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Hearts of Indesh

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by S. J. Sanders

  Hearts of Indesh

  The Mate Index 1.5

  S.J. Sanders

  ©2019 by Samantha Sanders

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without explicit permission granted in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction intended for adult audiences only.


  Hearts of Indesh

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Brief from the Mate Index

  Authors Note

  Chapter 1

  Nazzek Evatuuvar, the rogue of the Intergalactic Council, the ravisher of maidens, the acquisitioner most lauded and feared--the perpetually bored of ravishing and thievery--reclined in his command seat with an air of indifference as he scrolled through current affairs on the Intergalactic Intraweb. He wouldn’t have bothered if it weren’t one of his foremost rules to stay abreast of current goings-on. As usual, there was not much of interest.

  Some prince was getting to ready to marry twenty brides, a new species called human--whatever that was-- in a huge celestial affair that was drawing royalty and dignitaries across the universe to attend. Nazzek grimaced. Not really his speed. He hated crashing events in formal wear.

  He almost skipped through the article when it linked to a related ad. Flashy, and to the point, the ad caught his attention.

  Lonely? Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places? Are you having trouble finding a compatible mate? A human bride or groom may be what you have been looking for! Small, good-tempered, adaptable, and genetically submissive to your dominant genes, humans are the jewels of the Intergalactic Union. Find your perfect breeding partner and life companion at the only legitimate market in the universe. CLICK HERE and check out Earth’s finest Mate Index. Subscription fee and regional taxes may apply.

  His brows quirked up, well this was new. He vaguely remembered hearing of some noise going on at the Intergalactic Space Station about a new species that the VaDorok and Agraak were fighting over, but hadn’t paid much attention. He had been too busy acquiring a bit of companionship for the evening at that time.

  Humans…it sounded positively delectable. Nazzek looked around his quiet starship and pursed his lips. He could certainly use a female around to liven things up--and straighten up--the place. He had a small crew, so he wasn’t necessarily lonely as it were. But a rowdy crew of three--himself included-- unmated males did not a comfortable ship make. In fact, he could say that it vaguely had a nauseating smell in here. That would have to be fixed before he brought his female on.

  Nazzek scratched at the spikes running along his jaw. He hadn’t given much thought to acquiring a mate. Truthfully, given how his species was one of those slated for imminent extinction due to lack of genetic diversity and low populations of females, he had never thought it was in the cards for him. Instead, he had spent most of his adulthood after maturation visiting various brothels, or charming one alien female or another. And of course there was always the romancing. Not compatible for mating and breeding, but fun for a nice toss. If humans were so compatible that opened up all new possibilities for him.

  He allowed himself a small indulgence imagining a mild-mannered sweet human female, all small, pink and soft like the brides in the article. A human female who would submit to his lust, pamper him after a difficult day acquisitioning items to sell at the Lifomid Market, who would worship his cock and marvel at his acts of bravery and cunning. All in all, the perfect mate, just as the ad promised.

  For the first time in what seemed like weeks, he found himself grinning eagerly as he clicked the link to the Mate Index. His first-mate stomped up behind him and peered over his shoulder as he entered his personal information for a free pass--it would allow him to look at an overview of the site, without the benefits of the subscription pass. The male grunted.

  “So what’s this then that you are looking at?”

  “My friend, I am about to find a mate!”

  The male lifted a large burly red brow and eyed him askance. “I thought the Indivi of Indesh had no females left. Not only did your few remaining females have fertility issues, but didn’t raiders steal the last lot you all had about two decades ago?”

  “That was then, this is now.” Nazzek waved the question aside, unconcerned. “Look at this Intraweb site. A backwater planet that just joined the Union..uh offering perfect mating-compatible females available to any male for a fee.”

  “An outrageous fee,” his first-mate, Oigr, observed dryly.

  Nazzek frowned. Why does he have to always be so negative?

  “Who says I am going to pay it? I am going to use it to merely intercept another bride.” He flipped back to the previous article. “See this greedy male, he has sent away for twenty females! I am sure he will not miss just one. Nineteen is not so much fewer than twenty after all.”

  Oigr frowned heavily. “I think there is a noticeable difference between nineteen and twenty. One that the prince will not miss. That aside, are you saying you want us to linger around the planet Caysta in the off chance that we might intercept the ship that the brides are arriving on?”

