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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 23

by K. L. Hiers

  “Chain of custody from SSPD where the tape was released to one Geraldine Peters for digital preservation,” Christine said smoothly, holding up a form to pass along to the bailiff. “She’s retired now, dementia, such a terrible disease. She never turned the digital copy back in, and it came into Mr. Legrand’s possession.”

  “I bet it did,” Champignon growled softly.

  “Still quite a mystery what happened to the original tape, your honor,” Christine noted. “Good thing Mrs. Eastwick made this copy or we’d have nothing.”

  “What a shame that would have been,” Blalock grumbled.

  “I’ll accept it,” Del Rio said immediately after reading over Christine’s form, already tapping away to open up the audio file. “I’m very curious to see how this transcript holds up to the purported honest scripting skills of SSPD’s finest.”

  Blalock sank down in his chair, and Champignon grinded his teeth furiously.

  The recording began to play, and the first few seconds were filled with a child’s sobbing. Thirdsies made an awful face, turning to bury his face into his grandfather’s shoulder.

  They all listened to the grueling interrogation, and it was just as awful as when Jimmy heard it that morning. He glanced around the courtroom, trying to gauge everyone’s reactions as he resisted the urge to openly squirm in his seat.

  Christine was calm but confident. Certainly, she’d already heard it before. Champignon was running hotter with every passing second, and Blalock looked helplessly lost when he heard the first officer discuss sending Valdemar away without his medication.

  Valdemar grinned at that part, patting Thirdsies’ back and ruffling his hair affectionately.

  Thirdsies appeared as nauseous as Blalock, and he tried to slink back deeper down into his chair as the tape played on.

  Del Rio was listening intently, her sharp eyes cutting back and forth between her computer screen and the transcript copy. She did not look pleased.

  Cold had steepled his fingers together, elbows on the table, as he leaned forward to stare down Champignon. He was smiling, nasty and proud, obviously pleased with this recent turn of events.

  There was no way that Thirdsies’ testimony was going to stay in evidence now.

  As the last few seconds of Thirdsies’ blubbering came to an end, Del Rio calmly closed her laptop. “Well, Mr. Blalock, I would say that the SSPD needs to brush up on their dictation skills, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, your honor,” Blalock said glumly.

  “Mr. Valdemar,” Del Rio said, nodding to the witness stand beside her. “Please have a seat.”

  Thirdsies awkwardly stumbled over beside the bench, and his hand shook as the bailiff swore him in.

  Del Rio appraised Thirdsies with a quick smile as he took his seat, asking firmly, “Could you please state your full name for the record, young man?”

  “Francis Von Valdemar III,” Thirdsies replied dutifully.

  “You are aware that you’re being questioned today in the state’s case against Roderick Legrand?”

  “Yes, your honor,” Thirdsies said, trying to slowly straighten himself up.

  “I am going to be asking you questions, and you are going to be answering them under oath,” Del Rio said firmly. “Do you understand this?”

  “Yes, your most honorable.”

  “Now,” Del Rio said, “we are here today regarding a statement you gave to the Strassen Springs authorities over nineteen years. Do you understand to which incident I am referring?”

  “Yes,” Thirdsies chirped obediently. “It’s the one where the pigs said they were going to kill my grandpa!”

  “Objection! The SSPD made no such threats!” Blalock quickly interjected.

  “Overruled,” Del Rio barked with a slam of her gavel. “Denying a man medication necessary to his survival is as good as a death threat.” She looked back to Thirdsies. “Do you now feel that you were forced to make that statement to the police?”

  “Absolutely!” Thirdsies exclaimed. “It was a bunch of shit.”

  Del Rio chose to ignore his choice of words, asking plainly, “And you are going to recant your testimony today?”

  “That, too! I never saw the Boss or that Luchesi guy!”

  “If you’d allow me, your honor,” Champignon spoke up, “I’d like to ask Mr. Valdemar a question.”

  “Proceed, Mr. Champignon,” Del Rio replied, “with caution.”

  “Of course, your honor,” Champignon said calmly. “Now, Mr. Valdemar, is it true that you were briefly involved with Roger Lorre prior to his arrest last year for distribution of methamphetamines?”

  “Irrelevant,” Christine scoffed.

