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Presence- The Marked

Page 10

by L J Branch

  “Eve!” Xavier shouted as he felt a large amount of power return to his body. His magic erupted from his body in a bright explosion that forced Jack off of him. Jack recovered quickly and landed on his feet before he stomped the ground which made a wall of ice appear in front of him just in time to block a torrent of lightning which had erupted from Xavier’s palms. The enraged mage’s eyes turned pitch-black before countless small lights appeared inside them that made his eyes appear as though they were windows into space itself. Jack turned around and cupped his hands together as Kat ran toward him. Kat’s treasure began to spin as she ran to Jack and placed her foot into his hands. Using all of his strength, Jack launched her up into the air and over the wall. Xavier glared at her as he stopped his spell before two balls of fire appeared in his hands just as the pendant stopped with its golden section on top. At that moment, Kat giggled as large amounts of golden presence coursed sporadically over her body which began to release a faint golden glow. As Kat fell down toward Xavier, she grinned as each of his fireballs missed her. Kat flipped forward and slammed both of her feet into his face. Kat jumped back off of him, an act that made Xavier stumble back as Kat threw two cards at him that both exploded as soon as they were close. The power of the explosions was enough to lift Xavier into the air. Jack then appeared above him with both of his fists frozen together before he slammed them down upon Xavier. The ice shattered as more ice exploded from his fists upon contact and froze the young mage against the floor. Gold sparks danced across the ice as Xavier grunted in pain. Soon Xavier’s entire body shone blue before the light exploded into countless particles as his shield shattered. Xavier glared at them as he felt even more of his power return to him.

  “Boss, I’m in,” Abbie said as Diamond strode toward her band.

  “I see, wait for my signal,” Diamond ordered as she stopped in front of Xavier. “Ah-ah, I wouldn’t do that,” Diamond said as she saw the ice begin to crack. Diamond held up the orb Eve left behind and watched in satisfaction as Xavier attempted to escape. Xavier’s eyes returned to normal as he looked up at Diamond wearily. “Good, you are quite fond of your servant, aren’t you?” Diamond asked as she tossed the orb to Kat who caught it with ease. Diamond took a knee and gazed down into Xavier’s eyes as her eyes and those of her band returned to normal. “Do you know why you lost? After all, even I know we aren’t strong enough to best you yet here we are,” Diamond mused and Xavier said nothing as he glared at her. “You lost because you let your guard down and didn’t take us seriously. Even a snake can be killed by a mouse under the right circumstances. That’s what I want, to kill you, but not like this. If I ended you like this my mother would roll over in her grave. No, when I bring you down, I want there to be no mistake on your part that my band is superior to you. After all, that’s why you let us live last time, right? You want to see us grow so you showed mercy, this is me returning the favor and bringing an end to our life-debt. We’re even now and our honor is restored,” Diamond said as she stood up. “Next time we meet will be the last,” Diamond said before she stood up and began to walk away with her band. Diamond then stopped and glanced back at the downed Xavier. “Consider this your lesson in honor,” Diamond added before she glanced toward a camera and gave a subtle nod. It was then that the power of the bank suddenly shut down which darkened the entirety of the building. After a short while, the power returned to the building and Xavier found himself alone in the lobby with nothing but the red and gold orb resting on the ground before him.

  * * *

  “Are you sure you did the right thing?” Jack asked Diamond as Kat drove them back to their safe house.

  “Not at all, but I had no choice,” Diamond mused. “We are bound by honor and there is no honor in killing one that spared you. To do so would be to act without honor, and without honor, there is no difference between us and the dirt beneath our feet. At least that is what my mother claimed.”

  “A lot of assassins would call you insane for what you just did, you know,” Kat pointed out as she glanced back at her boss through the rear-view mirror.

