Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1

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Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1 Page 13

by K. Mawhood

  Pulling it free from her chest, I tilt my head back and down the shot. Mmm, Jolly Rancher flavor. I remove the tube from my mouth and throw my hands in the air with a shouted “wooh!!” Yep, I just became a wooh girl. The crowd erupts into more shouted cheers.

  Wyatt approaches the bar and holds his arms out to help me down. He grabs my hips and pulls me off the bar and close to his body. I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as he slowly lowers me to the ground. I slide down his body feeling every hard ridge of him. I stare into his eyes long after my feet have touched the ground. The sexual tension between us is strong right now.

  The other guys crowding around us breaks our trance, but I can still feel his hard body pressed against me. I look around our group and see they are all giving me heated gazes. That just takes my arousal to a whole new level as new images of the five of us in various positions fill my mind.

  I shake my head a little to clear my mind. “I need to go get some fresh air for a bit,” I tell them, as I fan my face with my hand.

  Wyatt speaks up first. “I’ll go with her. You guys can watch the table.”

  They give him dirty looks but they don’t argue as they make their way back to the table. Wyatt places his hand at the small of my back as he guides me out of the bar.

  Once we make it outside, I walk away from the entrance and towards the edge of the building. Lifting my hair off my neck and fanning myself as we walk. I lean back against the brick wall and take a deep breath as Wyatt stands in front of me.

  He places his hands on my hips as he closes the distance between us. “I can’t tell you how much watching you dance turned me on, princess,” he whispers in my ear. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer.

  I move one of my hands up the back of his neck and into his golden-brown hair. “Maybe you can show me instead,” I say in a breathy voice.

  He moves one of his hands to caress my face as he slams his lips on mine. This kiss is all-consuming. The world around me doesn’t even exist anymore. I open my mouth to him and he deepens the kiss, causing me to moan. He pulls his mouth away from mine and trails kisses up my jaw to my ear.

  “You want to see what you do to me?” he asks, and then he grinds himself into me. He’s as hard as granite, which causes me to moan again even louder. His lips are hovering over mine as he grinds himself against me again.

  “That’s all you, princess. See what you do to me?” he asks before crashing his lips onto mine again. He continues to grind against me, swallowing my moans as he does.

  A few moments later, a throat-clearing has us breaking apart. I glance around but I don’t see anyone around us. Weird. Wyatt rests his forehead against mine as we catch our breath. I comb my fingers through his hair as I try to get my heart rate back to normal.

  “We should go back inside with the others,” I whisper.

  He lifts his head. “We should, but I’m not ready to share you with the others yet.”

  After a few more minutes of cooling off we make our way back inside. I’m feeling the effects of all the alcohol now, and I’m kind of ready to leave.

  “Hey, are you guys ready to go yet?” I ask them as we reach the table.

  “I already paid the tab we can leave whenever you want,” Cayden tells me.

  “Great, you guys can go to the car and I’ll meet you out there. I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “We can wait here for you,” Barrett tells me. Looking a little worried about leaving me alone.

  I wave them off. “Don’t be silly. I can go to the bathroom and walk to the car alone. I don’t need a chaperone for that.”

  Reluctantly, they nod and walk towards the exit.

  After finishing up, I exit the restroom and try to make my way through the mass of people. I’m starting to feel a creepy vibe again, like I’m being watched. Looking around the bar, it doesn’t seem like anyone is really looking my way.

  Maybe it’s just someone who saw me dancing on the bar and is just admiring my amazingness. That doesn’t exactly make me feel any better though, so I pick up speed and make it to the door. I walk out and rub my arms, trying to wipe away the weird feeling I got in there. The guys pulled the truck up to the front door for me and I hop in.

  The drive back to the motel is quiet. I keep thinking back to the feeling I got in the bar. That’s the second time I’ve had the feeling of being watched. I could just be making something out of nothing. Maybe all the stories I keep hearing about witches and vamps are getting to me, but ugh, it’s not a good feeling.

