Book Read Free


Page 9

by TJ Hines

  The fact that there were so many people there made it almost impossible to walk ten feet much less try to pick out the one guy I desperately wanted to find. I thought I saw him standing next to the makeshift stage which looked like the front of a very spooky haunted house. But when I started that way, I realized that it was one of his frat brothers. Picking out my toga-wearing frat guy in a sea of togas was proving to be extremely difficult. I began to backtrack to the bar area when I was spun around by some clown. Literally. Red nose, big shoes, makeup, the whole shebang. What self-respecting college student comes to a Halloween party dressed as a clown?

  “Wanna dance?” the weirdo clown asked.

  “I’m kinda looking for someone right now.”

  “Come on, one little dance,” he said taking my arm and pulling me towards him.

  Before I could protest, Tyler walked up to us and wrapped his arms around my waist. My hero. He was indeed dressed in a toga and my fantasy of him in a toga did not do him justice. He looked amazing. He smelled so good. He glared at the clown and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “She’s with me.”

  It was so awesome to hear this amazing specimen of a man say that I was with him. It must have been convincing too because the clown just backed away.

  “Thank you so much,” I said as I turned towards him.

  “No problem. I know that we are doing this for a good cause but some of these people are strange. Earlier, I saw two people dressed as…well…it’s kind of hard to explain,” he said shaking his head.

  He let go of me and took a step back. At first, I thought I had done something wrong, but it turns out he just wanted to look at my costume.

  “You look amazing. Seriously. Absolutely amazing. Of course, you always look great. So?” he asked spinning in a circle.

  “You are the best Greek Philosopher here,” I said winking at him.

  “Kinsey, I am the only philosopher here. The rest are just wearing togas.”

  “That’s not true. I saw another Greek Philosopher doing a keg stand.”

  “Haha. Very funny. You are quite the jokester tonight. So, are you having fun?”

  “Well, I just got here and almost forced to dance with a clown. So, what do you think?”

  “Let’s get you something to drink and see if we can’t turn your night around.”

  We went over to the bar area and thankfully Drew, Ella, and Ensley were no longer there. I scanned the crowd to see where my group had settled and that’s when I saw them. Abby and Mike dancing, very R-rated. Gross. I was beginning to think she had absolutely no dignity whatsoever. Why would she be dancing like that in public? And then I saw why she was dancing like that.

  My group of friends was settled at a small table in the corner of the Delta Chi backyard, right off from where everyone was dancing. Abby was grinding up on Mike because Ella, who Abby had never met before and didn’t realize was Will’s little sister, was sitting in Drew’s lap. She was livid with jealousy because Drew wasn’t even looking in her direction. Of course, Drew wasn’t the jealous type—well, at least I didn’t think he was. Mike was such an oblivious fool. How could he not see what she was doing?

  I scanned my group again. Addison looked like she was starting to enjoy herself. She was sitting between Ensley and Will but I did notice that she was closer to Ensley than she was Will. They looked so cute together. They were all laughing at some joke or comment that Drew made. Before I could turn back to where Tyler was at, Ella got my attention.

  She mouthed, ‘Is that the roomie?’ and pointed towards Abby who was now making out with Mike. She needs to learn the proper party etiquette, which was seven-fold. Number one—do not take your clothes off in public, number two—do not make out (porno style) in public, number three—do not mix your alcohol, number four—do not drink and drive, number five—never leave your drink unattended, number six—always use protection, and number seven—always know your limit because the biggest buzz killer is taking care of a friend who has drunk too much.

  I nodded at Ella. She laughed and gave me a thumbs up. I was taking it as her approval of the fight. I smiled back at her. I was going to love having her around to hang out with. I guess our silent conversation caught the attention of Will and Abby because both of them were staring at me. Will just smiled at me, until he saw who was with me. He kept smiling, but I could tell that it was now forced. Abby, however, glared at me. Obviously, she didn’t like the little finishing touches I did on the apartment.

  Tyler, who I had not told about the fight yet, started pulling me towards Mike and Abby. This keeps getting better. I really don’t condone fighting but if she lays one finger on me tonight, I swear I am going to throat punch her. I noticed, as I was being pulled along, that everyone at my group’s table had all eyes on me, which made me feel oddly empowered. I was ready for anything. If she somehow managed to actually catch me off guard and hit me, I knew that my girls would have my back. Okay, maybe not Addison, but I knew without a doubt that Ella would. And even though she was smaller than me, that girl looked tough. She had to have been growing up with two older brothers.

  “Hey guys, what’s up?” Tyler asked Mike and Abby. Both of them stared at me.

  I didn’t know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “Okay,” Tyler said dragging out the word realizing that something was wrong. “Well, I wanted to say hi. Kinsey and I are going somewhere a little quieter to talk. I’ll see you two later.”

  Tyler took my hand and started towards the house. I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to be completely alone with him but given the alternative of hanging outside with Abby or in the house. I chose the house. Every time.

  “Ty, don’t forget to get things set up for the auction in a little bit,” Mike called after us.

