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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 31

by K. L. Hiers

  Cold only smiled and kissed Jimmy’s cheek.

  Jimmy settled back down against his chest, and he closed his eyes. Cold kept rubbing his back and seemed content to hold him, though he did turn on the television.

  Cold turned down the volume and eventually urged Jimmy to stretch back across the couch with his head in his lap.

  Jimmy went willingly, murmuring happily when Cold began to pet his hair. He was almost asleep when Cold’s phone beeped inside his jacket pocket. He lifted up his head to watch Cold’s narrowed eyes scanning a text message. “Mm. What is it?”

  “Christine is calling for a motion to dismiss all charges against me tomorrow,” Cold explained smugly. “Blalock has confirmed that he will not fight.”

  “You’re not worried he might try to screw you over?”

  “No,” Cold chuckled. “No, I’m not.”

  “And Champignon and the feds?”

  “They’ll be too busy cleaning up their own mess to bother with me,” Cold said. “Champignon will fight the charges, but the evidence is too great. He will most likely be forced to resign.”

  “And then that’s it?” Jimmy felt a flicker of excitement. “The charges are dropped, and you’re free? Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” Cold absently reached down to adjust his sock around his ankle monitor.

  Jimmy tried to suppress a snicker and failed.

  Scowling, Cold tugged at Jimmy’s hair.

  “Ow!” Jimmy laughed harder. “I’m sorry! I’m not trying to make light of the terrible burden you’ve had to suffer—”

  “Cheeky little brat,” Cold snarled playfully. “Don’t think for a moment that I’ll forget about this.”

  “Oh?” Jimmy grinned. “Gonna plan something special for me?”

  “Once I get this monstrous contraption off, yes,” Cold promised. “I already have something very unique in mind. As soon as Judge Del Rio makes her ruling, that will signal the countdown to your punishment.”

  “Countdown?” Jimmy bit his lip. He could feel a wave of heat flashing over his face, and he swallowed thickly.

  “Mmhmm,” Cold hummed coyly. “Ten hours, and then you’re all mine.”

  “How can you possibly know that?”

  “Because I know everything.”

  Jimmy decided not to make any mention of onions, saying instead, “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “We’ll see who looks ridiculous tomorrow night,” Cold teased.

  “You’re really that confident in your plan that your charges are getting dismissed tomorrow?” Jimmy pressed, reaching down to adjust himself. “Confident enough to make threats?”

  “Confident enough to make a promise that ten hours after court tomorrow, you’ll severely regret making light of my discomfort.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Jimmy huffed.

  All joking aside, Jimmy hoped Cold was right.

  When they went to bed that night, if Jimmy held onto Cold a bit tighter than usual, it was only because he could still feel a tickle of fear in the back of his mind.

  As if sensing his apprehension, Cold turned to kiss Jimmy’s brow. “Trust me.”

  Jimmy murmured softly in reply and cuddled closer.

  Everything had come down to this. After decades of precise and calculated planning, the course for the rest of their lives was going to be decided in the morning.

  Come what may, he had to trust Cold.

  Chapter Twenty

  “All charges dismissed!”

  The court became a wild arena the moment Judge Del Rio’s gavel came down with her fateful verdict.

  With a single crack of her gavel, Del Rio had freed Boss Cold and cleared him of first degree murder charges. All of Cold’s scheming, murder, and blackmail had brought them absolute victory.

  Jimmy didn’t care who was watching when he launched himself into Cold’s arms for a passionate kiss.

  This was it. It was over. Cold was free.

  Cold allowed the kiss, but he gently pulled away after a few seconds. Too many cameras were flashing all around them, and Cold did like his privacy.

  “Sorry,” Jimmy murmured sheepishly.

  “Ten hours,” Cold reminded him with a wink.

  Jimmy’s face instantly flushed.

  Cold smirked and gave the back of Jimmy’s neck a meaningful squeeze before getting settled back in his seat.

  “Also, in light of the evidence that Mr. Blalock has provided,” Del Rio went on as she sized up the prosecution table, “I’m expecting a full and swift investigation at the federal level into the recent activities of Mr. Champignon.”

  Champignon was standing in the crowd, and he seemed to shrink when Del Rio’s steel gaze found him.