  “On the contrary,” Champignon said with a slick smile, “I find that Mr. Valdemar’s personal life is very relevant. In addition to his previous relationship with Mr. Lorre, he’s currently romantically involved with Theodore Pym. Both are known associates of Mr. Legrand.”

  “What?” Thirdsies sat up awkwardly and scowled furiously at Champignon. “Hey, ugly. You’ve got something to say, you can say it right fuckin’ here to my face. Are you trying to fuckin’ slut shame me right now?”

  “Language, young man,” Del Rio snapped. She cast Champignon a sharp glare, warning, “This had better become relevant to this hearing very, very quickly.”

  “Mr. Valdemar’s original testimony should not be removed, your honor,” Champignon said firmly. “It is clear that he is only doing this because of his relationship with Mr. Legrand and their fellow criminals—”

  “Alleged criminals,” Jimmy corrected immediately.

  “Mr. Valdemar has previously recanted testimony to benefit Mr. Legrand,” Champignon declared. “This is a pattern of manipulating the truth with criminal intent, your honor.”

  “Counsel, approach,” Del Rio snarled, beckoning them all over with a scowl.

  Christine, Champignon, and Blalock all hovered in front of the bench, waiting for Jimmy to join them. It took him a bit longer than expected. Every step made his loins throb; he was nearly out of breath when he finally arrived.

  “Off the record,” Del Rio began briskly, glancing down to the transcriptionist to make sure his fingers had stopped moving, “let’s be frank. You can argue all you want about Mr. Valdemar’s adult behavior, but what we are discussing is what happened to a child.”

  “Your honor,” Champignon piped up again, “please. You have to see what’s going on here! Mr. Valdemar is a liar, and this is a conspiracy—”

  “A thirteen-year-old boy was not conspiring any great master plan when he was being brutally harassed by the SSPD,” Del Rio hissed, her hand reaching for her gavel. “Watch your mouth or you’re about to find yourself in contempt.”

  “This is not acceptable!” Champignon argued desperately. “Mr. Valdemar is only recanting to cover Mr. Legrand’s ass, and this duress angle is all smoke and mirrors!”

  “Enough of this, Mr. Champignon,” Jimmy snarled suddenly. His cock hurt, his balls hurt, and he was done being patient. “We all heard that tape. You’ll be lucky if the SSPD survives the civil lawsuit that I’m sure Miss Beccali is about to file, not to mention the fallout with the press.”

  “Oh, as soon as we leave here,” Christine promised heatedly.

  “This ends now,” Jimmy demanded, staring down Champignon and Blalock both fearlessly. “Thirdsies’ testimony is out...” He hesitated, his fire ebbing as he glanced to Judge Del Rio. “If your honor agrees, of course.”

  “You had me at ‘enough of this,’” Del Rio said with a toothy grin. “The motion to exclude Mr. Valdemar’s testimony is granted, counsel. You may return to your seats.”

  “Thank you, your honor,” Christine said politely. “We appreciate your understanding in this matter.”

  “Always happy to serve justice,” Del Rio replied, cutting her eyes at Blalock and Champignon. “If either your office or the FBI try to appeal my ruling, I warn you, I will make sure that there’s an internal investigation. That redact
ed transcript is bordering on evidence tampering, counselor.”

  “Understood, your honor,” Blalock said glumly.

  “If that’s all, I’m going to call this hearing closed, and I do hope you all have a lovely day,” Del Rio announced cheerfully with a crack of her gavel. “Court is adjourned!”

  Jimmy felt the sound of the gavel in his dick, and he clung to Cold’s chest as they got ready to leave the courtroom. The plug was pulsing mercilessly, and Jimmy had trouble forming simple sentences to say goodbye to everyone.

  The bailiff came over to check Cold’s ankle monitor, assuring him that it was a routine tamper and fit test. Jimmy was too distracted by the plug to get any joy from watching Cold’s frustration over his dress sock being scrunched down so the bailiff could finish his work.

  Cold and Christine exchanged quick whispers while Thirdsies stripped off his suit despite his grandfather’s complaints. Jimmy saw a flash of skinny bare torso, and then Cold was whisking him outside to the backseat of the limo.

  Jimmy groaned when he felt the vibrations inside of him kick back on, struggling to walk at a normal gait as he finally collapsed against the plush cushions on the backseat.

  Cold never let go of him, cradling him close and rubbing his long fingers between his legs as the pulsing became absolutely maddening.

