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Page 18

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Where is everyone,” she asked walking along the corridor to their rooms. “I told them to make themselves scarce. That we wanted privacy if I wasn’t to leave. Do you want me to stay Luce?.” Luce turned and looked at him. “Yes. I don’t want you to leave me.” She told him honestly. “Thank you for telling them to give us privacy.” She told him. “You needed it.” Was all he said moving into their reception room and closing the door behind them. He walked in behind her and wrapped his arms around her. His chin on her head. “I have something I wish to give you if you would let me.” He told her. Luce laughed. “I think you already gave me that, several times.” She told him. Alex laughed and nuzzled down her neck. “Umm I have that to give you too.” He told her huskily. Luce shivered with anticipation. Dam male. Alex let her go and walked over to the cabinet in the corner and opened a large door, inside sat a safe. Alex put in the combination and opened it. He brought something out and closed the door and cabinet turning to her he held out a small box.

  “In your world, you would have had this first and said yes or no. I know we missed that bit, so I’m trying to make it up to you.” Luce held her breath. OMG. Did he buy her a ring? Luce walked over to him. As she got within arm’s reach he opened the box facing her. Luce had never seen anything like it. One square, what seemed diamond, sat on the cushion inside the box. It would be the width of her finger. She couldn’t see the ring itself for the stone. Luce looked up at Alex. “It’s amazing.” She whispered wide eyed emotionally. Alex took it out of the box and lifting her left hand and placed it on her ring finger. It was mesmerising she thought. Alex brought it to his lips and kissed it. Then bit into his own wrist. “I give you my immortal life. I bond my life to yours for eternity.” He told her and placed his wrist over her mouth. “Drink and be mine. Your life before mine.” Luce instinctively placed her lips over his open wrist and licked then sucked on his blood.

  Alex grabbed her and moaned as she sucked on him. Luce felt an immense power over him. He was rock hard and rubbing his cock into her pussy. Luce was soaking wet with anticipation. Alex pulled away from her mouth, sealed his wounds and grabbed the top of her shirt with both hands and looked at her. She licked her top lip with her tongue, lust flared in her eyes. Alex ripped open her shirt yanking it down her upper arms trapping her in it. He moved in fast and planted a kiss on her blood-soaked mouth, nicking her tongue with his fang and sucking her tongue into his mouth and pulling on it.

  Luce creamed and moaned. Lifting her hand, she caressed his head to her own and duelled with him with her tongue. Demanding, inviting invading. Alex broke away and descended down her chest with his mouth, little nips from his fangs, drawing blood as he went, licking them closed and moving on down. He trailed a line down the middle of her chest while rubbing at her erect nipples hard with the finger and thumb of both hands. He cut her bra away with his nails. Luce was bombarded with sensation. Pushing her chest into his hands she threw her head back and held his to her body running her fingers through his hair. “So dam good Alex.”

  He kept moving. He’s destination in sight. And what a sight it was. Luce naked from the waist up, erect nipples begging for his mouth, teeth and nails, stomach tight and pulsing with need. Alex moved and nipped his way passed her belly button and opened her buttoned jeans and shoved his hand in looking for his reward for all his hard work and found it. She was so wet and wanting him. He could feel her body pulse with need of him. He grabbed the top of her jeans and tugged them down hard exposing her thong. He continued his journey. Nipped and licked the top of her pubic zone, enticed by her smell he bit and sucked her blood in. Luce cried out as her organism hit her, panting she clung to him, her legs shaky. Withdrawing his teeth, he licked the wounds closed and kissed around her pubic hair, rubbing his face in it and rubbing his nose up and down her slit.

  Luce started riding his face. She couldn’t help it, she needed to come again, he was driving her crazy. She grabbed his hair and pushed his face into her pussy. “Bite me, fuck me, suck me, but make me come.” She cried out lifting her crutch into his face with every word.