  “Got everything taken care of man. Don’t worry. It’ll be perfect,” Tyler yelled as we walked into the house.

  “What auction?” I asked as he led me into the Delta Chi computer room. It had been sanctioned off limits’ tonight because drunk co-eds and computers don’t mix well.

  “We are having a date auction tonight. Some girls and guys have volunteered to help us with it, and some have been volunteered by their friends. Of course, there are no guarantee’s if the people who have not willingly volunteered will actually go through with it, but I am pretty convincing.”

  “Oh. Well is it really safe? There could be some crazy person out there who could buy a date with some unsuspecting person and try to hurt them,” I said remembering my weird clown encounter from earlier tonight.

  “Well, the auctioneer will make sure that everyone knows that the auctionee has the right to decide what kind of date it is and where it takes place.”

  “Okay,” I said still unconvinced that it would be completely safe. That clown guy shook me up. He was really creepy. Honestly, I have always been a little scared of clowns. My parents took me to the circus when I was a little girl because Jack wanted to see the trapeze artists. I was like four and some clown squirted all of us in the face with water. I cried, Jack made fun of me, and I haven’t like clowns since that day.

  “Hey if you’re worried about creepy clown dude, don’t. My bros have already escorted him from the party. You were not the only girl he was trying to force to dance. The pledges at the front door are on strict orders not to let the guy back in. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”

  I was about to say thanks, but Tyler had other ideas in mind. I was about a foot away from him when he pulled me into his arms. He very gently took my witch’s hat off my head so that he wouldn’t mess up my hair. Then he took my face in both of his hands and very gently began to kiss me. He tasted like cinnamon and sugar. It took me a second to start kissing him back because I couldn’t honestly believe I was kissing Tyler. Tyler. Freaking Mitchell. They were very gentle kisses to start with, but the longer we kissed the more urgent and animalistic they became. The last time I had been kissed like that was in high school.

nbsp; Tyler untied my cape and laid it across the table next to us. He did all that without even breaking the rhythm of our kiss. He picked me up into his strong arms and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. I was so caught up in the passion of the moment that I had not even stopped to consider if we were moving too fast. His left hand grabbed the bottom of my thigh to pull me up a little more, but before anything else could happen, we heard someone on the microphone call Tyler’s name.

  “Dammit,” Tyler muttered. “I didn’t hear a thing, did you?”

  “Nope,” I said through kisses.

  “Tyler Mitchell, you are needed at the stage!”

  “I’m not going,” he said as he kissed the length of my neck.

  “If you don’t go out there then they will come find you,” I said as I reluctantly stopped kissing him.

  “Ugh. You’re right. I have to go—for now. But I definitely want to finish our discussion later,” he said before kissing me again. “Yep, I definitely wanted to finish this.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle. I thought it was funny that I could elicit this kind of response in a guy.

  “Hey, could you do me a favor?” I asked as I tied my cape back on.

  “Anything,” he said from the doorway.

  “Could you add someone else to your auctionee list for me?”

  “Anyone I know?” He asked raising his eyebrows.


  Tyler left the room first because we didn’t want it to get around that we were both in the room. I gave him a few minutes and then headed back outside to enjoy the festivities. This was going to be a great auction. I got Tyler to add Addison’s name to the list because I knew that this would help boost her confidence. I had noticed a lot of guys checking her out tonight, and hopefully one of them would buy a date with her.

  I heard Tyler and the auctioneer, a frat guy named Chip, go over the rules with everyone. Tyler also reminded everyone that the money raised was going to Children’s Hospital. He told everyone that some of the people on the auction list had not yet agreed because it was a surprise, so if they didn’t want to be part of the auction to raise money for sick kids then they could stay where they were. He was good at convincing people or better yet manipulating them. Who could possibly say no to that reasoning? Addison would have to go through with it. She would be mad at me when she found out. But she would definitely get over it when she realized how many guys were dying to go on a date with her.

  My group was already standing by the time I had reached them. I stood between Will and Addison because I figured I would have to give her the nudge to get up on stage. Abby caught my eye right before the auction began. She was smiling in her evil little way at me. Well, that cannot be a good sign.

  I turned back towards Will because I was not about to stoop down to Abby’s level. I came here to have a good time tonight and I was not going to let her get to me.

  “Hey, are you having fun?” I asked Will.

  “Sure,” he said with a smirk.

  “Well at least your sister is having a blast,” I said as a glanced towards Ella who was yelling and bidding on this hot Delta Chi.

  “Yeah, she got the ‘fun’ gene in our family,” he said laughing at Ella’s behavior.

  “Well, I am all yours for the rest of the night. We can sit around and make fun of the ridiculous costumes or drunken students. Whatever you want to do, you have my undivided attention, right after the auction—of course.”

  “Hmmm. Well as much as making fun of the drunks does sound appealing, I would like to talk to you about something,” he said turning towards me.

  “What? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine. Better than fine. It’s about you and me…um…I don’t really know how to say this…I…need another drink. I’ll be right back.”

  “But you’re our DD,” I called after him.

