The Hybrid Princess

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The Hybrid Princess Page 6

by Latrisha Holmes

   Neala sprinted up the tower to her room and locked herself there for the rest of the day. Her father had told her there was still a chance she would be Terra. He knew that the Pyre blood is dominant, and her hair is clear evidence of that. Yet, he chose to give her false hope. Her whole childhood crashed down around her, and the revelation that her abuse from her own people may have been justified. They hated her because they feared her.

   She stayed out of sight of everyone until the council meeting that night. Her father had ordered her to attend all meetings now that she would take Della’s place one day. She sauntered down alone begrudged and took her seat in the back of the room where she could see everyone but remained unseen.

   “Right, let’s get this thing started. What is the report on our cold food storage?” Her father said reading down the agenda list. A squat man stood up.

   “Plenty of root vegetables, cured meat, and with the seeds and rains you brought back it looks like we will have a good harvest this year.” He said while he fiddled with his hat.

   “Very well. How about the village people, any squabbles or issues you will make me aware of?”

   “Yes, sir. While you were away, there was a minor incident over domestic issues. Three houses were destroyed and are being repaired now, sir. The accused is the husband. He found his wife to be unfaithful, and the houses were collateral when the two men had a confrontation. The husband has chosen not to prosecute his wife and is awaiting your word in the dungeon.” Another man said and then sat back down.

   “Right, we will have a hearing about the dissipation of the union. The man’s sentence is to complete the housing repairs and will be jailed until they finish it. What’s next?” Her father said looking down his list.

   “Any new business?” He said, scanning the room. To the crowd’s surprise, Tyee stood up next to him.

   “Yes, Father. With your consent and that of the council. I ask permission to marry Ms. Callista Row.” He said. Neala stood up, shocked by the news. The crowd turned around and stared at her, but she didn’t care. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at her brother and then back at her father. She didn’t wait for an answer, she turned and fled back up to her tower.

   She got to her room, slamming the door, and startling Gemma awake. Neala leaned against the door, and then fell to the floor, sobbing. Gemma came and nudged her head under Neala’s arms.

   “How could they do this to me? Why didn’t anyone tell me, why does no one tell me anything?” She begged as she hugged the cat's neck crying harder, Gemma purred in response. She knew that her father or brother would be there as soon as the meeting was over, so she grabbed her coat and took Gemma outside.

   Half tempted to storm to Callista’s house and demand an explanation, she turned to the woods to let Gemma run and hunt. What was she going to say to Callista, anyway? She could marry whomever she wanted, and why not be in line to be Queen? The thought stung Neala. She admitted to herself that she may be jealous of her friend, who might be a much better Queen than she could have been.

  When she reached the woods, she wasn’t interested in hunting, so she let Gemma find food while she practiced her archery and spear throwing. Soon she will not need these skills, she thought. Soon she would have her changing moon, maybe she will turn Pyre like they all think, and she would burn this place to the ground. That sudden anger scared her, and she tried to push it from her mind. She was the daughter of the great Terra King; she would become Terra too.

  Gemma chuffed and hissed behind her and she turned around. Her father was standing still with his hands up as the big cat circled him. Neala ran to her and reached out a hand. Gemma came to her and rubbed her back on Neala’s hand, purring.

  “What is it, father?” Neala said, trying to keep her voice even.

  “Nia, I need to tell you something. Now that I know your brother will marry and marry well, I might add.” He said looking for her reaction to the news before continuing.

  “I will crown Tyee King after the wedding. After they marry, I will just be an advisor and he will be King.” He finished. She stared at him, mouth open and Gemma paced again, chuffing at Kendrick.

  “Why would you do such a thing? You have plenty of fighting years left and what if something happens to Tyee?” She said anger was swelling now, having the rug pulled out from under her for the third time today.

  “You were born for more on this earth than to be the Queen of Terra. We made you to be Queen of all. Your mother once told me you were destined to unite all the daemons of this world.” Kendrick said, as he looked off in the distance.