  Alex was struggling with control. Grabbing the waist of her Jeans he shredded them down her legs to get access to her. Ripping her thong in one movement, he pulled her neither lips apart and face planted into her shoving his tongue in deep and milking her juices. He lapped at her in time with Luce riding his face. She held his head to her and pushed in hard. “Fuck yes, fuck me dam it I need it now.” She called out to him. Alex fucked her with his tongue and found her clit and squeezed it, tweaking it with his nail. Luce exploded and screamed her climax. Not allowing her to come down, he opened his mouth and bite her over her clit and tongued it. Swallowing her nectar he played her clit hard until she was begging him to make her come or stop.

  Alex braced her body with one arm as she was losing the ability to stand. Withdrew he teeth and lathered the marks closed. Removing the last of her Jeans from her legs he picked her up and took her over to the table and laid her on it. Ripping at his own trousers he made short work of getting rid of them and positioned himself at her entrance having pulled her to the edge of the table and opening her wide to him. Stroking himself and rubbing it cock along her juices he told her leaning forward with his other hand and racking his nailed across her breast, “I’m going to fuck you now Luce. It’s going to be hard because you made me so hard, then I’m going to fuck you again till your screaming my name and begging me to fill you.” He felt the out pouring of Luce’s juices as he spoke and positioned himself at her entrance and slammed home. Holding her legs to his chest he pounded her until he could feel the crest of her wave assault her and her body start to shake, he increased his pace and went in search of her clit and pinched it. Luce exploded around his cock sucking him in and the muscles of her channel riding it.

  Panting and out of breath Luce felt her climax receding as Alex bent forward while still buried deep within her and bite her breast and lather her nipple. Luce climaxed again grabbing hold of his head to her and running her fingers through his hair. She felt her legs being pulled wider and his tempo increase. Sliding in and out of her with delicious friction, he found her G spot. Luce went boneless as Alex hit it time and time again with each thrust. “You are fucking mine Luce. No other male will ever have your joy but me unless I will it.” He told her to his pounding. Luce felt herself coming again, she was so close, Alex licked at her breast closing his bite and moved over to the other one. Luce pushed her breast at him, “more.” She told him. Alex bit down hard and nipped her nipple at the same time. It was sensation overload again and Luce felt herself screaming out, she loved him, riding the wave into oblivion and darkness.


  “Wake up sleepy. Its 2pm.” Luce heard Alex’s voice. It seems a long way off. She peeled open her eyes and felt the bed, she was the only one in it. Stretching open her eyes some more, she yawned and turned over. She spotted him over by the door. “Coffee?” She begged. “On the side table.” He told her. Luce looked over, there was a mug sitting there. Then the smell hit her. Heaven in a mug. Turning back to Alex she gazed at him. “Your dressed?” She sat up. “What happened?” “The reception is this evening and there is work to do. I am supporting Arturo until dusk. The day walkers will need some help in getting ready.”

  “Do you need me?” She asked. Alex grinned. “My cock says yes but if I come near you I will not be able to leave to support Arturo and you need to rest, there will be much going on tonight and I will want to ravish you after.” He told her grinning. “Ravish?” Luce questioned pulling the sheet off her naked body and opening her legs to him and bending her knees up in invite. “How about you put your mouth here.” She stroked herself. “Like a good little boy and make your wife come like she needs and I’ll make it worth your while.” She told him winking.

  Alex was no longer grinning. He took an involuntary step forward and stopped. “Make yourself come.” He demanded. Luce ran her hand up and down her slit and circled her clit, lic
king her lips and arching her body. She used her other hand to squeeze her breast and pinch her nipple, “Ummm”, she murmured and rubbed her clit again riding her hand. Luce increased her pace and slipped a finger inside herself. “Not enough.” She cried out. “Need you.” She called over to him. “Try harder.” He told her. Luce racked her nailed over her breast and tweaked it so it was unnaturally hard and begging and pinched it, she cried out delving two fingers in side herself. “So close.” She told him. “Finish me.” She begged. Alex vamped over to the bed and yank her to the edge of it. Flipping her over he raised her arse as he yanked open his zipper and pulled his cock free. Positioning himself at her entrance he rubbed at her. “This what you want Luce?” He asked her probing her. “Do you want this?” He slipped it inside a fraction. “God yes Alex, need you in me now.”

