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Daddy: A Billionaire Baby Romance

Page 9

by Katy Kaylee

  “Going somewhere fast?” he asked, his grey eyebrows wiggling up and down against his wrinkled skin.

  “You betcha,” I retorted, getting in.

  “Ah, gonna let an old man hear about it tomorrow?”

  “Now, now, Izzy. A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “Good thing you ain’t a gentleman, huh boss?”

  “I have no idea what you mean,” I retorted before checking my side mirror then peeling out.

  It didn’t take long for me to get to Bev’s place. She was on a side of the city that I didn’t normally go to, but it wasn’t quite the slums either. Perhaps it was a bit creepy that I had just grabbed her address from her employee file, but she knew I was coming for her, so I assumed she thought I knew where she lived already for business purposes.

  When I arrived at her apartment building, I wasn’t sure if I should get out and buzz her door or wait in the car. So instead I just texted her that I had arrived.

  Her reply came quickly ‘be right out’, and I found my blood thrumming in my veins once more at the prospect that I was about to have a date with one of the most enticing women I had ever seen.

  I certainly hadn’t planned it that morning, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been fantasizing about taking her out ever since that kiss. Of course, I had kept those ideas to myself after our little talk, assuming by Bev’s reaction that she wasn’t the type of woman to ever be interested in some sort of office romance. Now I knew it was just because she had been scared, afraid to tell me that she was a virgin or maybe even scared of sex itself.

  Movement drew my attention and I saw her come out of the double doors in the front. She was all gussied up in a pretty, fifties style dress with roses patterned on it, her dark hair loose and flowing around her shoulders. She had a full face of make up on, one I wasn’t used to seeing her wear in the office, and my brain couldn’t help but interpret it as something special she did just for me.

  And I liked that idea. That I was getting to see something that no one else did, a hidden side that she reserved only for those she trusted more than anybody else. She certainly knew how to appeal to a man like myself, even if she didn’t mean to.

  I got out of the car instantly, going around to her side and opening the door for her. “You look gorgeous,” I said, noting the fancy stockings she was wearing, complete with lines up the back and a lacey design down the sides.

  “Thank you,” she replied, her voice that breathy rasp that made me want to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my bed. “You clean up pretty well yourself.”

  “I try.”

  I went around to the other side of the car and got in, taking a minute to plug a new address into my GPS.

  “You like Italian?” I asked.

  “Who doesn’t like Italian?” she shot back, returning to her snarky self that challenged me in all the best ways.

  “Exactly,” I said with a laugh before driving off again. This was going to be a good night, I could feel it in my bones.

  “You know, I’m sitting right in front of you.”

  “Huh?” Bev blinked, tearing her eyes away from our surroundings and looking at me with a bit of confusion. “What did you say?”

  “Nothing,” I said with a light chuckle. “Just feeling a little jealous of whatever’s got your attention.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks colored in that way that I loved, so sweet and innocent and honest. I admired that she usually played her cards close to her chest and kept a wall up because it just made me feel that much more accomplished when I saw little cracks of her true personality peek through. “Sorry. It’s just, uh, really nice here. I could never afford to go to this kind of place on my own.”

  “Hmm,” I murmured. I had tried to choose a sort of middle-class place. While it was a bit too expensive for most families to go to on a whim, plenty of middle-class people came to Grigio’s for birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions. “That doesn’t make you uncomfortable, does it?”

  I hoped I hadn’t miscalculated right off the bat and taken her someplace where she could clam up on me. I’d just assumed that she would be like most of the other women I had taken out in my forty something years, which obviously was a mistake.

  “No, not at all,” she looked to me, cheeks still pink. “I remember wishing I could come here for my graduation.”

  Oh, well I had magically managed to guess right, it seemed. “Why didn’t you? Mom and Dad didn’t want to splurge?”

  She shrugged. “Mom and Dad were dead, so I didn’t think they’d be able to swing it.”

  The blasé way she said surprised me. “Oh, uh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. I probably shouldn’t have said it like that. It’s just how I deal with things.”

  “I can understand that,” I said, looking her over and seeing more of her story unfold around her. “Let me guess, too many people giving you pitying looks and trying to coddle you after it happened?”

  “You got it,” she said with a nod. “And I didn’t mind some of the time, but so many people were just kinda… fake about it. They would say they were there for me for whatever I needed, but mostly they just meant for whatever was convenient. Despite all those promises, I ended up in the foster system just like I knew I would.”

  Huh. Even more of the story, and I understood even more of why she clutched her barriers so tightly to herself, as well as why she might have never trusted anyone enough to be intimate with her.

  But she trusted me

  That thought struck me and I found arousal rushing through me again. For some strange reason, she trusted me with kissing her, with tasting her. Even if we never went further from this point, I knew without a doubt that she had shown me something special. Something she had protected for so, so long.

  “People are like that,” I said instead, one of my hands slowly crossing the table to take her hands in one of my bigger ones. “They make promises that they think are appropriate but have no intention of backing up. I noticed that when I was a teenager, and I hate it too.”

