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Thorns of Fae

Page 8

by S L Mason

  “Can we go practice fighting somewhere else? I don't know if I can handle another moment inside a castle that belongs to someone else." I mumble.

  Janice gives me a sharp nod. "Follow me!" Then, he leads me out of the castle proper into the courtyard and under the portico. We crossed the drawbridge and out into a greenfield. Where I take a deep breath, the smell of millions of different types of perfume waft through the air, like little pockets of deliciousness. If you're down near the ocean’s edge you might get a whiff of marshland or the tangy salt of the sea. And if you're walking along a meadow, you may come across the scent of daisies or clovers. They won't even have to be anywhere around you—simply a little fog of scent that surrounds you and then quickly lets you go.

  I drink it in, opening my mouth and letting the scents engulf my taste buds then blowing the flavored scent out through my nose. Flowers bloom everywhere, big blood-red poppies with their jet-black centers and large, lazy petals.

  "Why is it the flowers here just seem so much bigger and brighter? On the surface, you have to put the flower right up to your nose to get a whiff, but here it's everywhere. It's floating around like little bubbles of floral happiness."

  Janice replies, "The surface flowers are a shadowy copy of their brothers and sisters here in the Hallowed Hills. It's the Fae lighting, magic fairy light woos every plant into becoming something more, to reach its full potential. Also, why would you want a flower you couldn't smell? Being Fae isn't just about being mean, malicious, and murderous like you think. We can live forever, and it's about living life to the fullest, every moment being a new, interesting, and enjoyable experience. Have you ever wanted to experience the scent of a flower that was beautiful, but you couldn't smell it?"

  "Yeah, my parents took me to Hawaii for vacation. The flowers there are beautiful. Lots of them have scents, and you can smell them like plumerias. That is my favorite—you can smell it everywhere. But some didn't smell like anything. They were pretty, but that was it. It was like they’re supposed to sit on a shelf and you look at them." The grass grows up around us, and I trail my fingers across the heavy heads of wheat, twirling around in a circle. A smile steals across my face and I sneak a glance at Janice.

  Janice smiles back. "I'm sure the flower had a scent so delicate you couldn't smell it, but you knew it had one and you were angry you couldn't smell it."

  Tilting my head to the side to glance down as the wildflowers bloom in my wake, I swiftly reply, "Why would you say that? How can I instinctively know there should be a scent, but I can't smell it? Until I came here, I was human." I search his face for an answer.

  "Are you sure about that, Sarah?" Janice whispers every word slow and deliberate.

  "Yeah, my parents were married before I was born. My mother's like a crazy housekeeping nun. She’d never cheat on my father. You think she ever looked at anybody other than my dad?" I ask him.

  “How can you explain her knowledge of Fae songs, especially the cleaning songs?” he remarks.

  "Like, I said. she was kind of a hippie at one time, maybe she learned it from a friend." I sound weak like I’m groping for some better explanation.

  "You really believe that? You really believe your mother never did anything, ever before she met your dad? He's the biggest adventure she's ever had?" Janice’s questioning tone grates on me.

  "I don't know. What are you trying to say?” I retort.

  Janice sighs.

  I continue, “My mother's not here to ask and only she knows. She likes to clean house, she’s kind of boring, she hates fairies and always has. As far as I know, she's never been with anybody but my dad. So, I don't know what you're getting at."

  He rushes on, “I think this is a conversation for your mother, a real conversation. Hasn't she ever done anything that would make you question her knowledge of Fae?"

  Every direction I turn, a new problem pops up. Not even five minutes of peace.

  "I don't want to talk about this anymore. If I want to know whether my mother knew about fairies before y'all decided to invade our lives, I’ll ask her about it. Just as soon as I get back to her, okay?" Oh fuck, I made it sound like she’s still alive.

  He nods his head and turns his eyes away.

  I could see he didn't believe me. Yeah, I'm avoiding it. It is a strange conversation, ‘Hey, Mom, did you know about fairies before they landed?’ If I were my mom, I’d be like ‘Hell no, get away from me, you’re crazy.’

