Book Read Free

Fame and Fortune Weekly, No. 801, February 4, 1921

Page 11

by Various

HAVE YOU SONG POEMS? I have best proposition. RAY HIBBELER, D104, 4040Dickens Ave., Chicago.

  * * * * *

  WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG! We will write the music and guaranteepublication on a royalty basis. Submit poems on any subject. SetonMusic Company, 920 S. Michigan Ave., Room 122, Chicago.

  * * * * *

  WRITE A SONG POEM--I compose music and guarantee publication. Send poemtoday. E. Hanson, 3810 Broadway, Room 107, Chicago.

  * * * * *

  WRITE A SONG POEM--Love, Mother, Home, Comic or any subject. I composemusic and guarantee publication. Send words today. Edward Trent, 636Reaper Block, Chicago.

  * * * * *

  WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We revise poems, write music and guaranteeto secure publication. Submit poems on any subject. Broadway Studios,165C, Fitzgerald Building, New York.


  ST-STU-T-T-TERING and stammering cured at home. Instructive bookletfree. Walter McDonnell, 15 Potomac Bank Bldg., Washington, D. C.


  GET ON THE STAGE. I tell you how! Send 6 cts. postage for IllustratedStage Book and full particulars. H. LaDelle, Box 557, Los Angeles, Cal.


  TOBACCO or Snuff Habit cured or no pay. $1 if cured. Remedy sent ontrial. Superbs Co., PC, Baltimore, Md.

  * * * * *

  TOBACCO KILLS MANLY VIGOR. Quit habit easily. Any form, chewing,smoking or snuff, cured or no charge. If cured, $1. Stops craving,harmless. Full remedy on trial. Perkins Co., B-51 Hastings, Nebr.

  * * * * *


  Crushes Helpless Victims

  Not only is tobacco filthy and disgusting to your loved ones, but itcontains a Deadly Poison which weakens heart, stomach, lowers vitalityand invites disease that may shorten your life. STOP! Regain vigor; butdon't shock your system by trying to quit unaided.


  It makes no difference how long you have used tobacco whether you smokecigarettes, pipe, cigars, chew or use snuff, Nix-O-Tine Tobacco Remedywill free you from the craving quickly and for good. No further desirefor tobacco. Guaranteed harmless. Has cured thousands of worst cases.If it cures, costs $1. No charge if it fails.


  _Write today for full remedy on trial_


  * * * * *


  Until You Try This Wonderful Treatment.

  My internal method of treatment is the correct one, and is sanctionedby the best informed physicians and surgeons. Ointments, salves andother local applications give only temporary relief.

  If you have piles in any form write for a FREE sample of _Page's PileTablets_ and you will bless the day that you read this. Write today.

  E. R. PAGE, 349B, Page Bldg., Marshall, Mich.

  * * * * *


  Cured at home; worst cases. No pain. No cost if it fails. Successfully used for 18 years. Write for Free Book and testimonials. GOITRENE COMPANY, 438 West 63rd Street, Chicago.

  * * * * *


  Sore or open legs, ulcers, enlarged veins, eczema healed while youwork. Write for free book and describe your own case. A. C. Liepe, 1457Green Bay Av., Milwaukee, Wis.

  * * * * *



  Into a trunk, under the bed or anywhere. Lots of Fun fooling theTeacher, Policeman or Friends.

  THE VENTRILO, a little instrument, fits in the mouth out of sight, usedwith above for Bird Calls, etc. Anyone can use it.

  NEVER FAILS. A 32 PAGE BOOK ON VENTRILOQUISM, the Ventrilo and largeCatalog of Tricks all for 10c

  BOY. NOV. CO., Dept. 200 So. Norwalk, Conn. LARGEST and OLDEST MailOrder House in Connecticut. HEADQUARTERS for all the latest Jokes,Tricks, Novelties, etc.


  Had Suffered Over 50 Years!

