The Hybrid Princess

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The Hybrid Princess Page 7

by Latrisha Holmes

   Her father became distant the last couple of days, leaving Neala feeling more alone than ever. Her only companion was Gemma, who only left her side to hunt. Neala and Gemma spent their mornings running the mountain trails and hunting. Neala was now becoming a prolific archer and Gemma’s training had progressed. It seemed she didn’t even have to say the command aloud.

   With the ceremony tomorrow she knew she needed to set up the field and since Callista offered to help her set up her reception area, she went to find her. She knew she was off with Tyee somewhere and sure enough, they were lying in the grass outside the armory, goggling over each other.

   “Hi Tyee, Callista. I was just down at the meadow trying to figure out the table arrangements, do you guys want to help?” She said, trying to sound casual, as if talking to Tyee was easy to her.

   “Oh, yeah! Tyee can I, the elders want to go over our ceremony with you alone, anyway.” She batted her eyes at him, making Neala feel as though she might vomit.

   “Isn’t there someone else you could ask Neala? We were busy, plus Calli you know I don’t want to speak with those old stones alone.” He said, stroking Callista’s hair. She gave him a playful bat and jumped up.

   “I will have to give you a reason to come back to me!” Callista said, flipping up the back of her dress and then running away. Neala stood there and watched her brother roll to his back and hold in a laugh. Neala turned and followed her friend’s retreating trail, wondering how the heck they were the same age.

   “So, I have seen little of you since the party. Have things gone any further with that gorgeous Prince?” She said as they made their way to the meadow.

   “Of course not. You know nothing could become of it anyway, they forbid it. Not that I want it to go any further.” Neala said, trying to sound fine with the whole deal.

   “Woah, what happened?”

   “Nothing. After father announced Tyee, Samuel hasn’t spoken to me again. I think he only wanted a future Queen.” She said letting her feelings out for the first time.

   “Girl, you are still a Princess! You are so much more than a Princess; you are beautiful and strong and the most amazing girl in this dump.” Callista said, trying to cheer up her friend.

   “Hey that dump is your kingdom now!” Neala said. She stopped and gave her friend a rare hug. Callista hugged her tight in return.

   “I am always there for you Nia. I will make Tyee see what a warrior you are, you will always have a home with me.” She said. Neala felt so grateful that she had Callista in her life, she was the only confidant she had ever had.

   For the rest of the afternoon, Callista took over the arrangements, which thrilled Neala. She had it all mapped out and even picked out Asiatic lilies, a large lily flower with a dark red center and orange tips, to decorate the area. Callista said it would match her hair. Neala had also set it up, so that her father and Gemma would be the ones to take her up the mountain.

   “Calli, what if all the rumors were right? What if I am some decedent of some ancient Pyre crossing and the Gods make it known? Father says that I already have the power to control animals so that must mean I am Terra, right?” She asked.

   “So what? Even if you come out with Pyre powers, you are Terra. You are the daughter of the King, the sister of the new King and my best friend. I will let nothing happen to you. It is about darn time that we move to accept our differences. Forget all that though, you are Terra.” Callista said.

   They made their way to the common area to tell the royal staff what they had decided on for the ceremony. They would start first thing in the morning. The staff included a skilled carpenter that would grow the trees and make all the new chairs by hand, and a botanist that would grow and arrange the flowers.

   Leaving the hall, Neala kissed Callista goodbye as she went to search for Tyee. Neala spent the rest of the day in the greenhouse with Della. She almost made it when she felt that familiar gush of wind on her back. She turned around to see Samuel standing there, his normal arrogant smirk gone.

   “Neala, daughter of the King of Terra. I have come here to beg forgiveness for my actions,” He sounded sincere, nothing like his normal self.

   “Cut the formalities Samuel. I am tired of these exhausting mind games. I don’t have the time or energy to figure out if you hate me, like me, or just want to torment me. Just leave me alone.” She said and continued to storm down the trail. Samuel flew in front of her.

   “Please Neala at least let me explain. My parents told me I needed to get your favor. I didn’t want to, but if I don’t comply, they said they wouldn’t announce me as the next King. I tried to do what they told me, but you didn’t like me. The dance changed something in me, and I felt so drawn to you. That is my true feeling. But when your father announced Tyee, my parents forbid me to pursue any involvement with you.” He said, never breaking eye contact. Neala could sense that he was telling the truth and could feel a warm feeling emanating from him she hadn’t felt before.

   “I don’t understand why they thought it would be a good idea for you to pursue me. You know what the ancient laws say as well as I, why risk it?” She was still skeptical of his actions.

   “Neala things are changing out there. They have shut your people up in this fortress for too long. That day at the trades, I know you saw her. She was a tempest born Terra. Nothing suggests that there was any recent involvement with a Terra, but the Gods have blessed her that way. We had to hide her, if the Pyre Queen knew about her, they would be in the right by the ancient laws to kill her. What’s more is that this past year the Pyre have grown restless, almost desperate. Even as we speak, there are groups of Pyre surrounding this mountain like they are waiting for something. My parents thought your father would announce our alliance and set up our courtship.”