  “What does that mean? Why would she say that? There is no “Queen of All.” And what else did she say about me, did she love me?” She asked now, desperate for long-awaited answers. A visual change happened in her father she hadn’t been expecting.

  “That is enough for today. I will tell you everything when you are ready, but not now.” He said before he turned and made his way back to the village.

  “Tell me now!” Neala yelled, unable to keep her emotions under control any longer.

  A yellow blur ran out in front of her and before she could stop her, Gemma had pounced onto her father’s back, knocking him to the ground. Gemma began tearing off his coat and tunic, revealing a thick burn scar on his back. Neala screamed for Gemma to stop. She could hear her father yelling something to her also and out of nowhere, a giant golden eagle swooped from the sky latching onto Gemma’s back tearing out fur. Neala reached them and grabbed Gemma off her father and faced the eagle holding up her hand.

  “Stop!” Neala said to the bird, her voice now strong. The eagle stopped mid-flight staring at her. The eagle then landed next to her father was now on his back rolling with laughter.

  “What could be this funny? She could’ve killed you.” Neala said.

  “No, Gemma would not kill me, she was trying to stop me for you. She can sense you already, even though you cannot talk to her yet. However, Griffin was having none of that. He has also never listened to anyone but me until now.” Kendrick said out of breath and wincing as he got back to his feet. Gemma now lay at Neala’s feet trying to lick her wounds and eyeing Griffin.

  “Let me tell you a secret, not even your brother can speak to the animals.” He said and winked at her.

  “Then why? Why name him King so soon? Maybe he isn’t ready.” She pleaded.

  “Do you think you are? Young girl, you know nothing of pain and devastation. You have not lived to see greed and lust. These mountains have protected us for almost 16 years now.”

   “I don’t want to be Queen; I just don’t trust anyone but you as the Terra King. Where do I fit in, in this world? What if I don’t belong here?”

   “Your place is, and has always been, with me. Please, know that I am always here for you and will fight for you, but Tyee is to be King of the Terra. I don’t expect you to understand now, but you will, and you must be ready.”

  Neala let her father go this time and made her way back to the castle, letting Gemma go free for the night to hunt. It seemed like her entire world was changing and there was nowhere for her to go. He had already decided that she will be the tribe’s medicine woman and live out her days alone in the greenhouse. That life didn’t sit well with Neala.

  She submerged herself in her work with Della in the coming weeks. Callista had been calling to the castle every day, but Neala became stealthy and avoided her at all costs. Neala wasn’t sure that she was even mad at Callista anymore, but she still felt isolated with everything that had happened since returning home from the trades. Tyee cornered her in the kitchen one morning while Neala was trying to avoid Callista, who was waiting in the main hall for her.

   “Please stop doing this, you are tearing her apart. She has even put off the wedding until after your changing moon.” Tyee said, a sad look in his eyes.

   “Stop doing what? She is doing just fine without me thank you very much.” Neala said.

p;  “I am the one who told her not to tell you. I was sure that Father would say no if he didn’t hear it from me first and I needed the blessing of the elders too.” Tyee looked sincere.

   “She could have trusted me. You could have trusted me. No one here thinks or cares too much about what I want.”

   “That is a woman who is putting off her own wedding, for you. Because she cares. Not to mention me. I love her Nia; I am sorry I didn’t let her tell you. She won’t even plan the ceremony until after your party.”

   “Fine, I will meet her. I don’t want to plan this ceremony alone, and it’s in a few days. I was just going to let Della do it. Let me get cleaned up and I will meet her for lunch.” Neala said caving in. Tyee wrapped her in a big hug.

   “Thank you, thank you!”

   Neala wandered up to her room feeling a little lighter than she had in a long time. She opened her door to find an unexpected guest.

