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The Chronicles of Amberdrake

Page 9

by Loren K. Jones

  Drake and Mellody were hosting Rochelle for a light snack when a group of ten men burst into the room. They were dressed in palace servant’s livery, but the long daggers they carried bore the crest of the Bresardian Army. Each man also bore an amulet that protected him from magic. These had been stolen from the Vernardian Army and had been made in the early days of Vernardia by the most powerful Magi of the time. Adepts even more powerful than Mellody.

  Mellody immediately struck at the men, but her bolt of power splattered harmlessly against the protections she couldn’t overcome. Drake’s power was also deflected, though he managed to knock the men down in spite of their protections. As the two Magi concentrated their power on the first group, a second group of men burst through the door that led to the queen’s bedchamber and attacked as well, drawing Mellody’s attention while Drake still fought the men in front of them.

  The contest was nearing a standoff when Phyllis burst into the room. She had been seeing to some mending in the maid’s quarters when the noise started. She burst into the room with a finger raised as if to scold someone, and received a dagger-thrust through the heart that silenced her forever.

  Drake saw Phyllis die and felt the adrenaline rush of rage suffuse his body. No! Suddenly there was a bright flare of light beside the queen, and when it faded Drake was gone. In his place stood a creature that few humans had ever faced and lived to tell the tale. Black chitin reflected the candlelight as the daemon crouched and released a hiss of rage that was reminiscent of a sword being quenched in blood.

  For the assassins, from that point on it was all over but the screaming. The daemon attacked the men, slashing them open and passing on to the next faster than the stunned minds of the others could register. Claws that could rend steel rent flesh instead. Jaws that could crush the hardest bone crushed skulls. A tail that was far more dangerous than the most devious flail shattered legs as it swept the room. The daggers of the men slid harmlessly off the creature’s armor, and no man who came close enough to strike lived to see his failure.

  In the space of a few breaths the daemon slaughtered all twenty men, and then stalked growling and slavering around the room as it drove its claws into each man’s brain. Then it paused and looked at the two young women huddled together in the center of the room, and seemed to settle down. Its head bowed, and bright golden light once again filled the room. When it faded, Drake stood in the daemon’s bloody footprints.

  Drake walked cautiously over to where Mellody and Rochelle huddled together in terror, then knelt. “There wasn’t time to warn you,” he said softly, caressing Mellody’s hair. “Sorry.”

  “W-w-what w-w-was th-th-that?” Rochelle stammered through her tears.

  “A D-Daemon, Roe. A magical beast that’s deadlier than anything else on Dracana,” Mellody said, her voice shaking just a little as she looked at the man she wanted to marry.

  The sounds of shouting voices and running feet heralded the arrival of a dozen of the Queen’s Guardsmen from their post at the end of the hall. Not all of them were fully dressed as they charged into the room, but every last one of them was armed. The leaders slipped and fell on the blood that was covering the floor and scrambled to their feet with swords at the ready, only to find the queen crying in Lady Mellody’s arms while Adept Drake caressed their backs.

  The Queen’s Guards quickly surrounded their queen and stood facing out into a charnel house filled with broken parts of bodies. More guards flooded the room, some stumbling against the walls to vomit, as the Queen’s Guards rallied around her.

  Lord Commander Heral Nesten, Commander of the Queen’s Guard, arrived with the last of his men and women and recoiled at the sight of the slaughter and the stench of spilt entrails. “What in the name of all the Gods did this?” he asked in a hoarse voice as he made his way to his queen. “Queen Rochelle, are you hurt?” he asked, remembering his duty at last.

  “N-No, Lord Heral. I was w-well p-protected.” Her eyes strayed to Drake and a hint of her earlier terror returned. “Who were those men?”

  The commander stood and turned away to survey the room. “Not servants, that’s certain. It may take some time to…piece together…who they were.”

  That final quip was too much for Queen Rochelle and she vomited down the back of the commander’s legs, and then continued to empty her stomach on the floor until nothing was left, but she still retched. Mellody wasn’t in much better shape, but she managed to keep her composure long enough to drag Rochelle to her feet and through the door into the queen’s bedchamber.

