Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1

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Ray of Hope: The Cursed Elements Series Book 1 Page 14

by K. Mawhood

  That’s when I see a ball of something forming on the camera around her. I slam on the brakes making a loud screech. They better not have heard that.

  The inside of the car now sounds like the AC is on full blast and circulating at an unreasonable speed. Then, there is a gush of energy from her. The gag in her mouth is literally thrown from her and all of the windows bust out in a blast that almost blows out my eardrums.

  Great, they definitely heard that. She begins to scream and the earth under the car starts to shake as if it is a mini earthquake under only us. As if that weren’t enough, the rope around her wrists incinerates and turns to ash in a matter of a second. She looks up at me as if she’s just as shocked as I am. She snaps out of it, opens the door behind me, and begins running faster than before.

  Why couldn’t this be easy? I exit the car, ready to flash after her but I stop because I can see, off in the distance, the four men she came with. I can’t risk them seeing me or what I am. I flash around the car to shut all the doors and speed off as they rush to see if she’s okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Brayleigh!” I yell as we all rush to her. She’s covered in ash, tears, and dust. What the hell happened? Who the fuck was that guy? She just falls into Cayden’s arms, her whole body going limp as she passes out. He carefully lifts her in his arms and he decides to carry her to the car. I know we all have questions for her and want to make sure she’s okay, but right now we need to get out of here before that asshole comes back for her. Though I’ve been itching to beat someone’s ass, so let him try.

  I open the door and Cayden sets her in the backseat and tells me to sit with her while they go pack our things. I sit down next to her and she snuggles up to me instantly. I begin to brush her forehead with my hand and tell her that everything is going to be alright. I won’t let anything happen to her and I’m not going anywhere. It’s the truth. The guys begin to bring everything to the car and pack it in the trunk as fast as I’ve ever seen. They pile into the car and Liam starts the engine. He backs out and turns out of the parking lot onto the frontage road. We are finally on the highway when Wyatt breaks the silence.

  “Are we not going to talk about what we just saw?” he whispers.

  “No, we are just going to be thankful nothing happened to her,” I say.

  “Fuck that, did you see what she did?” Cayden snaps.

  “What do you mean, what she did?” Wyatt asks

  “You think that creep blew out his own windows? It had to be her,” Cayden responds.

  “Maybe it was just her scream…” Liam says.

  “No, that was her and I hope, for her sake, this was the first time something like this has happened,” Cayden says.

  “Why?” I mean, I guess I’d be upset if she didn’t think she could tell us about something like this because fuck, I thought we were all getting close. I don’t like liars, bad things happen when people lie, so I hope like hell she has a good reason.

  “Because it would be messed up if she’s known and hasn’t said a word. This could be another clue that could help us figure out what is happening between all of us,” Wyatt answers.

  “I guess, but either way, I’m glad it did happen. Otherwise, she would be going to God knows where with that fuckhead,” Liam says while tapping nervously on the steering wheel.

  “Also, what the fuck was that burst of power? I know y’all felt it cause we all woke up at the same time,” Cayden asks.

  “I don’t know. We’ll ask when she wakes up,” I say.

  Beside Liam, Cayden just huffs and looks out the window. I turn to look at Wyatt beside Bray and he is looking at her the way we all do, I’m sure. Like he would do anything for her.

  She really needs to wake up and prove Cayden wrong. There’s no way she’d keep something like a power from us.

  I pick up her hand and begin to make circles on her palm while she lightly snores on my shoulder. After a bit, I put her hand in mine and interlock my fingers with hers. She suddenly tightens her grip and I can feel her eyelids open on my jaw. I feel them flutter for a second, probably her sight trying to adjust after basically fainting in Cayden’s arms. She then lifts her head from my shoulder and begins to sob.

