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Phoenix (The Colton Cousins Book 1)

Page 22

by Rebecca Rennick


  “That’s a shame. But I’m not giving up on you just yet, Miss Clover.”

  “Is that so, Mister Shaw?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  I do not like the look he is giving me right now. I really believe he means it. He’s not going to give up asking me out. And from what Nix told me, I don’t think that’s a good thing.

  I cannot come up with a response that isn’t, “Go fuck yourself and never speak to me again.” I return to my work serving other patrons. Cautiously avoiding any further conversation with Braxton. Beau notices and thankfully discreetly switches sides with me behind the bar so that he’s the one serving Braxton instead of me.

  Watching Beau closeout his tab, Braxton takes one long look at me, smiling, and nods before leaving the bar. God, I hope he doesn’t come back anymore. Maybe I should tell Nix or Faust. No, I can’t. He’s a Shaw. They have no reason to turn him away. Even if they want to, I don’t think they can. I’ll just have to keep it to myself and clarify that he doesn’t have a chance in hell with me.

  Right as Braxton leaves, Nix enters and heads toward my end of the bar, sneering over his shoulder until he sees me. Then he’s smiling shyly as the lingering tension Braxton brought with him evaporates. It makes my cheeks heat. He’s never smiled at me like that before. A true, genuine smile. Which only grows as he gets closer into a full-blown ear-to-ear grin, teeth, and all. And holy shit, he has two secret dimples that appear when he smiles fully. My heart flutters and almost beats out my chest the closer he gets to me. My feet are cemented to the floor, and I go rigid. He’s trapped me, and I’m afraid there’s no way to break free. With a smile like that, I’m not sure I want to.

  By the time he makes it to the bar and sits, I’m pretty sure my jaw is dragging on the floor, collecting discarded peanut shells.

  “Hey.” With that one word, my world explodes. One freaking word and that earth-shattering smile, and he’s got me hooked. Not to mention all the things he did to me the other night in his room.


  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How have you been?”


  “I haven’t seen you around the house the past couple of days.”

  “Been busy.”

  “Did you have a brain aneurism?”


  I’m confused. Where did that come from?

  “You can’t seem to form a sentence containing more than two words. So, I thought perhaps you had an aneurism causing some sort of mental retardation.” His smile is teasing and lighthearted.

  “Ah, I see what you did there. Very funny.” Giving him a fake, exaggerated laugh.

  “Well, it got you to say more than two words.”

  It did. I’m no longer in utter shock from his double-dimpled, heart-stopping smile.

  “You should smile more often,” I say to him as I instinctually pour him his regular pint of beer.

  “I didn’t really have a reason to before.”

  “You do now?” I ask hopefully. I hope he can’t tell how much.

  “Actually, I do.” Is all he says as he gives me a crooked smile. Something has changed in Nix. There’s so much more to him now than there was before. Can I trust him with my heart? Did he really mean what he said before? That I’m the only one, he wants in his bed. But does that include his heart? Because he’s already taken up residence in mine. And I don’t know if I could survive not being in his.

  Nix sips his beer as he stares at me over the rim of his glass. I can’t seem to bring myself to walk away from him. All I want to do is stare at that knowing, playful smile of his. That’s all mine.

  “This weekend, I have a barbeque with some family at my house. I’d really like for you to come and meet them. I’m sure I can talk to your boss to give you the night off if you’re interested.”

  He wants me to come to his family barbeque? I knew at some point that I would meet the rest of his family, but not like this. I figured they would come into the bar a couple at a time, and I would be introduced to them that way. Like I was with Lily and Arrow. Dumbfounded, I never thought he would invite me to a family get-together.

  Sensing my apprehension, he says, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But I would really like it if you came.”

  “Okay, well, can I think about it for a day and let you know?”

  “Sure. Just let me know before Friday, so Pop can get your shift covered.”

  “Yeah, of course.” I offer him a genuine smile of my own. He deserves it after giving me that dazzler from before that nearly stopped my heart.