  “Guess that just proves I still have much to learn. That said, I’m leaving this confrontation out of my report. The last thing I need is for this momentary lapse in judgment to make it back to the headmistress’ ears. I don’t want or need another lecture,” Diamond said with a frown. “We have yet to take a life, whether that’s good or bad I do not know. What I do know is that Kat, you prefer unnecessary bloodshed. Also, Jack, as much as you try to deny it, you have yet to truly sort out your feelings about your brother. I won’t even get started on my issues. It hurts my pride as an assassin, but as a boss I know we are not ready to cross that line yet. Our bond is still fresh and vulnerable. I refuse to cause further unnecessary damage to it than I already have. I won’t do things you both don’t approve of. I’m your leader but I’m not, nor ever will I be, a tyrant,” Diamond said resolutely.

  “Well,” Jack suddenly began as his mask disappeared. “I just hope we can go a bit longer this time without another family reunion.”

  “You can say that again,” Kat said as her mask disappeared as well. “Now let’s hurry up and get home, you already know Abbie’s worried to death.”

  `“What? I am not!”

  “So, this perfect traffic is a coincidence? You’re not hacking the streetlights?” Kat asked knowingly with a grin. “Don’t think we’ve had a red light yet now that I think about it.”

  “...Shut up.” Abbie responded and despite herself, Diamond shook her head a bit as Kat parked in front of Midas Towers.

  “Well, it’s official,” Diamond began as her mask vanished and revealed a small smirk. “We can officially consider the Magnus Financial job, complete.”

  CHAPTER 7: Pay Day

  San Diego, Magnus Manor

  The taste of defeat was bitter in Xavier’s mouth as he stood before an older blond man and brunette woman. The battle replayed over and over in his mind as he tried to figure out just when he had lost the upper hand.

  “I’m just happy you’re okay,” the woman said as she hugged him tightly. “But you should have handled things better. I’ll leave it to my brother to lecture you. Unfortunately, I have a project that needs my attention immediately. I will see you when I have more free time. Until then, August, make sure you lecture the boy properly.”

  “Of course, June,” August said before his sister disappeared in a blue flash of light. “Honestly, my boy, I understand that you’re eager to begin life as an official member of the Circle, but the least you could have done is come home first instead of checking on your father’s old properties,” August said as he looked down at Xavier with disappointment clear in his dark green eyes. “We haven’t seen you in years and the first thing you do is almost get yourself killed?”

  “I’m sorry uncle August, but once I felt the wards my father cast around his business break, I knew I had to at least see what was going on,” Xavier said as he bowed, frustrated by his failure. “The band there was one I encountered before, rookies still in training. I thought I knew what to expect.”

  “Pride is more often than not the cause of the downfall of even the strongest of men,” August said sagely as he led Xavier throughout the manor. “Like me, you have the heart of a lion! Brimming with pride! That said, I had always hoped you would be better than me. Never let your guard down around a thief, even the youngest of them know how to exploit a moment of weakness,” August lectured. “And you say you recognized them? Just how many times have you ran into this particular band?” August questioned which made Xavier grimace.

  “About three or four times?”

  “Are you asking or are you telling me?” August asked dryly. “Any particular reason why you didn’t put an end to them when you had a chance?”

  “They’re just beginners, uncle.”

  “Beginners who’ve bested you,” August said bluntly. “The deadliest thing about a thief is their ability to adapt, my boy. Every encounter will on
ly serve to make them stronger if you don’t bring them down when you have the chance. I understand your hesitancy, you are new after all, but remember that this is war. Do you not remember the incident that started this war? How one of their so-called Dolls slaughtered dozens of our women and children without mercy?” August questioned making Xavier clench his fists at the thought.

  “No, uncle, I remember.”

  “Then why have you not dealt with this particular band?”

  “Because it’s my brother’s band,” Xavier revealed and August paused for a moment as he took in the new information. “The first time I encountered them I removed his mask and was unable to finish them so I spared them. I tried to limit Jack’s band by trapping them in a life-debt and since then I’ve monitored their growth a couple of times to ensure they would be no threat. And they weren’t…until tonight when they somehow managed to get even with me. If it was anyone else, I would have gladly ended them by now. However, my father’s blood still runs through Jack’s veins and I can’t help but wonder whether or not my father would approve of me bringing harm upon him. Yes, this is war, but you know how my father was. His one rule was to never turn your back on la famiglia.”

