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Jules and Bulls

Page 20

by Chandler Ardnas

  “Six years, but it feels like forever,” he said with a loving voice.

  “Should I incorporate him into the wedding?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Hell no, you would dress him up and tell everyone he was gay.”

  “You don’t know he’s not,” I said with a chuckle, and he tightened his arms around me as a threat. “So, are we still good with everything?” I asked him with a soft voice.

  “Yes, Jules, I’ll ride to win and let the bull bastards keep their record.”

  "Well, at least you're not bitter," I laughed and kissed his chest before pulling his hand toward the house.

  Tennyson followed, but when we reached the door of the barn, he stopped and looked back at his horse. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I guess I’m just feeling a bit jittery.”

  I looked over at Manny as he chewed some hay and then at Pepper as she looked exhausted from walking. My eyes wandered further down the stalls to look at Sarsaparilla. He was standing with his ears back as if it angered him I would dare look his way. The horse had an attitude, and it bugged me.

  Tennyson turned out the light, and I followed him into the house. Royal and Bethany were over, and we were going to watch a movie until Amylia brought up the subject of dancing. "Jules will be dancing with you, Tennyson, and she's outstanding."

  He looked at me with a huge smile and said, “Really?”

  “Unless I have to dance with Russell,” I shrugged.

  “I’m the All-Around Cowboy until the very last ride, so it will be me you dance with,” he said with just a hint of anger.

  "Let me see what you've got," Royal said and put on some music.

  I jumped up and began using steps choreographed by Eric for the concert tour causing Royal, Morgan, and Tennyson to stare in stunned silence. Amylia started to laugh and grabbed Morgan to show me how to do the two-step. Tennyson quickly joined in as my partner, and we had a private little dance party.

  The music was loud, and Merritt and Miriam soon joined us. I laughed at how graceful the Weller men were when dancing, even huge Royal held Bethany lovingly and would spin her lightly. I was only drinking beer, but I felt a bit tipsy. It may have been due to the man holding me tightly for a slow song.

  I was kissing his neck as he pulled me tighter to his body. We were moving very slowly to the beat of the music, and each couple seemed lost in the moment. I finally heard Morgan speaking. "Turn the music down for a second."

  Royal walked over and turned off the stereo. Everyone stood quietly as they listened for… something.

  “I thought I heard Sarsaparilla,” Morgan said, as he strained harder to listen.

  We all heard an interminable, loud braying from a horse and the sound of kicking in the stall. Morgan and Amylia headed out to check the barn, and I looked at Tennyson and whispered, "Are you ready for bed." He leaned in for a kiss when Amylia began screaming at the top of her lungs. Royal was the first out of the room, followed by Merritt and Miriam.

  Tennyson kept hold of my hand as he ran to the back deck. Royal grabbed his brother by the waist and yelled, "Don't look, Tenn. God, don't look."

  Tennyson was fighting in his brother's grasp as he screamed in pure rage. I didn't understand what was going on. Amylia was crying hysterically, and Bethany was leaning against the house for support. I looked for Morgan and saw him on the ground, kneeling in a pool of blood next to Manny.

  The horse was lying still as Morgan and Merritt worked frantically over him. Tennyson broke free from Royal as he screamed out in pain. He stumbled down the steps and fell at the head of his horse. His hands reached for Manny’s head and tried to lift it, but they only slid off, soaked in blood. Tennyson stood as he looked at his bloody hands, walking like a drunk man he screamed into the air as his heart ripped in his chest.

  "Please, No," he cried, entirely out of his mind.

  Royal emerged with a shotgun and ran toward the barn.

  “Get everyone in the house,” Merritt yelled.

  Miriam grabbed onto Bethany and pulled on my hand, but I broke free and moved toward Tennyson. He turned to look at his horse again as he screamed and fell to his knees. I ran over and wrapped my arms around him from behind as he sobbed loudly; still holding his bloody hands in front of him.

  Royal came out of the barn with an expression of pure hate. “Tattorsal did this,” he yelled, and Tennyson turned slowly to look at his brother.