  “Okay then. I will see you at home later.” He raps his knuckles on the bar and, picking up his beer, heads toward Faust’s office in the back.

  As soon as he’s out of earshot, Rosie darts up to the bar, slamming her tray down in front of me. “Did Nix just invite you to the barbeque this weekend? And was he smiling?” She juts her thumb in the direction Nix just left, one eyebrow rising up in a questioning arch. Her disbelief mimicking my own.

  “Yes, and yes.” I can’t help but smile, thinking of his smile. “Is that ok? He said it was a family thing, and I don’t want to impose.”

  “Of course. You are welcome at any family function. I’m just shocked. He’s never invited anyone to any family event ever.”

  “I’m sure he just did it to be nice. Ya know, since I live in his house, he didn’t want to be rude.” Shrugging my shoulders, I play it off as nothing significant.

  “Honey. Does Nix look like the kinda guy that cares about being rude?” Furrowing my brow, I glare at her.

  “Well, I suppose not.”

  “Exactly. If he didn’t want you there, he would tell you. But he asked you to come and even said he would get your shift covered.” She lets out a loud huff as she plops down on a stool. Looking mentally exhausted from just trying to comprehend Nix’s behavior. Is it really that big a deal for him to invite me? It’s not like he’s taking me as his girlfriend or anything. Is he? He would tell me if he thought that, right? Right? We’re not together. We’ve only spent one night together.

  Chapter 31


  D eciding a night off and some homemade Southern food sounded pretty nice. I ended up taking Nix up on his offer to go to his family barbeque. To say I’m nervous would be a vast understatement. Rosie and Lily have versed me in the family tree, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to fuck something up. Then there’s the fact they’re all going to know Nix invited me and, apparently, he never invites anyone. So, there’s that.

  Since I have Saturday off now, I take the day to go to the store and buy something new to wear tonight. I don’t really own anything nice enough, but still casual enough for a backyard event. I settle on a pale-yellow sundress and white strappy sandals. Braiding my hair into one single large loose braid, trying to tame my locks, then I brush on some mascara and light-pink lip gloss. Not too dressy, but still presentable.

  Nervous butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I stand in my room facing the door, trying to muster up enough courage to open it and go downstairs.

  It’s okay, you already know half the people there. Rosie will be there, Beau will be there, you won’t be alone. I internally give myself a weak pep talk. It doesn’t help. Still, I have to go downstairs. I can’t hide in here forever. Sucking in and releasing a deep breath, I open my door and step out.

  Downstairs there are already a few people moving around the kitchen, talking loudly and laughing—the sounds of a real family. It eases my anxiety a little. Finding Beau and a black-haired girl in the kitchen, I walk in quietly. Beau spots me first and smiles, looking me up and down approvingly.

  “Well, don’t you look like a cool glass of sweet tea.” I never thought being compared to a glass of pure sugar could be considered a compliment, and yet somehow, Beau makes it work. It calms my nerves even more, and I smile.

  “Thanks. I wasn’t
sure what to wear.”

  “That’s perfect. You look beautiful.” Beau walks to me and wraps me in a single-armed side hug, kissing the top of my head. Behind him, the dark-haired girl clears her throat, forcing our attention to her.

  “Oh, sorry. Clover, this is my cousin Raven. Nix’s little sister.” The young girl rapidly approaches me, grabbing my hand before I can offer it, and starts speaking at super speed.

  “Hi. It’s so nice to finally meet you. We’ve all been dying to know Nix’s new female roommate.” Her smile is big and broad. She’s genuinely happy to meet me, although I’m not sure why. She’s a few inches taller than me, and her hair is jet black and super silky straight—fitting, considering her name. Her hazel eyes are similar to her brothers, except hers are grayer and a lighter shade. For an eighteen-year-old, she is very developed and could pass for twenty-two. Not to mention, she’s freaking gorgeous. This family really needs to stud out their men so others can have beautiful children. I can see why Nix is so protective of her. I would be, too.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. Why exactly are you dying to meet me?” Once again, my curiosity wins out over common sense, and I ask the first question that comes to mind.

