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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  “That’s fine because you have fifty more to choose from.” I smirk.

  “I need a break before suffering through another, okay? Like maybe something with Patrick Swayze.”

  “Let me guess, Dirty Dancing?”

  “Yep. One of my favorites.”

  “I remember,” I say softly. “You and Everleigh went through a whole phase when you were like thirteen and played the soundtrack on repeat.”

  “Oh my God, that’s right.” Her eyes light up with excitement. “We tried to learn all the steps, just like Baby and Johnny.”

  “I wanted to bash my head into a wall. That was probably why I started going to the gym and taking out my frustrations on a punching bag.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Oh, I’m serious. Y’all were always so loud, singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs.”

  “We were teenagers,” she defends.

  “Exactly and, at the time, extremely annoying.” I chuckle. “But don’t worry, I only think you’re a little annoying now. So that’s progress.”

  She scoffs with a little smile.

  “Alright, let me add the toppings, then we can dive in.” I slice the strawberries, then add whipped cream.

  “You ever thought about working as a chef, like for real?” she asks.

  “Maybe, but I’d rather get my hands dirty and sweaty in a ring. Perhaps, getting hired at a restaurant will be my plan C.”

  “Must be exhausting to have so many talents,” she teases, stealing a piece of fruit.

  “It is,” I say dramatically. “Good thing I’ve been celibate for the past five years. Wouldn’t wanna be a complete show-off.”

  Gemma chokes and gasps for air. For a split second, I worry she won’t be able to catch her breath, but then she swallows and chuckles.

  “Jesus, are you okay?”

  She wipes the tears from her eyes as she continues grinning. “Yes, but I think you’re trying to kill me.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so sensitive.”

  “I wasn’t expecting that!”

  With a smirk, I shrug. “Sorry. Next time, I’ll make sure you don’t have any food or beverages near your mouth.”

  “How generous,” she muses.

  Once our desserts are ready, we take them and sit on the couch. That sexy moan that escapes her tests my willpower to be a gentleman.

  “So, can I ask about Robert?” I ask carefully, and she nods.

  “I haven’t heard from him since last Friday,” she admits. “I hope that’s a good sign, and that he’ll leave me the hell alone.”

  “You think he will?” I glance at her.

  She sighs. “I hope so. I have nothing to say to him. Most of the town knows anyway, so it’d be pointless to try to “fix” what’s broken between us. Not to mention, I have no desire to give him another chance.”

  “Maybe we’ll both get lucky and he’ll become Victoria’s focus, then they’ll both be out of our lives for good.”

  “One can dream, right?” She licks some of the whipped cream from the strawberries, and I quickly look away before she catches me.

  “So I have a question, and you can totally say no.”

  “I probably won’t.” I smirk. “What is it?”

  She sets her empty plate down on the coffee table and faces me. “I’m driving over to Clayton tomorrow to see Noah. I’d really love it if you’d come with me, unless you feel uncomfortable.”

  I wasn’t expecting that. Though I have no desire to set foot in a prison again, this time I’d be on the other side.

  “Never mind, I shouldn’t have asked. Of course, you don’t wanna go,” she quickly says, then waves it off.

  “Gemma, I’ll join you,” I quickly tell her. “Might be good for Noah to see what his life can potentially be like after, and perhaps it’ll give him some hope.”


  “Yeah, really. If you don’t think he’d mind.” Based on what Katie said, Noah hasn’t wanted many visitors, so it may be crossing a line.

  “He won’t. I told him about your situation years ago after it happened, and we spoke not too long after you came home. I think you’re right. It’ll give him some peace knowing life isn’t over after prison.”

  “Then count me in.”

  Chapter Ten


  Spending time with Tyler yesterday was amazing, and it felt like old times. We laughed so much, and it took my mind away from reality, which is exactly what I needed. At the end of the night, I walked him outside, and he kissed my cheek. I blushed when he caught me off guard, and nearly stuttered over my words as I told him what time I’d be at his place the next day.