  Alex ploughed into her and rode her arse. Luce climaxed quickly calling out his name and Alex rode her on and on, grabbing onto her breast he raked his nails across her nipple and his other hand into her wetness finding her clit and rubbed at it hard until he was within reach of his own climax. “Come for me.” He told her increasing his pace and friction. Luce screamed out again calling his name at he reached the end of his own endurance and rammed into her one last time, spilling into her. Slumping forward and bracing his own weight. “Dam Luce. Your gonna kill me.” He told her panting. Luce seemed to find the energy to laugh. “Delicious male.” She told him smiling into the sheets. Alex smiled. He was a lucky bastard indeed.

  Pulling out of her, he went quickly into the bathroom and wiped himself down and straightened himself bringing a towel for her and cleaned her up. “I will see you later.” He told her dropping a kiss on her nose and walking back to the bathroom putting the used towel in the laundry bin. He came out, looked over at her and headed to the door. This time he walked through it. Such promise held in those words. Luce grinned at his leaving back. “Later.”

  Luce untangled herself from the sheets and threw them back over herself. Reaching over she grabbed her coffee and put her back against the head board and drank deeply. For someone who didn’t get to sleep till what must have been around 5am, she felt really good. Their love making was intense and delightful. He brought out the naught in her and she loved it. It was so freeing thought Luce. She could take and demand what she wanted and he would be ok with that. She didn’t have to think about if he would think she was weird or strange or want her to leave all the work to him or worse, think she should do all the work. And she couldn’t complain, he knew his way around a body and definitely knew what his mouth and cock were for. Luce squirmed. Her nipples pearled. She was wet. Dam male. She needed to come again.

  Alex walked the corridor to Arturo’s office. Luce was going to kill him with those antics. He couldn’t stop wanting to fuck her. He already went around hard all day, now, it was worse. When she had opened her legs to him on the bed he’d nearly stripped off, forgot all obligation and fucked her. He so badly wanted to rip into her. She was so temping. She needed a good spanking. He smiled. He’d have a lifetime to make her pay for that little stunt. Alex knocked at the door and entered. Arturo was at his desk with Regin. “Alex come in.” “Good afternoon.” He told them walking in to take a seat. “The reception tonight, it will officially start at 8pm.” Arturo told him. “Presentation to Clavius at 9. Seeing as this was originally a challenge match, it would have been at 9 that it would have started. Assuming our challenger does not know of the change of situation I would say we can expect them around that time. They may not be aware that Clavius is here and hopefully Marcus either. It will of course depend on if Clavius’ people finding Clarise first. If that happens, we do not know what the outcome may be. It may still come to a fight.” Alex agreed. “It would be wise to be prepared for both.” Alex told him. Arturo appeared to agree. “Exactly, what we thought.”

  “The staff have everything covered for tonight. Food, drink, tables and chairs all for the banqueting room. Extra staff on board. A high table has been set for Clavius and his people as mentioned twelve, we have added to that by including us,” Regin told him, “and you and Luce, Marcus and his family. Twenty in all. There will be tables fanning out from that point, in sequence of position both in human and vamp worlds.” “And,” Arturo carried on, “should a challenge come after all or a fight, the banqueting doors to the garden can be locked down and people safe in side while the rest of us deal with the threat. If it’s a direct challenge to me, we will take it out on the lawn.”

  Alex nodded. It seemed well covered. “What about people getting in during the reception with our security as it is, they will see that as an opportunity” Alex asked. “This is very cleaver, Luce has embedded in the ID badges that all invites will wear. They pick them up on arrival, it is scanned and the system will then pick them up. There’s a whole batch with the security gate waiting for them locked down. Each numbered and overseen by two vamps. Everyone has been told to make sure they have it on them all night and they will not get in without it. Anyone trying to do so, will be picked up. Our security can continue to run as it should without fear. It will isolate any vamps or humans without ID. So, that should include any unwanted guests, unless, Clavius has traitors in his group and they have passed on vital information.” Arturo concluded sourly. “If that has happened, there will be more than blood on your lawn child.” Alex and the others stood as Clavius entered the room. Arturo went to give him his chair. “Sit sit, I have enough protocol around me that I do not need it with friends.”

