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'Star-fire'-A Bo Jon Little-horse p.i. novel

Page 13

by Danny E. Allen

his-people. To be a 'scourge'-warrior, using what he'd learned to optimal-importing. The man provided confirmative to evince by diligence and accord. To deprive those who deprived those turned religious and proctored in depravity. Yet 'Alla' had something different for Jeuai.

  The many leaders of Islam have their roles-changed, and a deeper-sacrifice in boding of artifice-times. Jeuai recognized the fluid-of-life. From the old and ancient times to the modernity away from the elders. He wanted to fuse-together the past and present but he was only one man, and his people a great-consortium of con-volition. He was an Islamic conventionalist, adored, committed to and deeper understood-its reverence. An impress-or of times, yet perhaps, he'd not served his God in truest-form. Perhaps, he was not a true, servant and devotee. That maybe he'd listened to the wrong-Imam of unreliable-leader. That perhaps his-followers represented fault and blame. He didn't study in a Islamic school but was responsible, for his people in a caring-way. He'd demanded of himself and followed the Quranic code, and all who needed it felt absolved to him. That his trans-gendered aspects had been resolved by sincere-absolution. He dawned the greater role by the aspect of his followers who saw in him a worthy 'severance'.

  He was imminent, successful and implicate-to grasp the 'pride' and 'virtue' to become an implicit, it was jaunting into provisions... His faith, commitment and self-virtue were perhaps un-endings in the precepts of conferring. He'd remembered how he'd became a man of the world and juxtaposed resolution and social recision to help his-people, to adapt to adorn the pro-licit of national-confusion all to further a personal role. It was as if one personal resolve was picked apart and re-endeavored to be condoning, and complacent. He saw what was emerging was the emptying of his soul for social-rendition.

  He had emerged triumphant or so he thought, by his religion. This was a 'sin'. And a 'Quranic sin' would only be rescinding by Alla. And one had to be the purest of the pure. He realized no adopting in a lot, and divorces from himself; what was the incite of self-division. He-wanted to see his worthiness proven beyond a 'doubt'. And no follower denied it. He'd saw the superstition and an in-security of other leaders before him. And they in-turn met a demise. All the blood-shed he'd once sought to avoid. And now he saw to that bloodshed which the many followers saw a deep-seated hatred for any foreigners, he was not raised the way his present-elders taught. He'd been a liberal, yet he saw how his sect the Shiites were in a country belonging to all they were persecuted with personal reverence. He too a began to hate, to accept his people's persona, social and religious-role emulate by a pride and devotion. An enigmatic pre-variant all told had become a way of life.

  And after emerging, with his own convention he adorned himself seeing and impressing those in need. It became a warding of self, social re-fracture that pleasing his now native-sons, being exalted to Caliph. Leader of a number of tribes in the back-country and now he done what had turned-out to be the prescience devoted, demise which in heritage went-back many centuries. And thus as a sentry, he too would need to sacrifice in the war against Shia-Islam... An allegory that was neither certain nor copasetic. But was the resurrection of cause. An deeming and dimension, which was the ever-relevance of compelling insistence. The destined eloquence by pride prodigious, he'd felt he'd never-fully understood... The working of Alla was beyond full understanding. So he prayed and pondered as he arrived at the Saidi International Hotel. He had decided on Dubai... Where all the locals were Bedouin and Arab, they'd fitted right in. He had a six-man entourage armed, committed and very competent. They carried suit-cases with linings filled with plastic--explosives. All, realized they would die for Alla.

  Each began to pray with their Caliph. He was their adored leader. His men, were as the Martianauts who were impressed to carry-out a defining mission so important they realized an appointing. The Caliph would be ready-for his own demise to invoke a deeper defiance in devotion. On each set of men, a deed to dedication. And that information would cause either a reality or destruction. Neither wanted any absolving. Exposed was many's in-humanity was not fully civilized that an implicit drive to hope for a greater reality... Perhaps, in-perception or imposition, the un-redeemed emoting of one's devising which enamoring, divulge dissention. Jeuai's people were both divorcing and defied the many occupiers, over-lords and imposer which tried to squelch the redeeming reliant-cause. He began to realize his time was ending that as he watch the final-stage of Star-fire countdown broadcast over the Arab-t.v. he began to feel the opposing feelings of dire and devotion.

