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Page 6

by TJ Hines

  “We have to call the police,” she said frantically as she searched.

  “But I am not positive it is following us,” I said trying to calm her down.

  Addison started hyperventilating when she saw that her phone was dead. I told her mine didn’t have a strong enough signal to make a call. I could text someone, but who? Will’s gone. Abby was probably…tied up (I hope not literally—but who knows, she might be into that). I could text Tyler, but I couldn’t remember his number. And it’s not like you can text the police.

  “There is usually a security guard on duty at the Quickmart,” I said trying to remain calm. I hoped that if I appeared in control she would start to relax.

  Finally, the store came into view. Thankfully, I saw two other vehicles at the pumps. I pulled right up to the front door, glanced back to see if the SUV followed us. It had so I told Addison to get inside the store.

  “You’re coming in with me, aren’t you?” Addison asked opening the car door.

  “I’ll be right behind you.” I didn’t want to mention the second part of my plan. “Now Go!” I said pushing her out of the car.

  Addison rushed into the store without glancing back to see if I was behind her or not. I climbed out of the car with my keys in my hand. Not because I was afraid someone might steal my car, but because Jack made me carry a bottle of pepper spray on my key chain.

  I needed the pepper spray for part two of my plan—confrontation. I know. I know. Any sane person would walk into the store and call the police. I, however, have concluded that I am not completely sane. And I had to know who was following us and why.

  The driver side door opened and someone huge stepped out into the night. I gasped at how huge this person was. It was too dark where he had parked for me to tell who our ‘stalker’ was. But I knew without a doubt that the driver of the SUV was walking towards me right now. I should have run, but I couldn’t. I had to know who it was. Besides there were witnesses present, the likelihood of something bad happening to me was remote.

  “What do you want?” I yelled loudly hoping he would leave me alone if he realized how much noise I could make.

  “Kinsey, calm down, it’s me.” A familiar voice said from the darkness.

  I knew that voice. I immediately felt a wave of relief wash over me.

  “Damn it, Drew. You almost gave me a coronary.”

  “Sorry. I was trying to call you to let you know we were behind you, but I couldn’t get a decent signal,” Drew said with his hands out in an I’m-not-going-to kill-you sort of way.

  I was about to ask who ‘we’ were, when Ensley walked up next to him with a very apologetic look on his face. Drew and Ensley were friends of Will’s, so by default I guess they were somewhat my friends too. Drew is actually Will’s roommate and one of Abby’s former boy toys.

  “Oh, Thank God. It’s just you guys. We were flipping out. I ran inside screaming for the security guard. Not here by the way. I was about to tell the clerk to call the police when I saw Ensley walking towards you,” Addison said so fast. She was panting and bent over like she was going to pass out.

  Ensley walked over to her and placed one of his hands on her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” He asked her.

  “I’ll be fine…in a moment. Jeez…you guys scared us,” Addison told Ensley.

  Ensley told her to take deep breaths. And she listened to him. I told her to calm down a thousand times and she wouldn’t or couldn’t for me.

  “Better?” He asked her.

  “Yeah. I think so,” she said straightening up.

  “We’re really sorry about scaring you, it was never our intent,” Ensley said trying to look into her eyes.

  It seemed to me that Ensley had a thing for Addison. Who would have thought? I never even realized that they knew each other that well. I know I have introduced them a time or two at Will’s, but I didn’t remember them talking to each other. I don’t know why I never thought about them two together before. They would be perfect for each other. Both of them are very smart and sensitive. And looking at them now—they are sooo cute together. I will have to set them up.

  “So…um…why were you guys following us?” Addison asked curiously, which silenced my mind babble.

  I looked back at Drew who had been looking at the scene between Addison and Ensley too. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a questioning look. He returned my look with a taunting smirk.

  “Oh. Uh. We were watching a movie tonight, too. We saw you ladies leaving the theater and we tried to get your attention to see if you wanted to get some ice cream with us. But, um, both of you were too busy…um…,” Ensley said seemingly embarrassed looking over at Drew for help.