  When we get back to the room, I take a long shower that helps me relax again. Leaving the bathroom, I see that the guys are all in bed. Two on pallets on the floor and the other two in the second bed. I smile at the fact that they gave me my own bed. They’re sweet.

  Getting in and making myself comfortable I whisper, “Goodnight, y’all. Thanks for a great night.”

  “Night, darlin.”

  “Goodnight, doll.”

  “Night night, sweetheart.”

  “Sweet dreams, princess.”

  They all respond at once, making me laugh silently. I fall asleep with butterflies in my stomach and a smile on my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  There’s rain everywhere. People are rushing all around me. I go to move to try and see exactly where I am but I can’t. Why can’t I move? I look down and see there is nothing wrong with my feet. I look back up to see a road up ahead through the crowd of people. There are rows and rows of cars. It looks like people are in line for something.

  I take in the rest of the scene and find that people are gathering what looks like all their necessities and families are piling into cars. What is going on? Is it the end of the world? All of a sudden, I hear something, clearer than all the other sounds around me. It sounds like a dog, a hurt dog. I try and pinpoint where it is coming from and then I see it. A car that is completely wrecked, crashed underneath a huge tree trunk. I don’t like where this is going.

  I try to peek around the car but I am still unable to move. Then, a wolf comes around the trunk of the car, limping and crying. It gets on its hind legs and looks into the car like there is something in there that it needs. He drops back down and begins circling the car, trying to find a way inside. Then, the driver’s door opens and he runs around to meet whoever is trying to get out. I see him rounding the front of the car, dragging what looks like a mangled man, hurt from the crash. He’s trying everything to get out of the wolf’s hold. The wolf's eyes meet mine and my heart drops.

  I don’t know how but I know deep down, with the amber eyes, that the wolf is Cayden. He looks heartbroken. I begin to feel hot and uncomfortable. I need to figure out how to move. “Wake up!” I hear in the distance. Wake up? What? I try moving again to reach Cayden but I can't. “Wake up!”

  Frantically, I sit up in bed, sweaty and panting. What the fuck. Where the hell am I and who the hell was just yelling at me? I look around the room to an even more horrifying scene. Wolves, all curled up, each an equal distance around me on the bed, as if protecting me. There it is again, that crying. It must’ve been in the room as well. I go to look at the wolf to the right of me. There’s my Cayden. He’s crying in his sleep. I wonder if he is having a nightmare too. Why did I recreate his mom’s story in my dream?

  I hop off the bed, going as quietly as possible, and sit on the ground next to him. Is it smart to pet a wolf while sleeping? Probably not. But it’s also not smart to be sleeping in a hotel room with four of them either, so what the hell? I reach my hand out and the second I touch his fur, he stops. I begin to feel tingles in my fingertips. Not those tingles, like powerful tingles, I guess.

  Continuing to run my hand through his fur, I try to calm him down. I can’t believe I’m petting a wolf right now. His fur is so soft but coarse. It’s helping but he is still crying every couple of seconds. I decide to go full-on crazy and talk to him. “It’s okay, it’s just a dream. We are all safe in the
hotel room. We had a great night of us four dancing and you being a grumpy gills. It’s okay.” He stops crying and begins to nuzzle my knee that is leaning against him. After a bit, he is fast asleep again, snoring and slobbering.

  I get up slowly and make my way to the restroom. I’ve had to pee for forever. I flush and look at myself in the mirror. I’m drenched in sweat! That dream really messed me up. I turn off the light and begin to open the door to the bathroom. No wonder I’m drenched. A huge gust of humid air hits my face as I open the door. Of course. I’m in a room with four heaters.

  Getting my phone, I decide to get some air. Quietly opening the door, I exit the room and walk around for a bit, taking in the night sounds. It’s so relaxing right now. I decide to go sit on the car hood and look at the stars before the sun comes up. As I get situated on the hood, I look up and see all the different constellations.

