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Rousseau and Revolution

Page 181

by Will Durant

riots in, 954

  stores in, 936

  strikes in, 933–34

  unemployment in, 934

  workers’ revolt in, 933–34

  Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de (1709–85), 14, 80, 82–84, 220, 901

  death of, 893

  French Revolution and, 84, 938, 940

  influence of, 94

  in Lespinasse salon, 126

  sees need for popular religion, 903

  writes a constitution for Poland (1770–70, 482

  Mably, Jean Bonnot de, grand provost of Lyons (fl. 1740), 14, 82

  Mably family, Rousseau as tutor for, 178

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), 246, 725, 785, 793

  Macbeth (Shakespeare), 740

  Macdonald, Frederika, 5*

  Macedo, José Agostinho de (1761–1831), 269–70

  Macgregor, James (fl. 1512), 767

  Machado de Castro, Joachim (1731–1822), 270

  Machault d’ Arnouville, Jean-Baptiste (1701–94), 850

  Machiavelli, Niccolò (1460–1527), 251, 548, 766

  influence of, 338

  law of development and return, 253

  Maciejowice, battle of (1794), 491–92

  Mackenzie, Henry (1745–1830, 790

  Macklin, Charles (1697?–1797), 740

  M’ Lehose, Agnes, nee Craig (1759–1840, 776

  McLeod, Lady, 831–32

  Macpherson, James (1736–96), 559, 567, 764, 767–68, 809

  influence in Germany, 518

  Madama, Palazzo, 226

  Madras: English stronghold at, 58

  French siege of, 59

  Madrasa-i-Shah-Husein, 420

  Madrid, 293,

  beautification of, 289–90

  cleaning up of, 282

  factories in, 288

  growth of, 289

  merchant guilds in, 289

  revolt of (1766), 282

  royal palace in, 297

  war of liberation in, 307

  Maffei, Francesco Scipione di (1675–1755), 220, 228–29

  Mafra, Convent of, 261

  Magellan, Ferdinand (1480?–1521), 259

  magic, 356

  Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 376, 528

  Magna Carta (1215), 683, 709

  Magnasco, Alessandro (1667?–1749), 227

  Magyar nobles, 341

  Mahmud, Mir of Afghanistan (r. 1717–25), Shah of Persia (r. 1722–25), 418

  Mahmud I, Sultan of Turkey (r. 1730–54), 415

  Mahomet (Voltaire), 246

  Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon; 1135–1204), 637, 642

  Maine, Sir Henry (1822–88), 849

  Maini, Giovanni Battista (1690–1752), 247

  Maintenon, Françoise d’ Aubigné, Marquise de (1635–1719), 453

  Mainz, 503

  archbishops of, 504–5

  in Holy Roman Empire, 341

  Jews in, 642

  in League of Princes (1785), 362

  Maistre, Joseph-Marie de (1753–1821), 725, 890

  majas and majos, Spanish, 291

  Malachowski, Stanislas (1735–1809), 490

  Malagrida, Father Gabriel (1689–1761): arrest of, 265

  conflict with Pombal, 265, 267–68

  execution of, 267

  hatred of, 270

  missionary activities in Brazil, 263

  Malesherbes, Chrétien-Guillaume de Lamoignon de (1721–94), 92, 98, 178

  aids Encyclopédie, 861

  Jews and, 642

  as minister of Louis XV’s household, 861

  reforms of, 144

  Rousseau and, 189

  Turgot and, 861, 865

  Malines, 361

  Mallet du Pan, Jacques (1749–1800), 891

  Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, 1st Earl of (1746–1820), 500

  Malone, Edmund (1741–1812), 835

  Malongei, Emerich, 363

  Malory, Sir Thomas (fl. 1450), 768

  Malouin, Dr. Paul-Jacques (1701–78), 200

  Malthus, Thomas R. (1766–1834), 321, 894

  Mamonov, Alexis (fl. 1786), 444, 446, 459

  Manassah ben Israel (1604–57), 640

  Manchester: growth of, 681

  industry in, 672

  theater in, 740

  Mandeville, Bernard (1670?–1733), 770

  mandolin, 417

  Manger, Heinrich (1728–89), 524

  Manila, 62

  Manin, Lodovico, Doge of Venice (r. 1789–97), 311

  Mann, Sir Horace (1701–86), 792

  Mannheim, orchestra in, 525

  Man of Feeling, The (Mackenzie), 790

  Manon Lescaut (Prévost), 169

  Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of (1705–93), 736

  Mantua, 245

  Manzuoli, Giovanni (b. 1725), 746

  Maragha, 418

  Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–93), 891, 916

  in Panthéon, 110

  Maratha tribes, 717

  Marcello, Alessandro (1684?–1750?), 233

  Marcello, Benedetto (1686–1739), 223, 233, 234, 368

  Marchais, Mme. de, 118

  Marchionni, Carlo (1702–86), 331

  Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome (r. 161–180), 496, 800–1