   No one had ever been so up front with Neala before. Samuel spoke to her like she was an equal, unlike most of the daemons from her tribe, and not someone he needed to watch what he said, unlike her own father. Her mind was reeled with all this information. Father had told her about the possibility of her turning Pyre but wasn't truthful about everything. He treated her like a child that needed protecting. Samuel was now telling her everything she had the right to know.

   “Well, would you like to come with me, I’ll introduce you to our wise medicine woman. I have a feeling that we have much more in common than I realized.” Neala said, feeling butterflies raging in the pit of her stomach. That feeling heightened when they got to the greenhouse and realized that Della had left for the day.

   Neala made a cup of tea for them and they spent the rest of the evening talking about their lives. She told him about not growing up with a mother, and he told her how controlling his parents were. She was right in one aspect, that the Avians treat their royal family like true royalty. They had people to cook for them, clean and wait on them, hand and foot. They had a whole council and war team. Neala didn’t even know that aspect of her own tribe. Her father never let her see that side of it.

   “Well, tomorrow is your big day, so I must let you get your rest. I am glad that you forgave me, and we got this chance to start again. Whatever happens tomorrow you can count me a friend, and I hope that I have the first dance.” He said bowing low.

   “Sorry my father has claimed that honor sir, but you may have the second.” She said blushing at her attempt at flirting.

   That night she went to bed with thoughts of the handsome Prince in her mind. Her dreams however were not of the pleasant warmth or her new crush. She dreamed of fire, a mountain of fire, her mountain. She woke up by being shaken out of bed and onto her feet. Drenched in sweat and disoriented, she looked up to see her father’s face pale with worry.

   “Gemma came and got me, you were screaming and that you were in trouble and I find you sleeping? Is this a joke, why would she do that?” Her father seemed frightened and furious at the same time.

   “I do not understand what yo
u’re talking about papa, I was asleep. It was a horrible dream though, so much fire.” She said, trying to steady her voice.

   “What do you mean Nia?” Her father said as he sat down on a chair. Neala didn’t know what time it was, but it was still dark, not early enough to be awake. She told him about the fire, and he listened. She thought he was just going to pat her on the head and tell her to go back to sleep like he did when she was a kid, but he was very serious.

   “Nia, we need to make a plan. An emergency plan, in case, somehow things go wrong tonight.” He said as he found a parchment and started drawing a map. Then he drew multiple route lines on it, and she watched as he planned their escape.

   “This is a map of our lands to the sea. Queen Keilani told me she would protect you there. They have people of all sorts on the island and she says she has people that can help you control your abilities. I will be with you, but we need to set out a meeting place. They would never believe I would leave you, so if we split up maybe I can get them off your trail long enough. You will take Gemma; she can protect you.” He said to Neala it sounded like he had thought about this for a long time.

   “Father, who do you mean by they?” She blurted, aware that he was very vague. He sighed and looked up at the roof of the hut.

   “Terra, Pyre, Avians all of them. The elders have a hatred of the Pyre that blinds them. They killed our Queen and many more of our daemons, they will never forgive. I don’t know if I could even get them to show you mercy at this point. Some elders have brought up extreme plans, they are talking about mass genocide of the Pyre. Tyee agrees with them and wants to avenge his mother.”

   “Our mother. Right, Dad? He wants to avenge our mother.” She started feeling a darkness coming from her father. She recognized it as shame.

   “Yes, he just remembers her that is all I meant.” He said.

   “You’re lying. What is going on, what happened to our mother?” She said standing up. Her father looked at her shocked.

   “I don’t know how you did that. I promise I will tell you everything when the time is right. It is not right, not here or now. Too many spies and you are not ready. Take this route, we will meet here at the prairie lands near Avian territory. I will meet you there as soon as I can. If I am not there in three days’ time, you must go on without me. Now hide this away and go back to bed. We have a very busy day tomorrow.”

   She slept until the light broke over the mountains. Pulling out the two-piece dress that she had made for the occasion. She made it from the hide of the Mountain Lion mother, strong and soft it formed to her body. It had a halter-top and a knee-high skirt with a detail of pearls affixed to the top. She turned the claws and teeth into a bracelet. She put it all on, the Hydris necklace being the final touch, and stood in front of the mirror. Neala looked at the woman in the mirror and vowed that she would be strong after tonight. She was a child no longer.

   “Be the lion Neala, attack out of surprise, don’t retreat.” She thought about Gemma, and soon she heard her at the door.

   “Don’t be alarmed my dear, it is me. I have kept your mother to keep me strong tonight, please don’t be scared.” Neala said through the door and then got to her knees as she opened it. Gemma hissed at first, and then paced outside the room, staring at her. Reluctantly she crept in and sniffed around. The giant cat walked around her with her tail brushing Neala’s face. Gemma started rubbing her head all over the hide and then lay down, resting her head in Neala’s lap. Neala petted her as she purred in her arms.

   “You must stay by my side tonight. If anything goes wrong, you follow me, and we run like hell.” She instructed the big cat, Gemma stilled herself as she listened and seemed to understand.

  Neala then walked around her room and started grabbing up her essentials. She took her hunting gear out, arrows and bow, flint and spare rations. If she was going on the run and maybe fighting for her life, then her hunting gear was the closest thing to that occasion.