  He held up a piece of cloth marked with a brand and stuck through with a bloody knife. Tennyson broke free from my grasp and grabbed the material before running to his truck. I ran after him, knowing he was capable of murder at this moment.

  “Tenn, please don’t go. You are in no condition to go,” I begged.

  I was stunned when Royal jumped in the passenger side and yelled, “Get out of the way, Jules.”

  The truck tore off loudly down the driveway, and I worried it was the last time I would get to see Tennyson. I went back to where Manny was lying and sat on the bottom step as Morgan and Merritt spoke about the horse's injuries.

  “It’s deeper than it looks,” Morgan said, as he examined the slit across the horse’s throat.

  "He's branded," Merritt said with disgust, as he looked on the hind end.

  Miriam came outside and took my hand to lead me inside, “You don’t need to see this, dear,” she said softly.

  I let her lead me away and into the house where Amylia was still crying. “I’m afraid for Tenn and Royal,” I admitted, as tears fell down my face.

  “I hope they gut the bastards,” Bethany said forcefully.

  “Why would they do something like that?” I asked Miriam.

  “They don’t want Tennyson to ride Diablo; it would cost them too much money in breeding gains.”

  “He isn’t,” I said in shock.

  “They want to make sure he isn’t. This was a message to keep him from turning in Diablo’s name tomorrow.”

  I felt the urge to vomit and ran for the sink. These people were sick and willing to kill an innocent animal over money. I wanted Tennyson to find them. I wanted him to take out all his grief on whoever did this to Man-o-war. But more importantly, I wanted Tennyson to ride that damn bull more than I wanted anything so badly in my life.

  I looked over at Amylia, crying into her arms with her head on the table, and felt anger flowing in my veins. “Stop it,” I yelled at her. She looked up at my tight jaw and narrowed eyes and sat upright. "This doesn't end here. Manny isn't dying without a good reason. Tennyson is going to ride that bull, and he is going to need all of us to do it."

  “Jules,” Amylia said softly, as she gasped for breath.

  “What?” I asked angrily.

  "Tennyson will kill you for calling him, Manny."

  I smiled and nodded, “I know, but he’s got a list of other people to kill first.”

  We waited all night for Tennyson and Royal to return. A bulldozer was brought in to take Manny away after Merritt and Morgan wrapped him in a tarp. I knew this horse’s funeral would be one I couldn’t miss.

  When both men came into the kitchen I told Morgan the news; I was going to let Tennyson ride Diablo and I needed Morgan there to help Royal keep him safe. He nodded and smiled a bit. Merritt picked up the phone and began calling around for his boys.

  After the third number, he spoke to someone with some news. He listened intently and finally hung up to face our worried expressions. “It was one of the ranch hands. He was paid handsomely for the job.”

  “Did Tennyson call the police?” I asked, as my voice shook.

  “No, he handled it,” Merritt said.

  “What does that mean?”

  Bethany looked at me and rolled her eyes. “We don’t wait for the courts to smack their hands. We use real justice, which is swift.”

  “You don’t care if he kills someone?” I asked in fear.

  “No, dear,” Miriam said, “Royal is with him to keep that from happening.”

  “Royal ha
s a gun,” I pointed out.

  "Just to make sure it remains between Tennyson and the perpetrator. Ranch hands are usually very loyal and protect the brand. The man will be lucky if only Tennyson gets to him," she explained as if talking about a shopping list.

  The sun was up when Royal finally walked through the door. I was lying with my arm extended on the kitchen table and quickly jumped up. Merritt pulled out the chair next to him, and Royal sat down.

  “Where’s Tennyson?” I asked with worry.

  "I got him drunk, to ease the pain," he said and looked at his father. "Monte is taking care of everything. He's going to bring the punk by for you to talk to him."

  “What did Tennyson do?” I asked, hoping he would tell me.

  “He got his pound of flesh. Shit, Jules, I’m worried about him; the only thing worse would have been them hurting you. He’s going to be messed up for a while.”

  “Where is he?” I asked again.

  “He’s in the stall, just let him sleep it off.”