  The commander had frozen in place as soon as the queen began vomiting, and his clenched jaws and ashen complexion told everyone just how close he was to joining her.

  Drake saw as well and took pity on them all, extending his magic to clear the room of everything except Phyllis’ body. He left her where she had fallen, the dagger that had ended her short life still embedded in her chest.

  The commander turned to look at Drake with questions in his eyes, and Drake waved toward the courtyard. “I put them down there. Search if you wish, but I doubt you’ll be able to identify any of them. I couldn’t find any trace of their identities.”

  He was silent as he walked over to Phyllis’ side and knelt. “She was one of ours, my maid,” he said softly, using one finger to brush a stray lock of hair from her still face. He straightened her limbs, then sat back on his heels. “She entered the room and provided me with the distraction I needed.” Looking back at the commander, he nodded once. “She is to be accorded all honors, Commander. If it hadn’t been for her, the queen would most likely be dead right now.”

  * * *

  Mellody and the queen had stumbled upon another victim of the assassination attempt as soon as they entered the queen’s bedchamber. Rosalie Andrus lay in a pool of blood that was still dripping from her slit throat, and the sight froze both women in their tracks for a moment.

  Rochelle pushed away from Mellody and knelt by Rosalie’s side. “Oh, Rosy, I’m so sorry. Oh, Rosy,” she whispered, crying with deep, heart wrenching sobs.

  Mellody was kneeling at her side, just as deeply hurt. Though she was two years older, Rosalie had been one of their childhood playmates. She was the daughter of the palace chamberlain and had shared classes with the two young friends for most of their lives. Mellody gently closed Rosalie’s eyes, letting her tears drop on the poor woman’s face as her own sobs wracked her body.

  A noise at the door caused her to look up and wreath herself in silver power, ready to defend Rochelle once again, but it was only more of the Queen’s Guards. They were standing at the outer door of the chamber, looking down at the two guardswomen who were always posted there for the queen’s protection. They had both been slain, and the fact that their swords were still sheathed proclaimed that they had not feared their attackers.

  Queen Rochelle stood away from her servant’s body and glared at the guards. “Search the palace. Look everywhere. I want whoever is responsible for this found and brought before me,” she commanded in a soft voice that was more effective than a shout.

  The guards immediately went to carry out her orders, and soon the full company of the Queen’s Guards was searching the palace.

  The task of searching the quarters of the lords fell to Lieutenant Jerrimy Thorndike, the youngest son of Lord Emmett, one of the queen’s most vehement opponents. He and three nobly born helpers respectfully requested permission to search each of the lord’s suites, and it was, of course, granted. He had completed seven suites when he reached the suite belonging to the Garthan family.

  Lord Dargan was in his office when Jerrimy arrived. “Lord Dargan, please forgive this interruption, but the queen has been attacked and we are searching the entire castle.”

  “Did she survive?” Lord Dargan asked in a soft tone that confused the lieutenant.

  “Yes, Lord Dargan. Lady Mellody and Adept Drake were able to defeat the attackers.”

  Lord Dargan sighed deeply and put his head in his ha
nds. “I had hoped for better results from twenty trained assassins, but it cannot be undone.” He looked up and smiled crookedly at the stunned expression on the lieutenant’s face. “She’s cost me my son, and now my life. Don’t look so surprised, Jerrimy. It was only a matter of time before one of us tried it.”

  As Lieutenant Thorndike and his assistants stood shocked speechless, Lord Dargan lifted a dagger that had been lying on his desk and wedged the hilt in his desk drawer. “I’ll not face the headsman, Jerrimy,” he said softly, then quickly leaned forward. The blade slid easily between his ribs, impaling his heart. As his hearing faded he heard Jerrimy shouting for aid, but it was far too late for that. His still beating heart was tearing itself apart on the razor-sharp blade, and he slid quickly into oblivion.

  On the desk in front of him were his confession and reasons for doing what he had done. In it he named his accomplices and confederates.

  Chapter 10

  QUEEN ROCHELLE’S HANDS SHOOK WITH RAGE as she read Lord Dargan’s confession aloud to the full Court.

