The Jade Butterfly

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The Jade Butterfly Page 8

by Dawn Gardner

  “I’m glad I met you tonight.” Joni reached down and grabbed Riley’s hand and squeezed it.

  Riley opened Joni’s front door. Joni went inside and climbed back into bed.

  Chapter 13

  August 1971

  Joni headed to the garage to meet Jack. Since their first date, they had been together almost every day they could. Joni had prepared a picnic of cheese, chips, crackers and beer. They were heading to the parkway for the afternoon. As she pulled into the garage, Jack’s father was closing up.

  “Jack’s washing up. He’ll be out in a minute. How are you Joni?” Jack’s father said placing his tools on the wooden table.

  “I’m doing okay, we’re heading up to Sharp Top to watch the sunset.”

  “That’ll be good. He’s in a foul mood, not sure what’s eating at him.” His father pulled the garage door down and threw the lock. It took a moment for Joni’s eyes to adjust to the darkness of the garage without the sunlight. Jack came out of the bathroom, and walked at a quick pace straight to Joni, put her face in his hands and kissed her hard.

  “Geez, Jack take this lovely lady and get out of here already. Glad to see that your mood has improved.”

  Jack released Joni from the kiss and then bought her close to him and squeezed her. Joni’s lungs compressed against his chest, making it hard to breathe.

  “Hey, let’s take my truck. I wanna drive.”

  Joni got the backpack with the food and beer from her car and then got into Jack’s truck.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I just wanna drive, we can talk on the mountain.” Jack reached his arm around Joni and pulled her body close to his, her knees kept getting in the way of him changing gears. As they drove up the parkway, Jack seemed distant, but if Joni moved away to allow him to shift, Jack would pull her back to him.

  In forty minutes, they had hiked up the mountain. It was a beautiful afternoon. The hike wasn’t a leisurely pace. Jack pushed the pace to the point that they were both sweating. At the top, there was a family with two boys. Jack grabbed Joni’s hand and led her to their favorite rock, which was on the far side from the trail opening. Once they were on their rock, they were tucked away from other hikers, and it seemed like the mountain was their own. The air was clear and the view was breath taking. Joni wasn’t sure what was going on with Jack, but she was glad they had made it in time for the sunset.

  Jack spread out the blanket, laid down on his back and let out a long sigh. Joni looked at Jack, his hands underneath his head, his arms, elbows bent and arms laid out to the side, the sleeves of the t-shirt cut into biceps. Joni looked at his face, his eyes were closed and he finally seemed at peace. She then let her eyes travel down his body, the dip at his stomach and the gap where his skin and his jeans didn’t meet. Jack opened his eyes rolled to his side, patted the blanket.

  “Want a beer?” Joni asked.

  “I want you and the beer.” Jack said and patted the blanket again. Joni smiled, opened two beers and came to the blanket. Jack took a long sip. And then he stared out at the landscape. Her body cooled off from the hike, so Joni pulled her sweatshirt out of the bag and pulled it over her head.

  “This is beautiful isn’t it.” Joni said and joined Jack’s gaze out over the valley.

  “Joni,” Jack waited for her to look at him. “Joni, I love you.” Jack kissed Joni before she could speak.

  Joni pulled away and ran her fingers through Jack’s hair and let her hand rest on the back of his neck, “Jack, I have loved you from the moment I met you.”

  “There’s something I have to show you.” Jack finished his beer and then pulled out a piece of paper from his front pocket of his jeans. He handed the soggy paper to Joni. She unfolded the paper and read:

  Selective Service System, Order to Report for Induction, The President of the United States, To: Jack Andrews, Greeting: You are hereby ordered for induction into the Armed Forces of the United States…

  “What’s this Jack?” Joni asked, but she already knew the answer.

  “You know what it is Joni. My birthday was picked, God, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave you. But I have to go, it’s the law.”

  “Isn’t there some kind of way out of it?”

  “I don’t think so Joni, I have to go.”

  Joni cried and hugged Jack. He held her, they held each other.

