us all doing hurricane prep for sure. What's the new one called?"

  "Hurricane Frank Sinatra."

  She grinned at me, probably happy to have the last word, and then she closed the ambulance door, and they sped off.

  Jack put his arm around me. "So, Tess."

  I knew what was coming. "Don't. Just don't."

  "I was just going to say I'll help with hurricane prep."

  I started for the truck. I'd shot a person. I'd shot a person.

  In a weird way, I was upset that I wasn't more upset about it.

  "Good. Great. Thanks," I told Jack absently. "There will be lots to do."

  He grinned and kissed the top of my head. "But—"

  "Don't do it," I warned him.

  Naturally, he ignored me completely. "I'll do it My Way."

  "I'm starting to like the idea of that tiger-skin rug …"

  "So violent. Can we make out in the truck now?"


  On the way back to my house, we stopped at the stoplight outside of Beau's.

  "Isn't that Mrs. Gonzalez?" Jack pointed.

  I looked, and sure enough there she was, arm in arm with a handsome guy about my age. She caught sight of us and waved and smiled, but the man with her ignored us.

  "Who was that?"

  "No idea. Maybe one of Susan's cousins. She said a lot of family was coming into town."

  When we reached my house, I smiled. Finally, I planned to get a great night's sleep tonight. No Ivans or Ronalds were out there plotting nefarious deeds.

  No alligators.


  Jack walked with me up to my door and stopped me before I went inside.

  "So. Saturday we try again?"

  A warm wave of happiness washed over me, in spite of the fact that I'd shot the mayor in the foot. After all, he'd deserved it.


  "And you'll wear that red dress?"

  "I'll wear The Dress."

  He grinned. "Okay, but this time we're leaving our phones at home. Because if our date gets ruined again, I'll have to check into…"

  "Don't do it. I'm warning you. Just Don't Do It."

  "Heartbreak Hotel."

  I couldn't help it.

  I started laughing. And then I kissed him.

  "Oh, Jack. Is it any wonder I'm Stuck on You?”

  Respectfully Submitted,

  Tiger’s Eye Investigations

  Are you dying to know what happens when it's Christmas time in Dead End, and the man pretending to be poor Mrs. Gonzalez's long-dead husband is actually a criminal from her family's dark past?? This year Santa's bringing … murder! Preorder A DEAD END CHRISTMAS HERE!!

  Missed the beginning of the Tiger's Eye Mysteries? Find out how it all started when a tiger, an alligator, and a redneck walked into Tess's pawnshop! Get DEAD EYE FREE HERE!

  I’m thrilled to announce that the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries will continue for at least fifteen books in total, and you’ll be able to read the continuing adventures of Jack, Tess, and the gang for years to come!

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  Excerpt from DEAD EYE

  The first in the Tiger's Eye mysteries, now available FREE HERE!

  * * *

  A tiger, an alligator, and a redneck walked into my pawnshop.

  I sighed when I realized my life had devolved into the opening line of a tired joke, but I was awfully glad to see the tiger. Maybe now we could finally get things straightened out.

  And to be fair, the alligator didn’t exactly walk, so much as it rolled in on a cart. It had been the unfortunate victim of some really bad taxidermy, and stared out at the world from two mismatched eyes, its mouth open in a half-hearted attempt at ferocity or, more likely, indignation about the sparkly pink scarf wrapped around its neck. It had been wearing a blue plaid scarf the last time I’d seen it. Apparently even stuffed alligators had better wardrobes than I did.

  The redneck, lean and wiry in a desert-camo t-shirt and baggy khaki pants, shuffled in sideways, pushing the rolling cart and casting frequent wary glances back over his shoulder at the tiger.

  Jack Shepherd was the tiger, and he had nothing at all to do with the redneck or the alligator. The pawnshop, however, was a different story. The pawnshop, according to the will my late boss—Jack’s uncle Jeremiah—had left in the top drawer of his ancient desk, now belonged to Jack.

  At least, fifty percent of it did. The other half was mine. I was still trying not to feel guilty about that.

  “Nice to see you again, Jack,” I said, and my voice was almost entirely steady. If he’d been any other man, my hormones might have perked up and taken notice. When I was sixteen, I’d certainly entertained more than a few swoony thoughts about him. Jack was maybe four inches over six feet and seriously hot. Hard muscle in all the right places, wavy bronze hair streaked with gold, and dark green eyes. He looked like trouble walking in blue jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. Okay, so I noticed. But I knew enough about Jack to know better than to even think in that direction.

  As if I could, anyway.

  Jack walked up and held out his hand like he wanted to shake mine. I ignored it. “Tess? Tess Callahan? When did you grow up?”

  “In the ten years since you’ve bothered to visit.”