  I used to always want to study astronomy. I always hoped, whenever I was looking at the stars, somewhere in the world someone related to me was also looking at the same stars and hoping that I was okay. Clichẻ, I know. I think it’s just a stupid thing that foster kids think about. This journey, however weird yet exhilarating, is my one step closer to finding that someone. I really hope whoever we meet in Pennsylvania knows something. I also don’t want to get my hopes up, so I decide to numb my mind with some music.

  I tap Spotify while putting in my Airpods and begin to get carried away with the newest Halsey song. I am beginning to cool off and after a few songs, decide to go inside. The sun is about to rise and I’m surprisingly not that tired. I exit Spotify, hop off the car, and turn to go back to the room.

  “Stop” I hear the same voice again, this time I know it’s in my head.

  I freeze and don’t know what to do at this point. Am I telling myself not to go into the room? I look around to see if anyone is witnessing this mental breakdown I’m having within myself. No? Good. I might as well talk to myself then. “Why should I stop?” I say inside my head.


  Wow, this inner self doesn’t know what to do. I might as well go with it. The fact I’m listening to a voice in my head makes me think maybe I need a padded room for my own safety. I take off running to the room and look back to see if there is anything chasing me or if I’m just going full-on crazy. Sure enough, nothing is chasing me. As I turn back around, I catch a glimpse of one of the finest men I’ve ever seen, who was not there beforehand, before colliding face first with his rock hard chest.

  Ow. I stumble back and I look up to see the most gorgeous figure. What is it with me and men these days? Hey, I’m not complaining. He’s tall, almost half a foot taller than me, dressed in an expensive looking black suit. His black hair is shaved close to his head, and just a hint of stubble on his square jaw. I look into his gray eyes and feel the exact opposite of what I expected to feel. They are full of regret and evil, two things that do not match with the rest of his features. At this point, I decide I should say something to break the ice. “I’m so sorry. I was going for a jog and didn’t see you,” I lie completely because obviously I don’t jog. At all. And I was running from absolutely nothing. He continues to stare at me, like he’s trying to figure me out with his eyes.

  I look down on instinct because I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the silence. As I look up again, a chunk of hair falls to cover some of my face, giving me a barrier. I see his hand begin to come towards my face and I don’t know whether I should run, like that voice said, or stay. Something deep within is telling me something feels right.

  He begins to slide my hair behind my ear until his finger touches my skin. The instant we touch, there is a massive shock and we are thrown apart to the ground. I go to touch my ear, making sure it’s still there. You never know these days. I still have an ear so there’s a plus. I look up to see him searching for a phone that I hear vibrating.


  Fuck, it’s my dad. This is going to be bad. What do I tell him? I don’t know what just happened, but I need to figure it out fast. This feeling that I’m having is weird, and I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like I feel… complete. That sounds like such a bitch thing to say. Shit, I can’t miss the call.

  “Yes, sir?” I answer, turning as I get up from the ground.

  “What was that? Did you feel that?” he asks.

  “Feel what?” He can’t be talking about me, could he?

  “Something just happened. It felt like a rush of power. You didn’t feel anything?” my father questions.

  “No, I didn’t. Why? What does it mean?” I ask.

  “We don’t know for sure but it has something to do with the Power of Five. Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling you. You are supposed to have your phone on you all the time.” he snaps.

  “I’ve been busy.” I know I’m being a dick, which isn’t my normal behavior towards him. I usually am the respectful, obedient Kieran.

  “Oh, I’m sorry I’m interrupting your huge, important plans. It’s just the savior of our race and the one that can break the curse. Nothing important.”

  “What do you need from me?” I question.

  “Shannon was here doing some healing for Jade’s grandmother when she and I felt it. The sign that the curse is nearing an end. Once she tracks where the ripple came from, I’ll need you there as soon as possible to see who or what is at that location,” he says like he’s actually excited about something.