  “Romero was a great man, even now I wonder if I am doing his station as the Arch-Mage of August any justice. That said you must understand that this is war. He was hopelessly optimistic and that lead to his downfall,” August said seriously. “His bastard must be at least twenty years of age by now. Not only that but Romero, even to my surprise, didn’t take the necessary precautions to ensure his child with that whore would be born female. That makes that bastard even more of a threat to you personally as you have yet to take a bride and have a son. Should you fall, some of the most valuable assets of the Circle will go to him, to the thieves, is that really what you want? Especially in these volatile times?”

  “No, of course not, uncle!”

  “Then remember what the thieves have taken from you when you see that band again. Your father and my brother, in all but blood, was destroyed for seeking justice. Our beloved Regina, your mother and my sister, was assassinated by the demon that seduced her husband and poisoned your youngest sister to the point where she could never hope to join our ranks,” August said and Xavier felt his blood boil with every word. “Your…brother…is too far gone. Ending him now would be an act of mercy so that you can bring an end to his evil. Focus on the pain you feel now and never again lose sight of your allegiance. Do you understand my boy?”

  “Yes, uncle August.”

  “Good,” August said before he held his nephew in a fatherly embrace. “Now, welcome back, you’ve grown to be strong. Even Arch-Mage Enero said that you surpassed his expectations when he taught you,” August praised.

  “Yes, but I clearly have much to learn. I’m sorry for being unable to protect your belongings,” Xavier apologized.

  “Don’t worry just some old tools and some notes I can easily replicate with some time in my study,” August said as he dismissed Xavier’s worries. “Now let me be on my way I have a call to make,” August said as he pulled out his cell phone which made Xavier frown a bit when he noticed the model.

  “You know, you should really get an upgrade. You do know your model is faulty, right?” Xavier asked with an obvious concern for August’s well-being.

  “Please, Xavier, I’ve barely used it as is, but it has served me well for the past year. As long as it works there is no need to change. Enero may fool these civilians into buying the same thing every year, but I know better,” August said dismissively. “Now go reunite with your sisters, they’ve missed you,” August said before he departed.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say we both missed you,” a new voice said and Xavier turned around to find a blonde woman who appeared less than happy to see him. She gave Xavier a once over and Xavier could see nothing but contempt in her bright green eyes. “But Faith hasn’t been quiet since she heard you were returning. Follow me, I’ll show you where she is.”

  “Lilia,” Xavier began with a look of disdain as he followed her. “Charming as always, and here I thought you would have grown out of your petty dislike of me.”

  “Funny, here I was wondering if you’ve grown up enough to realize just why I dislike you,” Lilia said with a humorless smile. “Poor little brother, a boy trapped in a world of men. Why-oh-why couldn’t Jack be the heir?” Lilia wondered as Xavier clenched his fist tightly. “Perhaps one day you’ll fill father’s shoes, but that day is not today,” Lilia said and Xavier just glared at her. “Now enough pleasantries,” Lilia said sarcastically. “Force a smile on your face and hurry up, the last thing I want to deal with is poor little Faith knowing that we still get along just as well as we always have,” Lilia said before they both entered a room. However, as soon as they did, their fake smiles dropped when they saw Faith asleep in her wheel chair. “Hm, she must have fallen asleep waiting on you,” Lilia mused as Xavier frowned. “Here we thought you could return for her sixteenth birthday, but of course you had your own thing to do,” Lilia drawled as she moved to help her sister as Xavier looked at her in horror.

  “Damn it, that was today, wasn’t it?” Xavier asked before he moved to help Lilia who brushed a lock of black hair from Faith’s face.

  “Yes, but disappointing your family is nothing new for you, now is it?” Lilia asked rhetorically. “Leave us, I’ll handle it. She has at least one sibling she can depend on, after all, must be nice,” Lilia said pointedly and Xavier clenched his fists tightly before he turned and left the room.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower

  The next morning after the successful heist, Abbie went to the safe house to meet up with the thieves to figure out their next course of action.