  I was dying for him to kiss me, but I fought the urge to make a move. Though we haven’t really talked about what we’re doing or where this is going, it’s obvious we love being around each other. There’s no use denying what we both want.

  Rumors and gossip be damned.

  I’ve spent the past two years of my life worried about what others thought of me, and I was miserable. I won’t let those concerns run my life anymore. People’s opinions won’t stop me from doing what makes me happy.

  After giving myself a pep talk, I drive over to pick up Tyler. When I spoke to my brother last week and mentioned the idea, he didn’t seem against the idea of Tyler coming with me. Hopefully, he’s okay with it because I called the prison this morning and added his name to the visitors list.

  “Good morning,” he says with a smirk as he gets into the car.

  “Hey.” He’s dressed in another nice button-up, and I stop trying to imagine how I’d strip that shirt right off him. “Wanna grab coffee first? It’s about an hour away.”

  “Sure. Want me to drive?”

  “I can since you don’t know how to get there, and then you can drive us back.”

  Tyler buckles, then surprises me when he takes my hand. “Deal.” He brings it to his lips and presses a gentle kiss on my knuckles. “I’ll buy the coffee since we’re taking your car.”

  I’m so focused on his mouth that I nearly forget where we are. Sighing, I put the car in reverse, then drive us to the Coffee Palace, a newer hip cafe that opened last summer. They serve fun theme drinks, and I can’t wait for Tyler to try it.

  “Happy Sunday!” Marjorie exclaims the moment we enter. She has her hair parted and put up into two messy buns that look adorable.

  “Hey!” I reply, and when my hand brushes Tyler’s, he grabs it and interlocks our fingers. I try to hold back how giddy I am, but when I glance at him, I can’t stop the stupid smile that fills my face.

  We step up to the counter and browse the menu. “Y’all gotta try one of my new seasonal lattes for fall!”

  “Ooh, which ones?” I ask, excited. I love all the tasty drinks she creates.

  “Pumpkin cream, apple butter spice, and harvest caramel.”

  “I literally can’t imagine what those would taste like,” Tyler blurts out, and I giggle.

  “Oh, darling, you can’t go wrong with any of them. Trust me,” Marjorie gloats.

  I snort at Tyler’s wide-eyed expression. “Can I just get a regular coffee with cream?”

  “What flavor?” she asks, typing on her cashier’s screen.

  “Just black.”

  “There are different types,” I explain, then point at the options.

  “Uhh…a dark roast?”

  “I have Southern blaze and sunshine rain.”

  Tyler looks at me, and I hold back a laugh. Marjorie roasts her own beans and makes her own unique blends.

  “Surprise me,” Tyler finally says.

  “I’ll take a pumpkin cream with almond milk,” I confirm.

  “Comin’ right up.” Marjorie tells us the total. Tyler lets go of my hand and grabs his wallet, and I immediately miss his touch.

  After he’s paid, she pours a plain coffee and directs Tyler to the cream and sugar on the other side.

  “That’s Tyler Blackwood, right?” she asks wh
en he’s out of earshot.

  “Yep,” I respond, waiting for her inevitable questions of if we’re dating or not.

  “Wow.” She smirks. “Talk about a glow-up, amiright?” Marjorie waggles her brows, and it causes me to snort.

  “Definitely.” I nod. Though Tyler was always handsome, he’s definitely bulked up and matured over the years.

  “One pumpkin cream latte with almond milk,” she calls and hands it over.

  Tyler and I thank her, then head to the car.

  “Well, that was interesting.” He reaches my door and opens it for me.

  “Thank you.” After I take my seat, he closes it, then jogs to his side and slides in. “You’ll get used to it. I’m guessing they didn’t have premium lattes in prison?” I tease.

  “If you consider stale coffee premium, then yes. Otherwise, hell no.” Tyler winks. “How’s your Halloween in a cup?”

  I take another sip and hum. “Delicious. Wanna try?”

  “Sure, but if it makes me gag, I’m blaming you.”

  “Now you’re just being dramatic like Everleigh.”

  He glances at me before trying it, almost as if he’s questioning his decision. “That’s pure sugar. Damn.” He makes a face, then hands it back.

