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Page 8

by Jessie Rose Case

  Luce frowned. “You fixed me. So we’re good.” She told him and watched as he looked down at his hands and started to rub at them. “You have a blood connection to me now Luce. You will always sense me and if I were to take your blood I would have the same connection to you. It can mess with your emotions. You will be able to sense me and I will be able to sense you. Its …. An intrusion not everyone wants.” He told her quietly. Luce frowned again. “I’m guessing the alternative was weeks of convalesce and pain. I don’t see a down side here Alex.” He sat back into the shadows. “You will never be free of me Luce. No matter what you do. Where you go. Who you are with. There will always be me in the back of your mind.”

  Regin came in followed by Arturo. She smiled walking towards her. “You look better.” Regin told her reaching out and clasping her hand. “I feel better. How long was I out?” She asked her. “It’s been about 5 hours.” “Wow that’s some healing.“ Arturo had walked over to Alex and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to her. “Give it a couple of hours and you should be just fine. Until the building is sorted you’re staying here with us along with Alex and some of his team. That ok with you?” Arturo asked her. Luce nodded. “That’s great thank you. The bomb. What happened? Do you know?” Arturo looked at Alex but he made no move to answer her. “Marcus trying another hit on us only this time he went for the tower. It was over quickly. Alex dealt with it along with his men. By the time we got there, it was ash clean up.” He told her. Luce nodded. “It’s nearly impossible to protect from the street, that’s always a problem with a public building. Barriers help if you can use them. Not an easy solution.” She told them. Running the technical data through her mind.

  “It was a mistake taking on that building; one I will be dealing with.” Alex told her from his position in the chair. Luce frowned and sighed. “You’re not a mind reader Alex.” She looked up to Arturo. “Isn’t Marcus going outside what he’s allowed to do, you are after all, in a challenge match?” Arturo nodded. “He is and he will have to answer for it. I’ve already made a declaration to the European Court but as you know, Marcus having made the challenge means we have to abide by the Vampire laws, even if they do not apply to American soil.” Luce turned to Regin. “Thank you for coming. I know you both have plenty to do. If you don’t mind, I’d like to sleep now.” She told them. Regin squeezed her hand and turned to leave. “Get well. We need you.” Arturo told her. “Thanks I will.” She closed her eyes hearing them leave. She knew Alex was still there and at that moment, she really couldn’t care less. It was clear he hated what he’d done for her. Well that was his problem.

  Alex watched Luce as she feigned sleep until she succumbed to it. He waited until her breathing was low and regular as it should be. He stood. Taking one last look at his heart sleeping soundly, he left her and went in search of Arturo.

  He walked into the meeting room and found all his senior staff present along with Arturo, Regin and Arturo’s senior team. Pete came towards him. “She ok?” He asked. The old vamp in him wanted to rip out his throat for even asking. But that was not the world he lived in any longer. “She is doing better and should be fine by tomorrow. She’s sleeping now.” He told the male. Pete put his hands in his pockets. Alex felt the responsibility hanging heavy on Pete’s shoulders. He reached out to him and touched him on the shoulder. “This was not your fault but mine.” Alex told him. “I know what he is capable of and I did not do enough to protect what is mine and Luce paid the price for that. Well, no more. I want his fucking head.”

  “Get in line.” Arturo told him from across the room. Alex looked across to Arturo and walked towards the table with Pete. “So, how we doing this?” Alex asked his old friend. “Clearly Marcus thought we wouldn’t retaliate previously, that I would not, after all, hold to the old days and he sent his dogs here instead. Well I’m tired of being the only one playing by the rules. I want three teams ready to leave in 10. Take the choppers. Marcus’s compound is just over a three hour ride in those. He won’t think we’re coming tonight, he’ll expect something tomorrow if we were going to do anything. That means we hit it at approx. 5am. Sun up is at 7.40am. That means your gonna be coming back in the sun. The choppers are protected. No more messing. I want it wiped.

  Three teams. John and Pierre will lead our two. Alex. I’m assuming you want to lead the third?” “Dam right.” He told him. “Ok. Teams of 8 people. Triangle configuration on deployment. In and out in 40 minutes. Prisoners of worth if we can get um otherwise, ash the lot. Do recon first. Make sure we can support the numbers. No surprises.” Everyone nodded. “Ok get moving. Gear up.” “And if Marcus is there?” Alex asked. “Kill him. No heroics my friend, make it happen.”

  Alex walked towards Steven and their SUVs. The trunk was already open and several of his men were gearing up. Alex threw off his leather coat and took the double short sword scabbards. They were worn with time and very familiar. He strapped them to his back. Each one poking out the top of his shoulder. Steven handed him a semi auto mag. Alex raised a questioning eye. “Regin’s specials.” Steven told him. Alex nodded. Ok. He didn’t generally like guns but on this occasion that could be useful. “Everyone taking them?” He asked as he checked the weapon. “Yes, everyone has them. Spare rounds.” Steven handed him several magazines. “Eject and slam home.” He told him. “Alright. If we have vests wear um. I don’t want to lose any of your ugly mugs.