  "You're getting at something, something you want to say, but you don't want to say. What is it you're holding back?” I demand. “Why would you think my mom would know anything about fairies?” I hunch my shoulders and wave my hands in the air.

  "Have you never heard of a changeling, Sarah?" Janice asks, standing stock still.

  "Some old Irish or Scottish thing, where supposedly fairies steal people’s babies and leave their own behind? The changeling is sickly, or fairies stealing babies." I shrug.

  Janice is slow to reply. "That's one way of putting it. You humans are so scintillating in your definitions. There's another version of that same story, only instead of fairies changing babies out, fairies make babies with humans.” He emphasizes the ‘make’ part.

  My mouth goes dry. A fairy had a baby with a human. I don't remember them calling it a changeling, but that's really semantics. "You think I'm a changeling?" I scoff at him.

  "I'm not the one saying it, you are. All I am saying is your ability to wield magic as quickly and as easily as you do is practically unheard of in the Fae world. We expected the competition to take a lot longer before anyone would develop their magic, yet you presented before the first challenge.” He’s frozen with arms crossed, facing away from Deston’s castle of lies.

  If I am a changeling that would make me half Fae. Janice glances over his shoulder. I was staring at him. He gives me a half smile. My heart turns over as my belly flips.

  We aren't so different, Janice and I. I want to reach out and touch him and tell him I didn’t think being part Fae would be so bad. But, how can I? His words ring true—I am different from the other contenders. I used magic before the first challenge.

  My mother did say strange things. ‘It’s not a game and Fae play for keeps.’ Why would she say that?

  The blood drains from my face as the pounding in my chest rises to a roar in my ears. How would she know the Fae played for keeps unless she’d met one?

  I push the thought to the side. Whatever my mother does or does not know won’t save my life or keep me safe. Only the black-haired Fae in front of me can help with that.


  Janice drops the subject and immediately attacks with a sword. I did my best to fight him off, but truthfully he is just a better swordsman. I did manage to make a bunch of flowers grow around him enough to make him stop. I grew a daisy-chain in an effort to hold him. The crash of metal meeting each other fills the air. It is our dance, and I want more. But then it is time to return to the castle.

  “I’ll go to Deston and gauge the danger. You return to your quarter's. I’ll meet you there.” Janice throws me a half smile and turns to the drawbridge.

  Fae doesn't really have a night or day. It's their version of day, and then a long twilight where the lights never turn off, but they're not really on. Fae is safe for the most part in the day-glo light. When twilight hits, the wilder creatures come out to roam. Even though I didn't want to go back to the castle, the safety of the castle offers is important.

  My steps ring in the courtyard only to be deadened by the tight quarters in the stairwell. I allow the rope to pull me up the stairwell, then I head to my room, dragging my feet every step of the way.

  Janice loiters outside my door, as much as a statue can loiter. More like a Beefeater standing guard at Whitehall. All he needs is the big hat and a rifle.

  “Deston informed me that arrangements had been made in my absence. You will be taught a lesson.” Janice’s lips are set in a grim line.

  “Taught a l
esson? What am I, three? Why doesn't he come to give me a spanking or stand me in a corner? Perhaps I should go sit in time out?” I huff.

  “We will know soon enough what he planned. The mere fact he excludes me from his plans is telling enough. He fears his grip over his own domain. Go clean up, and I’ll check back with you in one of your human hours.” He extends his arm as if to touch me, his aura burns fiery red. My heart speeds up. But at the last second, he pulls his fingers back into a tight fist, then turns on one foot and strides away.

  I was done with this game. I want him to touch me. I want that kiss. I imagine the burning red of his aura engulfing the white of mine. I can feel the fire of it consuming me and I close my eyes with the vision.

  “My Lady, come inside,” Lavender beckons me to bathe and I follow her call.

  I managed to convince Lavender to let me put a shower in the bathroom. It resembles a giant flower and rains down on me the pressure sucks. But it is better than waiting for an entire bathtub to fill up every time I want to wash.