  “I pray you slept well My Lord.” Arturo asked Clavius. Clavius looked indulgent, “as well as anyone does at this age.” “Are you unwell My Lord?” Regin asked. “The nature of vampire ambition irritates me.” He told her. There was not much that could be said about that. They were all aware of how much that ambition drove them. “We have Clarise.” He told them. “She will be here shortly. I would like to interrogate her myself, with your company gentleman. Maybe Marcus would like to join us as well?” Clavius asked. “I am sure he would like that.” Alex told him. “Good, let’s see if we can find out exactly what game she has been playing and with whom. Regin if your husband is agreeable, I’d like your opinion during the investigation.” “You have it.” She told him herself. “I speak for me.” Clavius cautiously smiled. “Arturo?” He nodded resignedly. “She speaks for her.”

  Clavius withdrew to the banqueting room and took his position in front of the windows. His aids joined him. Rubin to his right, Arturo to his left. Alex and Marcus took a position to the back until called. Clarise would know this was Arturo’s house and be expecting him if Clavius had been generous enough not to kill him. The others, she would not. Regin stood right behind him to his left, her arm on the back of his chair. A move not at all politically correct. The sight of Clavius might be enough of a surprise to cause a loose tongue, thought Alex. The house phone range and Jenson answered it. Putting the phone down he turned to Arturo. “Your guest has arrived My Lord.” Arturo nodded and told them. “Show time.”

  “You will unhand me, I am a member of the Senate and a Counsellor, you have no right to treat me in this fashion. I will have your head for this.” The voice droned out. Alex heard the feet getting closer to the banqueting doors. They opened and a female was dragged in by several large vampires. She looked dishevelled, her hair that no doubt would have been coiffured master piece in perfection was now running in various directions. She’d not come willingly. Alex watched as she frantically looked round the room until she saw Arturo Regin and Clavius. “My Lord, how happy I am to see you. Do you see the way I am being treated here. Disgraceful. I wish to make a formal complaint I will have satisfaction.” She called out being dragged across the floor to stand in front of Clavius. “Why Clarise, what a lovely surprise. I did not know you were in this continent.” Clavius told her. This was a grave error in protocol, Clarise should have told him if she intended to leave Europe. “My Lord it was at short notice, I was asked to come a matter of Council security. I was u
nable to find you and decided I had best leave My Lord.”

  “Indeed Clarise, and who contacted you with this urgent matter that needed Council immediate attention?” Clavius asked. “I was contacted by Jazel here and Marcus in Europe. He informed that he was coming to America to fight for the position of this territory.” “And how did they know to contact you at the Council in particular?” He asked her. “I have no idea My Lord, I imagine that my name was mentioned to them.” Clavius sat back in his chair and removed an imaginable piece of lint from his trousers. “And what do you think can be gained here?” Clavius asked her. “Why My Lord this territory has been a thorn in the Councils side for decades. This is an opportunity to clean away the decadence and regain order.” She told him gleefully.

  “I see.” Clavius answered her. “There is much merit in what you say.” Clarise primed. “And new territories bring much needed revenue and soldiers. How would you achieve this?” Clavius asked her. Alex watched Clarise look to Arturo. “By bringing in loyal Council members not renegades.” Clavius nodded. “This is not something you can achieve alone Clarise. Who is on board with such a venture?” Clavius asked innocently. Clarise caught a sense of preservation. “I have those close to me and we have a challenger.” She told him edging. Clavius leaned forward. “What challenger? This is the first I have heard of it.” He told her raising his voice. “I am to be informed of all challenges as leader of the Council. Who is it?” He demanded. Clarise looked warily around her.


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