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Jules and Bulls

Page 11

by Chandler Ardnas

  “Fine, the buzz can be how some theater prick is trying to steal my woman, but I’m going to be very clear with how I feel about you, and I want to meet your parents, too.”

  “All this from shoveling manure?” I asked him with raised eyebrows.

  "I'm tired of watching you walk away. You came to me, and I'm going to hold on to you this time."

  “Can we eat, and then talk about your chauvinistic tendencies?”

  He laughed and held out his hand for mine. "I'm not touching you; I know where your hands have been." I walked off, and he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me off my feet. I tried to fight him off, kicking and screaming, as he rubbed his sweaty chest all over me.

  Chapter 11

  We sat around the table on the deck with Royal buried in blankets lying in a bed. It was touching to see everyone trying to include him in the conversation. Royal would grunt occasionally but slept most of the time. Bethany sat next to the bed and rubbed his good hand the entire evening.

  Morgan seemed troubled about something, and Tennyson finally called him on it. "Something is up, Morgan. Either an animal is sick, or you're cheating on Amylia."

  Amylia looked at him with accusing eyes and said, “You still love me, don’t you, Morgan?”

  “Always, Amylia,” he said, and kissed her hand before giving Tennyson an unwelcomed stare.

  Tenn seemed to understand the look without needing words and turned to Amylia and said, “You need to ride Sarsaparilla more, get him ready and stop worrying about the depth of the dirt.”

  “He doesn’t adjust as easily, I’m afraid he’ll fall,” Amylia said, with a worried expression.

  I noticed the glances between Tennyson and Morgan but Amylia seemed oblivious until Royal grunted loudly. We all looked over at him, and he waved his hand. "Do you think I need to ride Sarsaparilla?" Amylia asked him, and he held up his thumb in approval.

  We could hear a horse in the corral making quite a ruckus, and I looked over my shoulder to see what was going on. Everyone else ignored the horse demanding attention. I finally looked at Morgan and asked, "Is something wrong with that horse?"

  "It's Colossus, Royal's horse. He can smell Royal, and it upsets him," Morgan explained.

  Bethany reached over and wiped the tears falling from Royal’s eyes. It broke my heart to see and hear them aching for each other. I no longer thought of riding horses as abuse. Any animal that upset over smelling his owner had to have positive feelings for him.

  "Amylia, did you tell Tennyson your plans?" Merritt said as he nodded at her in encouragement.

  “Wedding plans?” Tennyson teased, and she rolled her eyes at him.

  "You and Jules will marry before Morgan and me," she retaliated. I felt my stomach tense and my face redden. Tennyson and I were nowhere near talking about marriage and putting us on the spot made me uncomfortable. Tennyson never faltered and only smiled at me.

  “Um…I’m going back out,” she said hesitantly. “I’m going to Stockton, then Bakersfield, and then to Tucson.”

  “Why waste your time on Bakersfield?” Tennyson asked, and it gave me hope, since he didn’t mention the others, maybe he was considering going back out, too.

  "I want to stay close, and I need something low key, less stressful, you know?"

  Tennyson nodded and picked up his corn without saying anything else. “Maybe you should go with her,” I prodded, and the table became silent.

  I noticed how his jaw tightened and his foot began to tap nervously. He sat his corn down and looked around the table. I could see the anger rising, and I wanted to smack myself for speaking out of turn. He slowly wiped each finger from the buttery corn and finally spoke. “I’m not going to suck-ass Bakersfield like some worn out, used up, talentless has-been. And you’re not going either, Amylia.” He stood as the anger began spilling out of him and he continued, “I came home to help my brother, not to hide like some scared faggot.”

  My jaw tightened at his choice of slur, and I had to force myself to remain in my seat and let him finish.

  “It has only been a month, dammit. I should be allowed a few weeks without everyone counting me out for good. I’ve earned it. I’ve left my sweat and blood on the ground of too many arenas to give a shit what people think.” He threw his beer against a tree just off the deck and stormed off.