  “You performed beautifully,” Cold purred adoringly. “So beautifully, in fact, I’m going to give you a choice.”

  “A ch-choice?” Jimmy whimpered. “What choice?”

  “How do you want to come, Mr. Poe?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Your mouth,” Jimmy replied immediately, panting and squirming as the vibrations from the toy continued to drive him into sheer madness. He couldn’t stop staring at Cold’s beautiful lips, and he was totally consumed with feeling them on his cock. “Please...?”

  “Yes,” Cold said, dropping to his knees between Jimmy’s legs and ripping his belt out of his way. It was all a quick blur of motion as Cold dragged Jimmy’s pants and underwear down around his ankles in one swift pull.

  “Please, please, please!” Jimmy chanted desperately, his brain locking up and unable to say anything else. He was sweating, his cock red and throbbing, desperate for release.

  Cold grabbed Jimmy’s hips and dragged him close, wrapping his hot mouth around Jimmy’s length and sucking him hard. There was no seductive teasing or subtle build. Cold simply claimed every inch of Jimmy’s dick in one swift gulp.

  Jimmy cried out triumphantly, his head dropping back against the seat and groaning low as Cold got to work. The vibrations were making him overly sensitive and numb all at once, and he knew it couldn’t last long. “Fuck, Rod... I’m... I’m right there...”

  Cold didn’t seem to mind, twirling his tongue with each hard suck and bobbing his head even faster. He was positively ravenous, his icy eyes flicking up to stare into Jimmy’s with a soft growl.

  Jimmy was lost in his fierce gaze, grabbing Cold’s shoulder to help ground him as his balls began to tighten. He saw the ring on his finger, feeling overwhelmed by the sight in an instant. This was his husband, the gangster king of Strassen Springs, who was on his knees for him.

  Cold was dangerous and ruthless, calculating and often deceitful, but there was no doubt in Jimmy’s mind as to how much Cold loved him.

  “Fuck!” Jimmy moaned as he came, his hips twitching as Cold’s wicked lips worked him through his intense orgasm. His thighs shuddered, and he was sure all of Strassen Springs had heard him come. He could feel the vibrations dwindle away, and he whimpered softly as Cold pulled the little plug out.

  Cold wrapped it in his handkerchief and tucked it away in his pocket, gracefully sliding into the seat beside him with a smug smile.

  Jimmy hadn’t moved yet, his knees falling apart as he slumped against the cushions. He grinned dopily at Cold, teasing, “I should go to court with you more often.”

  “Mmm, you really should,” Cold chuckled, leaning in for a kiss.

  “Rod,” Jimmy breathed contentedly, gasping suddenly as Cold’s hand slid down between his legs. His cock was overly sensitive and his hole was still gaping; he groaned as Cold’s long fingers pushed inside. “Shit... mmm, Rod...”

  “I’m so very proud of you,” Cold said, his fingers sliding in and out slowly. “You were articulate and aggressive when you spoke, and you held yourself so confidently. Oh, and the way you lashed out at Champignon, mmm... I have to confess; watching you made me hard.”

  Jimmy squeaked, rocking his hips down against Cold’s thrusting hand. “You, you got hard in court? For me?”

  “Oh, yes.” Cold nipped at Jimmy’s neck, “and I don’t think I can wait until we get home to resolve it.”

  “Then don’t,” Jimmy panted, stroking Cold’s hair and kissing him passionately. He sucked on his lower lip, groaning, “Fuck me right here, come on. I would have let you fuck me right there in court! With everyone watching you tear me apart! Oh, please, I need your cock in me—”

  “Christ,” Cold growled, pausing only to snatch the phone off the receiver. Fingers still pumping hard, he asked calmly, “Jerry? Take the long way home if you’d be so kind.” He hung up, all of his attention refocused on Jimmy. “Bend over the seat. Now.”

  Jimmy whined when Cold pulled his fingers out and scrambled to get into position. He grabbed onto the seat and stuck his ass out, rambling breathlessly, “I would have loved it. For everyone to see you fuck me, how I scream for you, how hard you make me come...”

  “That mouth,” Cold sighed, rubbing his cock between Jimmy’s cheeks. “Who knew you had such a dirty mind, Mr. Poe?”

