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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Page 10

by N. J. Nielsen

  They hailed a taxi. “Where are we going?” He asked as

  he pul ed Rhys into the backseat after him.

  “My flat,” Rhys blushed furiously and it made Michael

  smirk at him. “I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  Squeezing his hand lightly as the cab pul ed away from

  the curb Michael said, “It’s fine, real y. I wouldn’t be here if I

  didn’t want to be. Just relax.” His hand slid down to rest on

  Rhys’s thigh as Rhys gave the address to the driver.

  When they arrived at Rhys’s flat, Michael leaned casual y

  against the wal as he watched Rhys fumble with his keys.

  Standing there, Michael couldn’t stop himself from

  chuckling softly because Rhys looked so damn cute when

  he blushed. Michael sensed Rhys was in a hurry as if he

  wanted to get him inside before any of the neighbours

  noticed. And honestly, Michael didn’t mind that idea at al . If

  no one saw him, then no one would be able to identify him

  later in case things didn’t go as planned. Though he did feel

  a little bit guilty because he planned to use Rhys so

  cal ously when he knew things weren’t going to go

  anywhere nearly as far as Rhys was hoping for. But he had

  come too far to back out now. He could almost feel the

  warm blood sliding down his throat with each swal ow. It

  took al his wil power not to jump Rhys right then and there.

  “Would you care for another drink?”

  There was a slight tremble in his voice. Lust and hunger

  hit him when Michael heard Rhys gasp as he stopped Rhys

  from turning on the lights. Michael thought maybe Rhys had

  never done this before, brought home another man. Maybe

  not even a girl. They real y did have something in common.

  “We don’t need them.” Michael brought his lips to a

  finger width away from those of Rhys; he could taste Rhys’s

  breath between them. He hesitated momentarily wondering

  if he could actual y go through with it or just leave. Guilt

  warred with his hunger. Was this real y the way to go?

  Maybe Kerr was right and a quick and easy death was

  better. Michael couldn’t believe he was actual y thinking

  about it. Kerr’s way would never be right. His doubts were

  pushed aside as Rhys closed the distance. Michael was

  shocked Rhys’s lips were so warm and soft as they moved

  over his. Michael resisted the urge to push him away as

  Christian’s face flashed momentarily into his mind,

  Christian’s eyes accusing and fil ed with hurt.

  Tenderly, Michael’s fingers caressed Rhys’s throat as

  Rhys began to unbutton his shirt. Was it bad that he was

  just glad Rhys was more than a little drunk? Hopeful y he

  would do what the last few people had, and wouldn’t

  remember anything in the morning. Hopeful y he would pass

  out before things got more intense, which Michael more

  than likely would regret later. Blinking, Michael refocused;

  this was not the time to start thinking.

  It was then that Michael let his mouth wander along

  Rhys’s jaw, nibbling gently before lowering his mouth to

  Rhys’s neck. To his surprise, he realised this part, the

  kissing, wasn’t as bad as he feared. It was kind of

  enjoyable. Rhys had real y soft skin and it had such a nice

  taste, no cologne just pure natural man. Michael heard

  Rhys’s breath go ragged in his ear, and felt the flow of

  blood pulsing beneath his skin. Winding his hands around

  the back of Rhys’s head, and entwining his fingers in his

  hair, he tried to ignore how guilty he was feeling as his body

  began reacting to Rhys caressing him. Pul ing gently on

  Rhys’s hair Michael broke the kiss and stared into Rhys’s


  Michael stepped away as Rhys undid his belt and jeans.

  Rhys seemed confused until Michael spoke. “Are we going

  to do this standing right here in your doorway for the whole

  neighbourhood to see, or are you planning on taking me to

  bed anytime soon?” Rhys slowly smiled as he took

  Michael’s hand and led him through to the bedroom.

  Michael didn’t complain as Rhys finished undressing him.

  Seriously, he was kinda amused at how nervous Rhys real y

  was. In his nervousness his fingers kept fumbling at what he

  was doing. He lay on the bed as he watched Rhys strip and

  join him, the blush had spread and now covered Rhys’s

  whole body and Michael thought it looked beautiful. It struck

  Michael as funny that he was lying naked in an almost–

  stranger’s bed and he realised he was at a total loss. What

  was he meant to do now? Because he knew he wasn’t

  going to do what Rhys had brought him here for. How did

  he let it get this far? He had two choices: stop or go on, and

  he was too hungry to stop.

  Decision made, Michael rol ed to face Rhys as they

  started kissing again and was once again embarrassed as

  his body responded to Rhys’s touch. Rhys’s hands felt nice

  as the slowly caressed his sides. For a moment he

  wondered if it would feel the same with Christian, but then

  he banished the thought just as quickly as it came.

  Christian had no place in this bed.