  María I (María Francisca), Queen of Portugal (r. 1777–1816), 270–72

  Maria Amalia of Austria (d. 1804), Duchess of Ferdinand III of Parma, 846

  Maria Amalia of Austria (d. 1759), Queen of Charles III of Spain, 281

  María Ana Victoria of Spain (b. 1719), Queen of Joseph I of Portugal, 270, 278

  Maria Antonia, Archduchess, see Marie Antoinette, Queen

  María Barbara of Portugal (d. 1758), Queen of Ferdinand VI of Spain, 257, 278

  Maria Carolina of Austria (1752–1814), Queen of Ferdinand IV of Naples, 315, 346, 846

  Maria Christina of Austria, Duchess of Saxe-Teschen (d. 1798), 361–62, 846

  Maria Feodorovna, nee Sophia Dorothea Augusta of Württemberg, 2d wife of Paul I of Russia, 377, 462, 468

  Mariage de Figaro (Beaumarchais), 403–4, 852, 923–25

  María Josefa, Infanta, 305

  Maria Josepha, Dauphine of France, see Marie-Josèphe of Saxony

  Maria Josepha of Austria, Archduchess (d. 1767), 385–86

  Maria Kazimiera (1641–1716), Queen of John I Sobieski of Poland, 256

  María Luisa Gabriela of Savoy (1688–1714), Queen of Philip V of Spain, 276

  María Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Queen of Charles IV of Spain, 302

  Mariana, Juan de (1536–1624), 177

  Maria Stuarda (Alfieri), 338

  Maria Theresa, ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia (r. 1740–80), 38–48, 51, 235, 330, 342–54, 942

  abilities of, 38–39, 342–43

  accession to Austrian throne, 278

  ambitions in Italy, 228

  attitude toward Church, 343

  choice of able ministers, 344

  conflicts with Joseph II, 350–54

  coregency of, 348–54

  death of, 354

  delighted by Mozart, 383

  Frederick II and, 38–48, 352

  Frederick II on, 529–30

  Hungarian nobles and, 341

  Jews and, 631

  Joseph II and, 343, 346, 348–54

  Marie Antoinette and, 343, 346, 846–47, 855

  morality of, 344

  papacy and, 318

  partition of Poland and, 483

  personality of, 343

  Mme. de Pompadour and, 40–42, 45, 56

  problems facing, 344–46

  reactionary policies of, 343

  relations with Frances of Lorraine, 346

  response to Gluck’s Orfeo, 369

  Seven Years’ War and, 38–48, 56, 61

  Turgot’s fall and, 865

  upbringing of her children, 346

  Marie-Adélaïde of France (Marie-Clotilde-Adélaïde-Xavère; 1759–1802), granddaughter of Louis XV, 111

  Marie-Anne of Bavaria (1660–90),
Dauphine of France, 118

  Marie Antoinette (Maria Antonia; 1755–93), Queen of Louis XVI of France, 111, 369, 383, 846–48, 850–56, 887, 910, 922

  aid to Chamfort, 915

  aid to Gluck, 370–71

  appearance of, 846, 854, 941

  Burke and, 722–23

  Calonne ministry and, 945

  charity of, 904–5, children of, 855, 941

  democratic attitudes of, 905

  diamond necklace episode and (1785), 941–43

  difficulty in consummating marriage, 847–48, 853–54

  Du Barry and, 88, 848

  early life and education, 846

  execution of, 270, 469, 725

  extravagance of, 850–52, 944

  fashions set by, 905

  faults of, 850–52

  first pregnancy of, 855

  flight to Varennes, 896

  friendships of, 848, 852–53

  gaiety of 851

  Joseph II and 352–54, 362, 853–54

  kindness of Louis XVI to, 851–52

  Louis XVI and, 436, 847, 851–52

  Maria Theresa and, 343, 346, 846–47, 855

  marriage to Louis XVI, 244, 847

  Necker’s second ministry and (1788–89), 948

  nicknamed “L’ Autrichienne” and “Madame Deficit,” 941

  personality of, 846, 848, 850–51, 855–56

  popular hostility toward, 851, 853, 941

  pretensions to naturalism, 852

  States-General and, 961

  theatricals of, 101

  Turgot and, 863–65

  Voltaire and, 873–75

  Marie-Josèphe of Saxony (1731–67), Dauphine of France, 45, 48, 107, 845

  Marie Leszczinska (1703–68), Queen of Louis XV of France, 86, 384

  Marignac, Émilie de, 952

  Marigny, Abel Poisson, Marquis de (1727–81), brother of Mme. de Pompadour, 105, 114

  Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblal de (1688–1763), 15, 104

  Marmontel, Jean-François (1723–99), 24, 27, 102, 104–106, 108, 119–20, 149–50, 353, 371, 463, 656, 908

  on d’ Alembert’s poverty, 126

  on Mme. Geoffrin’s piety, 121

  Julie de Lespinasse and, 126–27

  on Suzanne Necker, 908

  opposition to Revolution, 898

  Rousseau meets, 18

  as supporter of Puccini, 372

  visits ill Voltaire, 875, 876

  marriage: in Austria, 348

  in England, 731

  in France, 97

  in Italy, 218–19, 230

  Rousseau’s views on, 152, 186–87

  in Spain, 290–91

  Voltaire’s views on, 146–47

  Marriage of Figaro, The (Beaumarchais), 403–4, 852, 923–25

  Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart), 376, 388, 403–4

  Marseilles: bread riot in, 954

  factories in, 70

  proletariat in, 933

  shipbuilding in, 932

  Marsilius of Padua (1290?–1343?), 177

  Martel, Charles, see Charles Martel

  Martin, Samuel (fl. 1763), 703

  Martínez, Sebastián (fl. 1792), 302

  Martini, Anton von (fl. 1780), 355

  Martini, Padre Giovanni Battista (1706–84), 220, 245, 255, 386, 426

  Martinique, 58, 89, 935

  restored to France, 62

  Martín y Solar (later Martini), Vicente (1754–1806), 292

  Martos, Ivan Petrovich (1752–1835), 467

  Marx, Karl (1818–83), 771, 880

  Rousseau’s influence on, 3, 891

  Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1689–94), 683

  Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (r. 1542–67), 338, 602, 766

  Maskelyne, Nevil (1732–81), 764

  Mason, William (1724–97), 809, 841

  Massachusetts, conflicts with England, 709

  Masson, Frédéric (1847–1923), 444, 469

  Matrimonio segreto, 11 (Cimarosa), 335

  Mattino, 11 (Parini), 335

  Maubert, M. (fl. 1790), 117

  Maupeou, René-Nicolas de (1714–92), 89, 93–94, 858

  Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de (1698–1759), 139, 427

  Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Comte de (1701–81), 858, 864, 925

  American Revolution and, 870

  death of, 97

  dismissal of, 85

  opposition to Necker, 870–71

  Maximes (Chamfort), 914

  Maximes morales et politiques tirées de Té-lémaque (Louis XVI), 845

  Maximilian, Archduke (1756–1801), 389

  Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1493–1519), 560

  Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria (r. 1745–77), 353, 383, 388, 389

  Mazanderan, 419

  Mazarin, Jules, Cardinal (1602–61), 119

  Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72), 340

  Mazzolini, Signora (d. 1774), 219

  Mecca, 415

  Mecklenburg, in League of Princes (1785), 362

  medical schools, 360

  Medici, Anna Maria Ludovica de’ (1667–1743), 228

  Medici, Cosimo II and Cosimo III de’, see Cosimo II and Cosimo III

  Medici, Prince Ferdinand de’ (1663–1715), 227

  Medici, Giovan Gastone de’, see Gian Gastone

  Medici, Giuliano de’ (1453–78), 338

  Medici, Lorenzo de’ (1449–92), 338, 620

  Medici family, 228, 313

  medicine, 276

  Medina, London banker, 630

  Medinaceli, Duke of (fl. 1785), 274

  Medmenham Abbey, 809

  “Mein Glaube” (Schiller), 595

  Meissen, 749

  Meissen factories, 523

  Meister, Jakob, 893

  Mélanges (Ligne), 342

  Meléndez, Luis (1716–80), 299

  Meléndez Valdés, Juan (1754–1817), 295–96

  Melzi, Prince Francesco (fl. 1737), 227, 367

  Mémoire justificatif (Gibbon), 800

  Mémoire sur l’ impôt (Turgot), 865

  Mémoires (Brissot), 88

  Mémoires (Grétry), 910

  Mémoires d’ un père (Marmontel), 104, 106, 908

  Mémoires pour servir à l’ histoire de la maison de Brandebourg (Frederick II), 528