  Chapter 8

  The Visitor

  “Neala, we are together again.” Said a familiar voice. The handsome sandy-haired man took a ridiculous bow and grabbed her hand, leaning in for a kiss. Neala withdrew, feeling uneasy at his sudden appearance. “Oh, they invited our family for this week’s festivities. It must be big news; That is the only time King Kendrick calls us. Are you soon coming of age?” Samuel said with a boyish grin.

  “I guess you will have to find out for yourself, if you would kindly leave, you have mistaken this place as your own private quarters. There are guest quarters in the common hall.” She said trying to sound brave, but inside her stomach was in knots. How arrogant this prince must be to think he can just come into her room without permission. He took the hint and made for the door.

  “I feel we must have gotten off on the wrong foot. I hope to change that soon, after all you will need all the friends you can get.” Samuel said as he left without looking back, leaving Neala confused and bothered.

  Neala took lunch in her room with Gemma. She didn’t think she could handle talking to Callista after all. Where would she begin? So much has happened. She was now starting to regret not seeing her friend for lunch; she knew Callista would know how to handle this boy. Maybe she would take a page out of Callista’s book. I could be a sassy overconfident Princess, maybe, she thought.

  Neala tried very hard that night to make herself look like royalty, even though she never acted or dressed the part. She tamed her unruly hair, letting it cascade down and put her crown on. She used the lavender oils on her wrists and neck and some pink pigment for her lips and cheeks. When she made it to the common hall people were already dancing and drumming, the smell of venison was in the air, and she heard laughter throughout the hall. She found her seat at the high table with her father and Tyee.

  As she took the stage, she couldn’t help noticing that many people were staring at her, making her feel self-conscious. Maybe she should have worn a less revealing dress or put her hair up. She realized that it was her hair that people were gawking at. She should have worn it up. Neala started staring at her hands and feet as though they were talking back. She then noticed that there were four more chairs than normal.

  Neala scanned the room and saw the white-haired Queen Deanna talking to the elders, which only meant that Samuel was nearby. She felt the urge to go find Callista before he found her. Dodging past the drum circle, she looked for Callista’s black hair in the crowd to no avail. She then went to the kitchens to see if Callista was with her mother.

  “Callista? It’s Nia, are you in there?” She asked and knocked on her door. The door opened, and Callista pulled Neala inside. She stood before her in a green flowing chiffon gown that accented her new green eyes. She had on Neala’s gift necklace too. Callista’s face was red, and she still had fresh tears in her eyes.

  “Nia I was so worried. You were so mad when Tyee told everyone, I thought you would be happy. I thought this is what we always talked about as kids. I know I should have told you I am so sorry. If I had known you would be this upset with me, I swear I would’ve called it all off. You mean more to me than any stupid boy.” Callista said, bringing up fresh new tears.

  “Hey, that stupid boy is my brother.” Neala said with a smile. “It’s not that I am mad with you being with him. I am madder at the world for the position I am in. An outcast, a second born, a misfit and now next to you, I am nothing. I can’t be competing with a queen like you will be soon.” Neala said, hanging her head.

  “What do you mean soon? Surely, we will have many years, and I haven’t even thought about having children yet! You are being ridiculous.” Callista said.

  “No Calli, that is why this is such a big ceremony. Not only is Tyee coming out with your courtship, father will announce Tyee’s succession as soon as they marry you.” Neala said. Callista stood there still for a while. Neala and her used to play king and queen as children and sometimes vowed that there would always be two queens to rule the world, now that fairy tale was ending.

  “You can’t leave me again, Nia. You will be my advisor, my right hand. The way my dad was to your dad. Please, I can’t do this alone, I need you, like always.” Callista said, grabbing Neala up in a big hug. Neala just nodded. She felt like there might be a place for her, maybe life wouldn’t be so bad.

  “First, I got a boy problem I need you to solve.”

  They made their way together to the common hall and joined the group of dancers in celebration. People tried to dance with Callista, but she kept Neala close and they danced and howled at the moon together like when they were kids. She had almost forgotten about her problems as she pounded her feet on the floor and made her pulse race.