  Biting slowly so he didn’t frighten Rhys, Michael didn’t

  want him to panic. At this stage he didn’t even think Rhys

  had even realised he had been bitten. As he drank, Michael

  felt his desire grow strong as Rhys’s hands wrapped

  around his hardness and began to stroke him. The

  sensation of Rhys’s unfamiliar touch was thril ing to him just

  as much as it was shocking him. No one besides himself

  had ever touched him— there—before. It felt so different

  from using his own hand. Rhys’s hand began to move

  faster, and Michael began to move his hips in time with the

  strokes on his cock. Pleasure raced through him as he felt

  his testicles begin to draw up tight to his body, and knew he

  would not last much longer. With a low moan, Michael

  pul ed back and stopped drinking the moment he felt his

  orgasm racing through his body; it felt like everything was

  burning up with his desire to release and then he felt Rhys

  go limp in his arms. Fuck!

  Everything felt sensitive as Michael groaned and slowly

  came down from his high, his fingers absently running

  through the cum covering both their stomachs. Most people

  would think it was strange how he was stil a virgin at

  twenty-two, but it was just he had never found the person he

  wanted to give that part of himself to. His grandad had

  drummed it into his head enough when he was younger that

  his virginity was an important part of him. It was meant to be

  saved for love, not lust. So Michael had held onto it waiting

  for the right person to come along. It was funny how

  Christian’s face immediately came to mind.

  Lying there, Michael chuckled. At least Rhys would think

  they had been intimate. Wel , Michael supposed he had left

  enough evidence to support the fact. Studying Rhys’s

  features as he waited to make sure his bite againr />
  disappeared, and it did. Licking away the excess blood he

  kissed Rhys tenderly. Somehow it seemed right, and real y

  he just wanted to feel those lips again, though it wasn’t the

  same as when he had been awake.

  Sitting up and real y looking at Rhys’s naked body, he

  realised it was so different from Christian’s, Michael

  thought, as he ran his fingertips across Rhys’s chest. His

  skin was so smooth and blemish free, he had a deep tan

  and had no tan lines which made Michael smile again. He

  felt a little confused as his hand drifted down and touched

  Rhys’s partial y erect penis. It amazed him when it began

  hardening as he stroked along its length. Michael caressed

  him gently, and then slowly increased the pace. Moving

  down the bed, he brought his face closer to Rhys’s

  hardness and watched, fascinated, as his fingers moved up

  and down on him.

  He slowed his movements when he felt Rhys begin to

  move his hips. It was like Rhys was trying to increase the

  stroking again. Stil half out of it Rhys put his hand on the

  back of Michael’s head, and pushed his face closer to the

  action. Michael knew what he wanted, but wasn’t ready to

  take the final step. Hearing a deep moan he could sense

  Rhys was getting close and he moved his hand more

  rapidly. Then he watched in wonder as Rhys’s body

  convulsed with his release. Fascinated, Michael rubbed his

  hand over Rhys’s abdomen, smearing the cum over his

  skin. Bringing his hand to his nose, he inhaled the funky

  aroma. Weirdly he found it intoxicating. His tongue darted

  out and tasted just a little of the bitter fluid before he wiped

  his hand off on the sheets, and stood, lingering only long

  enough to make sure Rhys was once again ful y asleep.

  Satisfied he had left Rhys sated, Michael showered

  before he dressed and left the apartment. Now that his

  hunger had been assuaged he could go home and crawl

  into bed beside Christian, where he belonged. He

  wondered if Christian would be happy to see him.


  Dreams suck, they really do.

  Charm was sitting there in the semi-darkness when he

  walked through the front door. Had she been waiting up for

  him? She scared the bejesus out of him when she spoke

  because her voice sounded very pissed off.

  “Somebody’s been a very naughty boy,” were the first

  words that greeted him as he arrived home and that simple

  statement chil ed him to the bone. “You shouldn’t hurt the

  one you love.” Her eyes changed then and held a

  mischievous gleam. “You have quite broken his heart. You

  are a naughty, naughty boy.”

  “What the fuck? Seriously?” Michael tried to compose


  “You love him, don’t deny it.” Her eyes blazed.

  “I’m not in love with anybody,” Michael denied anyway as

  he strode past her. He wasn’t real y sure if she had meant

  Rhys or Christian, and it confused him. Bypassing his room

  he headed straight for the narrow steps which led to the

  attic. There he would find the quiet he needed to dissipate

  the guilt he was now feeling, thanks to Charm and her

  goading. Michael threw himself onto the bed and stared up

  at the underside of the roof above him. He would get a few

  hours sleep before doing anything. If he could just explain to

  Christian then maybe he would understand. Until he could

  tel Christian exactly what he had been doing he knew he

  couldn’t go back to their bed.

  § § § §

  Christian woke to the sound of movement above his

  head. Who in the fricken hel would be moving around up in

  the roof? Why would they even want to be in the attic?

