Book Read Free

Presence- The Marked

Page 3

by L J Branch

  “For you, I might be,” Kat said playfully. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “Let’s,” Abbie agreed as Kat looked around the arcade for a moment.

  “I’ll meet you outside, gonna go out the way I came,” Kat said before she and Abbie went their separate ways.

  * * *

  “Miss me?” Kat asked as Abbie stepped out and found her waiting by her bike. Abbie just rolled her eyes at the question.

  “Yes, that was the hardest two minutes of my life,” Abbie joked as she went to grab her helmet. “Let’s get out of here-”

  “Not so fast,” a voice said, turning around they saw a police officer approaching them. “I’ve received an anonymous tip that there was underage drinking occurring within that building.”

  “Uh, good for you?” Kat said awkwardly. “What’s that have to do with us?”

  “The tip described two individuals in great detail, individuals that matched your description to a T,” the officer said pointedly which made Abbie frown before she pulled out her license.

  “Well as you can see, I’m legal,” Abbie pointed out making him frown before he turned to face Kat.

  “What about her?”

  “No, but I didn’t come out of that bar either. I’m just here to pick her up,” Kat lied smoothly, though the officer didn’t seem convinced.

  “Is that so? Then you wouldn’t mind if I smelt your breath, then would you?”

  “Actually, I would mind, creep,” Kat said with a frown. “Who wouldn’t?”

  “Miss, I’m going to need you to come with me,” the officer told Kat who just laughed much to Abbie’s surprise.

  “Babe, wanna make a run for it?” Kat asked curiously as both Abbie and the officer looked at her as if she had lost her mind.


  “What? It’d make a good story, promise,” Kat said with a grin and to her own horror, Abbie forced back a laugh. There was nothing funny about the situation they were in but everything suddenly just seemed too surreal to take seriously. “But you’re probably right, this guy seems like someone with a twitchy trigger finger. Wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” Kat said before raising her hands. “Cuff me but let the record show that I would have totally gotten away,” Kat said, as the officer glared at her before he handcuffed her.

  “Kat, wait…”

  “Don’t worry, trust me, I’ll be fine, catch you later,” Kat said only for the officer to interrupt her.

  “Oh no you won’t, she’s coming too. My source says she got you the alcohol, didn’t she? She also tried to lie about it, she’s coming in as well,” the officer said and Kat’s eyes narrowed a bit when Abbie found herself being arrested.

  * * *

  Abbie and Kat sat in the back of a police air shuttle, their hands cuffed behind their backs as the officer flew above the city. The night lights reflected in their eyes as they stared out of the windows in silence. To say that this was not how Abbie expected the night to turn out would be an understatement. She couldn’t really get mad either, legally they were in the wrong but something about the entire situation just didn’t sit well with her. An uneasy feeling filled her stomach as the cruiser began to fly over the ocean.

  “Wait the department isn’t this way, where are we-” Abbie was cut off when she suddenly tasted apples. The words had died on Abbie’s lips after Kat leant over and claimed them for her own.

  “Hey what are you two doing back there!?”

  “What does it look like?” Kat asked after breaking the kiss. Kat glanced back at the officer that glared at them through the rear-view mirror. With her back now toward him, she flipped him off before she continued. “Just because you interrupted our date doesn’t mean it’s over. Pay attention to flying before you get us killed,” Kat said before she turned back to Abbie, her face so close that the officer assumed that she continued to kiss her. “Trust me,” Kat whispered quietly. The officer just grumbled to himself as he looked away from them and focused on flying. With wide eyes, Abbie watched as Kat’s hands had suddenly but silently freed themselves. Immediately, Kat began to work on Abbie’s handcuffs. “Close your eyes until I tell you to open them, just keep calm, and trust me okay, Abbie?” Kat whispered into her ear. Abbie closed her eyes and she tensed when she felt her hands become free. Not long after that, Abbie could hear the officer exclaim loudly as the sound of the door next to her being opened entered her ears. Abbie could no longer feel the seatbelt around her as the wind blew through her hair. The officer’s shouts were drowned out by the beating of Abbie’s heart. Abbie felt a sense of weightlessness as a pair of arms wrapped tightly around her. “Hold your breath!” Kat’s voice suddenly shouted. Abbie barely had enough time to do as Kat instructed before Kat spun them around so that Abbie’s body wouldn’t be the first to hit the water. Immediately when they were both submerged in the cold water, Kat maintained her hold on Abbie to make sure she didn’t fall too far. When they broke the surface of the water, Abbie broke free from Kat’s hold so that they could both make it to the shore. “Damn that was a rush!” Kat said as they stepped onto the beach.

