Book Read Free

Presence- The Marked

Page 30

by L J Branch

  “And their Chief just…believed you?” Vivi asked skeptically.

  “She and I have a …understanding,” Roderick said after a moment as Vivi pursed her lips. “I wouldn’t lie to her about the Black Moon and she knows that,” Roderick said firmly. “Now let’s get ready for a witch hunt.”

  * * *

  Santa Monica, Midas Tower

  “This is it,” Alice said as the hologram of the planet appeared in the center of the room. This time, however, all of California was purple along with a few other spots sprinkled throughout the country. Eric watched apprehensively as Alice bit her lower lip when she pressed the enter button on her keyboard. At that moment, the image simply vanished. For a moment, they felt their hearts drop before the word Wonderland appeared.

  “Did it…?” Eric trailed off quietly before the word was replaced by a large platinum M.

  “Hello! I am Minerva! Are you my creator?”

  “Yes, yes, I am,” Alice said with a grin, feeling pride in her work.


  “That’s crazy!”

  “Crazy? No, I am Minerva!”

  “Okay…” Eric began cautiously now a bit unnerved. “This won’t end up like those classic movies right, right? A.I. going rampant and taking over the world?”

  “Not with the fail-safes and reward systems I put in place,” Alice reassured Eric. “That said, Athena? That has a huge possibility of makin’ your sci-fi nightmares a reality. Especially with the increase in cybernetic implants among the population. “Which is why in two days, during the Equinox when they plan to launch it, I need to break into the P.I. server room and take it down with Minerva.”

  “Hold up, I hope you’re not planning on going alone,” Eric said with a frown. “You can’t go into that place by yourself! Didn’t you say they were the ones responsible for Kat’s death? I don’t care how much you want revenge, there’s a limit.”

  “I know, relax, I have a plan and you’re comin’ with me,” Alice reassured her friend who looked at her suspiciously.

  “Damn right I am.”

  “Good, we’ll meet up in two days, alright?”

  “Alright,” Eric said after a moment. “I’ll head home and rest, it’s been a long day.”

  “Sounds like a plan, thanks for the help today,” Alice said as she led him out of the door. Once she closed the door, she released a long sigh.

  “Creator, the Equinox is tomorrow not in two days.”

  “I know,” Alice said with a forced smile as she turned to face the hologram. “Sometimes, Minerva, when you care about someone you need to withhold information that would get them hurt.”

  “I see! New knowledge, exciting!”

  “Yes, it is. I’m turnin’ you off for now. We need some rest.”

  “Why Creator? I do not require rest.”

  “I know, but it makes me feel better,” Alice said with a small laugh.

  “I see, interesting. Then would now be the appropriate time to say goodnight?”

  “It would,” Alice said with a smile. “Goodnight, Minerva.”

  “Goodnight, Creator!” Minerva said before Alice turned her off. Alice frowned when she thought about what the future would bring.

  * * *

  China, Hong Kong

  “Enough!” Meifeng ordered as she gazed at Jack, a vicious smile on her face as she saw him stand with the full power of the third circle flowing through him. “This is the power you wielded against August, tell me, how does it feel?”

  “Overwhelming, but I can move much easier this time,” Jack said as he looked down at his glowing body. “The fact I can go higher almost scares me.”

  “Yes, well, the fourth circle is too much for you at your current level. Last time we tried, you could only hold it for a minute before you almost succumbed to cryostasis,” Meifeng pointed out. “We will continue our work next year.”

  “Next year?” Jack asked with a frown before the very realm they stood in shattered like glass. Jack had spent so long with Meifeng that he had completely forgotten they were inside an illusion.

  “It’s been months, your training for this year is completed,” Meifeng revealed. “It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t begin teaching you the intermediate lessons of Hēishǒu but controlling your power took priority. Think of it as an incentive, legitimize my school and I will teach you more next year. “You’ve made me proud. Use that hand of yours to take back what was stolen from you.”