  Joni pulled away and got another beer for them. “Do you want any food? I have some chips, cheese or an apple.”

  “No. I just want you beside me.” Jack said.

  Joni came back to the blanket and they watched the sun come down to meet the purple-blue horizon. An orange to yellow gradient radiated from the horizon as the last part of the sun went down. Joni always kept watching the sunsets even after the sun left. Some of the most beautiful colors came when the sun was gone. After the color show was done, Jack laid Joni back on the rocks.

  “I want you to be still.” Jack said. Joni laughed and tried to move. “No, be still, and close your eyes.”

  “Jack, what are you up to?”

  “I want to look at you, I’m burning this in my memory.” Jack hovered his finger over Joni’s forehead and when she closed her eyes, he ran his finger down her nose, over her chin, down her neck, in between her breasts, to her belly button, down the zipper of her shorts, around the fringes of her jean shorts and down her leg. He then laid next to Joni and pushed his body next to hers. He traced her lips with his finger. Joni opened her eyes, rolled to him and they made love.

  December 1971

  It was a week before Christmas. Jack had been gone since the beginning of September. First it was basic training, then another training. Joni ached for him. After her shift, she went by the garage to see his dad. She seemed to miss him less there. Joni moved quickly from the car to the garage, even though the door was open, the heaters kept the space inside warmer than the cold December air. Jack father’s was with a customer, so Joni wandered out to the back courtyard area where she first saw Jack. Joni closed her eyes and imaged the hot summer day, the sound of the ping pong ball and Jack’s body moving at the table. Opening her eyes, she realized Jack was not there. She moved back inside to see if Jack’s father was finished with the customer.

  “Hi there lovely lady.” He said.

  Joni went over and gave him a big hug. She came to visit about once a week. It made both of them feel better to talk about Jack. “Hi. Sure is cold today, and here I brought you some cinnamon rolls. Jack shared the recipe with me. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, I guess I’ll have to try them.” He winked, lifted the foil and sniffed. “You’re so sweet. Now, my turn. I got something that’s going warm you up.” Jack’s father smiled like a mischievous child.

  “Please tell me.”

  He went over to the wooden table and underneath the tool box was a letter from Jack. He pulled out the letter from the envelope and pointed to the very end of the letter.

  Joni read the portion of the letter, …Dad, I’m coming home. I got my MOS and where I’m going. Tell you about that when I get there. But the great thing is I’ll be home on Christmas eve and have leave for a week and a day. Don’t tell Joni, I want to surprise her on Christmas eve.

  Joni wanted to be mad at him, but she couldn’t. She was so excited that he’d be home for Christmas.

  “Now, you listen here. No word to him that I spilled the beans, you hear.”

  “My lips are sealed. I won’t rat you out.”

  “I wanted you to know because you been moping around and it’s getting to be Christmas. Now, you need to get a tree and I’ll bet my bottom dollar, he’s going to have a gift for you. So I wanted you to be prepared.”

  “I haven’t even gotten a tree. I will today, I’ve so much to do to get ready!” Joni pulled Jack’s father in for another hug. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

  Christmas Eve 1971

  Joni stood back and admired her work. She hadn’t decorated for Christmas ever. The li
ve tree looked like a Christmas tree that a family would have, a real family. Up in the attic, she had found a box labeled “Christmas.” The thought that her mother’s hands were the last to touch the ornaments pleased Joni. The glass balls had to have been Maude’s when she was a little girl. Joni couldn’t be sure, but she dreamed of her mother placing the glass ornaments on her tree. Jack’s present was wrapped under the tree and the cinnamon rolls were iced and ready. The house smelled of Christmas. Joni walked into the kitchen, then back to the living room, when was he getting here.

  She walked into her studio and set up her paint and brushes. She decided on a white rice paper, she was going to paint her own version of the Christmas tree. She turned on the small black radio, adjusted the dial to a station playing Christmas music and she began her work on her tree. Rolling the belly of the brush in green and the tip in black ink, she created a pine tree that looked like a Chinese Christmas tree. Joni laughed. As she continued the dance with her brush, a sense of joy filled her. She thought, this must be why people are so happy at Christmastime. She sang I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas with as Bing as he crooned the tune through the small speaker.