  “Many of our good citizens died in that terrible fire at the Wynne Hotel, and I promise that I will not rest until you can be cleared of responsibility or convicted for it,” she warned. “That is all. Court is adjourned!”

  Another bang of her gavel sounded, and Jimmy had to resist the urge to pump his fist into the air. The crowd was clapping and cheering excitedly, and the noise rose to a dull roar despite repeated smacks of Del Rio’s gavel.

  Boss Cold had been completely cleared of all charges, the Luchesi family was in ruins, and the FBI had a nasty internal investigation ahead of them.

  It seemed so simple, so easy, and yet Jimmy still felt a strange sense of unease.

  It didn’t actually feel like it was over.

  He pushed the feeling aside, admiring the way Cold beamed down at his bare ankle as the monitor was removed. He watched Cold meticulously pull his sock back into place and sigh in obvious relief.

  “Better?” Jimmy teased, looping his arm in Cold’s as they began to leave the courtroom.

  “Yes,” Cold said with a smug little smile. “I’ll be even better in nine hours and forty-six minutes, Mr. Poe. I hope your smart mouth has been worth it.”

  Jimmy flushed anew, and he reached up to adjust his tie.

  Jules appeared from around the corner to pull Cold into a fond embrace as he exclaimed, “You did it, you slick son of a bitch!”

  “If you ever scare me like this again, I’ll kick your ass!” Rowena’s voice chimed in as she joined them, hugging her brother close. “I still might!”

  Cold allowed all of the affection with minimal eye rolling, smirking as he teased, “You may want to wait until there aren’t so many witnesses.”

  “Asshole,” Rowena muttered affectionately, straightening out Cold’s collar where it had become minutely disheveled from their hug.

  Jimmy grunted when he found himself being dragged next into Jules’ crushing hold, wheezing, “Jules, hey, hi, need to breathe.”

  “Knew you could do it, Little Boss,” Jules said with a grin, finally releasing Jimmy and smacking his back. “You did us fuckin’ proud, too.”

  The playful blow made Jimmy lurch forward, and he was grateful for Cold’s quick arm around his waist to steady him. “Y-yeah, no problem! I didn’t really help much, but, uh, anything for Rod, you know?”

  Leaning in to kiss Jimmy’s cheek, Rowena had a sparkle of mischief in her eye. “Mm, you officially survived your first murder trial. Not too bad being a mafia boyfriend, huh?”

  “That’s mafia husband now.” Jimmy blushed as he corrected her, leaning into Cold’s side.

  Rowena laughed at that while Cold rolled his eyes again.

  Champignon came stalking up from behind them, his presence stealing away their joy as he hissed angrily at Cold, “I don’t know how the hell you did this, but you’re going to pay dearly—!”

  Cold regarded Champignon with all the concern of someone looking down at a tiny ant biting their toe. “Mm, my apologies, Mr. Champignon, but I simply do not have time for you today. Perhaps you should be more concerned with your own legal troubles.”

  “I’m going to beat those bullshit charges, and when I do? I’m coming for you!” Champignon was seething. “You’re done!”

  “I’m sorr
y,” Cold drawled. “Were you saying something? I was a bit distracted. Terribly busy. What with celebrating my freedom, planning my wedding...”

  Champignon whirled on Jimmy, snarling furiously, “Right. The wedding. You know, it’s still not too late for you to cooperate, Mr. Poe. I can help you! You don’t want to get swept up into his bullshit, do you? He may have gotten away with it this time, but his luck can’t last forever!”

  Jimmy took a deep breath, smiling calmly as he replied, “Mr. Champignon, please leave us alone before I have you arrested for threatening my husband.”

  Champignon’s face fell.

  “If you’re going to do it,” Jimmy went on with his head held high, glancing at Cold with a sly smile, “you better make sure there aren’t any witnesses.”

  Champignon became flustered but said nothing, watching them leave with unbridled contempt.

  “That’s my good boy,” Cold purred softly so only Jimmy could hear him. He chuckled to himself as he led Jimmy into the lobby, Rowena and Jules following behind.

  The rest of the Gentlemen were waiting there for them, cheering and clapping excitedly. Francis Valdemar and Thirdsies were by far the loudest while Tamerlane only offered a respectful nod though he looked quite happy.

