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Presence- The Marked

Page 25

by L J Branch

  “And what of Diamond? What becomes of her!? Does she even know?” Dominque questioned.

  “It was her idea,” that alone froze Dominique in place as her teacher continued. “She refused to ever bear an heir and suggested your family take over. Juventas cherished your family nearly as much as she did Diamond’s. Diamond decided you would be more than just a substitute, but rather an upgrade. I’ll be honest, the way she commanded the council and swayed them into listening to her was so much like her mother that it made my heart clench. It broke, however, when I realized that she was using her obvious potential to escape her legacy. Diamond is done with the Guild, Dominique, and with her and young Frost gone we lose both the Midas Family and the Frost Family. There is an obvious need for reconstruction but that will be dealt with later once the Guild has become unified. This slight against them has them all calling for blood,” Phantom said before he shook his head solemnly. “There will be a lot of death in the upcoming months. The Guild has decided on a full-on assault on the Mage’s Circle.”

  “Why are we even still at war? August admitted to his crimes!”

  “Yes, but the only thing to back that up is Diamond’s word which barely carries weight to the Guild, let alone the Circle,” Phantom explained. “Not to mention she insisted that an old enemy, the Black Moon, was involved which ruined her credibility. Even if she had told the truth, no one would want to believe such a claim without proof. For better or worse, Queen Isabelle made her family’s position little more than figureheads. The war will continue and you need to be kept safe at all costs. Your band will be taught at the Guild and then you will be escorted directly to and from your safe house. Your required quotas will be waived, you all can no longer be out like this.”

  “That’s imprisonment,” Dominique said with a sneer.

  “That’s protection,” Phantom countered. “Do you think it brings me joy to tell you this? You were blessed with the ‘Wings of Victory’ as your treasure, the ultimate form of freedom. You have no idea how much it pains me to watch you be caged. That said, this all will begin starting this time tomorrow, which gives you twenty-four hours of freedom, use them wisely,” Phantom advised and he barely had enough time to finish that sentence before Dominique took that moment to dive off of the tower. Sky-blue markings shone through the back of her mod-suit and took the form of a pair of wings that were branded into her body. Blue sparks danced across the marking as a sense of weightlessness overcame her before she flew down into the shadows cast by the large monument.

  “She only has that time because you promised to be with her, you know?” Master Li said as he stepped from the shadows with Headmistress Corday.

  “This is my fault, I should have been harder on Diamond,” Corday said quietly.

  “We all should have handled that band differently,” Master Li said with a grim expression. “They will be known as the first true failure of us, the Three Masters. But like all failures, we must learn from them. We need to make sure Band 12 becomes ready to uphold the Guild. Those three are going to ascend into a world nearly as hostile as the one Isabelle ascended into.”

  “Not sure about you, but I have had far more than one failure in my days,” Phantom pointed out which made Master Li scoff.

  “You know what I meant.”

  “I always do, old friend,” Phantom said with a laugh. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go take my own advice and move forward as well,” the masked man said before he stepped back and simply vanished into thin air.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower

  “Unfortunately, paramedics were unable to reach him in time before he perished from cardiac arrest. This makes him the third major CEO to die in the last two weeks alone! With the explosion at the Prosperity Industries’ headquarters last month, many conspiracy theorists are wondering if there is more going on than we know.”

  Abbie watched the news with a blank expression as she was lost in her thoughts.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower, Three Weeks earlier

  “Oh my God, Diamond thank God you’re okay!” Abbie said as she grabbed the woman in a bone-crushing hug. Tears of relief fell from her eyes at the fact that at least one of the thieves survived. “I looked everywhere for you, I’m so sorry! This is all my fault!” Abbie said as she choked back a sob. “They died because of me.”