  Now 83 Years, Yet a Big Surprise To Friends

  Regains Strength Goes Out Fishing Back to Business Laughs at "URIC ACID"

  How the "Inner Mysteries" Reveals Startling Facts Overlooked By Doctors and Scientists For Centuries

  "I am eighty-three years old and I doctored for rheumatism ever sinceI came out of the army over fifty years ago" writes J. B. Ashelman."Like many others, I spent money freely for so-called 'cures', and Ihave read about 'Uric Acid' until I could almost taste it. I could notsleep nights or walk without pain; my hands were so sore and stiff Icould not hold a pen. But now, as if by magic, I am again in activebusiness and can walk with ease or write all day with comfort. Friendsare surprised at the change."


  Mr. Ashelman is only one of thousands who suffered for years, owingto the general belief in the old, false theory that "Uric Acid"causes rheumatism. This erroneous belief induced him and legions ofunfortunate men and women to take wrong treatments. You might just aswell attempt to put out a fire with oil as to try and get rid of yourrheumatism, neuritis and like complaints, by taking treatments supposedto drive Uric Acid out of your blood and body. Many physicians andscientists now know that Uric Acid never did, never can and never willcause rheumatism; that it is a natural and necessary constituent of theblood; that it is found in every new-born babe; and that without it wecould not live!

  These statements may seem strange to some folks, who have all alongbeen led to believe in the old "Uric Acid" humbug. It took Mr. Ashelmanfifty years to find out this truth. He learned how to get rid of thetrue cause of his rheumatism, other disorders, and recover his strengthfrom "The Inner Mysteries," a remarkable book now being distributedfree by an authority who devoted over twenty years to the scientificstudy of this particular trouble.

  NOTE: If any reader of this magazine wishes the book that reveals thesefacts regarding the true cause and cure of rheumatism, facts that wereoverlooked by doctors and scientists for centuries past, simply send apost card or letter to H. P. Clearwater, No. 534 G Street. Hallowell,Maine, and it will be sent by return mail without any charge whatever.Cut out this notice lest you forget! If not a sufferer yourself handthis good news to some afflicted friend.


  The peaceful village life in Coudray-Montceaux, in the Seine et Oise,only half an hour's ride by train from Paris, has been greatly excitedby the discovery of metal bearing sand, the color of which indicates agold vein, less than twenty-five feet below the surface of the ground.Samples of the sand have been sent to State chemists, who refuse tomake any comment until the analyses are completed. The discovery wasmade on the farm of a retired Government clerk while drilling for water.

  Speculation in adjoining properties, however, has already begun, ownersof the land refusing offers four times the former value of theirproperty, although as yet they have nothing definite to justify thebelief that a new Klondike has been discovered. In fact, a reportersucceeded in getting a handful of the sand, which he brought back toParis. He was assured by a chemist after a moment's examination of itthat it was nothing more than ferruginous flakes (fool's gold), similarto the iron pyrites which early explorers in America brought to Europeby shipload.--New York Herald.


  =I Tell You How! Stage Work and Cabaret Entertaining= successfullytaught by mail. Your BIG opportunity. Travel, see the world asvaudeville actor or actress. My great Professional Course--only oneof its kind--COVERS ALL BRANCHES. Develops Personality, Confidence,Skill and tells you just how to get on the Stage. Send 6c postage forillustrated booklet, "All About Vaudeville." State age and occupation.Write for this free Stage Book =today=!


  * * * * *






  4 solid Gold filled Rings, guaranteed 8 years, your Birthstone, yourInitial Signet, handsome Engagement and Real Wedding Ring, all 4 RingsFREE for selling 12 pckgs. Bluine at 15c. a pckg. Write for them,Bluine Mfg. Co., 580 Mill St., Concord Junct., Mass

  * * * * *



  This fine Rifle free for selling only 25 pieces of our Jewelry at 10ceach. Jewelry and Rifle sent prepaid.


