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Super Daddies

Page 44

by Maren Smith

  “Let her try,” he remarked before kissing me again.

  We made out for a while, and his hands roamed over my gown. “It took lots of pulling and cursing to get me into this get-up. You’re not unzipping me, Kade.”

  “I will later tonight, but you’re right. I’ve got to keep up appearances and we don’t have the time.”

  “I told Louisa this was a bad idea. You’re irritated at me.” I blew out a breath.

  “I’m not irritated at you. I’m very concerned for your safety. I’m thrilled to see you, but being out in public with me will bring you unnecessary attention.”

  “I’m buff enough.” I flexed my arms. “If anyone comes at me with bad intentions, I’ll punch them into next week.”

  “Listen, my little pumped up princess, you will not be punching out anyone. You’ll stay next to me, and you won’t move. Understand?”

  “Well, that’s going to get awkward when you walk around,” I quipped, but those freaking blue pools turned darker than usual. He had a point, but I wasn’t in the best of moods despite how happy I was to be spending time with him. “I should just stay in this room so I don’t go out into the big bad world and get scared.”

  “Have you ever been spanked at a party?” Kade peeled off the tailored suit jacket and laid it out on the small love seat I’d vacated only moments ago. His taunt abs were outlined in great detail under the expensive white dress shirt, but the slight movement from his arms sparked my attention. He undid one of the tiny black buttons at his wrist cuff and rolled up his right sleeve with precise and deliberate slowness. My mouth watered. “Answer me, little girl.”

  “No, I can’t say that I have.” He perched one leg on the lip of the seat, and butterflies swarmed my stomach. In one quick movement, Kade tugged me over the top of his thigh. “You-you’re being ridiculous. I got all dolled up and let Louisa play dress-up and you’re going to–ow!” Fuck. He wasn’t joking. Five solid smacks crossed the expanse of my ass. “Ouch, I’m not wearing panties!”

  “What was that?” Several hard slaps bounced against the lowest curve of my ass followed by five more. “Do you still think I’m being ridiculous?”

  “Uh, no. Answer one question for me. Do you just get off on spanking me?”

  “I’d prefer to fuck you senseless, but you’re the one who keeps poking me, Caity-bug. You knew what my rules were and you agreed to them, and yet you keep finding yourself over my knee. Perhaps you should ask a different question.”

  “No one’s ever held me accountable for anything, and no one has ever rewarded me either. I sort of didn’t believe you’d actually follow through with your guidelines and consequences.”

  “Well, darling, then I’ll keep reminding you that I am absolutely serious.” Kade shifted his leg slightly and the split in the skirt of my gown exposed more of me. He slid his hand in between my thighs and parted my pussy lips. Two of his fingers slipped into my wetness, and I moaned. “You sassy thing. Tell me which thought gets you hotter, little girl.” He pumped his fingers in and out. “Getting spanked at a party or getting fucked?”

  “I’m-I’m sorry, Daddy. I won’t get snippy with you, and I’ll stay by your side so I don’t get into trouble.” I caved. No, I didn’t want to make him upset and I didn’t actually want to place myself in a dangerous scenario.

  “You didn’t answer my question, so I’ll just have to guess the answer.” He moved his fingers out of my core, pumping faster and then slower. It was maddening.

  “I’ll answer you,” I panted, and yet if he kept this rhythm going, I would have an orgasm in the strangest position ever. He withdrew his fingers, and then slapped his palm against my mound. I moaned loudly. “If I can remember how to make the words work.”


  “Let me suck you off, and then I can answer you without words.” Anticipation zinged through me and my damn pussy clenched. Kade set me back on my feet. He undid his belt and I touched his hand. “Please?”

  I unzipped his pants and sank down to my knees. I worked his dick into my mouth, and licked it. Panic edged at my thoughts. I wanted to please him so badly, but I’d never demanded something like this before. He had been the first man I’d ever given a blow job to, and the first time I had been so fired up from the ginger root in my ass and over my clit that I wasn’t in much of a position to argue. I could have stopped him at any time, but even the memory rushed heat to my face. I rubbed my hand up and down his shaft, and then pulled his hardness deeper into my mouth. I dropped my eyes downward and hummed while I sucked. His hand touched the top of my head.