  “Because everyone in the family has been talking about the stray that Beau brought home and that Nix let live with him and then invited to our party. You are quite the hot topic among the cousins.”

  Oh, great. They’ve all been talking about me to everyone in the family, and apparently, I’m a stray. Now I’m super calm.

  “I suppose when you put it that way, I do sound a lot more interesting than I really am. I promise there’s nothing special about me.” I try to convince her that there’s no reason to put any importance on my presence.

  “Nonsense. Rosie says you’re super cool and sweet. She told me you threatened people in the bar with a gun.” Her eyes are wide and excited, not at all concerned about firing a weapon in a crowded bar and the possibility of possible collateral damages. Guess that’s the norm in this family.

  “Uh yeah, I guess that’s true.” I give her a small smile, trying to play it cool.

  “You have to tell me all about it. They don’t let me go to the bar during operating hours yet since I’m still underage. So, I don’t get to see all the fun stuff that goes on.” Her over-dramatic pout would be adorable if it weren’t about missing out on bar fights.

  If this girl thinks bar fights and firing off guns indoors is fun, then we’re going to get along just fine. Raven threads her arm through mine and starts to lead me out to the backyard as we talk.

  “Okay. I’ll tell you all about the bar fight I broke up if you tell me the most embarrassing secret you know about Nix. I hear you’re the one to go to for that kind of information.” I wink at her.

  “You have come to the right place, Clover. I have plenty of dirt on big bro Nix.” Behind us, I can hear Beau chuckling as we leave the kitchen and enter the backyard. I think Raven might be my new best friend if she’s got good dirt on all the cousins. Especially the ones I live with and sleep with. And have massive uncontrollable crushes on. I still don’t know what exactly is happening between us since we slept together the other night. Although, I haven’t exactly given him many opportunities to talk to me about it. I really should stop hiding from him and just face the music and get it over with.

  “So, what do wanna know about big bro?” Raven asks eagerly.

  “Does he have any weird obsessions? Like nineties boy bands or something?” Please say yes, please say yes.

  “Not boy bands. But he does have a weird obsession with using really expensive face products.”

  “Face products?”

  “Yeah, like, face wash, toners, moisturizers. That kind of thing.”

  “You’re kidding?” I whisper-yell, my jaw so low it almost unhinges and hits the floor.

  “Nope. He orders it online from some fancy website. Costs a small fortune. He’s very serious about his skincare routine.”

  I can’t help it and let out a high-pitched, loud laugh. I can’t believe big ole tough Nix has a skincare routine. I don’t even have that. The most I’ve ever used is a Burt’s Bee’s face wash from Target. I wonder if he’ll let me try his stuff. He really does have amazing skin.

  “Okay, I have to know. Does he wax?”

  “Wax what?”

  “His chest. He literally doesn’t have a single hair on him.”

  “I’ve never seen him do it, and he’s never mentioned it to me. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t. He does still keep a few things secret, even from me.”

  Darn it. I really wanted to know that. For the next half hour, Raven and I share stories. I tell her bar stories, and she tells me family stories about her and her siblings. Some are hold-in-my-pee hilarious, while others are so sweet, I can feel a cavity forming. Then there are a few that make me question their sanity and fear for their lives.

  While we’re walking around munching on finger foods and drinking sweet tea and lemonade from mason jars, we join up with Rosie and Lily. They walk me around, introducing me to people, including Emerald, Sebastian, Griffon, Falcon, and Zander, who I met at the club. I give him a good scolding for letting Nix carry me out like that without warning me he was inside. Arrow is also present, and we chat for a few. He’s growing on me with all his playful flirtation and good humor. The boy can also dress like no other. I’m going to have to get fashion tips from this man. Although he does talk about women a tad too much.

