Book Read Free

Presence- The Marked

Page 14

by L J Branch

  “Wipe that look from your face, Frost,” Diamond muttered as she led him away toward the dance floor.

  “I have no idea what you mean,” Jack said as he began to dance with Diamond. All in all, he felt it had been a productive night. Everyone seemed to have made power moves in one way or another, and Jack couldn’t help but wonder just what the future had in store for them.

  CHAPTER 9: Elders

  Santa Monica, Abbie’s Apartment

  Abbie woke up the next morning in a daze. Her body ached as she attempted to recall the previous night’s activities. Only when she felt a pair of arms tighten around her did she realize that she was not alone in her bed. Abbie smiled tiredly when she spotted Kat snuggled into her side, and she enjoyed how the heat from Kat’s body kept her warm. Abbie’s phone vibrated on her nightstand and she quickly grabbed it to see who texted her.

  Eric: Last night was crazy, yo!

  Eric: I got to play for Diamond and got another job offer from a model.

  Eric: Things really looking up for ya boy! Text me when you get the chance!

  Abbie held back a laugh at how excited Eric seemed, she was happy for him and hoped things continued to work out for her friend. As Abbie scrolled through her messages, she raised an eyebrow when she saw one from Jack.

  Jack: Uh, you guys realize we drove here together right, love?

  A look of horror appeared on her face as memories from the previous night came back to her and she realized that she and Kat had ditched Jack and Diamond at the club.

  Jack: I tried Kat but she’s not answering either.

  Jack: Wait…she’s probably too busy with you, never mind, love.

  Jack: You probably have your hands full too then. I’ll get us home, you two have fun~

  Abbie felt mortified and only hoped that Diamond was as understanding about the situation as Jack. As Abbie began to type a reply, she received another message from a number that made her scowl.

  “Ugh, what time is it?” Kat asked as Abbie locked her phone.


  “Really? Feels like it’s later,” Kat said as she picked her hoodie up from the floor. Kat grabbed her phone from its pocket and quickly checked her messages. “Damn, I have to head to Hollywood, Diamond’s pops wanted to see us.”

  “Roderick? He’s your King, right? Somethin’ important?”

  “No idea, it could be or he could just want to see his daughter again, they’re really close,” Kat said as she stood up and stretched. “Either way, it just means Jack and I get to see Vivi, so it’s a plus. Mind looking out for Sal until we get back tonight? I’ll give you my key.”

  “No problem, but mind droppin’ me off somewhere first? I’ll head to your place a bit later…” Abbie trailed off as she finally got a good look at Kat and realized that her foggy memories of the previous night did not do her lover justice.

  “Sure,” Kat agreed and she smirked when she saw Abbie’s eyes drift lower, away from her face. “But first, how about we hit the shower?”

  “Please, lead the way.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Lux Cafe

  Abbie walked briskly into the building and scanned the room until she found her target. In a booth off in the corner, sat an intimidating woman with long black hair that gazed down intently at her tablet. The woman’s cold gray eyes never once looked up as Abbie made her way towards her.

  “What do you want, Haylen?” Abbie asked without preamble as she sat across from the woman.

  “Is that any way to treat family, Abigail?” Haylen questioned with a southern drawl. “And after I came all this way to see you?”

  “Please, I doubt I’m your main reason for comin’ this far. What brings you to California, let alone Santa Monica?” Abbie asked dryly as Haylen continued to work on something on her tablet. After a few moments, Haylen put her device down and finally gave her sister her full attention.

  “I’ve gotten a contract with Prosperity Industries,” Haylen said as Abbie looked at her in surprise. “Apparently one of their associates’, Magnus Financial, was broken into recently. They had a security system in place that should have been impenetrable for quite some time but it seems that wasn’t the case.”

  “So, they hired you and your team?”

  “Yes, funny cause’ they turned my offer down once before,” Haylen said before she sipped her coffee. “My team is number one for the private security of all types of businesses, so it won’t be long before we deal with this issue.”

  “So why contact me? Needed to see a familiar face in this city?” Abbie asked skeptically.