  “They did,” Diamond agreed wholeheartedly as she separated herself from Abbie. Diamond made sure she still had the hacker’s attention as gold eyes bore into gray ones. “At least that’s what I wrongfully thought at the time. However, I am the only one guilty. In my grief, it took me a while to understand that. Fortunately, August teleported me home. A mage can only use teleportation to places they’ve been to so it was more of a final taunt, to show me that he was the one responsible for everything,” Diamond explained with a calmness that put Abbie on edge. “Still, as cruel as his intentions were, it gave me time to think,” Diamond said, her expression as neutral as it normally was yet there was a sense of loss and despair that Abbie could feel from the woman. “My emotions are strong, Abigail, very strong. If I had seen you after…after…what happened, you may have died and that’s not something Katarina or Frost would approve of ever,” Diamond said honestly. “I am no longer fit to be part of the Guild, much less its Queen so I need you to listen closely because I cannot protect you anymore. The money you unfroze from my account when we first met along with this penthouse are now yours. They are an apology from me for failing your loved one. Please use some of that money to get that mark covered up. It’ll keep away monsters but other thieves may ask questions,” Diamond said easily as if she had talked about the weather. Abbie looked at her sadly as she could feel the distance Diamond had placed between them. “There is a funeral for them in a couple of weeks, I will text you the address. For your safety, I suggest going to the graves a few days after that, again to avoid questions. If you do go to the graves and see a red-haired woman, leave. If you want to keep your life, leave. Again, you are not to blame, but loss makes even the best of us irrational.”

  “Wait, what happens now?” Abbie asked with a frown.

  “Now? We go our separate ways,” Diamond said simply. “With Katarina and Frost gone, their emotions, left with them. Any feelings of camaraderie we had were due to them, I’m afraid.”

  “Bullshit,” Abbie denied but Diamond’s expression never wavered.

  “I apologize if it sounds harsh, but our relationship never extended past employer and employee,” Diamond said evenly before she made her way to the door. She paused for a moment before she glanced back at Abbie. “I apologize once more for your loss, and thank you for your service.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower, Present

  Abbie had looked at her phone and dropped it when she saw her wallpaper which consisted of an impromptu selfie Kat had taken of them on one of their dates. The sight of her former lover sent a pain through her chest. The pain was worse than what she felt when Alice had died and it affected Abbie differently as well. Instead of a crippling sadness, she felt an overwhelming sense of anger. Anger at herself for her inability to do more, for not being better. Abbie also felt hatred toward her sister who once again aided in the loss of something that gave her life meaning. It was then that she took a good look at her surroundings. Abbie had a great place to live and more money than she thought she’d ever have. Yet just like before she met Kat, she was drinking away her sorrows and drifting lifelessly from one day to the next. With this thought, Abbie picked her phone back up and bit her lip as she went through her messages. As Abbie scrolled through a countless number of unread messages from Eric, and a few from Roy, she found a message that her sister had sent the night she lost everything.

  Bitch: I did it for you, I know you don’t understand, but it was for your own good.

  To anyone else, it would have seemed like a cruel text that was poorly timed to say the least. However, Abbie knew the truth and t
hat alone disgusted her more than anything. Once more her sister genuinely thought she had acted in her best interests and once more it cost Abbie everything. Any attempt Abbie made to be herself, to become a better person, and help the world around her was perceived as some sort of rebellious streak. It had been like that since they were kids, and finally, it happened. Haylen finally pushed Abbie too far. Abbie started a new group message and added both Roy and Eric.

  Abbie: Let’s meet up at the Mad Hatter, it’s time to bring back Wonderland.

  Abbie hesitated to press send, but as she heard the news that continued to worsen, she knew what had to be done. The fear and anger she felt were quickly drowned out by that rebellious feeling which returned to her full force and threatened to consume her with its intensity. Abbie pressed send and pulled herself up to her feet and got ready to leave the penthouse. The next few months were about to be very busy for her.

  * * *

  Santa Monica, The Mad Hatter

  The Phantom thief walked into the shop and placed his hat on the counter, he tensed for a moment when he felt his phone vibrate. When Phantom removed his mask, it was Roy that looked down at the message.