  I put my arm around her, as does Wyatt while Liam continues to drive the car. “It’s okay, you’re safe. We’re in the car, on our way to Pennsylvania. The guy is gone.” Wyatt is whispering in her ear. She turns to hug him and drenches his shirt in tears. I rub her back and can feel her sobs slowing a bit. She breaks away and turns to hug me as well.

  “Thanks for coming to save me,” she says.

  I’m guessing she doesn’t remember quite what happened.

  “We didn’t save you. You saved yourself,” Cayden says with anger.


  “What do you mean?” Crap, they saw. I don’t care. At least I’m not stuck in that shithead’s car about to be murdered in the back of some Tennessee alley. I’ll just play it off as a freak accident that ended up being lucky.

  “You blew that guy's car windows out and whatever else you did to get away from him, not to mention, you were running faster than any of us have ever seen you run. What the hell was that about?” he says accusingly.

  “How should I know? I was legit having a panic attack and then all of this crazy shit started happening and then I ran.” I half lie.

  “You must’ve freaked out,” Barrett says, all understanding and sympathetic.

  “I was just picturing all these horrible things that could’ve happened to me,” I cry, leaning into him.

  “I can’t imagine how scary that must’ve been. Are you okay?” Wyatt asks.

  “Yeah, I’m not hurt, just drained.”

  “Good. We’re so glad you were able to get away. We don’t know what we would’ve done if something happened to you. We probably would have lost control,” Liam says.

  “I know, I’m glad too. I wouldn’t want you risking yourselves for me though.”

  They all look at me like I’m stupid for that statement.

  “So, that’s the first time something strange and abnormal has happened to you?” Barrett asks while looking for an answer he’s not going to get.

  “Well… some stuff has been happening, but I just thought I was going crazy…” I say with a reassuring smile. I look at their faces, and not one is full of understanding or sympathy anymore. Great.

  “We said we would be honest with each other for a reason, Brayleigh. I don’t like it when people hide things from me,” Barrett insists as he pulls away, turning his body to look out the window. My heart aches at the thought of Barrett—any of them—being upset with me.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, I just didn’t know there was anything to tell,” I plead. No one says a word.

  We sit in silence for a good hour while my mind goes a hundred miles an hour. Who was that guy? Why did I feel so… complete when he touched me? I felt this flood of relief and wholeness wash over me. Why did we fly in the air and land on our asses when our skin met? Who was he talking to? I wish I knew these answers, but I probably never will, unless he comes back.

  He’s obviously looking for me. At first, it seemed as though he didn’t want to do anything. In general, it seemed like he regretted finding me. Then on the phone, he said he was still trying to find me. And how the fuck was I able to escape? This time, everything went as planned. I pictured the cloth being blown out of my mouth, and it was. I imagined the rope being off of me, and it burned off. I wanted to get the guys’ attention with the windows but it seems like they were already outside when that happened. It’s like I finally had control and actually did what I wanted. What changed?

  We continue to drive, getting food along the way. I guess I slept through a couple of hours because when we stopped to get food we ended up already making it to the outskirts of Kentucky. Barrett takes the wheel and Liam comes to sit next to me while Cayden doesn’t even look at me once. I lean against Liam, alr
eady exhausted from all the adrenaline, and I guess my use of power because I drift off again and don’t come to until I’m about to burst of pee.

  I wake up and instantly announce I have to stop somewhere soon.

  “We are miles away from a rest stop or gas station so I guess we’ll have to stop on the side of the road,” Wyatt says with a smirk. They know I hate peeing in the grass. They are doing this to torture me. As Barrett pulls off into a little side road, we all get out to stretch. I’m sore from all the kicking and struggling but I try not to show it.

  We all wander into the brush and trees to find our own spots while still, no one says a word to me. They begin peeing while I find a bigger tree further down to hide behind. I turn around and pull my pants down and squat. I look up to find one of those green city signs that show how far you are from the next town. I see we are literally fifteen miles to Cincinnati. That motherfucker.