   She headed for the kitchen to find more food for her pack. The common area was busy with workers coming in and out of the kitchen, carrying large crates to the meadow. She hated to be the center of attention, but she couldn’t help but to be a little excited. Maybe she could be one of them, a true Terra. She sneaked out some cheese and stale bread, everything she needed for a quick getaway.

  She walked the rocky path down to the Meadow where just as many people were working. The carpenter had delivered on his promise, and the most exquisite table and chairs were all laid out. The legs of the table looked like intertwined roots, and the tops were rounds from the biggest redwood in the world. When she ran her hand over the top, she realized that they had all been hand carved with images of herself, Gemma, the village, her family, and Callista. He had put in everything that Neala loved most.

   Callista was busy helping lay out the flowers and decorate the chairs with lace. She looked stunning with her sleek black hair pinned up and held with vines; she had on a different green dress. It must be her new favorite color, Neala thought. Callista looked up to see her and gasped, dropping the lace and running to her.

   “Nia just look at you, I almost didn’t recognize you! You look fierce! Your makeup is so good, but this dress! You were always the most talented seamstress. My mom made my changing dress, or I would’ve gone in a potato bag. You look like a rightful queen, that Samuel won’t know what hit him.” Callista said beaming at her friend. “Those black eyes will soon be green, and the world will be at peace.” She wrapped Neala up in a big hug. “Please tell me what you think?”

   “It is beautiful; it is suitable for your wedding ceremony.” Neala said, and she watched her friend blush.

   “Would you mind if we used it as that? I would carve a different picture in the tops and change the flowers, but I love this meadow.” Callista asked.

   “But I get to keep a dining set!” Neala said as she and her friend sat down and went over the rest of the details for the ceremony. Their time cut short when Tyee came down already dressed in his royal attire. His crown was a little larger than last time.

   “My sister and the love of my life in one area, saves me a trip. How are you, my angel? And Neala you look distinguished, no one will mess with you after tonight.” He chuckled, gluing himself to Callista’s side. “I just came down to tell you that Father is ready for you in the common hall. Callista the hungry people are on their way. Is there anything else to do here? And what did she say about the venue?” He said ignoring Neala.

   “I am right here brother, act like a king and ask me yourself. I said yes. Anything for Cali.” Neala said. She turned and headed back to the castle.

   Walking back, people stopped her and congratulated her, shaking her hand and bowing as they went the other way. She felt so insecure as she was sure she had never even met half of these people. Her father, uncle, and the Avian family gathered at the front foyer when she arrived at the castle. Samuel beamed into a warm smile and they all bowed as she walked up.

   “Nia, you have become the Lion! The gods will smile on you this day and bless you with the powers of the land!” Her father said, met with nods of approval from her uncle. Neala was sure she could never be as fake as her father when he had to be. “Let us get our packs and start our ascent up the mountain!” Her father exclaimed. The elders all shook hands with him saying their last thoughts and then bowed again at Neala as they made their way to the meadow.

   “Kendrick, we will be here for the ceremony and then leave at first light. We will make our way back home and will look forward to seeing you soon. Should you need us further send that bloody eagle back he always knows where to find us.” Deanna said as she and her husband made their way down the path. Samuel stayed back, staring at Neala. She thought he would say goodbye, but before he could get the words, his mother shrieked for him. He looked at her and bowed.

   “I don’t have any qualms with that boy but know that his parents are all power hungry. The
y have tried for many generations to challenge our ancient laws by marrying their royal family to other pure daemons, Pyre included. Enough politics for now, my dear child, are you ready to receive the blessings from our Gods?” Kendrick held out an arm and whistled for Gemma. They made their way to the meadow where they greeted the entire village. They stood at the base of the mountain as people came with flowers and handmade gifts of wood or stone.

   “People of Terra, this is a special day for me. I will soon have the chance to bring up my youngest child to the mountain and watch the Gods grant her with their blessings. Please join me in the changing song.” Kendrick said as a drum started pounding and their people joined voices as they raised their song of prayer. “Are you ready my sweet girl?” Neala squeezed his arm as he raised the ground to lift the three of them up to the mountain's peak where they held their ceremonies.

   At the top of the mountain, the ground was flat and had the feel of a stage. She could see scorch marks on the ground where lightning had struck, one sign of the changing. Neala stood arm in arm with her father as they watched the sun make its final descent into the horizon. She could see the little meadow below, however the people celebrating below were too small from this height to make out.

   Before the sun went down, she could see the lands beyond their mountain fortress. Neala wondered if what Samuel said was true, that just beyond these walls the Pyre were lying in wait. She looked up at her father trying to get the nerve to ask, but he just beamed down at her and smiled. She tried to show a brave face for him. Her hands were trembling under his great arm.

   “You are the lion now girl. Whatever comes to you, you will be ready for it. Stay alert, stay strong, everything will be ok. Remember that I am always here for you, I love you.” He said with sadness in his eyes she didn’t recognize.

   “I love you too, papa. I just want to make you proud.” Neala admitted for the first time out loud.


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