  We don’t know what Marcus has been up to so I want you to be prepared for everything. Take grenades. Dam take a rocket launcher if we can get it in the chopper. The more the merrier.” He told them grimly. “Your vest My Lord.” Steven held it out to him. “I won’t be taking one Steven. I’ll fight as in the old ways for as long as I can. My beast will demand it.” Steven turned from him and faced his men. There was anticipation in the air. Many of them had been with him for over several hundred years. Had seen brutality, war and sanity eventually come to the world. Steven spoke to them. “For our Lady.” He told them. “Our Lady.” They shouted and went looking for their ride into hell.

  Luce woke. She’d obviously drifted off for a bit. She reached out to grab her phone and check the time. 04:11am. Too early she told herself. A nagging antsy feeling crawled across her mind. It didn’t feel like her but she had the sensation anyway. Something was going on. She could feel it. And suddenly that door seemed to close. What the hell. Reaching out to the glass by her bed she took several gulps. It was cool and refreshing. It was very tempting to call down and ask someone. But she didn’t want to look needy. Spotting her back pack on the floor by the door, she got up and threw the covers off her. Placing her feet gingerly on the floor she waited for pain to assault her. It didn’t. Dam she thought smiling, that man did some good work. Sexy and a magician when it came to broken bones. Comforted by the lack of pain she took a small step while bracing on the bed. Her leg took her weight. It felt sound. No niggles. Taking another step with her good leg she felt secure on her feet. Taking a boulder step with her bad leg she found it held. No pain. Ok then thought Luce. And slowing walked over to her bag. Picking it up she turned around and walked slowly back to her bed. Standing on the side. She opened her bag and removed her lap top.

  Luckily, it was wedged between her sneakers and her work out clothes. She hoped, that with the cover and bag padding, might have protected it from the impact of her fall. Luce opened its cover and held her breath. She clicked to open it and the screen looked in tacked. Luce blew out her breath on a sigh of relief. Ok good sign. Taking the charging cable she leant over and plugged it into the wall socket. Putting her bag on the floor and her lap top on the bed, Luce climbed back in and scooted back into position at the top. Taking a pillow, she placed it on her lap and her lap top on top of it and fired it up hoping it still worked ok. She stared vividly at it until ‘Surface’ and the rotating icon flashed on screen. O yes. We looked good. Ignoring her emails flashing she went straight to the surveillance recordings. Checking the feeds as she went. The house and g
rounds looked quiet. Patrols looked good. Sensor equipment was working as expected. In the corner of the screen flashed added on camera’s.

  Twenty mobile units were in the field. Eleven were with border control groups. She flashed through those, checking they were working property and seeing Val and Gia doing the rounds in two of the groups. James and Sarah were in another two. Pete and Charlee in two more. That left nine cameras. They were in groups of three. Picking one at random, up came several vamps she knew tightly packed together in a transport of some kind Pierre was in the middle of them. They were seriously armed thought Luce. Taking one of the others from this group up came what must have been Pierre’s camera, he faced his men, the third was at the other end of the group. Whatever they were doing looked important.

  Luce picked the next grouping and a similar picture emerged this time with John in the group. Same thing as before. Just a different group of men. So at least two groups were in action tonight on something thought Luce. Clicking on the last grouping Luce came face to face with Steven. Alex’s First. She sat back against her headboard. Not sure she wanted to click on either of the two other camera’s she did anyway and Alex’s face came up surrounded by his men. She guessed the last camera would be some of the men at the end. Same configuration. Same environment. Same determination. They were all going after something or someone. Bloody hell. They were going after Marcus now she thought. Looking at the time on her lap top she stressed. It was nearly 5. It was too close to sun up. What were they thinking?

  She debated with herself for all of 2 minutes and punched in communications with Alex. Her head won out. Or did it. Her chest hurt. Leaning down to her bag she pulled out the ear phones. Plugging them into her system and her ear, she held her breath. Not sure if he even had an ear piece in she dialled in his ID. Then clicked connect. “Alex, did you forget to tell me you had a date tonight?” She asked him calmly.

  She punched in Steven’s camera and watched his face go from confusion to incredibility to amusement in several seconds. “Can you see us?” He asked her. “Yes Steven’s camera is pointing straight at you.” He grinned. “You amaze me.” He told her looking straight at the camera. “I know.” She told him as he chuckled at her response. He must have indicated something to Steven, the camera moved a bit then stopped. “Where are you going Alex?” She asked trying to keep calm. “Just a training exercise Luce. Nothing major.” He told her. That got her pissed. “If you’re going to lie to me Alex make it bloody dam believable.” She told him sharply. Several of his men sniggered. Alex raised an eye at them. They turned away quickly. “Luce the ear pieces are on for my entire team it seems.” He told her. “Good.” She told him. “I want those boys back here safe and sound no fucking about Alex I mean it.”

  He heard what she didn’t say. “We will be safe Luce I promise.” “Don’t you dare let me down Alex, I won’t like it.” She told him quietly. “I’ll see you for breakfast.” He told her. “Promise?” She asked beseechingly. “I promise. Now you must turn this off we are landing soon and I need to be focused.”

