The Hybrid Princess

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The Hybrid Princess Page 5

by Latrisha Holmes

   “Samuel dear, hand these to the King for me, please. Don’t get these mixed up now Kendrick, it could be disastrous.” Samuel obeyed his mother, handing the vases to the King. He turned towards Neala and gave her a voluptuous wink. She blushed with embarrassment and looked to her father. Kendrick had not noticed as he was staring at the fourth figure intently.

   “Who is the creature behind you? I did not see them with you a couple days ago. We do not deal with hooded figures lurking in the shadows.” Kendrick was still staring at the figure and had had enough of the Avian Queen’s cheek. Neala turned to examine the figure closer. Neala noticed the shadowed figure was smaller than Deanna and wore a silky hood. The smug look on the Avians faces fell a little.

   “This is Nyra, and she is not lurking, she is shy. She has never been to a trade and has met no one apart from our kind. Nyra has business with the Hydris only.” Deanna tried to leave well enough alone.

   “You know the rules, Deanna. Royals only, we do not mix politics at the trades. What are you playing at now, woman?” He had gotten red in the face again and took a step forward. Before Kendrick could get closer, Deanna’s husband sprang to the hooded figure and grabbed her arm. In an instant, they both shot in the air, leaving only Deanna and Samuel.

   “Who is she? What the hell is going on here?” Her father was shouting now, and before he could charge the Avians, the sea sucked back. Neala watched as the sea formed a wall, and then out walked a woman. From afar, it looked like a mermaid from one of Della’s fairytales.

   A beautiful woman came walking out of the sea as if she was in slow motion without a care in the world. She had long wavy brown hair and dark sun kissed skin, brilliant blue eyes, and rosy red cheeks. When she reached the meeting place her father, the largest man Neala knew, bent in a deep bow. This was nothing like the greeting that Deanna had received from him.

   “King Kendrick, Queen Deanna. How wonderful to see you both, I cannot believe a year has passed yet again. My Kendrick, this must be your lovely daughter Neala? She is as breathtaking as her mother.” The woman said, strolling over to Neala. “My name is Keilani, I am the Queen of the Hydris daemons. I see that you have met Niuhi earlier, very observant you are, most people never see him.”

   It was a shark. Why was she calling it by name? She looked at her father looking at her the same bewildered face.

   “Keilani, we must speak about the stranger. The Avians have brought someone outside the family. I demand to know what is going on.” Her father sounded stern to the untrained ear, but to Neala she knew he wasn’t as angry as before.

   “Kendrick I must apologize; this is my doing. The child is a trade for me. I will explain everything in private.” She said glancing at Neala.

   “Neala if you would be so kind as to help my husband package up all the trading goods. I would appreciate the help. There is a special gift for you in there, a gift for your upcoming changing. It was my absolute pleasure to meet you, I hope to see you again soon.” She bowed to the Avians and turned to walk down the beach, waiting for her father to join her.

  After she left, a man came out of the waves the same way Queen Keilani did. The Hydris King was tall and muscular with short black hair and light brown skin; he was smiling at her. He walked over to Neala carrying bags woven out of giant green leaves the likes of which she had never seen before. Her father nodded at Neala and followed Keilani down the beach.

   After the man finished loading up all their trade goods, he went back into the water and came out minutes later with a line of those bags full of stuff. She couldn’t see all of it, but there were glass vases filled with unknown objects, seashells, coconuts, fruit, fish, and more goods she didn’t have a name for. When the carts filled with trading goods, he handed her a box.

   “Neala, this is for you. Made specially by our elders on the Emlis Isle. May its beauty let you shine, and its gifts protect you in your greatest need. To unleash its true power, break it open and our fury will follow. Until we meet again.” Then the man dropped to one knee in a large bow and held it out to her. She could not bring herself to open it with the others looking.

  Wind swirled again, and the Avian King landed with the mysterious figure. When they landed, the hood flapped in the wind and Neala could see that it was a girl no older than herself. Small, with golden hair and pale skin. She peaked up at Neala with giant green eyes. The same green eyes that all the Terra in her village had. Neala didn’t understand, only Terra have green eyes, why would this Avian? Before she could say anything, the Hydris King took the girls' hand, and they returned to the sea. When the mystery girl was out of sight, the Avians left together in the sky with their trading goods, leaving Neala alone and vulnerable.

   Her father returned by himself sometime later. He seemed pale, and his eyes were bloodshot. He avoided eye contact, mounted his horse and steered it toward the way they had come. They rode back to camp with the continued silence from father. Neala somehow knew that this is not how all trades went and for the first time in her life she felt afraid in her father’s presence.

  Chapter 6

  The Forgotten Children

  Neala took her time to interweave her new shells with a thin piece of leather. The centerpiece was a giant tear shaped mother-of-pearl shell that shone rainbow colors in the light. She couldn’t wait to get back to Callista, tell her all about her trip, and help her prepare for her ceremony. The trip home proved difficult, as her father had taken up his new vow of silence. The warriors took her father’s cue and remained silent, leaving Gemma as her only real company the rest of the trip.