  Memoirs (Ali Hazin), 421

  Memoirs (Beaumarchais), 921, 923

  Memoirs (Carlo Gozzi), 243

  Memoirs (Casanova), 219, 322–23

  Memoirs (Catherine II of Russia), 433

  Memoirs (Mme. d’ Épinay), 26, 159

  Memoirs (Gibbon), 766, 795–96, 798, 804

  Memoirs (Goldoni), 241, 244

  Menander (343?–291? B.C.), 241

  Mendel, Menachem (fl. 1725), 637

  Mendelssohn, Abraham (1776–1835), 641

  Mendelssohn, Dorothea (1764–1839), 641

  Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47), 614–15, 637, 641

  Mendelssohn, Fromet, nee Guggenheim, 638

  Mendelssohn, Henrietta (1768–1831), 641

  Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–86), 507, 637–41, 645

  children of, 641

  death of, 640

  early life and education of, 637

  influence of, 640–41

  Kant and, 637

  Lavater and, 639

  Lessing and, 509, 515, 549, 637–38, 640

  loyalty to Judaism, 639

  marriage to Fromet Guggenheim, 638

  pessimism of, 549

  philosophical works of, 638–39

  spreads Enlightment among Jews, 640

  writes Phaidon, 638

  writings on Judaism, 640

  Mendonça, Francisco de Almada e, see Almada e Mendonça, Francisco

  Mengozzi-Colonna, Girolamo (fl. 1750), 238–39

  Mengs, Anton Raphael (1728–79), 248–49, 258, 510, 523, 524, 912

  artistic authority of, 332

  death of, 332

  revives classi
cal style, 315

  in Spain, 299, 300–1

  Winckelmann and, 248–49, 327, 329, 331

  Mengs, Margarita, nee Guazzi (d. 1778), 248, 332

  Menshikov, Prince Alexander Danilovich (1672–1729), 429

  mercantilism, 72, 770

  mercenary troops, German, 504

  Mercier, Louis-Sébastien (1740–1814), 919

  on skepticism of upper classes, 901

  Merck, Johann Heinrich (1741–91), 506, 521, 612

  Mercure de France, 105, 370, 915

  Mercure galant, 915

  Mercy d’ Argentau, Count Florimund (1727–94), 847, 851

  Merlini, Domenico, 479

  Merope (Maffei), 228

  Mérope (Voltaire), 143, 228–29

  Merry Muses of Caledonia, The, 776

  Meslier, Jean (1678–1733), 80

  Mesmer, Franz Anton (1734–1815), 645

  Mesmes, Marquise de (fl. 1771, 883

  Messiah (Handel), 742

  Messiah (Haydn), 377, 379

  Messiah, The (Klopstock), 517–18

  Mesta (wool association), 273, 287–88

  metal industry, 932

  “Metamorphosis of Animals, The” (Goethe), 617

  Metamorphosis of Plants, The (Goethe), 596, 617

  Metastasio (Pietro Trapassi; 1698–1782), 223, 239, 254. 333, 368–69, 374, 407

  meteorology, Goethe’s contribution to, 615

  Methodists, 636, 711, 755, 834

  Metternich, Prince Clemens Wenzel von (1773–1859), 366

  Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791–1864), 525

  Mezzogiorno, II (Parini), 335

  Michel, Claude, see Clodion

  Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564), 248, 751

  Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), 137, 143*, 254, 889

  Middle Ages, 809, 895

  middle class: in art forms, 113–14

  in Austria, 356

  in Austrian Netherlands, 362

  drama and, 104

  in England, 670, 676–77, 680–81, 706

  in France, 848–49, 902, 914, 956–61

  French Revolution and, 899, 934–31, 939

  in Geneva, 143

  in Germany, 503

  in Italy, 218, 230

  love of music, 367

  in Naples, 249

  physiocrats and, 77

  in Poland, 474, 491

  in Prussia, 497

  in Russia, 423, 455–56

  in Scotland, 762

  in Spain, 274, 277, 280, 289

  Sturm und Drang movement and, 522

  in Switzerland, 643

  Middleton, Conyers (1683–1750), 792

  Mignot, Abbé (nephew of Voltaire), 879

  Milan: Austrian control of, 217

  Beccaria in, 310

  churches in, 224

  Goethe in, 589

  history and achievements, 226–27

  industry in, 218, 312

  Jesuit colleges in, 219

  library in, 219

  prostitution in, 218

  theaters in, 220

  university in, 219

  Mill, James (1773–1836), 739

  Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 738–39


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