  “Kat, what the hell!?” Abbie asked incredulously as she looked at Kat, the both of them completely drenched.

  “What?” Kat asked as with an unwavering smile. “Don’t tell me you didn’t see that that whole situation was wrong, right? He wasn’t going to the department and he didn’t even read us our rights. Can you say sketchy?” Kat said and Abbie realized she was right. “And what was that crap about smelling my breath? Why not use a scanner like every other cop?”

  “So, what? You’re sayin’ he wasn’t a cop?”

  “Hell, if I know, his gear seemed legit but he sure didn’t act like he knew what he was doing,” Kat said as she pulled off her ever-present hoodie and tied it around her waist. “Something was wrong there so I decided to trust my gut,” Kat said as she pulled out her phone. “So glad they made this thing water-proof.”

  “What are you doin’?”

  “Texting Jack and letting him know what happened so he can grab my bike. I left the key in the ignition, just hoping nobody jacked it,” Kat mused.

  “Should...should we call the cops?” Abbie asked shakily. Unlike Kat who took the whole thing in stride as if it were an everyday occurrence, Abbie appeared to be on the brink of a meltdown. Abbie had no idea what to do or think about the terrifying situation they were just in.

  “Something tells me if that guy was a legit officer then that would be a mistake,” Kat said as she pocketed the phone.

  “But we can’t just do nothin’, Kat! Say that guy was some sick bastard, we got lucky but what about whoever he gets next?” Abbie tried to reason.

  “Whoa, whoa, relax, no one said we were doing nothing,” Kat said as she placed a hand on the taller woman’s shoulder. “Like I said, I texted Jack. He’ll handle it,” Kat said confidently. “We need to calm you down a bit,” Kat said before she gestured toward a harbor in the distance. The harbor was illuminated by a rainbow of lights covering it and a massive Ferris wheel. “It’s a bit of a walk but let’s go and relax. When we get back we can pick you up a new phone if you need it.”

  “N-no…mine will be fine,” Abbie said before she took a deep breath and tried in vain to calm herself. Abbie had always been an over-thinker and too many “what if” scenarios played in her head to keep her calm. Abbie expected to have a panic attack but instead she was surprised to feel her fear slowly shift into excitement. Abbie looked down at her hand and saw that Kat had grabbed it tightly. It was then Abbie was certain, she didn’t care how crazy it would have made her sound, something about Kat affected her in a way that wasn’t natural. Despite this, Abbie didn’t question this welcome change but instead held on to Kat as if her life depended on it. Abbie’s grip was strong but Kat showed no signs of discomfort. For a moment, Abbie said nothing lost in her thoughts as Kat led her away. “Thank you,” Abbie said after a few minutes and though Kat hadn’t looked back at her she could tell that
Kat had been smiling.

  “No. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Trusting me.”

  * * *

  “Hey, want to talk about it? You looked very scared back there, not that you obviously shouldn’t have been but uh…yeah…sorry, I’m not good at this,” Kat said sheepishly as they sat in the Ferris wheel.

  “I…” Abbie began but it was obvious to Kat that it was hard for her to talk about.

  “You don’t have to tell me, you know I’m just too curious for my own good,” Kat reassured quickly.

  “No, it’s…it’s fine, just give me a second,” Abbie said as she took a deep breath. “Before you, the last person I dated died two years ago,” Abbie began as Kat listened intently. “She gave me this,” Abbie said as she pulled off a pale gold cross from her chest and handed it to Kat. “For our anniversary.”

  “This is really beautiful,” Kat said as she held the pendant.