  “That’s the point. Sugar rush and caffeine. It’ll wake my ass right up.”

  Tyler’s eyebrow lifts. “If you say so.”

  We chat the entire time, both of us cracking jokes and talking about random topics. He mentions I should try another Jack Nicholson movie, and I agreed to it only if he watches a romantic comedy with me. After we shook on it, he captured my hand and placed it on his lap.

  By the time we arrive at the prison, giddy butterflies swarm my stomach. I can’t wait to see Noah again and am grateful I can spend time with Tyler too.

  “You ready?” I ask. “We’ll sign in, they’ll do a quick body search, then we’ll wait for them to release him.”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He shrugs and gives me a wink. I imagine this is hard, and I appreciate him being here with me.

  Thirty minutes later, we’re finally in the visitation room, and I notice Tyler’s leg shaking.

  “You okay?” I whisper, reaching for his hand and he takes it.

  “Just some overwhelming flashbacks, but I’m alright.”

  Moments later, a guard ushers Noah forward, and I light up with excitement. I wish I could wrap my arms around him, but there’s a no touching policy.


  “Hi, sis. You look good.”

  “Thank you. Remember Tyler Blackwood?” I nod toward him.

  “Of course. How’s it goin’, man?”

  “Can’t complain. Hope you don’t mind me being here.”

  “It’s fine. As long as you go back and tell everyone in town I’m ripped as fuck now.” Noah chuckles.

  I shake my head, grinning. “And still cocky as ever,” I add.

  “Yeah, well, that’ll probably never change.” Noah shrugs. “So fill me in on what’s happening. Anything new with Robert?”

  We spoke the day after Robert’s and my huge blowout, and I told him I’d ended it.

  “He hasn’t reached out to me since the dinner last Friday, and I’m hoping it stays that way.”

  “You know I love you, Gem, but I’m happy you called it off.”

  “Have you met him?” Tyler speaks up.

  “Once, and that was enough to confirm I didn’t like him, but even so, Gemma was gonna do what she wanted anyway.”

  “I asked him to come here with me, but he’d always say he was too busy with work,” I explain. Looking back, Robert always acted too good to be seen visiting a convict in prison. He judged and mocked people who had criminal records, my brother included.

  “Fine by me. Less times I had to fake being nice.” Noah flashes a smirk.

  “Just wait till you come home. Everyone’s polite to your face but talks shit behind your back,” Tyler warns. “Hope you got some thick skin.”

  “Tyler…” I mutter and give him a look. The last thing I want is to scare Noah about going home.

  “Gem, it’s fine. You don’t need to sugarcoat anything for me. Without a doubt, it’s gonna be rough, but since Tyler is there, I won’t be so alone.” Noah shrugs, and it breaks my heart that he’ll have to deal with this when he’s out.

  “I’m not trying to. I just wanna make sure you don’t change your mind and move to Alaska or something.”

  “That’s way too damn cold for me.” Noah grunts. “Plus, I don’t have any money, remember? I’ll be a thirty-three-year-old man living the dream at home.”

  “I’m thirty-four, and I’m staying with my baby sister,” Tyler mocks. “She said we can start a convicts club when you’re back.”

  Noah laughs, and I love hearing that sound come from him because it doesn’t happen often.

  “I’ve been working out at the gym and am training a few people.”

  “So what you’re saying is I have less than eighteen months to bulk up so I can kick your ass?”

  “Yep, something else to look forward to,” Tyler says, and I’m glad he’s being so positive.

  Glancing back and forth between the two of them, I beam because they’re getting along so well.

  “So you’re dating my sister now?” Noah bluntly asks.

  “Noah!” I whisper-hiss. “I just ended my engagement.”

  “Exactly. You’re a free woman. He better hurry before another old guy swoops in and steals you away.”

  Tyler tries to hold back his laughter, but fails, as I hang my head. “You’re both jerks.”

  “Hey, I just said what Tyler is probably thinking.”

  “What the whole town is thinking,” Tyler adds.