  “No,” Haylen denied. “Needless to say, after our last…encounter…you made it very clear you didn’t want to see me again. That said, one of us is still a firm believer in family so I figured I’d warn you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “See when I looked over the security breach, it was somethin’ I hadn’t seen in a long time,” Haylen said pointedly. “It was precise, efficient, and almost left no trace that the system was even hacked. I haven’t seen somethin’ like that since the days those cyber terrorists, Wonderland, waged war against corporate America.”

  “Well you disbanded them, didn’t you? Was a decent sized group, can’t be surprised if a few of the members that got away found jobs elsewhere,” Abbie pointed out.

  “You’re right, which is why I called you here today. You know, as a member that got away and found employment…elsewhere,” Haylen said as she slid her tablet toward Abbie. When Abbie looked at its screen her eyes widened as she saw an article about Diamond and the grand opening of Duskhaven. In the pictures presented with the articles, she saw herself and Band 13. “You’ve landed a good job, she says she hired you as her personal assistant. Shame I had to find out through an article and not from you. If I had known a bit earlier I’d have invited you somewhere else to eat.”

  “Well seein’ how the last time I told you about my life it ended up with me kicked out of my own family, I decided you might not be the best person to tell things too,” Abbie said sarcastically and Haylen narrowed her eyes at her sister.

  “You weren’t kicked out, you left.”

  “Whatever helps you sleep better at night, I’m over it,” Abbie said dismissively. “Yes, I’m her assistant, a job I only have because of a mutual connection we share,” Abbie explained. “It’s called networkin’.”

  “And who exactly is this connection?”

  “Not that you need to know, but it’s my girlfriend,” Abbie answered which made her sister grimace. “I’m not playin’ this game with you, Haylen. Spit it out, what do you want?”

  “I want to make sure you’re not involved in somethin’ stupid. Might be hard for you, I know,” Haylen said sarcastically. “You got a bad habit of gettin’ seduced into situations that are bad for you.”

  “Bad for me? Or bad for you and our family’s oh so important image?” Abbie asked knowingly. “I’ve been a good girl, is that what you want to hear? You put me in my place once and I’ve been on my best behavior ever since.”

  “Put you in your place? Please, we both know if that tramp you got mixed up with didn’t die you’d still be doin’ who knows what,” Haylen said before Abbie rose abruptly and grabbed her by her collar. Abbie brought them face to face as she ignored the surprised patrons of the cafe.

  “Are we gonna have a problem, sis?” Abbie asked as she glared at Haylen. “Disrespect her again and I’ll put my boot up your ass.” Haylen’s eyes widened at the sudden show of aggression but soon she gave Abbie a glare of her own.

  “Please,” Haylen scoffed as she pried Abbie’s hand off of her. “You’re makin’ a scene. Look I called you out here with good intentions. Advice from sister to sister, that on the off chance you are involved, you should think about gettin’ out of whatever situation you’re in now before it goes up in flames.”

  “Haylen,” Abbie began with a laugh that had no humor at all in it. “The only thing that ever goes up in flames
is my happiness whenever you get remotely close to my life.”

  “Please cut the dramatics,” Haylen said as she straightened out her shirt. “There was once a time you sought solace in me.”

  “Haylen the only solace I can get from you is the fact that you’re older,” Abbie began. “Because that means there’s a chance that I’ll get a few years without you when you finally drop dead,” Abbie said as Haylen looked at her in shock. Hurt briefly flashed across Haylen’s face though Abbie paid it no mind. “Look, I hear your warnin’ loud and clear but whatever you’re lookin’ for ain’t got shit to do with me,” Abbie said as she turned away. “Goodbye, Haylen.”

  “For your sake, I hope you’re right,” Haylen said as she watched her sister leave. “I can’t save you from daddy again.”

  * * *

  Hollywood, Midas Manor

  “Home sweet home,” Kat said with a grin as they were led through the manor by an older well-dressed gentleman.

  “Indeed Ms. Umbra, the Master has been awaiting your arrival all day, he said it was a matter of the utmost importance,” the man said as Diamond raised an eyebrow.

  “Sebastian, to him, forgetting to call him would be a matter of utmost importance,” Diamond pointed out.