  When checking on his new pet, he saw that Michael stil

  hadn’t returned home. He tried not to think about what

  Michael was probably doing right about now with the nasty

  arsed guy from the nightclub. Honestly he was stil a little

  angry and more than a little hurt how Michael hadn’t chosen

  him to be gay with. A shiver raced through him as it struck

  him that maybe the presence they al felt the other day had

  returned. Getting up, he headed for the attic to investigate.

  Man, he hated cramped spaces. Cringing inwardly, he

  made his way through the jumbled mess. Hoping like hel

  he found nothing.

  Christian stopped when he found Michael lying half-

  naked on an old bed total y engrossed in what he was

  looking at. His gaze landed on Michael’s shirt where it lay in

  a heap on the floor with his shoes and socks. His jeans

  were stil on but had been unbuttoned and unzipped enough

  so he could see Michael’s red undies. Michael was holding

  an old photograph in his hand. It was as if Michael hadn’t

  even heard him approaching, and if he had he pretended

  not to notice, which pissed him off a tad more.

  Irritated at Michael’s apparent rudeness he had to fight

  the urge to stamp his foot in frustration but knew he would

  probably only end up hurting his bare foot. With his luck he

  would cut it on something nasty.

  “What are you doing?” Christian final y asked when

  Michael stil didn’t acknowledge him. It took al his strength

  not to snap and launch himself at Michael demanding

  answers of Michael’s behaviour from earlier in the night and

  demanding to find out what the hel he had gotten up to with

  the stupid hooker boy.

  Final y Michael glanced at Christian over the top of the

  photo and spoke. “Not much.”

  Lust hit Michael as he looked Christian up and down

  where he stood in just boxer briefs which left nothing to the

  imagination. A smile pul ed at the corner of his mouth as he

  final y admitted to himself Christian real y did have a nice

  body, scars and al . He real y was beautiful. Christian

  seemed to be slightly uncomfortable and maybe a little

  cranky standing there under his gaze. Michael wondered

  what he was thinking. What was it that made Christian’s

  pale skin flush with colour?

  When he reached the foot of the bed, Christian stared at

  him. His arms folded across his chest in irritation — or so

  Michael thought — when he spoke. “Why are you up here?”

  Moving over a fraction Michael patted the bed. “Just

  curious I guess. Needed time to think. Hiding from Charm.

  Take your pick.” He smirked as Christian crawled onto the

  bed and sat beside him.

  “Who’s the photo of?” Christian asked as he reached for

  the picture.

  “Sebastian Proctulay.” Michael held the photo up so

  Christian could see it. “I don’t know who he is I just found it

  in this journal,” Michael pointed to where the book lay on a

  box beside them.

  “Runic,” Christian said thoughtful y as he flicked through

  the book, randomly stopping at one page or another.

  Leaning in, Michael watched as Christian’s slender

  fingers traced across the lines of the page.

can read what it says?” Michael asked with interest,

  pointing toward the page, which caused his arm to rub up

  against Christian’s. Christian shivered before he answered

  and Michael loved knowing he had such an effect on him.

  Was Christian trying to calm himself studying the journal? “I

  don’t real y understand it. Runic is written backward, from

  right to left. I can’t remember al of it but some of the

  symbols are familiar. See that one?” Christian pointed to

  one of the markings. “It is the symbol for the word ‘and’,” he

  pointed to another one, “and this one is the word ‘the’. Give

  me time and I could probably work it out.” Christian put the

  journal back on the box. “Why do you want to read it?”

  With a yawn, Michael laid the photo on the journal, and

  then scrubbed at his face with his hands as he did. “Just

  curious I guess.”

  “Tired?” Christian gently brushed Michael’s hair out of

  his eyes before he started to get up.

  “Mmm,” Michael reached out and placed his hand on

  Christian’s chest to stop him from leaving. “Stay with me.”

  Michael didn’t say any more as he closed his eyes, not

  letting go. Slowly Christian spread out on the bed beside

  him. Strangely he was feeling both nervous and happy al at

  the same time. Because Michael stil smel ed like Michael.

  There were only slight traces of the nasty arsed hooker boy

  on him. It was almost as if Michael had read his mind when

  he final y did speak.

  “I didn’t fuck him.”

  Christian breathed a huge sigh of relief. Michael

  wrapped his arm further around him and laid his head on

  the pil ow so that it was close to his. Snuggling closer,

  Christian couldn’t help but breathe him in. So many things

  in his life were changing; one change being that Michael’s

  scent had quite rapidly become a soothing balm to his soul.

  When Michael was near, Christian thought everything was

  final y right in his world. His fingers lightly traced over

  Michael’s scar.

  He got the feeling that Charm was smiling from where

  she lay in the darkness of her room. Even though Christian

  knew Charm was probably asleep and dreaming he got the

  feeling he had somehow entered her dreams when pictures

  of Michael and him lying amid the chaos of the attic fil ed

  her head.

  A picture of another time opens the doorways in your


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