  I jumped up and ran after him, ready for my explosion of pent-up anger. "Tennyson," I called to him, but he kept walking. "Tennyson, I'm speaking to you," I yelled louder, as I followed him toward his room. I stopped in the hallway and kicked the wall forcefully. "Don't you dare ignore me as you walk off to cry like a baby," I screamed at him. He stopped walking and spun around to face me with pure rage, but I didn't back down. "I asked you a simple question; nobody said anything about counting you out. If you are feeling guilty, it is all you, because nobody else thinks your career is over. Get on the internet and read what people are saying if you don't believe me. And don't you ever use the word faggot around me again, you arrogant redneck."

  I turned and headed back to the deck and left him to sulk alone in his room. I sat back down at the table, and everyone broke into laughter. "What?" I asked angrily.

  “Redneck is offensive, too,” Amylia pointed out.

  “Yeah, you vegetarian Hollywood ho,” Morgan said, as he fell to the side laughing.

  “Shut up, you overeducated hillbilly,” I said back, causing even Royal to laugh.

  “Broadway gold-digger,” he added.

  “Animal humper.”

  “Canadian hater.”

  I hissed in protest and said, “I do NOT hate Canadians.” Morgan threw his hands into the air in victory, and I glared at him. I would expect this from Royal, but never Morgan. “What happened to southern hospitality?” I asked, looking around the table.

  “We’re not from the south,” Amylia laughed.

  "Jules, forgive us," Miriam said kindly, as she tried to calm her laughter. "We are together most evenings as a family, and we seemed to have lost our manners."

  I nodded in acceptance of her apology and went back to eating my meal. The conversation moved on to world events and politics, leaving me bored and tired from all the activity I had engaged in with Tennyson. I helped clear the table and was relieved to see Tenn come out to take Royal back inside. He pushed the narrow bed back to the open room with the large doors, and I waited in the hallway. I was touched when I heard him talking to Royal and knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't force myself to leave, so I sat against the wall and listened.

  “Hey Roy, we always felt like we owned the world. With nuts-and-guts we could do anything, but I realize I wasn’t holding up my end of the bargain. I never had to rely on myself, because I relied on you so much. I took chances, knowing you would save me if I extended myself too far. I’ve gotta get back out there and prove I can do it alone. I want to do it, for you. I want to show you I can have your back, too. I need you to get better, and I need you to believe in me.”

  I heard Royal grunt and Tenn said, "I know, but it's not the same if you're standing there ready to save me. Before every event, you would tell me to keep my head in the game, focus, and remember you're there if I needed you."

  I smiled, always wondering what it was Royal would say to Tennyson before kissing his forehead and then smacking him across the head.

  "I took you for granted because I knew you would always be there for me. Even when you beat the piss out of me, I knew you would always be there. But what I never realized is, you were there for all of us. Cowboys didn't get hurt on your watch, and we owe you big time. I'm so proud to be your brother, and I want to make you proud to be mine. Roy, I love you."

  I heard not a grunt, almost a moan come from Royal and I wiped my face from tears their tender moment produced. I waited for a few more minutes, and Tennyson walked from the room. I looked up, and he shook his head at the sight of me sitting on the floor.

  "And now for you, Jules Smith," he said with authority, feeling he wa
s on a roll. "I'm jumping in with both feet. We're going out in public, and if anyone asks me about you, I'm telling them the truth. I love you, and I want a future with you. I'll support your career, but I won't let some manager come between us. You're going to learn to ride a horse, and I'm going to learn to accept some men want other men. Now, get off your ass and get in my bed."

  I laughed and shook my head back and forth. “Ask me nicely, like the cowboy I met in Canada.”

  He took my hands and pulled me to my feet, “Don’t push your luck, girl.”

  I stepped back a couple of feet as I stared into his eyes. He stood firm, and I finally said, "Your horse is gay," and ran for my life toward his room. He followed and caught me before I could get inside the bedroom, throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me out the back of the house.