  “Yes, but to be fair, when have you ever forgotten to call him?” Sebastian asked “I’d be worried too!”

  “Touché, Sebastian, touché,” Diamond muttered as Jack looked toward the older man curiously.

  “How’s Vivi, you two still at each other’s throats?” Jack asked which made Sebastian grimace.

  “My boy, besides the Master, is she not at everyone’s throats?”

  “I’ll take that as a yes then,” Jack said as they stopped before a large study.

  “Lady Midas, the Master will see you now,” Sebastian said before he turned to the other two. “Come, I’ll take you to see Vivi, despite what she may say she does miss you two.”

  “Aw, I knew she cared!” Kat said though Jack looked highly skeptical.

  “If you say so,” Jack said as he and Kat continued to follow Sebastian.

  Opening the door Diamond stepped into the massive study where she could find her father behind his desk. Roderick Midas was a dark-skinned man with a shaved head and a well-trimmed beard. On his neck was a black “M” tattoo that was similar to the emblem on Diamond’s glove. Roderick was a youthful looking man who didn’t seem much older than Diamond herself. That said, his hazel eyes betrayed the decades of wisdom he possessed. Diamond glanced briefly at a large golden ring he wore, it bore a purple gem in its center and there was a pale gold lightning emblem embedded in the gem. His expression was an intimidating one as he worked but, when he noticed his daughter, his expression shifted into one of kindness and joy.

  “Hey baby girl, I haven’t seen you in months,” Roderick said as he rose from his chair. Quickly he enveloped her in a powerful embrace that she returned. Roderick stepped back and looked at his daughter. “Seems the outside world is treating you well, you look stronger than I remember.”

  “I’ve had no choice but to get stronger,” Diamond said as she shook her head. “When you told me that being a boss wouldn’t be easy, I didn’t realize how right you were. The task is hard and taxing…”


  “Nothing I have ever done has felt more rewarding,” Diamond said honestly which made Roderick grin. “Those two complete me in a way I never thought possible and for that alone I want to do right by them.”

  “A feeling I know all too well,” Roderick said as he glanced toward one of the many portraits that hung in his study. One in particular showed Roderick as he sat in an old antique looking chair with an intimidating smirk gracing his lips. On his right stood a red-haired woman who, like him, was wearing a black suit though her tie was red while his was gold. On his left, a gorgeous blonde woman wore a black evening gown. The blonde had a pair of blue eyes that seemed to be filled with mischief. “Advice from one boss to another, don’t let your guard down like I did. One mistake is all that is needed to ruin that bond you care about so much. Be better than me.”

  “No pressure, then,” Diamond said sarcastically which made him laugh loudly as he wrapped an arm around her.

  “Relax, you’re my baby girl, you can handle it,” Roderick said reassuringly. “Since when do diamonds crack under pressure? You can handle any situation that comes your way, just like your mother,” Roderick said making her smile slightly. “Now sit, we have much to discuss,” Roderick said and Diamond realized then that this wasn’t a social visit. “It’s about your last job, great work. Pulled it off even though you had me worried with you cutting it that close to the deadline,” Roderick said as he reached into the drawer of his desk and pulled out a black USB stick. “Here, this was found in the safety-deposit box you stole. What we found on it was…unsettling, to say the least.”

  “What did you find on it?”

  “Plans. Plans August had to end this war,” Roderick began, his expression grim. “He’s been looking for a way to resurrect the Knights’ Order under his own command. If he were to be successful, we’d have to deal with a lot more than mages.”

  “He could end the war,” Diamond muttered. “But how could he resurrect them? The Order was destroyed completely from what I heard.”

  “He’s trying to find the holy sword, Excalibur. With it, he’ll have the key to resurrecting the Order. With that blade, he could make his own knights. I sent word to a contact in the Tribe, told them to keep a lookout but they are staying clear of this. They aren’t quite fond of the Guild or the Mage’s Circle at the moment, and I can’t really blame them. This war has gotten out of hand.”

  “So, what are you going to do?” Diamond asked. “Surely you and the council realize something needs to be done about this.”