  “Yeah,” Abbie said quietly. “That night we were kidnapped,” Abbie said and Kat’s eyes widened in alarm. “I had a stalker, a researcher at Drakenova Corp. that had been fixated on me since I interned there during my senior year. I don’t know why he chose that night of all nights, perhaps he just wanted to hurt me, I don’t know, but he ended her life in front of me. I am pretty sure he was going to come after me next, but it’s only because of Eric that I got away,” Abbie explained which confused Kat. “We were supposed to meet that night and I never miss an appointment I make without lettin’ someone know ahead of time. When Eric realized somethin’ was off he tracked my phone and came in when the monster turned his attention to me. Eric shot him twice, it didn’t kill him but it put him down long enough for the police to get him. Two in the head and he just didn’t die.”

  “I’m…sorry I asked.”

  “It’s fine, he’s locked away now but…it’s just I never thought somethin’ like that would happen to me, you know?” Abbie said quietly. “You see that shit broadcasted all the time but you never really realize that it can happen to you until it’s too late. Tonight…it could have happened again and I’m just sick of it, I’m sick of my terrible luck.”

  “Your luck isn’t too bad. I mean we got together, right?” Kat asked with a smile which Abbie returned weakly. “What was his name? The monster that hurt you?”

  “Alexei…” Abbie answered quietly. “…why?”

  “Just curious,” Kat answered as she tightened her grip on the cross. “Let’s get you home.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Abbie’s Apartment Complex

  “You sure you’ll be fine?” Abbie asked when they stopped outside of her apartment.

  “Definitely, though I’ll be avoiding the cops for a while just in case. See you soon,” Kat said as she turned away from Abbie and walked away. Abbie watched Kat for a moment longer before she turned to enter the building. It was then that an arm wrapped around her waist before a hand covered her mouth. Abbie was unable to make a sound before she was dragged away into an alley. Her eyes watered as she watched Kat’s back, unable to get her attention. Soon Abbie found herself slammed into a wall with enough force to knock the wind out of her.

  “Finally, after all these years, an opportunity presents itself,” an all too familiar voice growled. Her face shifted into an expression of horror as she stared up at her attacker. His hand was wrapped tightly around her throat to prevent her from being able to scream.

  “A-Alexei?” Abbie choked out as she found herself trapped by her past tormentor. “You’re supposed to be in jail!”

  “My sweet, did you honestly think that cell could hold me back?” Alexei asked as he gripped the side of her face. “There is so much about this world that you know nothing about. I was out of that excuse of a prison the very next night,” Alexei revealed as the blood drained from her face. “I have friends in very high places,” Alexei said with a laugh. “Since then, I’ve been waiting, biding my time for just one moment when you would let your guard down and it finally happened. Oh, I can’t tell you how much I wanted to kill that fool you call a friend for separating us, but if I did, then you’d no doubt realize that I was free. I thought I was a patient man, but that was proven wrong once I realized you didn’t learn your lesson from last time.”


  “That infidelity would not be tolerated, my dear. It was bad enough you chose that whore over me the first time, but then you turn toward a thief of all people?” Alexei snarled. “Stealing from their own kind is bad enough but then they dared to steal from me!?” Alexei continued angrily as his grip tightened. With an enraged roar, he slammed his hand down on a nearby dumpster, and Abbie paled as she saw the metal warp under his might. “No, something had to be done and soon, so now here we are. I wanted that damn officer to remove your cross for me, but fortunately your little…toy…did it for me.”

  “What are you?” Abbie asked in morbid fascination as she watched his eyes glow red with his rage. “You really are a monster,” Abbie whispered incredulously.

  “You have no idea, but you will soon, I can open an entirely new world to you. All you have to do is be a good girl and accept my embrace,” Alexei said as he bared his fangs. “Despite what you might think, I just want what’s mine,” Alexei said as tears fell from Abbie’s eyes as his breath drew closer to her neck.

  “Really? Because last I checked, she was with me,” Alexei paused in his actions when he heard the voice before he released Abbie. Alexei turned to face a hooded Kat who stood at the end of the alley. Her lips were curled up in a faint smile that failed to reach her eyes which held nothing but contempt. Kat’s green eyes were even brighter than Abbie remembered, an electric green that seemed to shine in the dark alley as Kat stared down the monster.