  “Put me down, Tennyson Weller,” I demanded, but he walked straight to a large horse trough next to a hitching post off the back of the deck. “Don’t you dare,” I screamed, trying to squirm my way out of his arms.

  “Say it,” he demanded.

  “Say what?” I asked, and he instantly put my feet into the water. “Okay, Manny’s not gay.”

  He lowered me until my calves were now in the water and I quickly screamed, “Man-o-war is not gay.”

  He picked my feet from the water and sat me on the ground. I saw he was not mad but smiling like a man in love. I pulled him to me and kissed him passionately. His arms held me tightly against his body, and I laughed against his lips.

  “Tenn,” Morgan called out, “Let’s get you back on a bull; want to give it a try?”

  I looked at Tennyson in confusion, and he took my hand and led me to the indoor arena. A sizeable mechanical bull was set up in an area with a foam floor. Tennyson jumped onto the back and stuck his hand in the harness before raising his arm into the air and nodding.

  Morgan was at the controls, and he moved the bull wildly sending Tennyson flying to the ground. I gasped and waited for Tennyson to get up and either cuss or cry. Instead, he began laughing hard and jumped back on again. I watched him repeat the actions and began to worry he had lost his skill.

  “Want to try?” Morgan asked me.

  “Why can’t he ride?” I whispered to Morgan.

  “Hey, dickless,” Morgan yelled to Tennyson, “Jules wants to know why you can’t ride.”

  Tennyson held up both hands and said, “Man, I don’t know what’s wrong. I think I forgot or something.”

  Morgan laughed and hit the joystick sending Tennyson falling backward off the contraption. "He's not wearing spurs or using a bull rope," Morgan explained.

  “This is for fun?” I asked stupidly.

  “Yeah, give it a try, I’ll go easy I promise,” he encouraged me.

  “No way, I’m not sharing a bed with Royal,” I said adamantly.

  Tennyson held his hand out and called for me, “I’ll ride with you; Morgan will only let it go up and down,” he promised.

  I walked across the thick padding, and Tennyson pulled me up behind him. "Go easy," he said to Morgan, and I tightened my hold on his stomach. The machine lifted from the front then dipped and rose from the back as I screamed and buried my head in Tennyson's back.

  “Come on, Jules, you saw more movement than this in the shower today,” Tennyson teased, causing Morgan to whistle loudly.

  I purposefully leaned to the side pulling Tenn off the bull with me and said, “Some cowboy you are, you can’t even stay on a fake bull.”

  Tennyson jumped back on and wrapped the rope tightly around his wrist and said, “Give it to me, Morgan.” I yelled in protest and grabbed onto Tennyson's leg as they both laughed at me again.

  "I'm done with you two," I said, as I headed to the house with my wet legs and wounded pride. I felt sorry for Amylia for having two brothers. I was sure she was tortured often.

  When I got to the room to change, my phone was blinking again. I called Martin and found I had to be at a movie premiere on Monday. I was expected to walk the red carpet and talk about the tour ending and my run on Broadway starting soon. I dreaded telling Tenn but hoped he would agree to come with me. Taking him to a premier would be the best way to introduce him to my world. He would see how contrived everything was and how people with a lot less talent could quickly rise to the top if they have the right representation and handlers.

  I waited for him to get out of the shower before telling him I needed to talk. He gave me a worried look and then raised his chin and put up a determined front. "I need to be home Monday night for a movie premiere and want to know if you might be able to come."

  “As your date?” he asked with shock.

  “No, as Eric’s date,” I said sarcastically. “Of course, as my date.”

  “In front of the world?” he smiled.

  “I think the world has put two-and-two together already.”

  “And your parents?” he pushed, knowing I hadn’t considered that problem.

  “Can you wear a chastity ring?” I asked, only partially kidding.

  “I plan on saying, Jules can’t ride a horse, but she can sure ride me,” he said, as he winked at me.

  “My father has a gun,” I reminded him.

  “Shit, that’s nothing, I have six guns.”

  "Really? Are you a good shot?"