  Leaving the bathroom, I come face-to-face with Lavender. "Oh, my lady, there were some men here while you were bathing. They installed something." Her lips tremble with fear.

  "Installed something? Could you be any more cryptic? What are you talking about, Lavender?" I scoff at her while adjusting my towel.

  “Perhaps you should open the door and see for yourself?” she replies and leads me to the door.

  Lavender is skittish and frightened—that happens when you’re ruled by a tyrant. But she piques my curiosity. I shrug into the bathrobe she offers. Did he station armed guards on my door, whoopee do? I whistle the door open—it wasn't armed guards. I am greeted by the bars of a jail cell. I reach out to push them open, only to have my skin burn upon connection with the metal. I scream out in pain. All of the skin that had come in contact with the bars reddens and blisters.

  Janice’s says, "You won't get out that way."

  I spy Janice coming down the hall. “What is this?" I demand, cradling my injured hand to my chest.

  "It's iron. Deston put an iron gate on your door. This is his punishment for defying him. It’s proof that no matter what you do, he still has control here. You can't get out, and no one else can get in. Lavender's trapped there with you,” Janice informs me.

  "How are we supposed to eat?" I ask.

  "Something will be brought to you, I'm sure, by whatever human installed this evil contraption." Janice stood some distance away from the gate. The iron wakes work on him, and he physically trembles with pain.

  "I took all the humans he had, there’s no human’s left in the castle," I remark.

  Janice shakes his head and shut his eyes.

  "Sarah, you set them free. He just goes right back to the surface and collects more. You didn't really think that by taking all those kids you were saving them, did you? He might not have those specific kids, but he has a brand-new set.” Janice rubs his forehead and crosses his arms. “Once you’ve been here for a few decades he figures you won't care about the few human slaves he’s been hiding,” Janice supplies.

  If it was possible, I'm pretty sure there would be steam rising off of my skull. He double-crossed me, bastard. I ran the conversation over again in my mind. Nothing about our deal said he couldn't get more. I only said he had to give me the ones he had. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should be so much smarter than this.

  Move on to what’s more important. Once I’m Queen I’ll fix his wagon. "So, when’s he gonna let me out of here?” As I take a step away from the bars, the wakes burn into me like the radiation of a bad sunburn.

  "You will not be allowed to leave your room until the final competition. No more training, and I am the only one you are to see." I sneer at him, even though it’s not Janice's fault, it’s mine. Eight days, that’s all I need to wait. I’d be free to roam the castle grounds right now if I’d kept my mouth shut. But he’s been controlling me—kissed me! Ugh!

  "Did he tell you I was a bad girl?" My snide comment isn't lost on Janice.

  Janice replies. "Not exactly, he instructed me to explain who is the Lord and Master here. I informed him I had done that several times and you were too stubborn to listen to reason.”

  I snort.

  Janice continues, “He won't kill you, he knows you’re a contender by rights. He can't kill you or he would forfeit his own life. However, he doesn't want you to win, and he knows he can't control you. So now he's going to do the next best thing: cripple you.” Janice’s fist meets the wall. I jump with the unexpected impact. “Without proper training you won't survive—it’s that simple, Sarah. He doesn't want you to win since he's got his eye on another contender. He's already decided if he can't control you then he at least wants one he has a chance with. You made it very clear you wouldn't tolerate his presence under your reign." His shoulders strain with pent-up irritation.

  My mouth goes dry. I didn't say anything about reigns or Queens or thrones when I was around him, had I? “All I said is I won't be under his control.”

  Janice shakes his head and runs his fingers from top to bottom of his scalp.