  “Kat, run!” Abbie begged weakly, “He’s-”

  “-Not human, I know,” Kat said as she pulled out Abbie’s cross. It was then that Abbie realized that she had never gotten it back from Kat. “Sorry, but it was the only way to get him out of hiding,” Kat said as she tossed the cross to Abbie. “Quick, put it on!”

  “No!” Alexei roared before he whimpered in pain as it sailed over his head and landed in front of Abbie. Abbie wasted no time and quickly grabbed it. “You don’t get to take her from me!”

  “I took nothing, she chose me. That’s the problem with you damned parasites, you never know when to keep your hands to yourself,” Kat said and though her anger was clear, her smile widened. “You’re brave though, you know that interfering with the Guild spells death, especially for monsters like you vampires. We’ve shown you mercy, but it seems you really wish for us to hunt you all to extinction,” Kat said and as she approached them a black ash-like material began to spilled from beneath her hoodie and from the top of her pants. Abbie watched as the strange substances floated up into Kat’s grasp. Green sparks danced around the strange substance as it merged in Kat’s hand and formed a bladed metallic whip. Kat silently tightened her grip on the weapon which caused green sparks to crackle along its length. “So, you can’t blame me for what happens next.”

  “Interfering with the Guild? I did no such thing! She does not bear your mark, she is a civilian which means she’s free game,” Alexei said as he glanced at Kat’s whip. “If anyone is interfering it’s you with my mating!”

  “Who do you think will be believed?” Kat asked unphased by Alexei’s claims. “You don’t matter. Your people will gladly let you die to maintain the peace and you know it,” Kat said as she tilted her head. “Did you even get permission to embrace her?”

  “I…I love her, they’ll surely understand after the fact!” Alexei said with a manic expression. “You’re alone, without your band you thieves are no threat. You are clearly at a disadvantage.”

  “I know,” and somehow Kat’s grin widened even more. “That’s what makes this such a rush!” Kat said before she ran at him while a green spark danced in her eyes. Kat swung her whip at him and it released a loud crack as it tore into h
is body. The whip left a sizeable gash in his back but to Abbie’s horror, he didn’t bleed even as he screamed in pain.

  “Come on,” Kat taunted as she kicked him in his new wound, his skin burning from the mere contact. In fact, it seemed as though Kat even being close to him caused Alexie pain. “Show me the power you gave up your humanity for,” Kat said and he growled in response as his nails lengthened into two sets of dangerous looking claws. Black veins appeared over his body as it shifted and cracked while his body became more bat-like in appearance. His clothes ripped and tore as his body grew in size and Abbie found herself forced to hold back her vomit at the grotesque sight. Alexei lunged at Kat with a roar that sent chills down Abbie’s spine. Abbie watched in muted horror as he attacked Kat at speeds that clearly surpassed human limitations. Still, somehow, Kat managed to react just fast enough to avoid his attacks. Kat ducked under one vicious swipe of his claws and grinned as his claw slammed into a nearby wall and got stuck. Kat giggled as she whipped him and tore into his body with her assault until he finally ripped his claw free. He clawed viciously at Kat only for her to duck under the blow and dive between his legs as the strange green energy crackled faintly across her body. Abbie watched in amazement as she saw Kat dive into the ground as if it were made out of water and become a shadow that slid toward her quickly. When Kat leapt from the shadow, she landed in front of Abbie as Alexei turned to face them. Only then did he notice that a strange golden card was stuck into the ground between his legs. “Close your eyes,” Kat warned as she shielded Abbie as much as she could with her body and closed her eyes tightly. The card pulsed once like a heartbeat before it quietly exploded into a blinding flash of light that illuminated the alleyway. So bright was the light, it made Alexei recoil in agony and claw at his eyes as his body released a dark smoke as if he had been burned. While he was distracted, Kat stood up and turned around as more cards slid down from her sleeves and into her hands. Kat then began to toss them into the ground in front of Alexei and into the walls surrounding him.


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