  He laughed loudly and put his hat on before saying, “You just don’t get this whole cowboy thing, do you?”

  “Um… yeah... about that,” I said softly. He removed his hat and sat on the edge of the bed, preparing to hear the bad news. "At the movie premiere, you'll need to be styled."

  “What does that mean?” he asked with a furrowed brow.

  “You will be dressed to coordinate with me, in some designer’s clothes so you can mention the name if the press asks.”

  “What are you wearing?” he asked with a worried expression.

  “I don’t know yet; my stylist will choose something for me.”

  “I won’t look…um…womanly, will I?”

  “Gay…is that what you’re asking? I wore jeans up to my armpits and a buckle the size of a sanitary napkin for you.”

  "I don't want to wear anything…stretchy," he said hesitantly.

  “What the hell is stretchy?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

  "You know, like stuck to my body."

  “A leotard?” I asked in confusion.

  “Is that what your dancers wore?”

  “Oh, my God, Tenn, dancers wear those for performances, they don’t wear them every day. And just so you know, your wranglers don’t leave much to the imagination regarding your package.”

  He laughed and said, "I happen to be endowed with nuts and guts."

  "You're nuts alright," I said and climbed under his covers.

  He got into bed and pulled me to his chest. I was exhausted and hoping he didn't want sex again. He kissed my head and let out a long breath before saying, "I'm so happy you're here."

  “Are you going to go back out?” I asked quietly.

  “Yeah, I have a title to keep,” he said with conviction.

  “Will you promise to be careful?” I said in fear.

  “It’s not my first rodeo,” he said with a yawn, and I smiled.

  We fell asleep in each other's arms with hope our two worlds could join to make one. I had a better understanding of his and could only hope there were things in mine he could understand. I felt less sure about things on my end. My parents were not as understanding as his, and Martin had my career already mapped out. I had to place faith in our future. Tennyson would be on his own without Royal's watchful eye and fighting to stay on top of his career. I knew how reckless he could be when he was driven to win. Making a mistake in my job meant being left behind, but for Tennyson, making a mistake meant his death.

  Chapter 12

  I left a few days later with plans to meet Tennyson on Sunday night. He was going to Tucson from my place to start working toward keeping his title. Morgan was worried about Tenn's lack of prac
tice. Tennyson said it was like riding a bike and was second nature to him.

  I spent an entire afternoon trying on different dresses. The movie was a futuristic science-fiction film, and I didn't want anything too ‘out there' so Tennyson could dress conservatively. I finally settled on a dress that looked like it was made of plastic but was a soft material. It was black with white piping to give it a corset look.

  I made a styling appointment for Tenn and begged them to be gentle with him. I explained he was very outdoorsy and very macho, and then worried when I saw the two male assistants look at each other and wiggle their eyebrows.

  “Seriously,” I said to them, “treat him like a scared puppy that could rip your arm off with one bite.”

  “I love it when they get rough,” Jimmy said jokingly.

  “You slut,” Damien responded.

  "Guys please, this is important. Pretend he is John Wayne."

  "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," they laughed, and I began to worry in earnest.

  Tennyson arrived at my house with paparazzi lighting up the street with all the flashes. He had the code to the gate and pulled his massive truck next to my little Prius. I didn't dare walk out to greet him because my door was too close to the street, so I waited anxiously for him to walk through the door. He knocked softly and walked in hesitantly. I ran to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Has it only been two days?" I said and then kissed him with fervor.

  “Which way?” he asked, still attached to my mouth and I knew he was talking about my bed.

  "Oh, um, sorry," I said and slid down his body to stand. "Eric is on his way over; he wants to meet you."

  "Now?" he asked and seemed a little perturbed.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know, shouldn’t I get better acclimated before I meet the…friends?”

  “Tenn, he’s my best friend. I want you to like him.”

  He ran his hand over the back of his neck and let out a loud breath. “I’m trying, Jules.”

  “You can’t catch it, you know,” I said in irritation.

  “Has that been proven?” he joked, and I didn’t laugh.


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