  “You’re so sexy with my cock in your mouth.”

  I glanced up the long line of his body, and he smiled down at me. Jesus. He was the sexy one. Why had I doubted my ability to make him feel good? He adored me, even if I didn’t know exactly what I was doing.

  “Don’t mess with the ringlets,” I warned and then took him back in between my lips. The shadow of my teeth pressed at the edges, but then I took him fully into my mouth. My other hand cupped his boys, and I stroked them lightly.

  “Oh my God, Cate,” he groaned. “Get off your knees and get in my lap.”

  I raised my eyebrows, but I freed his manhood from my lips. He sat on the small loveseat and pulled up to join him. He gathered the hem of my gown in his left hand and positioned me so I sank down onto his cock. His right hand dug into my hip, while I rode him.

  “Oh wow,” I panted. “Faster.”

  “You’ve got to go faster then.” He grinned. “You’ve got the control in this position.”

  “Ooh. I’m going to quote you on that.” I bounced up and down, the heat radiated off my ass where he had punished me and added to my arousal. He kissed me and I bit down on his lip.

  “Ride me harder, little girl.” He nipped my neck.

  “I can’t go any faster!”

  “Come on, you can do it. The party starts in ten minutes and we’ll need to clean up before the other guests arrive.”

  “Dear freaking lord.” I blew out a breath and focused on his eyes. They appeared more sapphire than aquamarine in the lightning, and they were framed by long lashes. On someone else they might seem feminine, but his hard jaw with its sexy dimple had that chiseled out of stone look. He was all man. I tightened the muscles inside my core wondering if they had also been blessed with super strength. Kade threw his head back as his cock spasmed and he came fast.

  “You naughty little minx, you promised not to use your super strength on Daddy.” He picked me up and situated me on the loveseat. It was an awkward angle since there wasn’t much room, but he kissed my tiny pleasure button, and then he sank two fingers into my wetness. “You think I should let you have an orgasm after your unfair advantage?”

  “Yes, please,” I begged. “I just wanted to make you feel good.”

  “Hm, I’ll relent this time,” he muttered and then slid his smallest finger into my tight pucker. I bucked but the combination of his fingers and his amazing tongue soon brought me to my own peak. “You’re almost there. Come for me, sweetheart.”

  I threw my hands over my mouth and muffled my scream as I came hard. I laid there in total bliss with my legs splayed as far as the split in my gown allowed. “Did I wreck my hair?”

  “Your hair is fine, let’s get cleaned up. There’s a private bathroom connected to this room in case you didn’t see it earlier. Just remember, you stay by me all night. You will not move out of my sight.”

  “What if I have to pee?”

  “We’ll come back to this room. No one else has access except for me. It’s very important for you to listen. Like I said, I’m happy to see you, but there is a real concern for your safety.”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll listen.” I grinned down at him. “Are you still going to fuck me out of my dress when we get home?” Home. Crap in a half shell. I meant his home, not mine, but he smoothed the material down and helped me to stand. He cupped my cheek and kissed me.

  “It can be your home if y
ou want it to be, Caity-bug, but I knew what you meant.” He struck the right side of my ass with a resounding slap. “And yes. I plan on it.”

  I prided myself in being the perfect arm-candy for Kade. He wasn’t talking much, mostly just standing around in other people’s conversations, and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. He had grabbed for my hand, but someone else stole his attention. I assured him that I’d be fine, but I wasn’t able to find the back room we had been in earlier.

  I wandered the halls until I found the ladies’ room. It wasn’t like Antonio had women waiting in the bathroom to grab me. I relieved myself, washed my hands, and stepped out into the hallway.

  Something stung my neck and I cried out as a burning pain ripped through my veins. A hand snapped a cloth over my mouth and nose, and though I tried not to breathe, my limbs were rendered useless almost immediately. Blackness surrounded the edge of my vision and I did the only thing I could think of. I screamed KADE! long and loud in my mind before the dark swallowed me whole.