  Nix appears about fifteen minutes into mine and Raven’s conversation and hasn’t yet approached me. But every time I catch sight of him, he’s watching me. He never looks angry, though, more scared. Probably because he knows Raven is spilling all his dirty secrets. Whenever he looks concerned at what she’s telling me, I give him my sweet, flirty smile. Once I swore, he even blushed. But that could just be my imagination. What isn’t my imagination are the looks of longing and adoration that make my heart flutter madly in my chest.

  As a small group of us are standing near the pool having a spiked lemonade Beau made, a tall, striking woman approaches us. I’d seen her wandering around and figured she had to be an aunt. I just hadn’t had the opportunity to be introduced yet. She looks to be possibly in her late forties or early fifties. Thick honey brown hair pulled up into a soft braided bun with slivers of silver-grey threading through it. Her eyes are the brightest golden hazel color. As she nears us, Rosie sees her and calls her over.

  “Hey Auntie D. This is Clover. The one I was telling you about.” Rosie does not introduce her, but since she doesn’t call her mom, that eliminates her from being her mother.

  “So, you’re my son’s roommate that I keep hearing about.” Extending her hand out for mine.

  “That’s me. Are you Beau or Nix’s mom?” Rosie went over the family with me, but I’m still learning who’s who. Better to ask than to assume. I accept her hand and shake it firmly. Her grip is just as firm—no pansy-soft handshaking here.

  “I’m sorry. I’m Delila, Phoenix’s mother. I’m very happy to finally meet you. My husband has been telling me nothing but good things about you. Apparently, you’re indispensable to him at the bar.” I can’t help but blush at the compliment.

  “I don’t know about that. But I do love working there.”

  “Nonsense. Faust tells me you’re excellent at keeping the rowdy crowd in line.”

  “I try. We did have a little issue the first week I started that I had to help handle.” Wrapping my arm around my waist, I shrug one shoulder.

  “Well, we are all pleased to have you at the bar. And anyone who can keep Phoenix and his friends in line is more than welcome.” Lifting an eyebrow, she quickly glances in Nix’s direction.

  “I don’t know that I can keep him in line, but I don’t let him get away with anything.” Sneaking a peek over her shoulder, I spot Nix watching us expectantly. His eyes catch mine, and one side of his lips quirk up in a small smirk.

  “Yes, well, you may have more powe
r than you think,” Delila says, drawing my attention back to her.

  “I’ll keep that in mind the next time he drinks the last of the milk and puts the empty carton back in the fridge.” We all have a laugh, easing the tension meeting Nix’s mother put in my stomach. She’s smiling at me but tilting her head slightly to one side, watching me. What is she looking for? She doesn’t look angry or disappointed. As a matter of fact, she’s smiling warmly, approvingly.

  Am I being appraised right now? As the laughter dies down. The one and only Nix joins our little group.

  “And what are you ladies laughing at over here? Should I be worried?”

  “Never, honey.” Delila wraps one arm through Nix’s and places a small peck on his cheek.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hello, sweetheart. Where have you been hiding all night?”

  “Oh, nowhere. Just chatting with the boys.” His eyes dart to me for a brief moment and then turn right back to his mother. A breath catches in my throat, and heat spreads through my chest. What was that about?

  “So, what was so funny that had all you girls cackling over here?” He asks again.

  “Oh, nothing. We were just telling Clover stories about you in junior high,” Raven lies. They most certainly were not, but now I want them too. Nix’s relaxed smile falls instantly, and I can literally see his heart drop into his stomach at the possibility.

  “You are not.”

  He actually believes they were. I wonder what kind of stories they could have been telling me that would worry him so much.

  “We could be,” Raven taunts, grinning at her brother maniacally. She’s a little she-devil. And I love it.

  “Great. So, now you’re trying to turn my roommate against me too?”

  “What? I would never do such a thing.” Raven places her hand on her chest, feigning innocence.

  “Yes, you would, you little snitch,” Nix counters her obvious fib.

  “But I do know about your expensive skincare routine,” I admit tauntingly. The information has its desired effect of catching him off guard, and he turns to me wide-eyed and blinks. When it registers who told me this, he turns his sights on Raven. He’s no longer shocked but irate with his little sisters’ big mouth.


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