  If this is being read, then I am dead. So be it. I knew this was one possible outcome of my actions, but at this point I don’t care.

  Rochelle has stolen my last son from me, and that is more than I can bear. Her scheming with Mellody provoked Aric into a rash outburst of temper, and she overreacted by imprisoning him. The only way I can save my son is to kill them both, and the outlander who has joined forces with them. Then I will be able to petition the new king for a pardon for my son.

  I have not taken these steps lightly, nor alone. The local assassins have provided me with the men for a pittance. They dislike Mellody for her interference with them in the past.

  My stout-hearted friend Lord General Fadden Cavinton provided me with the protective amulets with full knowledge of what I planned. He blames Rochelle for his failure to advance to the position of General of the Armies. I say this to you now, Fadden; you haven’t the talent for it. Now you can die knowing the truth.

  My friend Carlisle Bogdan aided me in bringing the men into the palace. Carlisle always hated Bevan and Leda. He hates their daughter just as much. I doubt he even remembers why anymore.

  Assistant Steward Narlin Janik arranged for the assassins’ clothing. He also provided escorts and guides to them so they would know the best routes into and out of the palace. Oh yes, Narlin is a thief. His brother runs an inn with the goods he steals from the palace. Mellody’s magical monitoring of the palace for Rochelle’s security has greatly impeded him. He’s been itching for a chance to get rid of her for ages.

  May all the gods curse Rochelle and Mellody, and their lines for all time.

  Dargan, Lord Garthan, of the Southern Estates

  Queen Rochelle looked down at the three gagged men kneeling before her. Carlisle Bogdan glared defiantly back at her, but both General Cavinton and Assistant Steward Janik were silently weeping, keeping their gaze on the floor. Her voice held a hint of her bitterness as she passed sentence upon them.

  “We find you guilty of high treason in conspiracy with Lord Dargan Garthan. It is the judgment of the crown that the Garthan family be dissolved, and the Garthan holdings in the Southern Estates be forfeit. Never before in the history of Vernardia has a ruling family been stripped of its lands, but never before has a ruling family committed such heinous treason against the crown. It is ordered that these lands be granted to the family of Lady Andrus, our Matron-In-Training who was killed by the assassins. Lord Kerin Andrus is a distant cousin of Lord Garthan, though his loyalty and faith are unquestioned. It is the crown’s will that Lord Andrus retain his name, and that all affected lands be so renamed.

  “We find that Lord Carlisle Bogdan joined fully in Lord Dargan’s treason, and order his execution. The Bogdan holdings in the Northern Estates shall also be forfeit. We would grant them to Adept Drake, but it is his wish that we not do so.” She paused to look at the upper gallery where Drake had taken a visitor’s seat and sighed. “We therefore grant the Bogdan holdings to Lord Dennis Tallowback. Lord Dennis is of a cadet line of the Thorndike family, and we find his loyalty unquestioned. Here also we ask that Lord Tallowback retain his name.”

  She focused her eyes on the other two conspirators and her lips tightened. “General Cavinton, you are and always have been a fool. Our father knew you and protected you, raising you above your abilities out of friendship. He kept you safely in harmless positions, and you repay his kindness poorly. You shall face the headsman stripped of all honor. No uniform will be spattered with your blood, and no monument shall bear your name.” She stopped speaking as the fallen general collapsed as far as his bindings would allow, his whole body shaking as he sobbed.

  Now the queen took a deep breath and sighed. “Assistant Steward Janik, you will face your fate at the general’s side. In addition, the city guard has seized your brother’s inn and family. If he knew of your crimes, he will face charges of theft, and they will be cast out. The disposition of the Strutting Cock Inn remains to be determined.”

  The queen looked up at the court, scanning the room before speaking again. “It remains to be seen what measures can be taken against the Assassins. We shall enlist the aid of Lady Adept Mellody and Adept Drake in seeking them out, and eradicating them.”

  The queen stood, forcing the court to stand with her. “It is our belief that there are still others who have conspired against us. Upon proof of such treason, others shall join these wretches on the block.” With a final glare around the room she departed, her royal cloak swirling as she strode quickly through her private door.