  “Singing to yourselves,” Drew said finishing Ensley’s sentence. “Rather loudly and off key at that.”

  Drew grinned smugly at me while I overheard Ensley tell Addison that he thought it sounded very nice.

  I glared up at Drew. And I do mean up because Drew is six foot five and built like an NFL linebacker. Ensley is the exact opposite of Drew. He is maybe six foot, but that’s pushing it. He is somewhat geeky, but in that hot sort of way. Ensley is very sweet. He may not be as built as Drew, or even Will for that matter, but he definitely has muscle tone. His muscles seem to be longer and leaner than big and bulky. Ensley has shaggy brown hair that always looks like he just woke up (which makes him look even cuter). Whereas Drew is bald, he says by choice. But he definitely makes bald look good.

  “But that still doesn’t explain why you were following us,” I said still fuming from Drew’s comment about my singing. I think I sound great.

  “Because W-.” Ensley started to explain but stopped when Drew interrupted him.

  “We…,” Drew emphasized, “…were following you because you had a taillight out and we didn’t want you to get a ticket.”

  I glared at Drew trying to see if he was lying to me because to be honest his explanation didn’t make any sense. I had my oil changed last week and the mechanic said everything was in proper working order. I barely drove my car anywhere and it seemed unlikely that my taillight went out in one week when I may have driven my car four times. But I had no reason not to trust Drew and Ensley. They were Will’s closest friends next to me. And if he trusted them then so should I.

  “Well, thanks guys and I’m very sorry I flipped out on you earlier. I guess that movie shook me up a little more than I thought,” I said.

  “It was our fault. And you should have questioned us, you would be crazy not to. But Kinz, can I ask you something?” Drew asked.

  “Shoot,” I said.

  “Why did you start walking towards us if you didn’t know who we were?”

  I should have figured he would ask that question. Well now I’m caught. He would tell Will and Will would definitely flip out.

  “Oh, that. Um...,” I hesitated biting me lip.

  “Yeah, Kinsey. You said that you would be right behind me. What gives?” Addison asked.

  “Jeez. What is this? The Spanish Inquisition,” I said rolling my eyes at all three of them.

  They all stared at me waiting for a response. Ensley and Drew looked intrigued, but Addison was glowering at me.

  “Okay. Okay. I was…curious,” I said shrugging my shoulders.

  “Curious?” Ensley asked.

  “Of what?” Drew asked crossing his arms over his massive chest.

  “I was curious about who was following us and why.”

  “You what? Do you know how stupid, idiotic, and irresponsible that sounds? You could have been killed or kidnapped!” Addison yelled at me balling her hands into fists.

  “Sorry Addison. I wasn’t thinking. But the good news is nothing happened.”

  “Only because our friends were following us and not some psychopathic-blood thirsty killer!” She said still fuming over my lapse in judgment.

  She started to walk off. I reached out to grab her arm to apologize again, but she shook me off. I started to go aft
er her, but Ensley waved me off saying he would go after her. I didn’t mean to upset her. I guess I never considered how she would feel. I could have gotten us both hurt tonight. I kicked the tire of my car in frustration.

  “She’ll be okay. Ensley will calm her down. She’s just worried about you,” Drew said leaning up against my car.

  Addison finally walked back over to us and gave me a huge hug out of the blue.

  “You will never do that to me again. Promise me,” she said in a low voice.

  “I promise.” And I meant it too. I would never put her in danger again.


  After we said goodbye to Ensley and Drew, I dropped Addison off at her dorm. To be on the safe side, I waited for her to get completely inside before I drove off. When I got to my apartment, I saw Drew leaning against his Tahoe—apparently waiting on me.

  “Hey, stalker,” I said teasingly as I got out of my car.

  “Hey, victim. Do you need help with anything?” he asked noticing the three bags of clothes and backpack in my back seat.

  “Sure, that would be great,” I said handing him everything and throwing my purse around his neck.