  Jerry and Lorre were at the doors, ready to swing them open and push back the crowd that was gathered outside. It was a cluster of reporters and onlookers, all of them clamoring for a comment or a photograph.

  The Gentlemen went out first to part the crowd of people, Jerry rushing ahead to open the door of the limo he’d parked illegally on the sidewalk.

  Cold briskly swept Jimmy inside the limo before sitting beside him, shifting ever so slightly to allow Rowena to slink in.

  “We’ll meet you back at the house,” Jules said, tipping his head with a grin. “We got some partying to do!”

  “Planning,” Cold firmly corrected.

  “That, too.”

  Jerry turned up his nose at Jules and promptly shut the door.

  “Planning?” Jimmy asked suspiciously.

  “Yes,” Cold said simply, taking Jimmy’s hand and kissing it.

  “Wedding planning or sneaky gay mafia planning?” Rowena asked with a quirk of her brows.

  “Planning that doesn’t involve either one of you,” Cold informed them curtly. “I have business to attend to and so do you, Jimmy.”

  “What business?” Jimmy demanded.

  “There is a small matter of a special shopping trip that requires your attention,” Cold explained. “One last item that is required for the wedding.”

  “Shopping?” Rowena’s ears immediately perked up.

  “Your ring,” Jimmy said quietly, remembering the previous conversation with a sweet smile. He suddenly narrowed his eyes as he accused, “Ha! You’re just trying to distract me from whatever you’re up to with a shopping trip!”

  “Yes.” Cold didn’t even try to look ashamed.

  “You just got cleared on freakin’ murder charges!” Jimmy groaned. “What else could you possibly be up to?”

  “Many things.” Cold kissed Jimmy’s hand again, glancing to his sister. “I’m sure you’ll be more than happy to keep Jimmy company?”

  “Is this before or after I kick your ass for all of this ridiculous drama?” Rowena rolled her eyes. “We all know you’re up to something.”

  “Any so-called ass kicking will have to be later,” Cold tutted. “I’m busy.”

  “Fine, whatever,” Rowena scoffed, adjusting her hair and reaching for the phone that rang up in the front of the limo. “Hey, Jerry darling. Take us over to Tiffany’s. We’re going to break my brother’s bank account because he’s being a dick mongrel.”

  Cold scowled as Rowena hung up. “Charming. Very charming.”

  Rowena gave him her sweetest smile and batted her eyes. “I’m the most charming person you know! Now, Jimmy. I’m not saying you should pick out the most expensive ring, but if it is? I’d be very happy.”

  Jimmy found himself blushing, giving Cold’s hand a squeeze. With all of the terrible risks they’d faced over the last few weeks, this should have been easy. Yet, he suddenly felt more nervous about picking out a wedding ring than he had walking into court that morning.

  They pulled up to the jewelry store and Cold got out with them, kissing Jimmy’s cheek in farewell.

  “Riding with Jules?” Jimmy asked, watching Jules’ El Camino park behind the limo.

  “Yes,” Cold said. “I’ll see you back at the house.”

  “For the party?” Jimmy grinned.

  “No,” Cold grunted. “You and I have some business of our own to tend to, and there is not going to be a party.”

  “There’s totally going to be a party!” Jules shouted from his car while Jimmy blushed. “Already got the boys working on it! Make sure you dress up real fuckin’ nice!”

  Cold made a face.

  “Sounds like there’s going to be one to me,” Rowena laughed, looping her arm with Jimmy’s. “See you tonight, Roddy!”

  Cold stalked wordlessly to the El Camino, sitting down in the passenger seat with a scowl.

  Jimmy couldn’t help but join in Rowena’s laughter. Roderick Legrand, mobster and fiend, was pouting because he didn’t want to have a party.

  Rowena led Jimmy into the posh jewelry store, her eyes flashing all over the shiny cases. “Now! In all seriousness, do you have any idea what you want to get my brother?”

  “In all seriousness?” Jimmy gulped. Even though he was fresh from court wearing a suit, he did not feel like he fit in this place at all. He was terrified to touch anything. “No freakin’ clue.”

  “Come on!” Rowena pulled Jimmy up to a display case full of dazzling diamond rings. “You’ve got to have some idea what he likes!”