  * * *

  Drake was intercepted before he could return to Mellody’s suite. Lord Nathan touched his arm and nodded toward a door, then led the way to his suite. A few of the other lords who were friendly to the queen were already in the suite when they arrived.

  Lord Buck gestured toward a vacant seat for Drake, but didn’t say anything. Others were entering as well, including a somewhat stunned looking Lord Dennis and a still grieving Lord Kerin. Once all the lords were present, Lord Buck stood.

  “My friends, I ask you to join me in expressing our personal thanks to Adept Drake for his part in saving Queen Rochelle.” He paused as the assembled lords nodded and murmured thanks to Drake, while he, in turn, quietly acknowledged them. Once that was taken care of, Lord Buck continued. “It is the belief of many of us that Bresardia had something to do with this, even though Dargan didn’t say so. I suspect their agents were part of the ‘assassins’ who provided the men. Lady Mellody has told me that she hasn’t had cause to make many moves against them in the recent past, so it was likely a contrived story.”

  Lord Buck paused and looked directly at Drake. “Adept Drake, you told us that you could find out nothing about the assassins. Does that fact mean anything to you?”

  Drake stood and bowed to the lords. “Yes, Lord Buck, it means that someone as good or better than I am magically erased everything that could be used to trace them. As far as Mellody or I could determine, they sprang into existence from nothingness just outside the palace gates.”

  “Is that possible? Is it possible that they were conjured?” Lord Nole asked, leaning forward to look closely at Drake.

  Drake shook his head. “No, my lord. It would take one of the Old Gods to create men in that fashion. Not even a dragon can simply make a person from the dust. In addition, these men had scars that tell of a long, rough life. No, whoever we are facing is a powerful Mage, but not that powerful.”

  Lord Nathan sat forward and looked at Drake through narrowed eyelids. “Adept Drake, I spoke to Rochelle and Mellody. They told me what killed those men. Now I’d like to hear it from you.”

  Drake sighed and bowed before saying, “If the need arises, I can transform myself into a daemon.”

  “And how is it that you have acquired that ability?” Lord Glen asked softly. As Mellody’s uncle, he was intensely interested in this facet of her betrothed’s makeup.

  Drake considered telli
ng the truth, but temporized instead. “I make my living hunting bandits and other dangerous creatures, my lords. I found it necessary in the past to find a form which allowed me to kill in a mundane fashion. Magic is not always the answer. Nor, I’m afraid, are swords and knives. I haven’t the training to properly use them, so I chose the most dangerous creature I could manage and learned to become one.”

  Lord Glen looked carefully at him before nodding. “There has never been a report of a daemon on Vernardian soil. Mellody was only able to tell me about it because of her magical studies.”

  Drake nodded again. “So she tells me. I wouldn’t be too certain, but I wouldn’t be completely surprised either. The only way for one to get here is by ship.” A hint of a smile curved his lips as he looked at the lords. “Daemons don’t swim.”

  “Are you certain?” Lord Buck asked, his eyes still narrowed.

  Now Drake did chuckle. “Oh, yes. I found out the hard way when I was fighting some pirates several years ago. Daemons sink like a stone. I don’t really know why, but the one time I tried to swim in daemon form I never managed to get both feet off the bottom for more than an instant.” He grinned at the lords and shrugged. “Almost drowned myself because in daemon form, I’m even more stubborn than normal.”

  There were grins around the room now, and Lord Buck nodded. “Very well. I hesitate to ask, but could you demonstrate your ability for us? I’d like to see what saved our queen.” The other lords were nodding and murmuring their agreement.

  Drake looked around the room, then nodded. “Very well. However, I must warn you that few men face a daemon calmly. There is an instinctive fear of daemons in the soul of all men.” With that he raised his arms and transformed, and in an instant the lords faced the horror that had saved Mellody and Rochelle. Seeing the reaction on their faces, Drake hissed, “You asssssked for ittttttt,” his sibilant voice tearing at the lords’ ears. He transformed again, this time back into his human form. Feigning exhaustion, he fell back into his chair and said, “Takes a bit out of me.”


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