  “He doesn’t have time, Royal.” I stood and squared my shoulders. “He has a God-damn bull to ride.”

  I headed out the door, and Royal called to me, "Are you saying what I hope you are saying?"

  "Yeah, and you better have him ready," I said and slammed the door. I walked to the barn, passing the large, dark puddle in the dirt and found Tennyson sitting in the middle of the hay with his back on the wall.

  I sat on the opposite side and waited for him to look at me. His head swayed, and he smiled lightly. He had blood on his clothes, and I didn't know if it was from his horse or the man he went after.

  “He said he was sorry,” Tennyson slurred, “Like it could be made right by apologizing.”

  “There is only one way to make this right,” I said with a loud voice.

  "I hit him, again, and again, and again." He pulled his hands up to rub his eyes like the image behind them hurt too badly to remember. "But he's still gone. The stall is still empty."

  “I know.”

  “He slit his throat,” Tennyson said with clenched teeth, and his hands pulled into fists. “God, Jules, he took a knife and slit his throat.” He made an agonizing growl and pulled his legs up in pain.

  “Look at me,” I demanded with a commanding voice.

  He opened his eyes, and I saw nothing but pain, horrible, excruciating pain. So, I used my determination for him. I narrowed my eyes and spoke openly. "You are going to get up off the ground and walk into the house and call in the name of your bull. Then you are going to train like hell and ride that son-of-a-bitch, Diablo. Do you hear me?"

  His eyes locked with mine as his head continued to sway. “Are you saying I can ride him?”

  “You are going to ride him like he is a milk cow, and Tattorsal Ranch can shove the breeding fees up their asses.”

  Tennyson smiled as his head bounced up and down. “I love you,” he slurred.

  I stood and walked over to him, holding out my hand. He took it and stood, having to lean on me to walk. I brought him to the house and noticed how he tensed as we walked past the dark stain. “Jules,” he said into my hair. “Where’s my horse?”

  “He’s waiting for you, Tenn.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of him. I’ll do it, nobody else.”

  “He will like that,” I said as my voice broke.

  I put him in our bed and noticed how swollen his hands were. He fell onto the pillows and was out immediately. I pulled off his boots and shut off the lights before looking for Merritt. I found him in his office with Royal and Morgan. “Okay guys, what’s the plan?” I asked.

  They all looked at me and laughed. "I love kick-ass Jules," Morgan said and gave me a high five.

  “I spoke with the officials and explained what happened. Tattorsal will be punished and not allowed to enter stock for at least a year,” Merritt explained.

  "But, he must ride Diablo," I said with panic.

  "They have agreed to wait until after finals. Tennyson will ride Dangerous Dan for the first two go-rounds. He'll ride Diablo for the final round. It will be the last ride of the event."

  “What do we need to do to get Tenn ready?”

  We all turned to look at Royal. "He needs to hit the gym to strengthen his left arm. He needs to eat lean proteins and add bulk; then get his head back in the game," Royal said adamantly.

  I nodded in understanding. "I'll talk to him when he wakes up and then I'll go home so that he can focus. He wants to be the one to take care of Man-o-war."

  Morgan nodded at me and said, “We’ll let him, and be here to pick up the pieces.”

  “Thanks,” I said in a whisper.

  “Jules,” Royal said to relieve my mind, “Tennyson always rode with nut and guts, now he has a real reason to ride. He can do this; I know he can.”

  “I know it, too.”

  I packed up a bag and waited for Tennyson to stir before climbing on the bed next to him. He opened one eye and groaned loudly. “Morgan has some stuff to help with the head,” I told him.

  "I hope it is another bottle," he said and covered his eyes.

  “No, you can’t drink anymore because you have a lot of work to do. I’m going home so you can get back to work.” He moved his arm and looked at me. “You are going to ride that bull, Tenn. They don’t get to do this to you and get away with it. You need to cowboy up and teach them a lesson.”

  “Will you be there?” he asked softly.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. So, get that seventy-five percent shit out of your head, and send that beast back to hell where he came from.”

  He smiled and nodded before becoming very serious. “I want you to stay with Eric. I need to know you’re safe.”