  I’m so mad that they are being so petty. I’m now hot and bothered, in a bad way. Why is there no breeze! Just as I think this, I hear all of the men curse out loud, as a gust of wind comes through. I look at them and see their pee has gone all over themselves. Ha! Serves you right, you giant pricks.

  I squat, take my victory pee and saunter back to the car, smiling at all of them trying to dry their pants to where it doesn’t look like they peed themselves.

  I get in the car and wait for the fresh hell that awaits me. Maybe they won’t connect the dots. As I am thinking this, they file into the car, all looking like they peed their pants.

  “That was messed up, princess,” Wyatt says.

  “Yeah, that was uncalled for,” Barrett chimes in.

  “I thought it was hilarious,” Liam laughs.

  “As if it wasn’t enough to lie to us, now you’re going to use this mystery power on us as well. I’m beginning to rethink this trip,” Cayden grumbles.

  Man, that hurt. I understand I probably should’ve mentioned something about the weird occurrences but how do I know that I can fully trust them?

  “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, like I said earlier. I didn’t fully know what was going on. I thought at first little things were coincidences and just lucky streaks. Then, when we were at your house I was randomly soaked by the kitchen sink, and that’s when I knew something else was at play. I should’ve said something. We are growing so close and I feel like I’ve known all of you for so long already. I apologize,” I say with more emotion than I’ve used in a while.

  I feel the tension ease. I guess they all just needed a genuine apology. Everyone except Cayden. I have a feeling he doesn’t forgive as easily. We take off again and once we get to Columbus, Ohio, we stop for dinner. We decide to stop and actually eat in the restaurant because we need to get out of that car. It smells like urine. The guys change one by one in the car while I go in to get a table. They insisted on making someone come with me so of course, it ended up being the lovable ball of fur.

  “Table for five,” I tell the hostess.

  “Right this way,” she says while she gathers menus and eyes Cayden up and down like he’s a treat. Back off bitch. As we begin to walk, I decide to have some balls.

  “Are you going to hate me forever, Cayden?” I ask quietly.


  “I’m not trying to hurt you. I would never intentionally hurt you.”

  “Not telling us hurt,” he mumbles.

  “Here we are,” the hostess announces as we arrive at a rather large table. I sit down at the end and Cayden sits on the corner next to me. She hands us our menus and then walks off, again lingering and waiting for Cayden to notice her. He doesn’t. He just looks betrayed and angry while staring down at the table.

  “You had a nightmare,” I mutter quietly.

  His head pops up so fast I almost jump.

  “Last night I woke up and I realized you were having a nightmare next to my bed,” I explain. There is no way in hell I am telling him about the dream I had of the things his mother told me. I don’t want to open that can right now.

  “I’m sorry I woke you up. Is that why you weren’t in the room?”

  “No. Well, yes. I was just hot. But no. I just sat with you and pet you while—

  “You what?!”

  “I didn’t know what else to do and you were freaking out so I just petted your fur and talked to you until you calmed down,” I said really slowly like I had done something wrong. Did I?

  “You were able to touch me in wolf form and I didn’t wake up?"

  “No, you stopped freaking out and began to eventually slobber all over my foot,” I chuckle.

  I can tell he’s feeling better because he is just looking at me with awe. Like I’m some miracle worker.

  “What? Should I not have touched you?”

  “No, just... no one ever has. Not in wolf form. My wolf’s never let it happen. Awake or asleep,” he states.

  “Well, I guess that means he likes me then. At least one part of you is smart.” I smirk while pushing his shoulder.

  Finally, I see a small smile from him. Yes. I win.

  I feel like this is our moment. I haven’t been able to connect with him physically or through communication like the others. I feel an intense connection with Cayden but I’ve never had the opportunity to really bond with him. He’s always either angry or giving me the stink eye. Just as I’m about to make my move like a boss ass bitch, I hear the other guys walking up.