  A shadow of pain crossed his face as he slowly lowered his hand, and I felt a twinge of guilt. But only a twinge. Jeremiah had waited and waited for a call from his nephew—for any word at all—but we’d only heard about what Jack was up to from unreliable news reports and shady underground sources. Jeremiah had fretted himself nearly to death, worrying.

  Otis the redneck, still lurking by his alligator, was leaning forward, eager to catch every word so he could spread the news later to his buddies over coffee at Beau’s. His eyes gleamed as he watched the interplay. “Tess don’t shake hands, Mister. She don’t let people touch her.”

  Right. Enough of that.

  “I don’t think so, Otis,” I told him. “I told you last time that I wasn’t taking that decrepit alligator in pawn one more time.”

  “Aw, come on, Tess,” he whined. “One more time, that’s all. I got a hunch about a good one down to the greyhound track. You gave me a hunnerd for Fluffy last time. I’ll take fifty.”

  “Fluffy?” Jack asked. “You named a dead gator Fluffy?”

  Otis glared at him. “Her name was Fluffy when she was alive, Mister, not that it’s any
of your business.”

  “When was she alive? About a century ago?” Jack nodded at the dilapidated gator coated in about an inch of dust. “And did she wear the scarf when she was alive too?”

  Otis didn’t even crack a smile. “Maybe you’ll be wearing the scarf, if you don’t shut your mouth, tourist. I’m trying to make a transaction here.”

  Since Otis was at least seventy years old and probably weighed a buck twenty soaking wet, I was betting that Jack didn’t consider him to be much of a threat.

  “Pink’s totally my color,” Jack said, deadpan.

  I blew out a breath. Better to pay Otis, or he’d never leave. I pushed the button on the antique cash register, and the bell pealed and startled both of them. I counted out fifty dollars. “That’s not a tourist, Otis. That’s Jeremiah’s nephew, Jack. Take this and go, please. We’ll write it up later.”

  Otis glanced back and forth between me and Jack, started to speak, but then must have decided not to press his luck. He scurried over to the counter, snatched the money, and then almost ran out of the store.

  “Maybe he’ll win at the track,” Jack said.

  “Never happened before, but there’s always a first time. Kind of like you walking into the pawnshop this decade,” I said, refusing to be engaged in small talk.

  “Yeah. Well, now I’m finally home, and home is looking like the ass-end of a stuffed gator,” he said flatly. “Not exactly the family reunion I’d envisioned.”

  He had a point. No matter what the circumstances, Jack was Jeremiah’s family, and I’d loved Jeremiah. Jack probably had too, in his own way. I needed to shape up and cut him some slack. Plus, according to the terms of Jeremiah’s will, I would be forced to have some interaction with this man. I took a deep breath and tried to smile. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Let’s try again. Welcome to Dead End, Jack. It’s nice to see you. I guess we’re partners.”

  “About that. I don’t want a damned pawnshop, not even half of one. Who do we need to talk to for me to sign it over to you?”

  Jack looked around the shop, and I tried to see the familiar place through his eyes. It was an old building, but sparkling clean, stuffed with display cases filled with the usual pawnshop staples of jewelry, guns, and not-quite-antiques. Collectibles, we called them when we were being generous. Junk, when we weren’t.

  But Dead End Pawn was also home to the unusual and the bizarre, because Jeremiah’s interest in the supernatural was well known to everybody within at least a five-county radius. If a vampire broke a fang and wanted to sell it, or a witch was hard up for cash and wanted to pawn a minor object of power, Jeremiah was the one they went to see.

  Jeremiah, for more than forty years, and now me (except for the fangs).

  But apparently not Jack.

  “I can’t afford to buy you out yet,” I said, standing up to my full five-foot-eight and raising my chin. “And I don’t want to sell. I’m hoping we can work something out.”

  Jack pointed to Fluffy. “Really? Not flush with cash, are you? I can’t say I’m shocked.”

  I felt my face turning red, which I hated, since it clashed with my red hair. “Look. Otis is a special case. He was a friend of Jeremiah’s, and he’s always good for a loan. Not that I need to justify my business decisions to you.”

  He shrugged, which naturally made me notice his broad shoulders, and then he turned to look at the oversized items hanging on the back wall, which made me notice his world-class butt, and I wanted to clutch my head and moan. Just what I did not need. To be interested in Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerous—especially when he spent part of his time stalking around in his Bengal tiger form. Dating had usually been off-limits for me until I figured out how to date without actually touching the guy I was seeing, like Owen, or until my research into my nasty little eighteenth-birthday gift paid off.

  The bell on the door jingled, and I saw Mrs. Gonzalez peek in. She was eighty going on a hundred and fifty and kept trying to get me to go out with her grandson. I really didn’t have time for this today.