  “You are?” Jack said as he leaned on the doorframe. Joni ran and jumped up on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Jack squeezed her and they spun around out of the doorframe and into the hallway. He put Joni down and then kissed her. They held each other again.

  “I missed you Jack.” Joni whispered in his ear. She pulled back and looked in his eyes, “You didn’t tell me you were coming home.”

  “By the looks of things around here, I think someone else told you I was coming home.”

  “Don’t be mad at your dad.” Joni hugged Jack again. “Do you want a cinnamon roll?”

  “You know what I want?” Jack pulled her toward the bedroom.

  With a blanket wrapped around her naked body, Joni walked to the kitchen grabbed a plate with two rolls and went back to bed. Jack was lying on his back and he was erect again. “Are you ready for something sweet?” Joni teased.

  “You better get over here.” Jack patted the bed and propped his back up against the headboard. Joni sat on the bed beside Jack, let the blanket fall away, and fed him one of the rolls. As Joni fed him, he placed his hands on top of Joni’s, allowing her fingers to linger in his mouth. She pulled her fingers away and he gently sucked all of the icing from her fingers one by one. Joni smeared icing on her lips from the second roll, put the plate on the nightstand. Joni sat on top of Jack, brought her lips to his and they made love again.

  “Jack, let’s just stay in bed forever.”

  “I wish we could.” Jack got up and went into the living room. Joni heard him opening his duffel bag. As he came through the door, naked holding two wrapped Christmas presents, Joni smiled knowing that this would be one of her favorite images of him.

  “Merry Christmas Joni.”

  “Which one should I open first? The small one or the big one?”

  Jack pointed to the larger box. Joni unwrapped the paper and opened the box. Inside on top of white tissue paper was an orange book with a Chinese man watching a female artist with the title “Chapters From a Floating Life, The Autobiography of a Chinese Artist.”

  “It’s supposed to be about Chinese lovers and she’s an artist. I thought you’d like it.”

  “Like it, I love it. Thank you Jack.” Joni flipped through the pages.

  “Don’t read it now. Read it when I’m gone. I’ve written some notes on the pages to you. Look, there’s more in the box.”

  Joni lifted the tissue paper out to reveal an old map and a small book of Chinese legends. The map was of the Yangtze River styled with beautiful artwork of places along the river. It looked like a children’s book to Joni.

  “It was made in the 1930’s.” Jack said.

  Joni cried. She carefully placed the map and the books back in the box and hugged Jack so hard.

  “You have one more to open.” Jack handed her the small box.

  Joni peeled the paper away and pried open the white top from the box. Inside, was a jade butterfly pendant on a gold chain. The butterfly wings went from light green to a deeper green. Its body and wings were carved into the jade and three small beads in descending size hung from its abdomen.

  “It is so beautiful Jack.”

  “Here, let me help you.” Jack took the necklace and Joni lifted her hair and moved her back to Jack. He hooked the clasp and the jade butterfly slid down Joni’s skin and rested between her breasts. She turned to face Jack.

  Jack smiled. “It looks perfect on you.”

  Joni bounded off the bed and ran to the Christmas tree to get Jack’s gift. She handed him the box. Jack opened his present with slow intentional movements. He lifted the box open to reveal a leather journal.

  “I didn’t know what to get you, because I wasn’t sure what you’d be able to take with you. Open the journal.”

  Jack undid the ties and opened the journal. Tucked in the front were three small card-sized paintings. Joni had mounted each one of the paintings on balsa wood. Jack picked up the three card paintings. “You made these for me?”

  “Yes. I want to tell you what they mean.” Joni said. Jack held up the first card, it was a black tortoise in bamboo. Joni continued, “The tortoise is the symbol of immortality and he is surrounded by bamboo which means strength and flexibility.” Jack flipped to the next card. “The tiger is for courage, bravery and power, I made him blue because of your eyes. And the last card.” Joni waited for Jack to look at the butterfly and the peony. “This butterfly sipping nectar from the peony symbolizes lovers tasting joys of passion.”