  “Come in, you came at a good time,” Diamond said as she let Abbie inside the penthouse. “I was just on my way to run some errands, you will be coming with me.”

  “Oh okay, where are the others?”

  “Training with their mentors, mine gave me the day off so I could settle matters regarding the heist and officially bring it to a close. We won’t be doing anything too serious, just some paperwork,” Diamond reassured Abbie. “I want you to come with me because it will prove to be an invaluable experience for you.”

  “Where are we headed?” Abbie asked as Diamond led her to the kitchen.

  “To the bank.”

  “Which one? We’re not headin’ back to Magnus Financial, are we?”

  “No,” Diamond began as she removed the picture from the wall. “We’re headed to the Guild bank,” Diamond revealed as she placed a hand on Abbie’s shoulder before using her free one to tap the mark. Abbie yelped when she felt her stomach churn as her surroundings became distorted. The time of day seemed to shift from day to night in a matter of moments. Diamond released Abbie quickly as she stumbled back and covered her mouth with both of her hands. Diamond lazily pointed to a nearby trash can and waited patiently as Abbie emptied the contents of her stomach into it.

  * * *

  “Take a sip, it’ll settle your stomach,” Diamond said as she handed her flask to Abbie who proceeded to do just that. Abbie shuddered when the liquid splashed against her taste-buds.

  “Seriously, what is that stuff?”

  “You’re too inquisitive, we’ll never get to the bank if I tried to explain it. It’s nectar which is all you need to know,” Diamond said as they stepped out onto the roof of the safe house. Abbie realized then that the safe house must have been sound proofed when they were immediately bombarded by music that seemed to echo throughout the realm. “Welcome to the Thieves’ Guild’s capital, Dorado.” Abbie’s eyes widened as she took in the beautiful city. The streets were literally paved with gold as lights of a myriad of colors came from the buildings that were constructed from a black stone. “In the distance, you can see the ancestral homes of the founding families. From the Frost family’s home of Niflheim,” Diamond began as she gestured toward a large frozen manor that floated ab
ove the city that was engulfed in a blue light. “To the home of the Ardent family, Belinos,” Diamond said as she gestured to a large mansion opposite of Niflheim that was engulfed in a perpetual fire. The lights of the realm reflected in the awe-struck Abbie’s eyes as she looked around the realm and noted the different shapes and sizes of nine other houses between Niflheim and Belinos. What drew her attention the most, however, was the solid gold castle that rested in the center of the capital.

  “Amazing,” Abbie whispered. “Who owns the castle?” Abbie questioned but before she could get a response her hair began to blow wildly. With a frown, Abbie looked up to find an air-shuttle begin to lower itself on to the roof.

  “Come, our ride is here,” Diamond said and when the air-shuttle landed, the two climbed into it and took off toward the capital.

  “This place is incredible,” Abbie said as she placed her hands against the glass of the shuttle’s window and looked down at the illuminated city. Abbie watched in awe as a much larger version of the thieves’ mark etched itself into what appeared to be a vacant piece plot of land. Soon, a torrent of ash swarmed toward it and formed a large building. “Wait I’ve seen that building before, it’s an old apartment complex Eric used to live in.”

  “Someone must have turned it into a safe house,” Diamond mused. “To the bank please,” Diamond instructed the pilot.

  “Right away, Your Highness!” the pilot answered before he veered off to the right.

  “Your Highness?” Abbie repeated as she raised an eye-brow.

  “You asked who owned the castle? That belongs to the royal family that runs the Guild, the Midas family,” Diamond revealed as Abbie looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

  “Wow,” Abbie said after a moment as she looked at Diamond in a new light. “Can’t say I ever thought I’d be talkin’ to a Princess. Should I start calling you Your Highness and start bowin’?” Abbie asked. “Because, no offense, but I don’t bow. It’s just not in my blood.”


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