  “We’re closed,” Jack said gently, smiling at her. “Please come back tomorrow.”

  I could feel my hackles rising at his nerve, but then I glanced at the clock and it was already ten till six. Jack and I really did need to talk.

  “I don’t know you. You could be an axe murderer. Get out of my way and let me see Tess,” she retorted, peering up at him through her curly white bangs.

  Great. Next she’d call the sheriff, and I’d have to deal with him, which would be the cherry on the cake of my freaking life.

  “This is Jeremiah’s nephew,” I said, hurrying over to reassure her. “We need to discuss some things, Mrs. Gonzalez. Would it be okay if we talk tomorrow?”

  She sniffed. “Well, he could have just told me that.”

  “I apologize, ma’am,” Jack said solemnly.

  Mrs. Gonzalez accepted the apology with a queenly nod, backed out of the door, and tottered off.

  I turned around and realized I was standing so close to Jack that I could smell him: the tantalizing scent of green forest with a hint of something sharp and spicy and very, very masculine.

  “Are you smelling me?” He sounded amused. “I thought that was more a cat thing than a human thing.”

  I closed my eyes and prayed for the patron saint of pawnshops and stupid people to open a hole in the floor and swallow me. Unfortunately, nothing happened, which just reminded me that I hadn’t been to church in nearly a month. Needed to add that to the list. It was getting to be a long freaking list.

  “No. Allergies,” I mumbled. “Sniffles.”

  “If you’re allergic to cats, we might have a problem with this conversation,” he drawled, clearly getting more than a little entertainment out of my humiliation.


  “Can we just get down to business?” I retreated to my safe spot behind the counter. “We need to see Jeremiah’s lawyer, Mr. Chen, and figure out—”

  “I don’t want to figure out anything, and I don’t like lawyers. I told you, I don’t want the pawnshop, not even for the chance to work with a gorgeous redhead with long legs and big blue eyes.” He looked positively predatory when he said it, and I suddenly knew just how a field mouse felt when it saw the shadow of a hawk.

  “I’m not a mouse,” I said firmly. “You can keep your false flattery to yourself. We need to be legal about whatever it is you want to do. If you don’t want half the shop, we need to work out a payment plan, and—”

  “You can give me Fluffy for my share,” he said, cutting me off again, and smiling a slow, dangerous smile that would have made my Aunt Ruby slap his face or shoot him if she’d seen him aim it at me.

  I, proud of my restraint, did neither of those things. I also didn’t leap over the counter and jump on him, which was pretty impressive, considering how long it had been since I’d had sex. Instead, I took a deep breath and tried to think of how to convince a thick-skulled tiger that we had to go talk to the lawyer.

  A loud thumping noise at the back door interrupted my train of thought, and I jumped about a foot in the air. The roar of someone flooring a truck engine followed. Jack vaulted over the counter in a single leap, not even using his hands, and started to open the door before I could protest.

  “Don’t open it. It might be—” I was afraid to even say it. It couldn’t be.

  “Son of a bitch,” Jack growled. “Tess, someone just dumped a dead body at your back door.”

  “Not again,” I moaned.

  He whirled around. “Not again? What the hell does that mean?”

  My knees gave out, and I collapsed back against the counter. “That’s how I found Jeremiah.”


  About the Author

  Text ALYSSADAY to 66866 or go to my website at to sign up for my newsletter and get free books, release day news, behind-the-scenes scoop, win prizes, find out where Alyssa will be making personal appearances, and more!

Q: “What is the reading order of your books?”

  A: Here you go: --> ALYSSA DAY BOOK ORDER

  Alyssa Day is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than forty novels filled with kissing, laughter, mystery and magic. Alyssa’s paranormal series include the Poseidon’s Warriors and Cardinal Witches paranormal romances and the Tiger’s Eye Mysteries paranormal mysteries. In an Alyssa Day book, the good guys (and gals!) always win and happily ever after always prevails!

  Alyssa's many awards include Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award for outstanding romance and the coveted RT Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Romance novel of 2012. She's a recovering trial lawyer who loves life outside of a courtroom. Her books have been translated into a zillion languages, but she’s still holding out for Klingon.

  You can hang out with her on Facebook (, Instagram (@authoralyssaday), where she posts way too many pictures of her pug puppy and her future pug ranch, and her blog, where she talks openly about her crazy family, her rescue pups, her struggles with depression and more. (

  Books by Alyssa


  Dead Eye

  Private Eye

  Travelling Eye (a short story)

  Evil Eye

  Eye of Danger

  Eye of the Storm

  A Dead End Christmas

  * * *


  Halloween in Atlantis

  Christmas in Atlantis

  January in Atlantis

  February in Atlantis

  March in Atlantis

  April in Atlantis


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