  Just before they get to the table, I hear a small “thanks.” I nod and go to squeeze his hand. As I do, I feel the same rush of butterflies and sparks like I have been feeling with all of them. I wish I could’ve kissed him. If just touching his hand gives off this much heat, I bet his lips would set me on fire.

  He must feel it too because he squeezes my hand in a matter of a second and then lets go like it's just too much for him to handle.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The guys all file into the table. Wyatt is at the other corner next to me and Liam sits next to him. Barrett sits next to Cayden and looks at him in shock. There is still a slight smile on his face. Barrett looks at me and gives me a tiny smile of gratitude that makes me feel warm inside.

  We all begin to look at the menu, practically drooling over all the delicious burgers and sandwiches that are pictured everywhere. Once we have ordered, we begin playing the games on the table. This restaurant has the feel of Cracker Barrel, which is a restaurant that has a gift shop and games attached to the table, for those who haven’t been to Houston. Liam and Barrett are playing chess and the rest of us are playing classic war.

  Wyatt ends up winning our game so I begin to pay attention to the chess match.

  “I’m going to check in with my pack. With that creep trying to take you, I want to make sure nothing is going on there,” Cayden states as he stands up to go outside. It’s so noisy in here, he wouldn’t be able to hear anything.

  I see that Barrett seems to be winning. I decide to help out a bit when Liam glances at me for a wink. I wink back and nod my head towards the board. Barrett is staring off observing people so I decided to try this magic stuff full force. It probably won’t work like it did in that asshole’s car but who knows anymore.

  I look at the player I know I need to move to put Barrett in check. I focus on it and it begins to move a bit. Oh my gosh, I did it. Liam takes the Queen in his hand and just holds it there. He must not see the move I do. I focus on the piece again and picture it moving where I want it to go. Liam’s hand starts gliding slowly like he is doing it himself. I hear Wyatt next to me whisper, “Are you doing that?” as I finish the move and Liam states, “check.”

  I nod and give him a flirtatious smile. “I’m right here, dumbass,” Barrett says with as much sarcasm as possible.

  “I’m done with this game if all of you are going to be cheaters,” he says while looking around all angry. I just give him a smile and his face instantly warms. I love that I have that effect on all of them.

e waitress comes back with our food and we all start to stuff our faces like we haven’t eaten in a year.

  As Cayden comes back and begins to sit down, Wyatt asks how his pack is.

  “They are fine and have no idea about the car or who that could’ve been. They are on high alert and also said they would ask around for us.”

  “I’m glad we are on the move now. Whoever he was, it will be harder to get through four of us,” Wyatt says. Everyone agrees but I can tell they are also freaked out. I have a feeling when we finally get to Barrett’s farm tonight, it will all sink in for me. I think I am still running on adrenaline and maybe pure hormones being with all these hot guys. I really hope I don’t have a breakdown in front of anyone, especially not a pack member who doesn’t know me. They’ll throw me in the dungeon or whatever they have for a supernatural looney bin. I know I need to disclose everything to the guys. I don’t know why I didn’t before.

  We have all cleared our plates and the waitress comes back to ask if we need anything else. We all shake our heads and Liam asks her for the check. I guess she’s fully given up on a chance with Cayden because she is all business now.

  “We need to make a straight drive there with no stops to be able to make it before dark,” Barrett says.

  We all nod and then they proceed to look at me all accusatory.

  “I will go pee before we leave!” I scream all frustrated. “I can’t help that I am constantly peeing.”

  “It’s okay, princess. We just want to make sure we are there and safe so we don’t have to worry about…”

  “Vampires?” I interrupt. Might as well get it out of the way in public. They can’t get that mad at me in a restaurant full of people.

  “Vampires? Why would you go to that, sweetheart?”

  I look at Liam, wondering why he’s asking.

  “Did I not mention that prick was a vampire?” I say almost silently. I know I didn’t.

  All of their faces look like they are about to explode with frustration.


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