  She kept her hands busy stoking the fires and hunting rabbits and other game that she saw in the early mornings. Gemma was bringing in more game than Neala and was following all Neala’s commands. During one hunt Neala made Gemma hold her rabbit kill in her mouth without eating it, not without great protest, but she obeyed.

  On the last evening before they arrived back home, her father came into her shelter looking haggard.

  “Neala, we need to talk my child. I am sorry for the distance between us, I am wrestling with my lion now. I am trying to decide what path I should take, and I have concluded that I must ask you to decide your own path, to move forward.” He said looking at her for the first time in days. Neala could see the dark circles and ever defining wrinkles around his eyes now. He looked as if he had aged overnight.

   “Father, whatever I need to do, I will do it. I am sorry for anything I may have done; I will fix it.” Neala pleaded with him, but the King shook his head.

   “It is nothing you have done. I fear that it is the Gods punishing me and this family for our transgressions.” He said, searching her face.

   “I’m afraid I don’t understand, what have you done?” Neala asked, trying to encourage him to continue.

  He shook his head and dropped his gaze.

  “I promise in due time you will know everything. I am ashamed of my past and I don’t want to push you away right now. You will need me in the upcoming weeks.” He stopped his story and looked at her.

  “What does this have to do with me, Papa?” Neala asked. She looked into the giant man’s green eyes and saw the glistening tears forming.

  “Queen Keilani, she is of the ancient Hydris daemons. She has the same abilities to talk to sea dwelling creatures as we do with land. That pet of hers, well he says that he sees something in you.” Kendrick said.

  “What does he see?” Neala said as tightness gripped her chest.

  “He says that he sees a Pyre daemon in you.” He said and paused as Neala tried to comprehend the information.

  “How is that possible? You are Terra, my family is Terra. That can’t be possible. Neala choked out, denial was the last hope she was gripping to.

  “Neala the future is not set in stone. He says that he also sees Terra, but we will not know the truth of what that means until your changing.” he said and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Is th
at why everyone treats me like an outcast? Because I am?” Neala said clinging to her father, his tunic soaking up her tears.

  “The peaks have isolated us from the outside world for too long. They see you, different from the rest, and are scared. There may be a time really soon that those walls come down." He rubbed her back and kissed her head.

  “What will happen to us? The laws state that crossing is punishable by death, for the children and parents.”

  “You leave that to me. For now, we must keep hope, but prepare for the possibility that a Pyre will descend from our mountains."

  The two talked late into the night, a visible shift from their father daughter relationship to one of equals. On the ride back they went over scenarios, Kendrick stayed on the positive side while Neala only saw the doom and gloom.

   The next day, their mountain range came into full view. You would never know looking at it from out here that those mountains would contain a whole village. They made their way to the gate hearing the horn's blast to alert gatekeepers of their arrival and they opened the mountain for them. Neala’s back was sore from the long journey, but she needed to vent and see her friend.

   “I want to find Callista, papa I’ll see you at dinner.” Neala said after she settled her horse in the stalls.

  “That is fine, but you cannot tell her or anyone else what you have learned. It would put both our lives at risk. You must also always keep Gemma with you. She is ready to be your protector, as Griffin is mine.”

  Neala nodded, and the two walked down the path leading to the village. The builders set the village in straight rows of log homes that looked identical to one another. Even so, Neala knew which house was Callista’s by heart. It was her favorite place to spend her free time growing up. Callista lived with her Mother and Grandmother, after her father had died.

   “Cali, are you home?” Neala asked as she knocked on her door.

   “Neala is that you? I’ll be right out.” Callista called. Neala could hear some hushed tones and some scurrying from inside. When she came to the door, she opened it just wide enough that she could squeeze out. Callista was out of breath and disheveled. Her hair was askew, and her cheeks flushed. Neala tried to peek around her shoulders, looking for who else was inside.

   “Glad to see you back, Nia! How was your trip? You were gone for longer than expected.” Callista said, hurrying from the door.

   “Oh, woah, woah, not so fast. What the stars is going on? Who is in there?” Neala said in a harsh whisper.

   “Please Nia, not so loud. I want to tell you, but he said we can’t let anyone know yet.” Callista said, her face turning redder. It had to be a boy. Callista was the most beautiful girl in the whole village, and now that her changing was coming, she could court and marry whom she wished. The change marked adulthood for the Terra.

   “Fine, for you I will let it go, but you must tell me first. Promise?” Neala said, and her friend nodded. “Ok then. Well, I made you something.” Neala got the necklace out of her pack and unwrapped it from the protective cloth. The final product turned out better than Neala could’ve hoped. It was brilliant white with rainbow sheen when the light hit it right. She chiseled the large centerpiece with a giant spruce tree. She covered the leather strip with tiny white seashells.

   “Nia it is beautiful!” She put the necklace on and adjusted it, so it sat just above her bosom. “I will wear it on my changing day. Thank you. I am nervous it is coming up so fast! Do you want to see the reception?” Callista and Neala strolled back to the castle arm in arm.