  “Flashy but not too flashy,” Jimmy said carefully. “He definitely likes classic styles, he likes to look powerful and dangerous, but still like, really fashionable... uh... what sort of ring says ‘I just beat a murder rap but also dare to wear spats in the twenty-first century’?”

  Rowena elbowed Jimmy playfully, snorting, “It should be more special than that! Your ring is oozing with sentimental value, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Jimmy smiled down at the little diamond glittering in his wedding band. “He spent so much time making this perfect for me. I was kinda a dick to him about it—”

  “Well, he deserved it,” Rowena quipped, gliding over to browse another case of golden earrings.

  “No, he totally did,” Jimmy amended, “but I want to give him something that shows how much I appreciate him. Diamonds just seem really cheap. Not that they’re cheap, but...”

  “They’re not special.” Rowena nodded her head in understanding.


  “Well,” Rowena said with a shrug, “you’ve gotta figure out what special means to you and Rod and then buy it!”

  “Yup. On it.”

  Jimmy kept looking through the men’s rings, hoping something would jump out at him. He knew Cold didn’t wear much jewelry, and he rarely accessorized other than his cufflinks and the occasional pocket watch.

  They were either too plain or too gaudy, not a single one screaming undying devotion and love.

  Jimmy could feel pressure eating away at his insides as he moved from case to case with no luck. He was getting frustrated, and while Rowena was having a blast trying on numerous shiny things, he really didn’t want to be here anymore.

  Rowena seemed to sense Jimmy’s tension, returning the necklace she’d been admiring and smiling at Jimmy. “Wanna get out of here and try another place?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy sighed. “Anywhere but here.”

  Out to the limo they went, Jerry herding them from one jewelry store to the next. They even tried a few antique stores hoping for a vintage piece that would strike Jimmy’s fancy and still found nothing. He was starting to think he would never find the right ring for Cold.

  “Ooo, your super sexy wedding tuxedo is ready t
o be picked up,” Rowena said as they were leaving another jewelry store empty-handed. “That’s exciting!”

  Jimmy watched Rowena speedily type away on her phone, frowning. “I have a tuxedo?”

  “Duh! Worley over at Volturo Designs made it especially for you. Same with Roddy’s!” She quirked her brows as she read a very long text message. “Okay, so, Daddy Poe already came in and got his, fits great. He’s your best man, of course. But whenever Worley calls Maury to come in and try his on, Maury screams at him and hangs up.”

  “Maury has a tuxedo?”

  “He’s one of your groomsmen!”

  “Does Maury know that?” Jimmy laughed, shaking his head and sighing haggardly. “I remember us talking about it at dinner the other night, but I’m not sure if he realized you were being serious.”

  “Hmm, probably not!” Rowena tapped away on her phone. “We can go grab the suits and go see Maury. He needs to try it on and make sure the damn thing fits.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. You know how much Maury loves being fancy!”

  “Just let me do the talking.” Rowena winked slyly and adjusted her top. “I can be very convincing.”

  Of that, Jimmy had no doubt.

  Jerry drove them to Volturo Designs to pick up the tuxedos and then promptly over to Maury’s. Rowena stayed on her phone, plotting the final party preparations for tonight with Jules. They arrived at Maury’s pawn shop and Jimmy took the lead, slinging the black garment bag over his shoulder as he headed inside.

  “Hey, Maury!” Jimmy called out, the bell jingling as he and Rowena came strolling through the door. “How’s it going?”

  “Hey! How’s it going with you, big stuff?” Maury blinked from where he was sitting behind the counter, watching the news on a small television. “I just saw yous and Cold on TV! Everybody’s talkin’ about it! That slick son of a bitch really fuckin’ did it, huh?”

  “He sure did,” Rowena giggled, flipping her hair with a proud smile.

  “My compliments to the greatest criminal mastermind of our time!” Maury laughed, tipping his hat. “Ha! Well, shit. What are yous doin’ here then? Shouldn’t you be out celebratin’?”

  “Oh, that’ll be later tonight,” Rowena said, leaning seductively over the counter and smiling sweetly at Maury. “We have a little tiny errand to take care of, and I desperately need your help.”


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