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Walking The Razor: A Montague & Strong Detective Novel

Page 26

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  The Deepest Cut*•Blur

  Sepia Blue

  The Last Dance*•Rise of the Night•Sisters•Nightmare

  Chronicles of the Modern Mystics

  The Dark Flame•A Dream of Ashes

  Montague & Strong Detective Agency Novels

  Tombyards & Butterflies•Full Moon Howl•Blood is Thicker•Silver Clouds Dirty Sky•Homecoming•Dragons & Demigods•Bullets & Blades•Hell Hath No Fury•Reaping Wind•The Golem•Dark Glass•Walking the Razor

  Montague & Strong Detective Agency Stories

  No God is Safe•The Date•The War Mage•A Proper Hellhound•The Perfect Cup•Saving Mr. K

  Brew & Chew Adventures

  Hellhound Blues

  Night Warden Novels


  Division 13

  The Operative•The Magekiller

  Blackjack Chronicles

  The Dread Warlock

  The Assassin’s Apprentice

  The Birth of Death

  Gideon Shepherd Thrillers





  Blood Ascension•Blood Betrayal•Blood Rule

  *Books denoted with an asterisk are FREE via my website—


  With each book, I realize that every time I learn something about this craft, it highlights so many things I still have to learn. Each book, each creative expression, has a large group of people behind it.

  This book is no different.

  Even though you see one name on the cover, it is with the knowledge that I am standing on the shoulders of the literary giants that informed my youth, and am supported by my generous readers who give of their time to jump into the adventures of my overactive imagination.

  I would like to take a moment to express my most sincere thanks:

  To Dolly: My wife and greatest support. You make all this possible each and every day. You keep me grounded when I get lost in the forest of ideas. Thank you for asking the right questions when needed, and listening intently when I go off on tangents. Thank you for who you are and the space you create—I love you.

  To my Tribe: You are the reason I have stories to tell. You cannot possibly fathom how much and how deeply I love you all.

  To Lee: Because you were the first audience I ever had. I love you, sis.

  To the Logsdon Family: The words thank you are insufficient to describe the gratitude in my heart for each of you. JL, your support always demands I bring my best, my A-game, and produce the best story I can. Both you and Lorelei (my Uber Jeditor) and now, Audrey, are the reason I am where I am today. My thank you for the notes, challenges, corrections, advice, and laughter. Your patience is truly infinite. Arigatogozaimasu.

  To The Montague & Strong Case Files Group—AKA The MoB (Mages of Badassery): When I wrote T&B there were fifty-five members in The MoB. As of this release, there are over one thousand three hundred members in the MoB. I am honored to be able to call you my MoB Family. Thank you for being part of this group and M&S.

  You make this possible. THANK YOU.

  To the ever-vigilant PACK: You help make the MoB…the MoB. Keeping it a safe place for us to share and just…be. Thank you for your selfless vigilance. You truly are the Sentries of Sanity.

  Chris Christman II: A real-life technomancer who makes the MoBTV LIVEvents +Kaffeeklatsch on YouTube amazing. Thank you for your tireless work and wisdom. Everything is connected…you totally rock!

  To the WTA—The Incorrigibles: JL, Ben Z. Eric QK., S.S., and Noah.

  They sound like a bunch of badass misfits, because they are. My exposure to the deranged and deviant brain trust you all represent helped me be the author I am today. I have officially gone to the dark side thanks to all of you. I humbly give you my thanks, and…it’s all your fault.

  To my fellow Indie Authors, specifically the tribe at 20books to 50k: Thank you for creating a space where authors can feel listened to, and encouraged to continue on this path. A rising tide lifts all the ships indeed.

  To The English Advisory: Aaron, Penny, Carrie, Davina, and all of the UK MoB. For all things English…thank you.

  To DEATH WISH COFFEE: This book (and every book I write) has been fueled by generous amounts of the only coffee on the planet (and in space) strong enough to power my very twisted imagination. Is there any other coffee that can compare? I think not. DEATHWISH—thank you!

  To Deranged Doctor Design: Kim, Darja, Tanja, Jovana, and Milo (Designer Extraordinaire).

  If you’ve seen the covers of my books and been amazed, you can thank the very talented and gifted creative team at DDD. They take the rough ideas I give them, and produce incredible covers that continue to surprise and amaze me. Each time, I find myself striving to write a story worthy of the covers they produce. DDD, you embody professionalism and creativity. Thank you for the great service and spectacular covers. YOU GUYS RULE!

  To you, the reader: I was always taught to save the best for last. I write these stories for you. Thank you for jumping down the rabbit holes of what if? with me. You are the reason I write the stories I do.

  You keep reading…I’ll keep writing.

  Thank you for your support and encouragement.

  Contact Me

  I really do appreciate your feedback. You can let me know what you thought of the story by emailing me at:

  To get FREE stories please visit my page at:

  For more information on the M&S World…come join the MoB Family on Facebook!

  You can find us at:

  Montague & Strong Case Files

  Visit our online M&S World Swag Store located at:


  If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review. Reviews help the book, and also help other readers find good stories to read.



  I want to take a moment to extend a special thanks to the ART SHREDDERS.

  No book is the work of one person. I am fortunate enough to have an amazing team of advance readers and shredders.

  Thank you for giving of your time and keen eyes to provide notes, insights, answers to the questions, and corrections (dealing wonderfully with my extreme dreaded comma allergy). You help make every book and story go from good to great. Each and every one of you helped make this book fantastic, and I couldn’t do this without each of you.



  Amber, Anne Morando, Audra Vroman Meyers, Audrey Cienki

  Bethany Showell, Beverly Collie

  Cam Skaggs, Carrie Anne O’Leary, Cat, Chris Christman II, Colleen Taylor, Corinne Loder

  Daniel Parr, Darren Musson, Davina ‘the Tao of the Comma’ Noble, Dawn McQueen Mortimer, Denise King, Diana Gray, Diane Craig, Diane Kassmann, Dolly Sanchez, Donna Young Hatridge, Douglas Dix

  Hal Bass

  Jasmine Breeden, Jeanette Auer, Jen Cooper, Joy Kiili, Joy Ollier, Julie Peckett

  Karen Hollyhead

  Larry Diaz Tushman, Laura Tallman I, Leslie Watts, Luann Zipp

  Malcolm Robertson, Marcia Campbell, Mary Anne Petruska, Maryelaine Eckerle-Foster, Melissa Miller

  Paige Guido, Pat (the silly sister), Peggy Benson

  RC Battels, Rene Corrie

  Sara Mason Branson, Sean Trout, Shannon Owens Bainbridge, Sondra Massey, Stacey Stein, Stephanie Claypoole, Stephen Bassett, Susan Brouillette, Susie Johnson

  Tami Cowles, Tanya Anderson, Ted Camer, Terri Adkisson, Tina Jonhson, Tommy Owens

  Vikki Brannagan

  Wanda Corder-Jones, Wendy Schindler

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, livi
ng or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  © 2020 Orlando A. Sanchez

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

  Published by: Bitten Peaches Publishing

  Cover Art: Deranged Doctor Design

  Thanks for Reading

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