  “Precisely!” Nazzek closed the website with a flick of his hand and a sharp-toothed smile. His friend’s frown shifted into a disapproving scowl, which in turn made his good mood fizzle. He balefully stared the male down. He was going to get his mate. Finally, Oigr threw up his hands and muttered a few choice curses as he stomped away to inform their other crew member of their “fool’s errand.” Nazzek curled his lip, they would all be calling him genius and begging for their own humans once they saw his perfect mate--whatever she looked like.

  Really it mattered not what she looked like. They would all be jealous over the way she looked up him with love and desire in her eyes, lusting after his--The starship comm beside him cracked to life, interrupting his self congratulating on his brilliant plan.

  “Captain, are you sure you want to try to steal a bride from Caysta royalty?” Medif asked weakly. Nazzek snorted in irritation. Medif’s ingrained reluctance to go against royalty was the curse of the Forad species. Nazzek had been trying to break him of his deference to the ruling class for years. Medif had no problem stealing from those who were deserving and better off, but outright balked about taking from royal families which Nazzek found to be just absurd. They were the most deserving to be stolen from in his opinion. But the Forad put their royalty on a pedestal, believing them to be direct descendants of their gods, and this unfortunately influenced their views on royal families across the ‘verse. Perhaps stealing a female right from under their nose was just the thing that his crew-mate needed.

  He just needed to get the other male to swing around to his way of thinking first.

  “Medif,” he tried to reason, “what does any male need with twenty females? Many males in the ‘verse can’t even find one mate, and yet he gets twenty? Meanwhile Earth charges such ridiculous rates that no male of modest means could hope to afford a mate. So what is a male to do? Surely we must set an example to send a message about such greed!”

  The Forad was silent for a long stretch--long enough that Nazzek was slightly concerned that the male was going to refuse to cooperate--before he finally, albeit reluctantly, sighed in capitulation.

  “You do realize this will probably be the job that gets all of us the death penalty. There will be no prison to plan an escape from, we will be immediately executed.”

edif, you worry far too much. As I told Oigr, I doubt the prince will even realize he is short a mate. Even if he does, the likelihood of him getting off his royal ass to track us down is minimal. He will probably put out a reward, we will have to dodge a few mercenaries for a couple of revolutions, and then we are in the clear. No reasonably sane male will go hunt down someone who stole his twentieth mate. It is absurd.”

  “Clearly you never actually met royalty,” Medif observed. “Absurd and overblown is what they do.”

  Nazzek’s brows slammed upward. He had never heard Medif say a single disparaging thing about any royal in the ‘verse, until now that is. The Forad chuckled humorlessly.

  “I take by your silence that my comment surprises you. I have no love for royals Nazzek, but I know enough about them to know that they are dangerous with the power they wield. I do not think they are godly, but I do think that they feel far too free to exercise their power on foolish whims. I won’t put anything pass one of them, and certainly won’t fool myself into thinking that they will not strike back for even the most insignificant offense.

  “Truthfully, that this prince is mating himself to so many females it is the best example of the absurd tendency of royalty to act against logic. He does not take into account how he will keep twenty females equally happy. He only thinks of how it reflects on him. It is his wealth translating into his breeding potential. You take just one female and he will see it as loosing not only the cost of acquiring her but also the wealth of offspring he could have bred on her over the course of her fertile years.”

  “Then I say it is even more of a reason to save one,” Nazzek argued. “Imagine the gratitude she will feel at being rescued from such a fate, and allowed to acquire a far more worthy mate.”

  “Why do I feel like everything I just said went in one ear and out the other?”

  “Not at all my friend. I am just less concerned about it than you. I see this as a great opportunity. I get a mate, earn the adoration of the female, and get to twist the tail of a vainglorious male, forcing him to expend more credits in his silly pursuits. It is truly a win-win plan!”

  “You seem to assume much about this female you have never met.”

  “I do not need to meet her. I have seen pictures of human females. They all look soft and sweet. Even the ad extols their perfect virtues as mates.

  “Yes, and the ad would never lie--of course not.”

  “I am confident that I have a better grasp on human females than you do. I have spent the better part of an hour researching them before you commed the command center. Truthfully, I feel like I have a very clear expectation of what my human mate will be like.”