  * * * * *

  Stop Using a Truss

  Yes, stop it, you know by your own experience it is only a make-shift,a false prop against a collapsing wall, and that it is undermining yourhealth. Why, then, continue to wear it? Here is a better way, whichmeans that tiresome, torturous trusses can be thrown away forever, andit's all because Stuart's PLAPAO-PADS are different, being medicineapplicators made self-adhesive purposely to prevent slipping and toafford an arrangement to hold the parts securely in place.

  NO STRAPS, BUCKLES OR SPRINGS ATTACHED, cannot slip, so cannot chafe orpress against the pubic bone.

  =Thousands have treated themselves= in the privacy of the home, andreport most obstinate cases cured--no delay from work. =Soft asvelvet--easy to apply--inexpensive.= Process of recovery is natural,so afterwards no use for trusses. Awarded Gold Medal InternationalExposition, Rome; Grand Prix, Paris. Write us today to prove it bysending TRIAL PLAPAO, FREE. Address,

  Plapao Co. 2185 Stuart Bldg. St. Louis, Mo.

  * * * * *


  Why be overstout when you might easily reduce 10 to 60 pounds,(whatever you need to) by the wonderfully efficacious, safe, reliableKorein system? _You look and feel younger._ Get a small box of KOREINtabules (pronounced _koreen_) at the druggist's. Follow directionsunder money-refund guarantee. Brochure will be mailed you FREE byKOREIN CO., NF-375, Station X. New York, N. Y.

  * * * * *

  Ouija Board


  good size, 13 x 9 in. with 3-legged pointer, for selling 12 pckgs.Bluine at 15c. a pckg.

  Bluine Mfg. Co., 581 Mill St., Concord Jct., Mass. Write today.

  Fame and Fortune Weekly


  759 A Pair of Jacks; or, The Smartest Messengers in Wall St.

  760 Brave Billy Bland; or, Hustling Up a Business.

  761 Taking a Big Risk; or, The Dime That Led to Riches.

  762 Clear Grit; or, The Office Boy Who Made Good.

  763 Dealing in Stocks; or, Saved by a Wall St. Ticker.

  764 The Sailor's Secret; or, The Treasure of Dead Man's Rock.

  765 Capturing the Coin; or, The Deals of a Boy Broker.

  766 On His Own Hook; or, Making a Losing Business Pay.

  767 Lucky Jim; or, $100,000 From Stocks.

  768 "Millions In It"; or, A Boy With Ideas.