  "It doesn't matter. You placed yourself above him, you made it clear you see yourself above him, Sarah.” He punches the wall again. “You could've just stood there and not sat in the chair. But no, you can't do that, can you? No, you had to win. You're not happy to withdraw. You’re also not willing to save a fight for another day.” He moves closer to the gate, and his skin reddens with the magic battering him. “When the gauntlet is thrown you must win right there on the spot, and that is how you will lose. You must be smarter than this. I can’t get you out of there, and I wouldn't risk your life helping you. The smart move is for you to continue your training where you are." Janice punches the wall next to the bars in frustration, and I watch the magic burn the side of his hand.

  My fist hits the surrounding frame to the gate. The crashing squeak of wood being crushed under my knuckles is as unsatisfying as a half sneeze. Crossing my arms, I purse my lips and slump my back into the wall.

  "How the hell am I supposed to train in this dinky room?" I throw a glance over my shoulder. He leans in closer to the bars, and he whispers, "Not all fights are won with swords, Sarah. Perhaps you and Lavender can train with simple magic. Or you can rearrange your room and train with the sword anyway. I'll do my best to stay close by, as I’ve been ordered to keep an eye on you." He turns his head from side to side. “Train as much as you can with magic. I’ll be back later.” He winks at me and turns away.

  “Where are you going?” My heart jumps to my throat.

  “To ask an old friend for help,” He replies.

  I watch as he strides away. For some stupid reason, my heart speeds up. Is he calling in a favor for me?


  Turning, I find Lavender's concerned face as she slowly pulls fibers out of a piece of fabric she’d picked up. It wasn’t like her to use her hands for something when magic would have been faster.

  "Well, it's a good thing I like you and we seem to get along because it looks like it's just you and me, kid." I wink at her to release some tension and put her at ease.

  She lets out a nervous giggle.

  "Perhaps we should follow Janice’s instructions and I will show you everything I know?" Lavender returns.

  My left-hand grabs the edge of the door and I slam it as hard as I can, whistling the lock home.

  "Well other than hair, makeup, and clothes, do you know anything I can use in battle? At this point, I can’t afford to lose." My heart clenches. The end is near and everything that comes with it. Reaching up, I nervously scratch my head— the bumps are larger with spiky points and my back aches. I roll my shoulders and head, stretching my arms back behind my body to loosen up.

  Lavender picks up two vials and sets them on the receiving table. I perched on the edge of the bed.

  I smile, rubbing my hands together. "Show me what you can do."

  Lavender waves her hands over the vials
, both float up as she sings a quick ditty, then shoots them across the room. One explodes next to the window and the other lay on the ground, benignly rolling from side to side.

  "Exploding glass vials?" I exclaim.

  "Yes, my lady. They don't seem dangerous, but once you use the energy potion inside, all you're left with is the glass, so don't waste a potential weapon.” Her solemn reply shakes me. “Everything you take into the next challenge, you need to use to your advantage. Even if it's as simple as a glass vial or stopper."

  I smirk at her. "What the hell is a stopper going to do? I get making the glass explode since shards flying everywhere can cause pain," I say, waving to indicate the glass bits embedded in the wall.

  "You can use magic to force a stopper to fly down someone's throat and maybe choke them. If they can't sing, they can't save themselves. Not all Fae are capable of humming their magic, or in your case letting it reverberate from your chest. They can't make those deep sounds they have to sing or whistle. If you can choke them, you take away their ability to make magic." She shrugs a shoulder.

  Further proof all Fae are vicious killers, even the ones that make you dress up pretty. I like Lavender’s simplicity. Her magic doesn’t require some special ability. You simply use what you had available. Lavender's idea of self-defense isn't sexy, but it is effective.

  "Have you ever used it on anyone?" I float over a vial from the vanity and thrust it at the wall, humming the explosion before impact.

  Shaking her head, she glances down. "No, my lady, I don't fight duels, but I can dress you for one." We both burst out laughing.

  "Well, if I’m going to duel, I definitely want to look good, so I'll keep that in mind. Okay, what else do you have?" I search the room for our next makeshift weapon.

  "If we go on the premise that everything is a weapon, then you must simply figure out how to use it. We could start talking about how I put your hair up again. Also, jewelry—jewelry is an effective weapon," she yammers on.


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