  Abbie: Let’s meet up at the Mad Hatter, it’s time to bring back Wonderland.

  “Interesting,” Roy mused to himself quietly as he read the text.

  * * *

  San Diego, Magnus Manor

  When Lilia entered August’s study, she made her way toward the bound forms of the Lady and Haylen. Lilia didn’t bother to spare the civilian a glance as she held Eve’s core in front of the Lady.

  “How’s this?” Lilia questioned quietly as the Lady weakly rose her head and inspected the gold and red orb.

  * * *

  San Diego, Magnus Manor, One month prior

  “Strange,” Haylen muttered as she inspected the Shield as a disheveled August stood next to her.


  “The Shield…I can read it,” Haylen said as she watched the code being decrypted by Athena. “That said, this isn’t directions to the sword but rather a list,” Haylen explained which made him frown. “A list of…vessels?”

  “Vessels?” August repeated with a perturbed expression on his face. Haylen nodded as she continued to read.

  “Arthur Pendragon, Excalibur was bound to his blood,” Haylen read off of the screen of her monitor as the Shield was scanned. “However, the only heir he had, even though illegitimate, was his treacherous son Mordred. His mother, Morgana, and their descendants have been after it for centuries. The Lady would find vessels to house the sword in their bodies so that a relative of the vessel in the Knights’ Order could wield the blade should they be chosen to lead.”

  “She would go that far? To bind the blade to others just so Mordred’s heirs couldn’t wield what was rightfully theirs?” August asked, his voice filled with barely restrained fury.

  “That does seem kind of far-fetched,” Haylen whispered, confused by the sick feeling she had in her stomach. “Here, the last name etched on this Shield is…” Haylen trailed off and her eyes widened as the blood from her face drained.

  “Well? Spit it out, girl!’ August demanded as she looked up at him in confusion.


  * * *

  San Diego, Magnus Manor, Present

  “The top and bottom sigils are off by a millimeter, they need to be moved right to be truly centered. Use a banishing crystal to erase them, a spell will just leave traces of his magic,” the Lady advised quietly which made Lilia nod before she pocketed the core and pulled out an apple. Lilia knelt down and held it in front of Haylen for her to eat. For a moment, the proud woman refused to eat it, but Lilia was patient and waited. When Haylen’s stomach finally growled she gave in and ate it with Lilia’s aid. Lilia tensed when she felt August’s magic and pulled the apple back. Lilia began to eat it herself as he entered the room.

  “And here I thought you didn’t have a cruel streak, eating in front of the starving civilian,” August joked as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Though I suppose it doesn’t matter, it is not like she even needs to eat anyway,” August said which earned him weak glares from both the Lady and Haylen. “It still blows my mind, you know, to think you were telling the truth,” August said to the Lady. “That the sword was in Stone, literally hidden inside their bloodline. Just what kind of dark sorcery did you use to pull this off?” August wondered as he stepped forward and raised Haylen’s head. August inspected her with an almost childish wonder as she glared fiercely at him. When August reached down and raised her shirt a bit, he smirked as he placed his hand over her abdomen. August’s hand began to burn with his magic as a red sword shaped emblem appeared on her skin. “Still as impressive as it is, I need a sword, not a woman, I can get my choice of them afterward,” August said as he released her shirt. “You will be returning to your true form during the Spring Equinox, so enjoy your last few moments of humanity,” August said before he snatched the apple from Lilia and bit into it as he left the room.

  “You know it’s alright to cry, girl. You are still more human than blade,” the Lady said which made Haylen sneer, even as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “As an old acquaintance of mine once told me, sometimes it’s best to just let the healing waters flow.”

  “A Stone woman doesn’t cry, we get even,” Haylen swore. “Somehow, some way, my sister will get me out of this. She’s more than capable of doin’ that much.”