  769 The Mystery of a Mining Chart; and, The Wall St. Boy Who Solved It.

  770 Grasping His Chance; or, The Boy Merchant of Melrose.

  771 Winning by Pluck; or, The Deals that Made the Dollars.

  772 The Crimson Mask; or, The Treasure of San Pedro.

  773 Frank Fisk, the Boy Broker; or, Working the Wall St. Stock Market.

  774 Playing a Lone Hand; or, The Boy Who Got the Gold.

  775 Will Fox of Wall St.; or, The Success of a Boy Broker.

  776 A Lad of Iron Nerve; or, Little Joe's Big Bonanza.

  777 Too Lucky to Lose; or, A Boy With a Winning Streak.

  778 The Stolen Chart; or, The Treasure of the Cataract.

  779 A Game Young Speculator; or, Taking a Chance on the Market.

  780 Charlie Crawford's Claim; or, From High School to Mining Camp.

  781 An Office Boy's Luck; or, The Lad Who Lost the Tips.

  782 Out for His Rights; or, Starting a Business on His Nerve.

  783 After the Last Dollar; or, The Wall St. Boy Who Saved His Boss.

  784 Fresh From the West; or, The Lad Who Made Good in New York.

  785 Boss of Wall St.; or, Taking Chances on the Curb.

  786 Dick, the Runaway; or, The Treasure of the Isle of Fog.

  787 In the Game to Win; or, Beating the Wall St. "Bulls."

  788 A Born Salesman; or, A Young Money-Maker on the Road.

  789 Dick Dalton, the Young Banker; or, Cornering the Wall St. Sharks.

  790 A $50,000 Deal; or, Hal Hardy, the Wall St. Wizard.

  791 Billy the Blacksmith; or, From Anvil to Fortune.

  792 Sharp and Smart, the Young Brokers; and, How They Made a Million.

  793 Driven From School; or, The Pirate's Buried Gold.

  794 A Bright Boy Broker; or, Shearing the Wall Street "Lambs."

  795 Telegraph Tom; or, The Message That Made Him Famous.

  796 Dick and the Mad Broker; or, The Secret Band of Wall Street.

  797 A Sharp Boy; or, Making His Mark in Business.

  798 Tom Swift of Wall Street; or, The Boy Who Was on the Job.

  790 Andy the Auctioneer; or, Bidding in a Fortune.

  800 Doubling Their Dollars; or, Schoolmates In Wall Street.

  For sale by all newsdealers, or will sent to any address on receipt ofprice, 7c. per copy, in money or postage stamps, by

  HARRY E. WOLFF, Pub., 166 West 23d St., New York.

  * * * * *



  By JAMES P. COGAN Price 35 Cents Per Copy

  This book contains all the most recent changes in the method ofconstruction and submission of scenarios. Sixty Lessons, covering everyphase of scenario writing, from the most elemental to the most advancedprinciples. This treatise covers everything a person must know inorder to make money as a successful scenario writer. For sale by allNews-dealers and Book-Stores. If you cannot procure a copy, send us theprice, 35 cents, in money or postage stamps, and we will mail you one,postage free. Address

  L. SENARENS, 219 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y.

  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  The title story of this issue originally appeared in _Fame and Fortune_#341. The later reprint represented in this e-text contains somecondensations (for example, the first two chapters of the originalversion are combined into a single chapter here), several chapter titlevariations, and the removal of many paragraph breaks.

  Retained some inconsistent hyphenation (e.g. suit-case vs. suitcases,to-day vs. today).

  Retained some inconsistent spelling (e.g. Pittsburg vs. Pittsburgh).

  Bold is represented by =equal signs=, italics by _underscores_.

  Page 5, renumbered "The Missing Diamond" from Chapter V to Chapter IV.

  Page 6, changed "Piont" to "Point" in Chapter V title.

  Page 7, changed "attack it to" to "attach it to."

  Page 8, changed "containing silverwire" to "containing silverware" and"porprietor" to "proprietor."

  Page 9, changed "wasd not very" to "was not very." Replaced misprintedtext "inventory of the loss showed that it was not very" (a duplicationof text lower on the page) with "their statement, for he knew exactlywhat was in" (the correct text recovered from the earlier appearance in_Fame and Fortune_ #341).

  Page 10, added missing quote after "him to wear."

  Page 13, the last line of the column ("him, so Dick laid himself out toplease her. He") was accidentally duplicated between "Monday morning"and "eleven o'clock." This duplicate text has been removed.

  Page 16, changed "Fnish" to "Finish" in Chapter XI title.

  Page 19, added missing "you" to "I'd like
you to know."

  Page 20, added missing quote after "BIG DEAL."

  Page 21, changed "becomoing" to "becoming" in "becoming cinema stars."

  Page 22, changed "consel" to "counsel," "plantiff" to "plaintiff" and"objecions" to "objections."

  Page 23, changed "rank any overpowering" to "rank and overpowering" and"Foresrty" to "Forestry."

  Page 24, the line "ing her, although Walden had uttered no threats" ismissing from this printing between "vague alarm concern-" and "againsther." The text has been filled in from a later reprint of the story, in_Fame and Fortune_ #828.

  Changed "thatt villain, Walden" to "that villain, Walden."

  Unnumbered pages, added missing quote after "usually the limit." Addedsemi-colon after "Courtship." Changed "In fact, a reporer" to "In fact,a reporter." The address "438 West 63rd Street" is a best guess basedon very blurry printing.


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