  “Of course, Master,” Jack said with a bow as the ice of his gauntlet shattered and revealed a pitch-black arm that appeared much more human. With a bit of concentration, the ash transformed and mimicked his natural skin tone. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Meifeng said as she strode passed him. “Do you understand how much I’ve risked? My father has no doubt been searching for me for months now. Who knows what he did to my guards,” Meifeng said as she glanced back at Jack. “It’s time for you to uphold your end. Laverna has a mission she wants you to accomplish back in the States. This is your chance to prove yourself so I can earn the rank of Master and legitimize my teachings.”

  “Understood, just tell me where I need to go,” Jack said as he put his plans to reunite with his loved ones on hold.

  “Such dedication,” Meifeng said with a pleased expression. “I knew I’d make a true Frost out of you. Now listen closely…”

  * * *

  Tokyo, Hattori Tech

  “Remarkable, she broke her previous records across the board!” a scientist said as Discordia made her way toward Kat who stepped off of a treadmill.

  “So how did I do?”

  “Fifty kilometers per hour, a new record,” Discordia informed Kat.

  “Ha! Am I good or what?” Kat asked cockily before she realized who she spoke to and bowed quickly. “My Goddess,” Kat said almost as an afterthought which made the Goddess shake her head, accustomed to Kat’s antics by this point.

  “Indeed, though now I suppose it’s time for the next test.”

  “Another one?” Kat complained.

  “This one is a stress test that will bring everything you’ve learned together. Your equipment has been laid out on the table. You will be performing a solo-heist on Prosperity Industries. Consider this a do-over to make up for your previous failure,” Discordia said as Kat clenched her fists at the memory even as a smile split her face. “Succeed and you can return to your friends, family, your lover-that is if she has not forgotten about you yet,” Discordia added offhandedly. “Who knows if a thief spotted her walking around with that mark.”

  “If she has forgotten me then that just means I get to make all new memories,” Kat said simply as she made her way toward the table. Her smile widened when she saw her badge and flask. Still, she couldn’t help but frown as she felt something missing.

  “Here,” Discordia said as she tossed a black cloth into Kat’s face.

  “Hey!” Kat complained before she grabbed it. She released a startled gasp, however, when she realized what it was. Discordia had not only found but repaired her beloved hoodie. Kat’s expression softened at the sight and when she looked up, Discordia was nowhere to be found. “Thank you. For everything.”

  * * *

  Hollywood, Midas Manor

  Diamond groaned tiredly as she opened her eyes. Her entire body felt weak as she tried to collect her bearings. The first thing she noticed was that she was in her room while a heart-monitor beeped nearby. The next thing she noted was the amused form of Crystal that sat on the side of her bed.


  “Ah-ah, it’s Crystal when I’m in this form,” Crystal said teasingly as she helped Diamond sit up. “When I’m with you like this, I am not your Goddess. I am your best friend, Crystal.”

  “Don’t tell Dominique that,” Diamond said, her voice hoarse as Crystal just chuckled.

  “She’ll just have to deal with it. Come on,” Crystal said as she raised a flask to Diamond’s lips. “Drink an
d regain your strength, your muscles have atrophied a lot. You passed my test but now I have a little favor to ask of you.”

  “What?” Diamond asked only for Crystal to shake her head.

  “I’ll get to that later. First, we seriously need to do something about your hair, girlfriend,” Crystal said as she poked at the fluffy disheveled mess that had become Diamond’s hair. “You seriously need some work done,” Crystal said sadly. Diamond groaned when she realized that Crystal was right. Externally she was a complete mess. Internally, however, she had never felt stronger. She felt reborn.

  * * *

  San Diego, Magnus Manor

  “Finally, done,” Xavier said proudly as he held Eve’s core and showed it to Lilia, the gold that had surrounded the crimson orb now a magnificent platinum. “With this, we can finally fight back,” Xavier said before he glanced down at the core. “Incredible, now I see I had only barely scratched the surface of Eve’s power.”

  “So, this is your Mastercraft? I hope it’s enough,” Lilia said as she looked at the orb. “I can feel the power coming from it from over here. A wonderful feat, as expected of you.”