  “Ensley took over for me about thirty minutes after we got here.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, hurry back.”

  “I will,” he said smiling at me.

  “Addison, you know I love ya right?” I asked leaning towards her when Tyler gave me the nod that she was next.

  “Of course, why?”

  “Addison Williams, could you please make your way to the stage area,” the auctioneer called over the crowd.

  “Kinsey! What have you done?” she yelled at me.

  “It’s for your own good. Now get up there.”

  “No, absolutely not.”

  “Now Addison, you don’t want to disappoint the sick kids, do you?” I said jutting my lower lip out and giving her the only sad face I had.

  “Oh, of course not. But you will pay for this Kinsey Adams if it is the last thing I ever do.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Like I haven’t heard that one before,” I said pushing her towards the stage.

  “I can’t believe you did that. That was great. Me next,” Ella said with the biggest grin on her face.

  “Um, no,” Drew said to her. Ella scowled at him, which was quite hilarious because Ella had to tilt her head completely back to look in his eyes. She looked so small and fragile compared to him. “Well, Ensley, I guess you are gonna need some more money if you plan on getting a date with that girl.” Drew, who didn’t have any pockets in his costume, motioned for Will.

  “What?” Will asked as he quickly walked back towards us.

  “Ensley is gonna need some more money. Kinsey put Addison in the auction,” Drew said.

  “How much do you need?” Will asked Ensley.

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “Bid and then I’ll give you the money.”

  “Okay. Wish me luck,” he said running a hand through his hair.

  “Good luck,” we all shouted after him.

  “That was very generous of you guys doing that for him,” I said to Drew and Will.

  “I can’t help that I’m a romantic at heart,” Drew said cocking his head to the side.

  “Humph. Romantic, yeah right,” Ella said.

  Drew frowned back down towards the little pixie.

  “Our next auctionee is Addison Williams. She is a junior and works at the campus radio station. She enjoys reading, watching movies, and listening to music. Come on out Addison.”

  Addison walked out onto the makeshift stage and the crowd erupted. I knew the costume was a huge hit, but I never realized how much until that moment. Some weird guy in a chicken costume started the bidding off, but Ensley countered his offer, like he did all the other ones. Addison started out very scared but the longer she stood there, the more confident she became. I think it also helped that she liked Ensley and he was the primary bidder. The kid was like a machine; every time someone called out a bid, he went ten dollars higher. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. When the auctioneer finally said that Ensley had won the date, Addison practically ran off the stage into his arms. It was so adorable. When Ensley and Addison finally made it back to us, Will handed him the money in an inconspicuous way so Addison wouldn’t see. Ensley told us that he needed to go pay for the date and he started to walk away, but Addison caught his hand and followed him.

  “That was sneaky how you gave that money to him,” I said to Will.

  “I know he’ll pay me back and he really likes her. He couldn’t stop talking about her this afternoon.”

  “She really likes him, too. They seem to have a lot in common.”

  “Yeah, I guess in a weird way they do.”

  I didn’t know what else to say to him so we kind of stood there staring off into the crowd watching the new auctioneers on the stage.

  “What were you saying earlier about you and me?” I asked as some guy in a cowboy outfit got onto the stage.

  “Oh, yeah. Right. Well, the thing is Kinsey…I really like you.”

  “I like you too, Will. You are after all my best friend.”

  “Yeah, I know and being your best friend is something I value so very much, b
ut the thing is…um…I don’t know how to say this right,” he said rubbing his face in his hands. He seemed to be extremely flustered.

  “It’s okay, Will. You can tell me anything,” I said pulling his hands away from his face as I heard Chip, the auctioneer say they had one more auctionee left.

  Will took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. “If I don’t say this now, then I never will. So here it goes. Kinsey, I don’t want us to be just friends anymore. I have feelings for you, too. I didn’t realize I had them until I saw you with Tyler. And now I can’t get you out of my head. I think about you all the time. And it kills me to see you with some other guy.”

  What the hell was that? I took a step back because I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. This is what I had always wanted. I wanted Will to finally see me as more than a friend, but now? Here? It had to be the alcohol talking, right? See what happens when you drink too much. You end up declaring your feelings for another person when you may not mean it.

  “Kinsey, say something?”

  “I…I…,” I started to say I want to be with you too, but I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I was on overload. And I was about to be ticked off.

  “Our final auctionee tonight is—Kinsey Adams.”


  At first, I couldn’t move my feet. Hell, I couldn’t even believe that this was actually happening. I guess this was some kind of karmic payback for putting Addison in this thing without her knowledge of it. Makes sense, but the difference was that I put Addison in it to help her out—why would someone put my name on the list? And the worst part is I can’t even try to duck out of this torture, especially after the way I pushed—manipulated, whatever—Addison into it. I looked around at my friends for some encouragement. Drew was in hysterics, literally doubled over with laughter. Ensley and Addison looked less amused but that was because they were in their own little world. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even knew what was going on. I looked back up at Will, who had just told me he had feelings for me. His eyes were closed, and he was shaking his head, like he couldn’t believe this was actually happening too.


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