  “Very funny.”

  “Fine you big baby. I’ll help.”

  “Take the purse. I don’t feel very manly with it around my neck,” he said bending down so I could take it off him without jumping.

  I tried to take another bag from him, but he wouldn’t let me. On the way up to my apartment, I decided to ask him a few questions about Will and his family.

  “So, what time did Will leave?”

  “Around six this morning, why?”

  “Just curious. He left me a note before he left. I guess he didn’t want to wake me up. Do you know what kind of family thing it was?” I asked fumbling around in my purse for my keys.

  “Not a clue. He said that he would be back tomorrow, and he would call when he made it.”

  “So, have you heard from him today?”

  “He called around two. He said he left you a voicemail because you were in class,” he said shifting the bags in his arms.

  “Oh, sorry. You can put them on the couch,” I said opening the front door and turning on the lights.

  Unfortunately, the couch was being used. Mike and Abby were making out heavily on my couch. They were both shirtless and I am sure that if we had not interrupted, they would have been naked in mere minutes. On MY couch!!!! Where I take naps. I suddenly felt very, very dirty. I wanted to run take a scalding hot shower and scour every part of my body and then burn the couch.

  “What the hell are you two doing on my couch?” I yelled.

  “It’s our couch, Kinsey. And I am spending time with my boyfriend. You should think about getting one—it might make you less of a grouch,” Abby said as she quickly started pulling her t-shirt back on.

  Mike sat there next to Abby making NO attempt to put his shirt on. He looked like he was enjoying the attention. What a prick!

  “Well, you have a room with a door. Maybe you should think about using it the next time you want to spend time with your latest boyfriend,” I said harshly.

  “It’s cozier on the couch, isn’t that right baby?” she said as she looked at Mike with her seductive smile. Mike just grinned at her and started kissing her AGAIN.

  I made a gagging sound whereas Drew laughed—loudly. Abby’s head spun around so fast that she reminded me of the girl from that Exorcist movie. If looks could kill, Drew would have been six feet under.

  “Why the hell is Drew in my apartment?” she asked me while glaring at Drew.

  Mike’s head snapped up at the mention of Drew’s name. Oh, so he’s heard of Drew. He was now glaring at Drew, too. I quickly glanced over at Drew to see if I was going to have to break up another testosterone-induced fight. But Drew seemed completely amused by Mike and Abby’s reactions. He had a huge grin on his face, but I did notice that his whole body was tensed like he was waiting for Mike to come at him.

  “Our apartment and I invited him, so maybe you should take Mike and go to your room and finish whatever we walked in on.”

  “I don’t want him in my apartment!” she screamed as she got up off the couch and stormed towards me.

  Seriously, she looked like she was about the throw a tantrum. I was picturing her kicking and screaming on the floor like a two-year-old that didn’t get her way. My mental picture only lasted for a moment before she was wagging her forefinger in my face. This, by the way, will piss anyone off—girl or guy. It is extremely rude having someone’s finger inches from your face. You don’t know where that finger has been or what it has been doing. It’s disgusting!!

  “Tell him to get out. Now!” she screamed at me, with her finger STILL in my face.

  “No. You two broke up like two years ago. Drew has gotten over it,” I said glancing at him, hoping I wasn’t speaking out of turn.

  “Way over it,” he said, with that grin plastered on his face, as he walked towards me.

  As soon as he moved towards me and Abby, Mike jumped off the couch and quickly went to Abby’s side. Oh please! Did he seriously think Drew was going to touch Abby? Drew was a complete teddy bear compared to Will. I’ve never even seen Drew angry. And to be quite honest, I hope I never do. Seriously, Drew is massive. He could snap poor little Mike in half. Which at this point, I would have welcomed.

  Fueled by Mike’s assumption that he thought Drew would physically harm a girl and the fact that Abby was starting to piss me off, I blew up.