  “I can’t help it! It’s you, only you do this to me... fuck, all the things I want you to do to me...” Jimmy shuddered, arching back as he felt the head of Cold’s cock pushing slowly inside him. The plug had stretched him out some, but not nearly enough to take on Cold’s girth uninhibited.

  Cold certainly felt the resistance, only moving in short thrusts as he waited for Jimmy’s body to open up for him. He squeezed Jimmy’s cheeks as he continued to rock his hips, demanding huskily, “Tell me, Mr. Poe. Tell me about these things; what do you want me to do to you?”

  “Unnnph, God.” Jimmy inhaled sharply as Cold’s cock popped in a few more inches, aided by the lube left behind from the plug. He had to concentrate to make his mouth cooperate to speak properly. “I want you to use me. I want you to fuck me really hard, to tell me how fucking good I feel while you do it... I want to know how much you love it.”

  “Mmm, I love your tight little ass,” Cold rumbled immediately in reply, plastering himself against Jimmy’s back as he slammed all the way in with a low grunt. “You always feel so fucking perfect, Mr. Poe.”

  “Fuck, yes,” Jimmy moaned.

  “Your body feels like it was made just for me, as if every inch of you was crafted specifically for taking my cock,” Cold crooned. “No one else will ever know the heaven that is being inside of you... no one!”

  “Oh, God!” Jimmy cried out as Cold began to fuck him hard.

  “And you always taste so fucking good,” Cold went on, kissing at Jimmy’s ear. “Warm, sweet... a little salty if I’ve already come in you... Mmm, nothing compares to eating out your perfect little ass after I’ve fucking filled you up.”

  “Rod,” Jimmy whimpered, his cock twitching with new vigor as he listened to every lewd word. Cold’s breath at his ear was making his entire spine shiver, and the sensation was pooling down between his legs and leaving him aching for more.

  “That’s when I know you’re mine,” Cold went on salaciously. “Totally and absolutely. You smell like me... you taste like me... I’ve claimed every inch of you... and it makes me want to do it all over again...”

  “Rod! Fuck, yes!” Jimmy screamed, torn apart by Cold’s filthy words and his massive cock thrusting inside of him.

  “I’d keep you full of my cum all the time if I could,” Cold continued lecherously, rolling his body as he pushed deeper in J
immy’s ass. “Put another pretty little plug in you... every second you’d always have me inside of you... You’d love that... wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes!” Jimmy cried shamelessly, clinging to the seat and sobbing against the leather. “Yes, please!”

  “Such a fucking slut for my loads,” Cold taunted, his teeth grazing Jimmy’s ear. “Just think of how pretty you’d look after I’ve filled you up a few times... and then I take the plug out...”

  “Rod!” Jimmy’s face was burning up as the filthy images flashed before his eyes. He could see it all so vividly, and the stunning visuals made him ache down to his very core.

  “Your hole, gaping and clenching, desperate for my cock,” Cold said seductively, “and all my thick cum running out of you... over your balls... down your thighs...”

  Jimmy shuddered, crying out as Cold began to fuck him harder. He grabbed a hold of the top of the seat to brace himself and moaned jubilantly, “Ohhhh, fuck, yes! Yes!”

  Cold snatched Jimmy’s hips with bruising force as he slammed into him. “Mine,” he snarled possessively. “All of this... is mine!”

  “Yours!” Jimmy agreed, howling from the ferocious slams of Cold’s cock. “Yours to come in... to fill up... to fuck... always yours, only yours!”

  “All fucking mine,” Cold agreed, one of his feet propping up on the seat next to Jimmy as he continued to ram into him without mercy.

  The strength of Cold’s thrusts and his grip kept Jimmy firmly in place, Jimmy crying and moaning as the pace became mind-numbingly ravenous. The new angle was so deep and wonderful that it made Jimmy scream out in pleasure without any care as to who could hear him.

  “Rod! Fuck!” Jimmy whimpered, blown away by Cold’s passion. He screamed again when Cold suddenly grabbed one of the headrests for extra leverage. He was a mess of flailing limbs and moans, crying out, “Yes, yes, fuck, I want your fucking cum!”

  “Take it!” Cold roared, panting and grunting as his orgasm began to take over. “Take every fucking drop!”

  “I love it,” Jimmy sobbed eagerly. “I love your cum, Rod! Fuuu-uck, fuck, fuck!”


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