  She let out a breath. “Huh, for being some sort of mega billionaire who’s also ridiculously hot, you’re pretty down to Earth.”

  “Doubtful,” I said with a chuckle. “I just know how shitty people can be.”

  “You got that right.” Despite our sour conversation topic, she laughed, seeing to be put at ease. But right when it seemed like she was about to relax, something caused her to stiffen again. “Am I stupid for doing this?” she asked, voice quiet as her green eyes looked uncertainly over at me.

  “For agreeing to go to dinner?” I thought I knew what she meant, but I had learned to let her fully explain her thoughts before assuming what she was trying to say.

  She made a vague gesture with her hand. “For everything. You. Me. Letting you… do that thing to me.”

  I leaned forward, letting my voice drop low in the way I had noticed she liked. “You mean going down on you in my office until you came on my face?”

  I loved how she burned crimson at that, her eyes flicking everywhere before settling on me. “Uh yeah. That.”

  “No. I don’t think you’re stupid. I think you’re a gorgeous woman with high standards whose exploring something that you didn’t have a chance to earlier because no one measured up.”

  That made her relax and I felt a plume of pride within me. Even with someone as sharp as Bev, it seemed that I still knew what to say. I supposed it helped that I meant it.

  “Oh, and you do measure up?”

  “Well, I would hope so considering where we are right now and what we’ve done.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Her eyes glittered at me over her glass, a smile curling on her lips after she swallowed. That look made me burn way more than was fair, and I took a deep drink from my own glass.

  Our food came soon after, with Bev making me laugh again when she enthusiastically slurped up her fettucine. She had
looked up at me, lips pursed in a way that was borderline obscene and she had no idea. I couldn’t help but imagine for a second how that mouth would feel wrapped around me, but I told myself to calm down.

  Such things might never happen. And if they did, it certainly wasn’t going to be soon. The best thing to do was to not get ahead of myself and just focus on the moment.

  “What?” she asked, self-consciousness clearly coloring her tone.

  “Nothing,” I answered quickly, picking up my own fork and knife to cut up my cannelloni. “Just glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “I always enjoy carbs and cheese,” she retorted before digging in once more.

  That made me laugh and set the tone for the rest of the meal, with us joking and bantering around our food. I didn’t think that I had ever eaten with someone so enthusiastic in ages, and that wasn’t a crack about her weight. It was just with the way her eyes widened every time she tasted something she liked, and the grin she had whenever she sipped at her wine, it was like she truly appreciated everything set out before her. She didn’t take a single thing for granted, and that made me feel… like I was a bloody brilliant provider. Like I could go out and kill a mastodon for her right then and there.

  Thankfully, however, mastodons had long since gone extinct, so after we finished eating, we just sat there and talked back and forth.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had gone so long without discussing business, but we talked about everything but that. It was freeing, and interesting, as I learned more about her and she learned more about me.

  I found out that it had been a drunk driver that had taken her parents from her when she was ten, and that explained so much. It also made me put my wine glass down and not pick it up again. Sure, one glass wasn’t going to get me buzzed enough to be anywhere near a DWI, but that didn’t matter.

  And I told her about my family. How my father had worked hard to build his own business and what it was like growing up fairly affluent. I worried a bit that perhaps I was bragging, something I hated more than most personality flaws, but she seemed intrigued by all of the things that I found quite mundane.

  Before I knew it, hours had passed, and it was quite dark outside. My legs were starting to get restless, as they often did when I was seated for too long without walking around, and I glanced to my watch.

  “Huh,” I said, surprised by what I saw there.

  “What?” she asked, leaning over the table. “Holy crap. It’s eight pm? When did that happen?”

  I laughed lightly. “Well, you know what they say about time flying when you’re having a good time.”

  “Right? It’s too bad,” she sat back, looking at me with that mischievous expression that I only got to see once or twice. “I wish it didn’t have to end right now.”

  “Who says it does?

  “It’s almost closing time, isn’t it? I know you’re rich and all, but I don’t believe you’re the type to throw around enough money just to make a restaurant stay open later for you on a first date.”

  “I’ve thrown money around at worse.”

  “Why don’t I doubt that?”

  I sent her one of my rueful smiles. This woman was going to be my undoing. I could feel the fascination I had for her, the unrepentant desire burn that much hotter. “You mentioned you liked movies but rarely had time to see them. I just happen to have a home theater at my place. If you wanted, we could always watch something there.”

  “Oh, could we?” she asked, sounding so surprised that I had to remind myself that she was a virgin and likely no one had ever tried to convince her to go home with them.

  Or they had, and she had been blissfully unaware. I could see many a poor college hopefuls pining for her only for her to be too absorbed in her studies to even give them a single thought.

  And yet there she was, giving me several thoughts before answering slowly. “Uh, yeah. That would be nice. I think.”

  “You think it might be nice, or your think you might want to come?”

  Her cheeks flushed again at my choice of words, just as I had intended. “I know I would like to visit your pad. I hope that it might be nice.”

  “Only one way to find out,” I said, standing and pulling a couple of hundreds from my wallet. Least I could do for taking up our waitress’ table for hours.