  “Maybe you should try getting over him. That is what this whole tantrum is about, isn’t it? You are still pissed at Drew for breaking up with you—even though you cheated on him,” I said in my most sarcastic-smart ass way. I saw the look Mike gave Abby; she obviously had not told him that Drew broke up with her.

  “And Abby just so we are clear if you ever put your finger in my face again—I swear I will break it off your pretty little manicured hand.”

  “Let’s go for a walk and calm down,” Drew said pulling me towards the door.

  I started walking down the steps after Drew, trying to breathe in the cool night air. I could not believe what had happened. It’s true that Abby was being childish, immature, and rude, but we were friends and roommates. But I just couldn’t take it anymore. After two years of her attitude and opinions towards my friends, I had had enough. She is always telling me who I should go out with and who I should be friends with. I had to put a stop to it. Especially when the whole fight started because she wanted to tell me who I could and could not invite into our apartment. I have never once told her that Mike or any of her friends were not allowed in the apartment. She had some nerve.

  About the time I got to the bottom step, I heard the apartment door close. Good, I thought, they will go to bed and then tomorrow Abby and I can sit down and work this problem out. Unfortunately, Abby had other ideas.

  “We are not done, Kinsey Adams,” she yelled over the railing.

  “Oh yes, we are,” I yelled back up at her.

  Damn it. Why couldn’t she let it drop until we both calmed down? I heard her practically running down the stairs toward me. And it sounded like Mike was right behind her.

  “Let’s go for a drive. I need cleaner, less toxic, air,” I said to Drew.

  “Fine by me because I would hate to have to break up a girl fight tonight. I wouldn’t want either one of you to break a nail,” he said mockingly.

  I was in front of Drew’s Tahoe on the passenger side when Abby shoved me. I fell to the ground hard, scraping my hands on the asphalt. Before I had a chance to stand up on my own, Drew was picking me up. He put himself between me and Abby and started examining my hands to see if they were seriously hurt. I knew they were okay, so I tried to duck around him to get to her. He picked me up and tried to put me in his vehicle, but when he realized I was going to fight him to get out, he sat me back down. But he kept his arms around me to keep me from moving.

  “What the hell, Abby! Why are you bein
g such a stupid, spoiled little bitch tonight?” I yelled at her trying to break free from Drew’s grasp.

  “How dare you say that I still have feelings for him!” she growled.

  “You’re right, Abby. I shouldn’t have said it because you are clearly showing everyone how over him you truly are,” I said sarcastically.

  “Why don’t you back off,” Mike yelled at me.

  I finally wiggled free of Drew’s grasp about the time Abby started towards me. I do not condone fighting, but I didn’t start this. And I am not about to let her touch me again.

  So, when Abby raised her hand to slap me, I grabbed her hand and twisted it around. Then she tried to kick me. So, I gently pushed her away from me. Okay, so maybe it was more of a shove than a push and maybe it wasn’t all that gentle. But you would think I had shot her by the way she was acting. I started towards her again, but Drew’s arms were around me this time pulling me back.

  “You need to calm down, Kinsey. Before you do something you are going to regret,” Drew said.

  Mike picked Abby up from the ground and shot me a dirty look, which I returned. I was hoping Mike would come at me because I wouldn’t hold back on his arrogant ass. But I probably wouldn’t get the chance to touch him because Drew would have stepped in. And after my night, I would have enjoyed watching Drew break Mike into pieces. Hell, I would have even sold tickets.

  I tried to take deep cleansing breaths to calm myself as Mike led Abby back upstairs to our apartment. I knew that Drew wasn’t going to let go of me until he knew I was in control of my emotions and Abby was out of sight. After a few minutes, I stopped shaking and Drew released me.

  “Some night, huh?”

  “Yeah, it has definitely been memorable,” I said walking towards my car.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I need a drink.”

  “Alcohol never helps—okay it does sometimes, but right now I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to start drinking. So how about a walk instead?” Drew asked as he blocked the way to my car.

  “Fine. But I’m not ruling out the drink. After my night—I deserve one.”


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