  “Joni, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had.”

  “Keep them close to you, I made them small to fit in your pockets.”

  “Come here you.” Jack grabbed Joni and picked her up with one arm behind her knees and his other arm supporting her body. He spun her and then laid her carefully down on the bed. Joni soaked him in as he looked at her body, the butterfly was resting on top of one of her nipples. Jack reached over and moved the pendant to the middle of her chest.

  “Joni, close your eyes, imagine you’re on the Yangtze river. One day, I’m taking you there for real. Can you see it?” Jack kissed her.

  “Don’t distract me.” Joni smiled.

  Jack opened the small book of Chinese legends and began to read the Butterfly Lovers.

  Chapter 14

  “Mom, are you awake?” Ellen knocked on Joni’s bedroom door. “Remember, we’re going to Ted’s school today.” Ellen opened the door and stepped inside her mother’s bedroom. Joni’s eyes were closed and she was smiling. Ellen sat on the bed and gently shook her mother’s shoulder. Joni opened her eyes.

  “Oh Ellen, I had the most beautiful dream. I was on the river and she was there. She came and Jack was there too.” Joni sat up in bed and clasped Ellen’s hands. “I feel good today, Ellen.”

  “I’m happy to hear this, because remember today is the Cultural Day at the high school. Remember Ted invited us to it. I think you will enjoy it so much.” Ellen knew that there would be an exhibit on China, but she wanted to surprise her mother.

  The high school cafeteria was a large open space with hallways that fed into the circle like the spokes of a wheel. The large skylights on either side of the angled roof gave the lunchroom a bright feel. The tables were pushed to the sides of the space with the students standing or sitting behind the tables. The presentations varied with flags, student artwork that represented the country and food samples. Ellen and Joni walked in toward the center of the tables. Ellen searched for Ted. As she was spinning around looking for him, Ted came up behind her.

  “Glad you could make it ladies.” Ted hugged them both.

  “We’re excited. Right Mom.” Joni didn’t even speak, because she spotted the China table and started towards the table. Ellen and Ted followed behind. The student artwork display was of particular interest to Joni. She walked along the
table and smiled. Joni lingered at the ceramics and paintings that were made by the students. The coffee table book of the Yangtze River caught her eye.

  “May I look at this?” Joni asked the student behind the table.


  Joni came around behind the table with the students and sat down. The students looked at Ted for what to do next. He gave them the nod to let her sit and look at the book. Joni savored every page.

  “Mom, do you want to see any of the other country displays?”

  “No, you go on. I want to stay here.” Joni said.

  Ted looked at Ellen and smiled. “I gotta get back to running the show here, you ladies will be fine without me, just for a little bit, right?”

  “We’ll be great. I’m going to wander around while Mom stays in China.” Ellen said and Joni looked up smiled and then seem to drift away again to another place. “Mom, you okay?”

  “Oh yes. Go on, I’m not leaving China.” Joni said.

  Ellen perused the tables as much as she could, and still keeping a watchful eye on her mother. Every few tables, she felt as if someone was watching her, she glanced up to see Ted looking her way.

  The sound of angry raised voices came from a hallway right behind the China table. Ellen’s glanced in the direction of the noise. A crowd of students had now formed around the sound. Ted pushed his way through the students. Just as Ellen’s gaze reached her mother, she saw a teenage boy with baggy jeans and a black t-shirt running and pushing his way through the students right in back of her mother. Joni stuck her leg out right at the right moment and the boy tripped.

  “You old bitch.” The boy said getting to his feet. He walked toward Joni.

  “You’re a dickhead, I saw what you did.” Joni stood up.

  It was like Ellen was watching the whole thing in slow motion. She ran to her mother. The boy drew back his open hand to smack Joni across the face, but before his arm could complete the motion, two male teachers had the boy on the ground. The school security came running in and took the boy away.


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