  “The civilian?” Lilia asked skeptically. “The civilian whose lover you got murdered? You think she’s going to save you?”

  “No, like I said we get even,” Haylen said quietly. “We’re more alike than she cares to admit, she’s not gonna let anyone rob her of her chance to get revenge on me.”

  “And when it’s time for her to get revenge?”

  “I’ll deal with that then. I’d rather she kills me than give that monster the satisfaction,” Haylen said quietly. “Look, I get that in this world of magic and monsters, the regular folk don’t seem so important. But believe me when I say that you’ve never seen that woman when she’s motivated. That will remain the only thing that brings me fear,” Haylen said as she looked up at Lilia firmly. “So, let him plot, let him think he won. This is far from over. For better or worse, Abigail is still daddy’s little girl.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, The Mad Hatter

  “Bring back Wonderland? Why?” Eric questioned as he stood around a table in the back room with Abbie and Roy.

  “Look around, Eric, you’ve seen the news,” Abbie said which made Eric frown.

  “A bunch of celebrity and CEO deaths, it’s been a bad year or do you believe those conspiracies?” Eric asked. “That something bigger is going on?”

  “I know so, it’s the reason Kat was killed,” Abbie said and Eric looked at her in horror as Roy narrowed his eyes slightly.

  “I thought it was a climbing accident?”

  “You had to think that, look I can’t and won’t go into detail. At the end of the day, all I have is my word, and that’s somethin’ I’ll never compromise. Just know that things ain’t what they appear,” Abbie said firmly as Roy’s expression softened. “Look, the people at the top? The ones we’re aimin’ for? They’re powerful but they’re terrible when it comes to technology. Mistakes, paper trails, documents that should have been deleted that show how they abuse their power to keep the people fundin’ their questionable deals, there’s an abundance of all of that. Enough evidence for us to take any one of them down but not for long,” Abbie said as she placed her tablet on the table and showed them an article about Prosperity Industries’ plans to roll out a new app with their next generation of phones. “They’ve dug Project Athena back up from the grave and are going to roll it out in March. If they succeed, all of that evidence becomes untouchable. Not to mention whatever else goes wrong with releasing an unstable A.I. to the public.”

  “Holy shit,” Eric said incredulously as he grabbed the tablet. “Yo
u’ve told me about this thing, do they not know what can go wrong? Especially now with people implanting computers into their very bodies?”

  “Like I said, they’re bad with technology. Look, I brought it into this world and I can take it out, but it’ll take time.”

  “And money,” Roy spoke up. “Let’s ignore the fact that most of the leaders are M.I.A like Shiva or the twins. This will all still take money, money we don’t have. Alice had connections, people, secret backers that believed in her cause. You don’t have that.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that. Besides, I have a few million dollars to work with, not enough to fund everything, but it’s a start,” Abbie said which made both men look at her in surprise.

  “A few million…where the hell did you get that cash?” Eric asked incredulously.

  “Lottery,” Abbie said with a shrug while Eric narrowed his eyes. “Look I can get us capital, and I can get Alice’s backers on our side if we start showin’ some results. What we need, however, is manpower. We can’t depend on the rest of our inner circle to show up, you know how they are. If we show results, they might contact us again. What we need is numbers. I know at least half of the old members around the world have been waitin’ to be recalled, but if what happened with Haylen’s team proved anything we’re going to need muscle.”

  “I can see if any of my old gang want a quick come-up, but none of them are like Haylen’s team. That was some black ops shit they had,” Eric said with a frown.

  “I can invest in findin’ mercenaries, not to use but rather teach,” Abbie said after a moment of thought. “Even Haylen’s team had to start from somewhere, you get us people, I’ll get us trainers and together we get soldiers.”

  “Soldiers, huh? You know Alice wouldn’t approve of such a militant approach,” Roy pointed out knowingly.

  “Yeah, well Alice ain’t here now, is she?”


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