  “You think they would come after me?” I asked in shock.

  “I never expected this, Jules. I have no idea what they’ll do.”

  “Okay, I’ll stay with Eric.”

  He pulled me into his arms and said, “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For giving me a reason to keep going.”

  “I love you, and I have faith in you, Tenn.”

  I left the Weller's Ranch and drove toward Los Angeles, my world, where people like Tennyson didn't exist. But, I changed, and I no longer fell for the fakeness Hollywood offered. There were awful people in the world, and they couldn't be ignored or excused.

  Chapter 22

  Eric was stunned when I knocked on his door. He honestly thought I had dumped Tennyson and rushed back to save our friendship and my career. He let me enter, and I saw Vince sitting on the couch, and I nodded to him.

  "Are you done playing Amish?" Eric asked as he raised his eyebrows.

  “Don’t screw with me, Eric; I’m not the girl you think I am.”

  “You’re not Jules; because that is the girl you look like?”

  "This whole city is twisted," I growled. "Vince, you need to go the Flame Awards and support the man you love. Grow a pair and tell your producer to shove it."

  “Sit down, girl, and spill it,” Eric said, as he nodded toward a chair.

  "God, Eric, I don't even know where to start. Tennyson has the fight of his life ahead of him, and I can't be with him because I distract him. And, I need to ask a favor; Tennyson wants me staying here with you, for my safety."

  “Wait a minute,” Vince said quickly. “I don’t want Eric in danger.”

  "Don't worry; no self-respecting cowboy would come near a gay man's home. They think it is like the flu and they might catch it," I said in disgust.

  “You can stay, but you have to let me give you a manicure. What’s the deal with your hands?” Eric said sadly.

  I laughed and looked at my fingernails, “I have my own horse.”

  “You ate a hamburger, didn’t you?” Eric yelled at me.

  "No, I didn't. I have a horse named Pepper, and you have to promise that when you visit, you'll ride with me."

  “I’ll ride with Tennyson on his horse, I don’t trust you,”
Eric said, and my eyes instantly filled with tears. Just the casual mention of Manny overwhelmed me. His eyes grew wide, and he jumped up to sit by me. "I don't want Tennyson; I was only kidding."

  I shook my head and cried harder as memories of Manny came to mind. I remembered calling him gay, and it made me laugh. Eric knew I had gone insane and looked at Vince for help.

  “Jules,” Vince asked gently. “Are you taking any drugs?”

  “No,” I yelled, and wiped my face. “I’m crying over Tennyson’s horse. Somebody killed his horse to send him a message.”

  Eric gasped, and his face looked stunned. "Jules, that is like Mafia shit. Are they taking a contract out on him?"

  "No, he's going to ride their bull and cost them a lot of money." Saying the words out loud seemed ridiculous; money was the reason my world was fake, and money was the reason his world was violent. I did my best to catch the guys up on everything that happened. I knew they didn’t understand, but they let me cry over Manny all I wanted.

  We spent the rest of the day talking about fashion and movies. Eric worked on my nails, and it was so fun to see the guys interact. Vince was calm and steady compared to Eric's hyper disposition. The day was perfect and kept my mind off how much I was missing Tennyson.

  Late that night, Tenn called. I was so happy to hear from him, but I didn’t expect it. I thought he would be so focused on Diablo I wouldn’t enter his mind. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not.

  “I miss you,” he said sadly.

  “Are you working hard?” I asked warily.

  “Yeah, I buried Man-o-war this evening. I just needed to hear your voice.”

  "I'm so sorry, Tenn. I know how much this hurts, I do."

  “God, Jules, why would they do something like this?”

  "Because they are afraid of you; you're the best in the world, and they know you have what it takes to beat them."

  "I feel…I don't know how to say it… he's still with me; he wants me to do this. Am I crazy?" he asked with a terrified voice.

  "No, you are not crazy. He loved you and wanted this for you, not revenge for himself. He knew better than anyone what you can achieve. It's going to be a once in a lifetime sight and Man-o-war will be right there with you, you'll feel him in your heart, I promise."


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