   “Will you show me how to dance like the Terra?” The fair-faced, grey-eyed, Samuel said. Callista stared at him open-mouthed. She, like most of the youth in the village, had never seen a different elemental before. Neala felt guilty for not telling her everything about the trades and vowed to herself she would.

   “It would be her honor.” Callista said, stepping on her foot. Neala had no choice but to face the boy. As much as she despised him, or the feelings he caused, she couldn’t help but blush looking at him face to face. He had a chiseled jaw; a wicked smile and those stormy eyes were mesmerizing. She took his hands and felt the beat of the drum in her chest and thumped her soles on the ground to the beat. He followed her lead, and he smiled at her as he was getting the rhythm too. Neala let go of his hands and waved them with the beat and let out a high-pitched cry to the moon circling Samuel as she did it. Samuel matched her cry, but when he waved his hands he shot into the air and twirled. This startled and dazzled the crowd. He hovered a few feet above Neala and kept dancing. Despite herself, Neala let out a laugh as they finished the dance. Samuel flew back down and gave another ridiculous bow and kissed her hand. This time Neala didn’t pull away.

   Callista stared at her open-mouthed as Samuel left, not even attempting to make conversation with her, something she was not used to. Neala knew that there has never been a time in their friendship that a boy was interested in her and not interested in Callista. Neala took her friend's hand and filled her in on all the encounters she had with Samuel, and the trades as they made their way back to the stage.

   Kendrick, Tyee, and the Avian royals were already at their seats. Tyee made his way to Callista and took a knee in front of her, bowing low as he took her hand. Neala felt like she might puke, but the crowd was eating it up.

   “Terra people! We give thanks to the Gods for this night, a time to be together and celebrate love, friendship, and loyalty.” He gestured to their guests as he said this. “Tyee will you please take the stage and say what you need to say.” Kendrick stepped out of the way for his son to take center stage.

   “Uh, um, people of Terra, and to the Gods above. I am saying to you now that I intend to make Callista Rowe my wife. Callista I have loved you my whole life, and that love has grown from sister to friend to lover and I cannot live this life without you. You are my sanity, you
are my reason, you are my calm, will you also be my Queen?” Tyee said, finding his voice at the end and never taking his eyes off her. Callista made her way toward him.

   “I will my love!” Callista said and kissed him, the people cheered and hollered. Her mom burst into happy tears and started dancing in the front row as an elder started beating the drum once more. Her father stepped forward, silencing the drums, and threw his arms around Tyee.

   “People of Terra as you see the Royal bloodline is strong and will continue to be a force in these lands. With this reassurance of my blood line moving forward I have come today to announce that after Tyee and Callista are wed, this will be your new King!” He said, clapping his son on the shoulder. The crowd had a very mixed reaction. Some people clapped and whooped, while a few stood rooted and stared at the King.

   “With the coming of a new era, I have invited our Avian allies here as our guests. We cannot hide isolated in these mountains much longer, and it is time to strengthen our bonds with the other tribes. This will strengthen us against our enemies and move us forward in leading fuller lives. Please greet our guests in the coming weeks as many more Avian daemons visit our lands.” Kendrick boomed, this time to a much more positive response.

   Neala couldn’t help but notice how easy it was for her father to sound enthusiastic about the visitors when she recalled his true feelings about them on the trading journey. She kept it to herself though as she struggled with her own feelings about Samuel. She turned to him and saw that he was speaking to his mother. When he made eye contact with Neala, he grew cold and turned away.

  Chapter 9

  The Changing

   Over the next few weeks, Samuel did everything he could to avoid Neala. To Neala’s surprise, it hurt her in a way she had never felt before. She pushed all of that to her mind, as it was now her turn to prepare for her changing day. She wanted her ceremony to be out in the meadow under the stars.


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