  I tore the bowtie from my neck as I stormed into the private back room of the hotel. I heard Caitlyn’s frantic scream, telepathically—she was smart as hell but I hadn’t gleaned any clues from her sudden disappearance. Antonio had to be behind this, no one else would have a reason to kidnap her. I removed my suit jacket, and then my pants. I changed into jeans and a navy thermal shirt since I didn’t have my normal nighttime clothing, including my mask with me. Something caught my eye and I noticed a letter. Had Antonio sent me a ransom note? I picked it up.

  You and the girl have foiled me one too many times,

  “Foiled?” I scoffed. “Says Mr. Old-Timey Villain. All right, Antonio. What the hell do you want?”

  Let’s settle this like grown men. Come to the docks. Get into Lisa’s Folly and row out to my yacht.

  “Row? Now you want me to fucking row a boat? What the hell, asshole?” I shook my head. If I wasn’t so pissed off, I might have laughed. So help him if he touched even one silky strand of hair on my girl’s gorgeous head. I’d rip him to fucking pieces. I scanned the rest of the note, full expecting it to have ransom money listed in gold bars or some such nonsense, but thankfully there was nothing else listed.

  Come alone.

  “Uh, yeah. I fully planned on it.” I contemplated going home to get the full protective outfit on, but at least I had the Kevlar vest so it would have to do. I couldn’t risk him hurting Caitlyn more than he already had. “Jackass.” I hadn’t expected this outcome even when Caitlyn rushed off to the bathroom. No, this wasn’t in my plans. I texted Louisa and she called me on the phone. “This line isn’t secure, Sis. Just keep that in mind.”

  “This is all my fault!”

  “Did you kidnap Cate?”

  “Well, no, but–”

  “Then this is most certainly not your fault. I can’t stay on the phone. I’ll fill you in on the details as soon as she’s back in my arms. Do not beat yourself up or I swear I’ll wreck those perfect ringlets you made.”

  “Please go and find her. I’ve always wanted a sister and she’s so much prettier than you.” My sister laughed, but it was uneasy and filled with apprehension.

  “Very funny, sis. I’m going to kick Antonio Morelli’s ass all over this city if I have to.”

  “Not a secured line, little brother?”

  “Damn right. I want that slimeball to know I’m coming for him but you don’t need to be involved. I love you. See you soon.” I ended the call and then pocketed the phone. I was ready for a fight.

  The tiny row boat hardly looked sea worthy, but I climbed aboard and rowed out to the yacht. The trip took less time than I’d anticipated, and I arrived in record time. I was furious over the turn of events, but I found a rope ladder hanging down for me to grip. Antonio was either considerate or an idiotic bastard. The main deck was still in the open night air, and I found my way around without being disturbed.

  Something felt off.

  Four thugs greeted me with their fists. Fucking lovely. I knocked them out since my blows were designed to incapacitate but not kill them. I met four more and then another four. Was it Antonio’s lucky number or some shit? After several rounds of men, my breath labored. I crouched down to give myself a moment, and surprisingly the last man standing let me have one.

  “Antonio knew if we grabbed your sister that you’d come.”

  My sister? Wow. Their ignorance shined brighter than their collective muscles.

  “Huh? Well, you fine gentlemen seem to be mistaken. My sister is working tonight, so she can’t possibly be on this boat.”

  “You think we’re stupid?” Something flickered across his face, and he sneered. “Don’t try to play us, pretty boy. We got her.”

  “You grabbed the wrong woman, but I felt like confronting your boss. Antonio and I have a lot to talk about. Would you mind bringing me to him?”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Ah, suit yourself.” I straightened and then disarmed the goon from his gun. Shock settled into his features and I let him charge at me. I pulled a defensive move and had he been watching earlier, he would have known not to come at me directly. “Fucking prick.”

  I stepped around his unconscious form and strutted down below the top deck. It turned out to be a good choice and I walked straight into the room where Antonio was holding Cate. She was tied down to an oversized armchair in the middle of the room.