  “Thank you,” Xavier said sincerely, still not quite used to Lilia’s kinder attitude toward him. “Lilia, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your Mastercraft?”

  “I don’t have one,” Lilia answered as she averted her eyes.

  “What!? But you’re a brilliant healer, wait, that means you’re not officially part of the Circle,” Xavier said as Lilia closed her eyes as if pained by a memory that had resurfaced.

  “My Mastercraft wasn’t a feat like yours, but rather a theory. It was the application of infusing light from the sun and moon into our spells,” Lilia revealed. “Though we could never harness light like the Knights’ Order, surely we could do something with it, I thought.”

  “What? Lilia…that was revolutionary…”

  “I know, I was so proud of it that I showed August, thinking that for once I could get my actual father to be proud of me, a foolish girl I was,” Lilia said with a bitter laugh. “He took my idea, presented it as his own and earned all of the praise. Because of this, it was made to seem as if I tried to pass his work off as my own. I don’t know why he did it. Whether it was for the glory, to be cruel, or simply as an excuse to stay in this house as non-Circle mages can’t be left unsupervised. Whatever the reason, he destroyed my future.”

  “Why didn’t you tell someone!?”

  “Who could I have told?” Lilia asked quietly. “You were but a child, Xavier, and by the time you gained power our relationship was not good enough for you to take my word over our dear uncle’s. Though I treated you with disdain to protect you, I will admit to feeling genuine jealousy at times,” Lilia said as she placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Xavier, you must save House Magnus. In Romero’s absence, an evil has infiltrated it that must be cleansed. You have all the tools you need now and I know you have Romero’s might. Avenge our brother, don’t let August win tomorrow.”

  “I won’t, mia sorella, I promise you that.”

  “Good,” Lilia said with a smile. “Now, he’s moved Faith to Prosperity Industries. He believes that if thieves attack, we’ll fight them off to keep Faith safe.”


  “Indeed,” Lilia said with a scoff. “I will be trying to finish replacing his magic with mine so I can keep her alive. He’s giving up his magic tomorrow so that he can wield Excalibur, once he does that, his enchantments on me will disappear. You have to take him down when he completes the ritual.”

  “Should be easy without his magic.”

  “Don’t think that. His magic shield made him invincible and being an Arch-Mage allowed him to perform miracles without incantations,” Lilia began as she looked at him firmly. “Do you know how much power he must be getting in return to give that up? Don’t underestimate Excalibur or the strength it bestows upon its wielder.”

  “You’re right, sorry, I just want this over with,” Xavier said quietly which made her chuckle before she kissed him on his cheek.

  “Me too, brother, me too,” Lilia agreed. “For better or worse, our family drama ends tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Silicon Valley, Prosperity Industries

  The next evening, Alice stood across the street from the Prosperity Industries building, the building that took away everything she loved. The sight of it alone caused a storm of emotions to whirl within her, but she managed to keep her composure albeit barely.

  “I don’t see any pedestrians or workers, even the air-traffic is clear…yeah this isn’t ominous at all,” Alice said sarcastically. No matter what scenario she ran in her head, she could guess that tonight would only end badly for her. That said, she couldn’t walk away, if her death was what was needed to stop the weapon that she created then so be it. “Minerva.”

  “Yes, Creator?” Minerva said through the phone.

  “If something bad happens to me…tell Eric I’m sorry, alright?”

  “As you wish.”

  “Good,” Alice said before she pulled up her mask. The skull pattern glowed brightly in the shadow of Prosperity Industries. “Well then, let’s get started.’

  * * *

  Spain, Valencia

  “This it?” Vivi asked as they stepped through the gates of what appeared to be an old cemetery.

  “According to my source,” Roderick answered. “What the hell is she doing?” Roderick wondered as they walked.

  “This could be a trap, who is this source of yours anyway? It’s not like you to be this secretive with me about anything.”

  “Someone we can trust, believe me,” Roderick answered vaguely. “She will meet us here soon.”

  “She?” Vivi repeated and her eyes narrowed when Roderick suddenly held up a hand to silence her.