   The great hall was unrecognizable. A rainbow of colors spread out with bright flowers, and they transformed the entire dining set out for inscribed mahogany tables and chairs. There was a stage set with drums, and fiddles and a dance floor that looked so inviting. Then there was a raw piece of Redwood set up on the stage. This was to be the first demonstration of her powers, as she would turn the piece of wood into an item of her choosing.

   “What do you think? In just two days this will be where I show the world what the Gods have blessed me with.” Callista said. Neala looked into her black eyes and could only imagine how much more radiant she would be with those Terra green eyes.

   “You will be the talk of the village. I only hope to meet the lucky guy here.” Neala said, making sure Callista knew that she would not forget.

   “Oh, he will be.” Callista blushed.


  The sunset on the night of Callista’s ceremony was as vibrant as she was. The sky burst with rays of pinks, purples, and blues. She stepped out in a white cotton gown that emphasized her curves and flowed with a long train. They pinned her hair up in a braided hive with baby’s breath and the necklace that Neala had given her made her look like a princess herself. The entire village had come to the castle for the ceremony and was all lined up to greet her as her and her mother before they made their way up the mountain. The royal family stood up front of the stage with them.

   “Welcome all to this special day! Today the changing moon has come for one of our own. None other than Callista Row. Let us give our voices to the Gods so that they may hear our cries and bless this daughter of Terra with her powers.” King Kendrick said. The drums started pounding, they let a prayer cry out, and then the whole village erupted in dance.

   Callista’s mother took one arm, and the King took the other as they exited the great hall and made their way up the mountain. A small crowd including Tyee and Neala made their way outside as the sunset, and the full moon shone across the valley floor. Tyee paced outside and looked more nervous than Neala.

   “Brother bear, what is wrong? I’ve never seen you like this at a changing, not even your own.” Neala said, trying to sound playful. Tyee shot her a dark look and brooded off on his own by the base of the mountain. Someone had lit the large community fire, and the dance had moved outside. The small children were dancing with ribbons and trying to mimic the elder’s cries.

   Neala was dancing with the crowd when the ground shook. It was small at first, and then a second shake that made Neala lose her balance and fall to the ground. She looked up as a bright beam of light shone from the moon onto the top of the mountain. Neala struggled back to her feet, looking up at the ceremonial rock. Soon three figures appeared, walking down from the sky. The rocks from the mountain created a step for them as they descended. Father was beaming when they reached the ground. Callista stood before her, no longer a girl but a green-eyed woman of Terra.

  Chapter 7

  The New King

   The next morning, Neala started back with her internship with Della. Excited to talk to her about all the different plants that they saw on their trip to the trades and ask her about the ones she couldn’t identify. Plus, she needed to confide in someone about the green-eyed girl and pick her brain about any mixed Pyre daemons.

   “Then the Hydris King came out of the water carrying these bags made of big broad green leaves. I’m not sure what they are.” Neala explained.

   “Banana leaves m-most likely, their fruit grows there all over.” Della explained.

   “How do you know about island plants?” Neala said, disappointed that she was not bringing the old medicine woman new information.

   “When I was just a young girl, like yourself, I interned with all the daemon medicine women, even the Hydris. That was until they closed off their borders to the other tribes.” Della exclaimed.

   “What do you mean closed off? I saw a young girl at the trades go with them. The Queen said that she was part of the trade with the Avians’. She had green eyes.” Neala said relieved to say it out loud but terrified that Della wouldn’t believe her. Della stopped and put the pestle down and gazed at Neala.

   “There is much you do not know of the world g-girl. This g-generation of Terra also knows little of this world. This dreaded fortress has closed off their minds. The Hydris are a g-good and peaceful people. They are open to all daemons; th
ey do not take part in our civil squabbles but teach of acceptance and love.”

   “Why would the Avians tribe be taking a Terra girl to the Hydris? It makes little sense; we were right there she could’ve gone with us.”

   “This tribe is afraid of what it doesn’t understand, and h-holds onto the ancient laws like a crutch. The girl will be p-persecuted for something she cannot change.”

   “Have you met other hybrid children?” Neala asked now enthralled in this revelation.

   “Yes. The Emlis Isle is full of many breeds of daemons. They fear persecution on the mainland and live full productive lives there.” Della said, still eyeing Neala. Neala knew she wanted her to keep asking questions. Della had a strange rule that she would not divulge unless asked.

   “Are there any Pyre hybrids there?” Neala asked.

   “No. Pyre are a prideful group and have kept their bloodlines pure for centuries. We believe their blood is dominant, so even if they crossed the other genes may never shine through.” Della said and went back to working on her tincture, but Neala was now more confused than ever.

   “Della, one more thing. Have there ever been any other daemons with red hair?” Neala said.

   “I have been alive a g-good many g-generations and have met many daemons of all sorts. I have only ever met Pyre with the fire hair, before you.” Della said. Neala was breathless. The last hope that she had held on to had slipped from her fingers.

   “I have to go. I need to let Gemma out.” Neala said to a puzzled Della and left back to the castle.


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