  They drugged me. I’m still too weak to break out of this damn rope, but I’m almost there.

  I fought the urge to grab Antonio by his balls and make the rest of his night beyond uncomfortable.

  “Greetings! I received your charming note. To what do I owe the pleasure of your invitation?”

  Antonio studied me like I’d lost my mind, and maybe I had.

  “I’ve had enough of your games. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But I’m done with your meddlin’.”

  “Do you mean meddling? Wow, did someone look up that big word for you?”

  “You’ve gotten in my way too many times. I was supposed to marry Sheila and your bitch of a sister interfered in my plans.”

  “You think the young woman tied to the chair is my sister?” I laughed. “You had better apologize profusely.”

  Antonio frowned, as if he suddenly realized his error but then he shook his head. “Don’t you go trying to trick me. I know you, Kade Foster. You and your sister have been in my way just like your fucking parents were in my way.”

  “What do my parents have to do with anything? They’ve been gone a long, long time.”

  “They was investigating my family, namely my father. I couldn’t allow them to uncover all of the things we have been involved in, you know?”

  Rage burned through my veins with such ferocity that I had to physically close my eyes and force a moment, and then I opened them slowly. “Did you hurt my parents?”

  “I, uh, wasn’t there that night, but it was raining pretty heavy. It’s sorta hard to control your vehicle on slick roads when the brake line was nearly cut through. ‘Course no one ever found that out.” Antonio smiled smugly, but Caitlyn snapped the ropes and punched him in the face. He recovered quicker than I could, and he brought his gun up to her forehead and clicked off the safety. “Don’t you try that again, freak, or I’ll blow your pretty blonde head straight off your shoulders.”

  “I’m so done with your shit,” Caitlyn spat.

  “Ah, so you’re the little bitch who dislocated my collarbone, fractured three of my ribs, and almost made it impossible for me to father any children.” Antonio steadied his right hand. “I knew yous looked familiar.”

  “You’ve done a lot of awful things, Antonio, but shooting a stranger point blank is a bit heartless even for you.” I attempted to draw the attention away from my gorgeous girlfriend, but Antonio refused to take the bait.

  “Oh, no, I’ve seen this chick. She was the one in Devil’s Park. I thought it was your sister, which would have just
been icing on the damn cupcake. Taking out your whole family would have been poetic justice, you know? I guess I’ll just have to grab your sexy sister some other time.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? What the hell did my family do to yours? I can’t imagine what you think they did, especially something awful enough for you to take out your revenge on all of the people I’ve ever cared about.” I pushed away all the anger and additional questions. I needed to get the gun away from Antonio.

  “It ain’t worth my breath to tell you, Kade. You’re just a worthless son-of-a-bitch pretty boy. You don’t mean nothing to no one,” Antonio mumbled, but his eyes never left Caitlyn’s. “Beg for your life, girlie.” He laughed. “You had this coming just for getting in my way.”

  “Didn’t you already try to kill me when you set fire to Joe’s Pizzeria?” Cate pursed her lips. “I mean, let’s call it what it is. Haven’t you been wondering what happened to me?”

  “You worked at Joe’s?” Antonio asked in an incredulous tone. “Well, isn’t that an interesting little tidbit. Nope. I had my own beef with, Joe. It’s a shame you didn’t burn right along with him, but I’ll take care of you tonight.”

  “Your goons shot at me!” Cate threw a heated glare at me, but I shot one back. There wasn’t time to hash out past crap but their exchange granted the opportunity for me to move closer to Antonio. He noticed the movement and pulled another gun which he sighted on me.

  “Hey! You stay still, punk.” He ignored Caitlyn’s outburst. “This little thing mean something to you? I’ll bite. Take another step and I’ll make her watch you die first.”

  Fuck. How the hell had Antonio gained the upper hand so quickly? For a dumb ass he wasn’t wrong in his observation. I needed to play my cards right.

  “You’ve been saying you’ve wanted to take me out for a while. Go ahead, Antonio, but do it like a real man. Put the gun away and come fight me.” I gestured for him to advance.


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