  If Bev thought anything of my cash drop, she didn’t say anything. She just happily looped her arm through mine and we walked back out to the front for their valet to get my car.

  Of course, their valet was nowhere near as charming as Izzy, but I didn’t expect him to be, and soon we were heading towards my house.

  I could feel Bev tensing beside me as we whipped through the city and I placed my hand on her knee.

  “Hey,” I said, hoping she could tell how much I meant it. “Just because we’re going back to my place doesn’t mean anything has to happen other than watching a moving on my set up. And, you know, maybe drooling over my set up a bit. I did work pretty hard on it.”

  “You worked hard at it?” She asked, lips curling. “Or you paid an entire team of contractors to do it for you?”

  “A little of column A, a little of column B.”


  That seamed to ease her and by the time we arrived at my house, she seemed much more relaxed. I parked in my large garage, and I heard a low whistle from Bev as I opened her door.

  “All of these cars are yours?”

  “I certainly hope so,” I retorted. “Otherwise I’ve been targeted by whatever the opposite of a car thief is.”

  “Uh, I don’t know what that would be,” she said, looking this way and that as she exited. “Some sort of car-obsessed sugar daddy?”

  I actually snorted at that. “I think I might be the last person to have need of a sugar daddy.”

  “What, you’re telling me there’s not some mega-handsome gajillionaire who could, I dunno, buy you a bunch of jets or something.”

  “Well, when you put it like that, it makes me feel like I’ve been on the wrong career path.”

  She laughed at that, shaking her head as I lead her into the side door that lead to my kitchen. I had intended to show her to the den just outside of my mini-theater, but she stopped dead still right in the doorway.

  “You alright?” I asked, looking back at her with concern.

  Her eyes flicked from me to the room all around me then back. “You have no idea how damn impressive this all is, do you?”

  I looked around, trying to follow her gaze. “It’s a good kitchen. It was one of the things that convinced me to buy this place.”

  “A good kitchen?” she questioned. “This is like, every girl’s fantasy kitchen. My apartment could almost fit in this kitchen. All the appliances are new and shiny, but all the wood is that aged classic stuff that only rich people can afford.”

  “Huh, you describe it a lot better than the woman who sold it to me. Ever thought about a job in realty?”

  “No, but I’m beginning to double think that decision if it means I get to hang out in houses like this.”

  I looked around with renewed eyes, trying to see it how she saw it. Sure, I liked my house, and I was fairly proud of how it looked and felt, but she was staring at it like it was an outright castle.

  And maybe, to her, it was.

  “Would you like a tour?” I asked.

  “A tour?” she repeated, her eyes slipping past me again to try to peak into the other rooms. “What about your theater?”

  “My personal theater will be there when we’re done. Can you blame me for wanting to see that expression on your face for a little bit longer?”

  She looked to me again, her eyes full of mischief. “Oh, so you’re into showing off then? Should have known. All rich people like to show off.”

  “I’m into impressing you, actually,” I answered, taking a step closer to her so that she had to tilt her head up to look at me.

  “Oh… uh. Okay then, I’d like a tour.”

  “Alright then.” I took her hand gently and pulled her the opposite way I had originally planned. The den wasn’t that impressive, so I thought the living room would be better.

  When we entered the room, I flicked on the light, the modern-chic chandelier that my interior designer had picked out gently illuminating. I heard the slight gasp in Bev’s breath and my chest swelled with pride.

  “Oh wow, this is pretty.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “Pffft, as if my approval meant anything.”

  That wouldn’t do. I gave her hand a pull and it succeeded in knocking her off balance just enough for her to topple against me. I caught her with my free arm, letting go of her hand to stroke her face.

  “Your approval means a whole lot.”

  “Why?” she asked, titling her head up to me and getting that same breathless expression again. The one that made me want to kiss her dizzy. “I’m just an assistant doing exactly what I’m not supposed to do.”

  “I don’t think there’s any world in which you’re just an assistant,” I replied, my thumb stroking her full, bottom lip again. “You are no doubt many things, but never just an assistant.”

  “How can you say that? You don’t know me.”

  “I know enough,” I replied before I couldn’t resist any longer and I was pressing my lips to hers once again.

  She gasped, opening her mouth to me almost instantly. Her response fueled me, and I let my arms wrap around her as she melted into me. She was so warm, so soft in my arms and I just wanted to press into her until she was practically bonded to me. Everything about her was opulence and abundance in femininity, calling to me in a sort of primal way that I didn’t want to resist at all.

  I felt impatience rise in me, the desire to feel and consume all of her taking over my thoughts. If the circumstances were different, I might have bent her over the couch and showed her just how much she influenced me, but I couldn’t do that.

  Everything I was doing to her was new, and that made me want to make it special. No matter what happened, I was going to be a part of her history, and that meant something to me.

  I didn’t know what was bringing on such sentimentality in me. Maybe it was because I had lost my virginity when I was seventeen with my girlfriend at the time and it was about as awkward as one might think. Maybe it was just a sense of responsibility since I was experienced and Bev was not. Either way, my hands moved down her body until they were below her glorious ass, then I hoisted her up off her feet.


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