  “How’d we get on the subject of me anyway? We’re here to talk about you,” I deflect. There’s no way Tyler and I are having this conversation in front of my brother in a prison.

  “There hasn’t been anything new with me in over eight years.” Noah leans back, crossing his arms. “Well, unless you consider us getting two new flavors of Jell-O this month.”

  “Ooh, which ones?” Tyler acts interested.

  “Watermelon and strawberry banana,” Noah confirms.

  I burst out laughing at his excitement. “If that makes you happy, just wait till Tyler makes you one of his amazing dinners. He’s practically a chef.”

  “No,” Tyler argues. At the same time, Noah says, “Can’t wait!”

  “Stop being so modest. Considering you could’ve lived on ramen and PB&J sandwiches but decided to teach yourself how to cook so you and Everleigh could eat a home-cooked meal is something to be proud of,” I tell him genuinely. He probably doesn’t think he did anything special, but he did. Tyler was all Everleigh talked about in middle and high school, and those stories are what had me falling for him in the first place.

  Tyler and Noah mostly chat about Noah’s plans when he’s free. Though I know better than to mention Katie’s name, Tyler has no shame in doing so.

  “Since our time is almost up, I gotta ask. Why didn’t you ever write Katie back or let her visit?”

  The moment his question comes out, Noah’s face pales.


  Bowing his head before shaking it, Noah blinks at us with glossy eyes. “It’s complicated.”

  When I spoke about it with Tyler, and explained Noah’s version of “it’s complicated,” he said he understood Noah’s reaction. However, Tyler looks like he’s ready to bust Noah’s balls for pushing Katie away.

  “You gotta man up,” Tyler insists. “Life’s too short.”

  “Trust me, I’m aware of that. I live with the guilt of what happened every single day. I wanna be able to see Katie in person, not with a table between us and no privacy.”

  Everyone was shocked when Gabe died and more so when Noah was convicted of his murder. The whole situation is a tragedy, and though Noah didn’t mean to harm our cousin, he acted on emotions instead of logic. Katie stayed w
ith Gabe for the baby and because she always wanted a family. Eventually, I think she would’ve left him after his cheating scandals, but in the heat of the moment, Noah didn’t think about that.

  And it will cost him a decade of his life.

  “You know I love you, but I’m not sure your relationship with Katie is repairable after all the times you denied her visitation and ignored her letters,” I blurt out even though I hope it’s not true. Katie deserves closure after all this time, but Noah better be ready to grovel.

  Noah stays quiet and just nods.

  “But hey, look at me. If I can win my girl back in two months after twelve years, there’s definitely hope for you.” Tyler flashes me a wink.

  His girl.

  I could definitely get used to hearing that.

  “So you two are dating. I knew it,” Noah says, chuckling.

  I shake my head, denying it. This isn’t the time or place to decide that.

  “We’re seeing where things go.” Tyler gives me a smirk, and my insides melt. Though we haven’t discussed it, we have an unspoken mutual understanding between us.

  “And if I managed to get a job—two jobs—after moving away, you won’t have any problems. People might be wary at first, but a lot of them have big hearts.” Tyler squeezes my hand. “At least that’s what I’m seeing. They just need some time to warm up to ya.”

  I nod, agreeing. Lawton Ridge is a close-knit community, and everyone deserves a second chance, even Noah.

  For the remaining ten minutes, we chat about Dad and the garage, then the guard announces visiting time is over. I always get a little sad when I watch the cuffs go on his wrists before he’s ushered out of the room.

  “I love you!” I call out before he’s out of sight.

  “Love you too, Gem. See you soon.” He smiles, a genuine one this time, and it warms my whole body.

  Tyler and I walk out to my car, hand in hand, and I can’t stop the giddiness in my voice. “You guys really hit it off.”

  “Noah’s easy to get along with. Now, we just have a little more in common than before.” He grins, then opens my door.

  “It means a lot to me. He’s gonna need someone besides family on his side when he comes home.”

  Tyler brings his fingers to my cheek, then tucks loose strands of my hair behind my ear. I stare at his lips, hoping he’ll finally kiss me.


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