  “Alright. Be safe.” She told him clicking off the ear communicator. She watched the screen. He’d know she would be. There was no way she wasn’t.

  “It seems Luce has taken a liking to you all.” He told his men. “If you don’t all get back safely, I’m in the dog house so please, let’s not give her any more ammunition that she already has.” He told them pointedly. There were several suppressed grins. The Red light came on. “Two minutes.” He called out. Everyone check their equipment. It started to flash. “One minute.” He called out. The chopper landed and the light went green. “Go.” They poured out both sides of the chopper and ran towards the compound and stopped about thirty seconds out from the chopper drop. Alex checked his watch and turned to his men. “Back here in 35, no matter what boys.” He told them.

  His group was to spearhead the operation and would have to work forward meeting the other two corners coming up towards them and working towards the middle taking out everything in their way. As they approached he called a stop. He gave the nod to Steven. Two of his men moved forward going in different directions. Leading them forward. They would take point. If they could move forward they would if they couldn’t engage on their own they were to come back and report. The rest of the group would fan out and move with them.

  The going started easy enough. A few skirmishes. Some patrols cornered and ashed quietly. As they got nearer the compound Alex could hear the sounds of a party going on. He looked over at Steven. He shook his head as if to say, I don’t know. Alex indicated to press forward. He could hear fighting in the distance coming from two opposing fronts. He guessed that both Pierre and John had found some resistance. He moved forward with his men at the same time a small group of vamps made an appearance from the direction of several buildings. His men went to work. They were all fluid and grace. Deadly. As they got nearer the centre of the compound the music got louder.

  Alex looked around. There was no revelry going on. It felt weird. Alex clicked his communication. “John, Pierre. What do you have?” John answered first. “A number of vamps ashed. No targeted response as yet. There seems to be a party going on somewhere you’re your location but nothing happening that we can see.” Pierre cut in “I agree. We’ve seen and cut down a number but nothing like we would have expected.” “Ok,” Alex told them, “we’re heading for music central. See you guys there.” “Steven, have our guys check for wire’s and explosives. He might have hoped we’d go marching in.” Steven took off with two men. The two men from point came back. “Nothing more boss.” “Ok, we go building to building and check for wires and bombs ok. Slow and steady.”

  It took them ten minutes to go through the outer buildings on their side. Plenty of vamps ashed. Several indications of bloody murders having taken place. That left music central. Alex saw John and Pierre emerge from their sectors and come towards him. “No Marcus?” He asked. “No.” They both replied. Dam it. “Think we missed him?” Pierre shook his head. “Don’t know.” Steven came back. “House was set to blow. It’s clear now. I’d say he was expecting us but it’s hard to say. He just might be zealous enough to do it to himself.” “Right.” He told them. “Times running out, let’s get this done. John take the back entrance.” He nodded and disappeared with his team. Alex moved into position with his team and Pierre behind him providing rear guard. Alex nodded once at Steven and his lead man kicked in the door. A similar noise could be heard from the back. Three of his men rushed in. No other noise could be heard but the music. Alex stood and walked to the porch steps. He climbed the four steps and crossed the porch to the doorway and walked through.

  He couldn’t remember seeing anything like it since the brutality of early paganism that Marcus had coveted so much at his turn.

  Luce screamed. She couldn’t help it. It was horrific. Barbaric. Inhuman. Her security men Bill and Ben came running in. She clamped a hand on her mouth as she looked up. Tears were in her eyes. They looked at her. Shakily she turned the screen so they could see. For vamps who showed no emotion, it crossed their faces. Strung up across the walls like trophies, were men, women and children, torn open and bled out. Others were on the floor. It looked like they had been torn to pieces and eaten. Luce notice two wares in partial turn were displayed like trophies. It was a blood bath. It looked…. Staged. She thought. Deliberate. Undeniable horrors as if to make a point, thought Luce through her own horror and revulsion. It was like a movie set but real.

  She pushed passed her revulsion and turned the lap top back and looked up at her men. “Doesn’t feel right.” She told them. “Check our defences tell Arturo.” The two sped off away from her. Luce punched in Alex’s ID. “Alex it looks staged to me. It’s not right get out and get back ASAP.” “I agree Luce. Leaving now. Burn it.” She heard him shout as communications cut off again and watched as he moved with his men. Arturo came into her room. “You saw it?” “Yes. It wasn’t right Arturo, it looked too much like so
meone trying too hard. You know what I mean? And who we were looking for wasn’t there was he? He was expecting you at some point and has to be on his way. And if he knows you would send your best troops there, that leaves you vulnerable here. Maybe tonight or tomorrow.” He nodded. “I have several groups out in the field doing border checks can you call up their ID’s and get them back here?” Luce nodded. “Yes on it.”

  Punching in the camera’s from earlier she hit the IDs on the leads, including Val and Gia in each group and in one conference call told them all to get their asses, back to the house without delay.

  “You.” Arturo told her. “Do not leave that bed.” He turned to her security. “Make sure she stays put.”

  Luce continued to monitor the camera feeds. She watched as each of the groups got back on the choppers and lifted off. She checked the others making their way back to the mansion. It seemed calm.


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