  “Wait, you see that?” Roderick asked quietly as they hid behind two dead trees. Before them, a group of twelve individuals garbed in black cloaks knelt in a circle. In the middle of the circle they could see the twelve-pointed star of the Mages’ Circle. However, while the usual star was a vibrant blue, this was a sinister looking green. Behind them, they could see June garbed in one of the cloaks. “June.”

  “And that is definitely the Black Moon,” Vivi muttered. “But what are they doing?”

  “No idea, but whatever it is it clearly must be stopped,” Roderick said as he began to pull his cane apart which revealed a hidden blade. Purple presence sparked from his ring and danced across the blade’s edge before his body shot forward like a bolt of lightning. In an instant he was behind the unsuspecting June and rammed his blade through her back with the intent to pierce her heart. For a brief moment June stood and looked down at the blade that pierced her chest in wonder before her body exploded into a flock of ravens. “Damn.”

  “Ah, thieves, I was wondering when you would make your move,” June’s voice echoed throughout the cemetery as the ravens circled the area. “To be greeted by the Bandit King himself, I’m honored. That said, clearly you are not the assassin of your band, she got far closer,” June’s voice continued before a flash of green light temporarily blinded the thieves. When their visions cleared, they looked up in alarm to find Julia trapped in the air, unconscious in a bright green sphere. June laughed when she saw the thieves freeze at the sight. “Seems I was right to keep her alive, helps ensure her back up behaves,” June mused. The cultists continued their chanting as the ravens merged together on the branch of a nearby by tree and reformed June’s body.

  “Julia!” Vivi shouted as a myriad of emotions crossed over her face before they settled on anger. When Vivi turned to Roderick, her eyes were a bright orange. “She was your informant!?”

  “Later!” Roderick snapped which made Vivi grit her teeth before they both turned to an amused June. “What are you after June?”

  “Rebirth,” June said serenely as she stood up on the branch. A black staff then appeared in her hand, its end bore a skull that had a green gem cle
nched in its teeth. June spread her arms and she looked up at the moon with a large smile as she bathed in its light. “The resurrection of the Black Moon is this planet’s best chance at survival you see. I realized this over the years as I walked the path of a healer.”

  “Survival!?” Vivi asked incredulously. “The Black Moon has done nothing but brought death since it was created!”

  “Exactly,” June said as she looked down at Vivi as if she were a child. “Rebirth, resurrection, revival…do you know what these all have in common? By definition they are impossible without death. Death, you see, is the greatest healer of all. The ultimate end to suffering and the chance to fix what is broken,” June explained reverently. “Everything must end at some point, so why not use this inevitability to aid my mother one last time? She alone has the power to resurrect humanity as something greater but to do so she must bring an end to it in its current form.”

  “And what of August? What role does your brother and his plans to bring back the Knights’ Order play into this?” Roderick questioned.

  “A grandiose distraction, nothing more,” June said dismissively. “Something to keep you and the Circle busy while I searched for the Circle’s anchor that helps keep my mother’s servant sealed away,” June explained. “Misdirection, a common tactic of yours I heard. If he actually succeeds, well good for him, but that is just a bonus,” June said as the chanting stopped. “He bought me enough time to get here, and using your little assassin bought me the last few moments I needed to finish the ritual.”

  At that moment, twelve black spikes erupted from the ground and pierced each cultist through their chests. Soon the spikes retracted and viciously ripped out their souls and dragged them into the ground. The ground trembled and cracked as a massive green ethereal chain burst out from the earth and flew up endlessly into the night sky. June cackled at the sight before the chain exploded into countless particles of green light that rained down harmlessly over the city.

  “It worked, twelve sacrifices each born in a different month. To have them sacrificed on this night of all nights where the magic is strongest, nothing else would be powerful enough to shatter such a powerful seal,” June said before she gazed down at the thieves as Julia floated in between them. “Now I will bless you each, one by one with the gift of death starting with my sister’s murderer,” June said as Roderick bowed his head slightly at the sight. “Any last words to your precious assassin oh great Bandit King?”


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