  “Memphis,” Shannon says in the background. “That is where the ripple originated.”

  “How soon can you get there?”

  I turn around to find her looking at me. She’s so beautiful. Her hair is the color of blood itself, mixed with ice blue eyes, and a body that I would love to do things to.

  “Where in Memphis? That’s pretty vague?”

  “I don’t know the exact coordinates. Looks like the medical district, near a Motel 6. Whatever it is, grab it and bring it back here.” he demands.

  I turn to the woman standing in front of me and find her watching me. I look down at the ground before responding, “I think I know who it is, I’ll grab her.”

  I put my phone in my pocket after he hangs up on me and look up to find she’s already running back to her room.

  Screw it. I run in front of her and stop like I did before and she runs into me again. This time, I'm going to do what I should’ve done before. If one-touch caused a rush of power, then there’s even more of a reason to have this girl near us. I look at her and see the disbelief in her expression. She should know by now other creatures exist. I guess knowing and seeing are two different things.

  I place my hands on her face, thankfully there wasn’t another blast of whatever the fuck that was, and stare into her eyes. Mind control is something all vampires can do and it’s one of the first things we learn.

  Her fear-filled eyes focus on mine before I speak. “You will not scream, and you will listen to what I tell you. Come with me, now.”

  Her eyes fill with defiance before she yanks her face away and tries to take off again. What the fuck! No one has ever been able to overpower the mind control. This isn’t supposed to happen.

  I grab her from behind and put my hand over her mouth. I guarantee the mutts are in the room and will hear her scream in an instant. I flash us to the car behind the motel where it’s deserted and open the back door. She bites down on my fingers making me yank my hand away, but I immediately replace it with the other.

  “What the fuck! Did you just fucking bite me?” I whisper harshly. I can’t believe she just did that. I barely felt anything but… the audacity.

  I grab the cloth that is in the seat and turn her around to face me. She sees the cloth and knows it’s going in her mouth. She begins shaking her head, as if to tell me she won’t scream. I can’t take that chance. I put the cloth in her mouth and try to tie it around her head, which is impossible because she won’t stop flailing and trying to headbutt me. She tires and begins crying at this point. I try to tune i
t out as best as possible. I don’t know this bitch and I shouldn’t feel bad at all.

  I finally get the cloth tied adequately and pin her frontside against the side of the car while holding her hands in one of mine so she can’t go anywhere.

  I can’t take it anymore. I hate the sound of crying in general, it irks my nerves. “Stop crying. Am I hurting you right now? No. So stop,” I say in a hard, bitter voice. I can’t show weakness, not with how important she is to the council. Her cries begin to lessen, almost like she has given up.

  I grab the rope from the seat and take her hands in mine and begin to make a tight knot, one she will have no way of getting out of. The more my touch lingers on her hands, the more I want her for myself. The constant turmoil that is usually in my head dissipates, making me feel relaxed. I can smell her sweat. It smells almost sweet, mixed with apples. The bright blue eyes I met earlier, with the dark, blood-colored hair and her body... she’s perfect.

  I feel like I am losing myself just thinking about what I could do to her, and how much I would get off on making her scream my name. I can’t do this right now, she is no concern to me. I finish up the tie and turn her around, grabbing her jaw with my fingers and bringing her face closer to me. “Don’t ever bite me again. As long as you do what I say, I won’t bite you,” I say before clicking my fangs free.

  Her eyes fill up with tears once more as I fling her face away from me and drop my hand. Picking her up, I put her in the back seat while she is kicking and thrusting the whole time. She’s going to hurt herself. I shut the door as fast as I can and jump in the front seat.

  I start the car and turn on the camera that is mounted to the dash that shows the back seat. She’s now sitting up, trying everything to get the doors open. The whole back of the car is designed like a limo, there is a divider and they have completely separate locks. As we begin to drive out of the parking lot, I glance at the camera because I haven’t felt her moving for a couple of seconds.


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