  “Oh, believe me, I brought this to their attention, but they are still too busy trying to fight over your throne,” Roderick said tiredly and Diamond could swear she saw her father age before her eyes. It was almost as if the nectar had suddenly been drained from his veins. “The few families in my corner agreed that something needed to be done but the outsiders and the other families blocked any action. If I were to send even one band to do anything, we’d have a civil war on our hands.”

  “Even though the survivability of the Guild itself is at stake?” Diamond asked incredulously. “Are those old fools really that dumb?”

  “Yes, words cannot describe how fast I want these next few years to go by so this toxic excuse for a council can be disbanded but the Guild may not survive that long. These aren’t the days of your grandfather when the King’s word was absolute. The only way to overrule them now would be a direct order from the Goddesses.”

  “But they’re missing,” Diamond said darkly. “Why? Why are they gone when we so obviously need them the most? Why did they leave us as soon as this war started? Do you think they’ve forsaken us?”

  “I don’t know Diamond, I honestly don’t. But that’s the thing about faith, you never actually know, you just have to believe they are there for us,” Roderick said as he looked toward another painting. This one showed Roderick embrace a shorter caramel skinned woman in his arms. She was wearing a white wedding dress that was in complete contrast to her pitch-black hair. The woman’s beauty seemed to illuminate the entirety of the portrait as Roderick met her warm golden gaze. “You know, before Isabelle fell, she said something to me. It was a joke, but your mother was a person that whenever she spoke it had a purpose. She said that as long as the Guild had nectar to fill their flasks, there was always at least one Goddess in their corner. I’ll tell you this, Diamond, even when the Goddesses vanished, we have had no shortage of nectar. So, at the very least, one hasn’t forsaken us. However, the fact still remains that my hands are tied,” Roderick said. “Which is why, even though it pains my heart, I must bring this issue to you. You’re in training and therefore you’re technically not yet a true band of the Guild,” Roderick revealed which made Diamon
d’s eyes widen ever so slightly. “I’m not asking you to deal with this, you stand no chance against an Arch-Mage, but I am asking you to look for more information. You found this, maybe you can find more. Enough information for me to sway the opinions of the council. For them to realize this issue should take precedence over their petty fighting for a seat that doesn’t belong to them in the first place.”

  “I’ll do what I can,” Diamond swore and Roderick released a sad sigh in response.

  “I won’t lie, baby, a part of me was hoping you’d refuse,” Roderick said honestly. “I’m torn between the duties of a King, a husband, and a father. The King in me wants to protect the Guild, the husband in me knows your mother would expect nothing less from you, but the father in me wants you as far away from this as possible. Still, I can’t baby you anymore. You’re a grown woman, and I’d be a hypocrite considering the things my band did for the Guild while we were in training. Just be safe, do what you believe is necessary to get this done. If it becomes too much, get out. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, father.”

  “Good, now I suppose it’s time to tell you just how the Knights’ Order fell. I was waiting until your second year to tell you the truth behind the last World War but I suppose if you’re going to help me with this, you need to know now,” Roderick began as Diamond’s frown deepened. “As you know there was an alliance between the four unions, but have you ever thought about what exactly we were allied against?”

  “I thought we aligned because we all wanted to help humanity.”

  “That common understanding was a side-effect of the alliance and why it remained for as long as it did. No, the alliance was born out of necessity,” Roderick explained. “Monsters and demons aren’t as unorganized as one would assume. Though they are split into countless factions now, there was a period when they were all unified beneath one banner. The Legion of the Black Moon is what they called themselves. Morgana, the mother of ruin, formed it after betraying Merlin and the Mage’s Circle. That woman brought death in the millions, pitting civilians against each other in an attempt to wipe them all out. She single-handedly instigated the third world war and countless wars before that,” Roderick revealed. “She had a weapon that single handedly wiped out the Knight’s Order in 2032. When the war came to an end and she fell at the hands of Merlin himself, the alliance placed four anchors to seal her weapon away deep inside of the planet. Merlin was as powerful as our Goddesses but not even he could come out unscathed, it’s why he’s missing now. He sealed himself away to fight off Morgana’s corruption and heal from his injuries.”


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