  His men sat beside him quietly, waiting for every word. He remembered when his own professional attrition once shared the view of quandary in duly dimension... A worthy 'reliance'-'weak' by Bedouin standards. He once thought it all he could do was to work for ratification which came at a tooth-extracting dedication. Yet it was a time of innocence, but at a cost... A, both, trial and temptation fulfilled some Imams had spoken of the 'humorous'-terms of Alla. In the fulfilling of one's role. He was promised eternal-salvation in death, but only after suffering self-vilifying and destruction, fighting at the hands of his enemies. And blame would always be dismissed under Alla... He'd seen men tried, tempted and died, at the hand of his-enemies in Alla's name and as one's duty-lightly, forgotten but held as a martyr. He, was one of these.

  He could smell the breath of his-followers mingling with his own like close-brothers, they followed-through in duty; and now some of the last-breathes of life were among close duty-men. There was no time for doubt and no more cherishing as friends. Like when one's loved-ones were together on holiday, as when a family sat around the table. Now they protected him as a man-of-God. He knew this would be the last few-times had be with anyone he cared for. It was 4 p.m., the immaculate-room was very comfortable. His money for the room came from wealthy-believers in the Middle-East. They were enduring, proprietary-men, believing in the religion with brotherly-love. He engendered such devotion, as he'd once resided in succinct-squalor in the normal-ways by his people. It was a 'tide' and temperament of one's realities, yet ratification; adjudge by the times..

  ...It helped him emerge. Yet now his money seemed a 'pale'-reality. That the backward-country and backward-wealth made men give up the life in some ill-sophistication. An ill-redeemed, sobering or suffixed; by the self-diligence of both. He was satisfied, solemn and 'sacred'. A genuine-depose avid, accept and adjuring in the proper, prefix-of pretension... He'd remembered the loss and course that he and others were, in 'avant guard' and availing. Of progress, and preliminary; avocation, voice and vision of all who were in need. Perhaps, he'd never-known all the minimal-priory of self, social and survival. These people lived-in utter 'self-resound'; in account, and complicity. ...It was romantic, in the many acceptances and adjudication; afforded and adamantly, afflicting in a stressing of life-style. But their-ways were of the utmost devotion... For God despises, a tearful-sinner... So he came to know the quaint, resolve and highly, respected people-of Alla. Which lived a simple-life, on the edge of no-where and satisfied by the Will of God. So he acted-on that in recluse. He couldn't be sure, but he knew his-faith and the faith of his people was devoted to their-God.

  He could only diverge and turn what was the reactivity of his people; enjoined, innate and intrinsic to their-cause. Which, in the essence and proving, gave impetus to empower one man and his condoned oracle-investing; envisioned and pro-licit, in-ordered by the invitation and instance. A 'price' and prevailing to orchestrate a-'terror' upon the world, in an intense-intricacy; advising by proof and providence. They, each prepared-for what the Caliph would do next. Now, the important part of the plan was how its weakest-link, the men of the 'stages'... A message was sent-out, for the men to-disappear; to find by a plan to hide-out. To not expose any sign of their-'rationality', profile or image. Everyone began to realize, something had gone 'wrong'... The once calm breathing-in the thick air of the room became ever-heavier. The curtains had bee
n closed when once they'd enjoyed innocent sunshine. Everyone would be getting ready for the prayers, for crops and a good season.

  No one could go outside without the Caliph's permission. As had been assumed, the Caliph was the leader and consignor. He, and only he, gave the orders, as the leader-entity of the tribe and anointed devout keeper. Now in the cities by what occurred-in the desolate-side of the country. As the ultimate-voice of outlanders in other-than rights and religion, went-on unhindered. And so the many people in the rural-pact could have plotted a world-end without prohibition. So as devotees of purpose, pursuit and pride-adopted their-own antagonistic-ventures... Imparting and impacting, the prevalence-of condoning-persistence which had existed for centuries; and its portrayal, being self-fixed to make devoid outside of their-margins. The full-expansion, extent and preside-to the 'vision' and venture to surpass simple-existence. The prevalent-convention, and virtual-redemption of 'price' and

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