  Medif made a dubious noise over the comm, but wisely kept his comments to himself. Nazzek was feeling less and less charitable towards his comrades when it came to discussing his mate. He could not understand why both of them looked upon their mission with such misgivings, and worse to doubt that his mate would even favor to be retrieved and mate with him, her rescuer.

  Certainly he had enough experience to back him up. He had liberated numerous females and was rewarded many times with gratuitous bed-play. Females happy to escape suitors, fathers, slavery--you know name. Females needed and wanted a strong male to lean upon. They yearned to be rescued, and to show their appreciation for said rescuing. It was all part of the feminine love for romance. A chivalrous rescue just did something for them.

  It was just unfortunate that said females were far too clingy. They wanted their rescuer to keep them--permanently. He had more than one female threaten his cock when he pushed her out of his cabin door after concluding a vigorous round of bed-sporting. He never understood why they were mad, not truly. Sure, he understood the feminine obsession with romance, but surely a few satisfactory orgasms concluded the romantic encounter. He never once had an interest in actually keeping any of the females he liberated. Of course his mate would be a different matter. His mate he would of keep, and jealously protect forever.

  With a self-satisfied smile, Nazzek, the liberator of grateful females, set the course of his starship to Caysta. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his mate’s face when she got her first glimpse of him. He chuckled to himself as his cock throbbed eagerly in his pants. He idly wondered if she would sink to her knees and express her gratitude with a show of her superior oral skills like the small Fenzi female had two revolutions back. That would be a good wait to start their mating.

  Chapter 2

  “I am beyond disgusted that I let you pressure me into doing this,” Nikki grumbled. Over the last three days she had managed to pack all her worldly belongings into three small bags.

  “Now Nichole,” her father cajoled. “It isn’t going to be that bad. Think of it. You will be marrying royalty! You will be a princess.”

  “Fucking swell, one of twenty wives. This certainly isn’t fucking Disney. When Ariel left her world to marry Prince Eric no one told her ‘whoops, sorry girlfriend--you are number twelve, take a seat sweet-cheeks.”

  “Nichole, language!”

  Nikki looked disdainfully at her mother clutching at her pearls. But then Abby had been pearl-clutching ever since Daddy had come home and announced to the family that their eldest, unmarried, thirty-three year old daughter was registered to be a mail order bride for a freakin’ alien. He thought it would improve his standing in the local government if he was a positive role model in the community. The more families to volunteer their daughters, the better it was for the state. Nasty motherfuckers.

  Nikki always tried to be a kind and thoughtful individual but this just pushed her right over the line.Any remaining respect she had for her father dropped into the dirt that day. She was essentially sold like livestock. The country had been steadily sliding back in social progress for years, but after contact with aliens, and now discovering that human women made excellent intergalactic baby-making factories--fuck it was like the Women’s Rights Movement never happened.

  Now Nikki was getting ready to board a starship with nineteen other women, all under the age of twenty-five, making her the oldest one in the group. On one hand, it was going to suck that she will probably not even be noticed in a sea of youthful faces. On the other hand, it was going to be fucking fantastic that she will be left the fuck alone. Yes, she said fuck a lot. No she did not give a fuck. And if her new “mate” didn’t like it, he could kiss her fucking ass.

  She had to have been insane to let her father talk her into this. She was an accountant. A self-sufficient woman--not desperate. But he had sold it as an opportunity to find love in the stars, and an opportunity to be a pioneer for other women--and she had a weak moment.

  Nikki wasn’t particularly swayed by romance. Oh she liked it just as much as they next girl. But she found that a lot of stuff that is sold as being romantic, ended up being a huge con. Case in point--she was sold an opportunity at finding a unique love, which appealed to her romantic side--and what happened? She was basically sold with a crap ton of other women to one guy. She could have had that on Earth. There was nothing romantic or unique about being a fuck-toy in a harem of other women. One out of a many being mated for the privilege of popping out one royal heir after another. No thanks.

  When she heard, she backpedaled so fast that there was probably road burn. In record time she was packing a bag and ready to skip her happy ass out of town, which was sadly what she was still doing when Daddy and Mother caught up to her. Mother wasn’t happy about an alien marriage, but came along with Daddy because she didn’t want a public scene, or any kind of backlash from gossip. Nikki knew she had no one in her corner to help her get out of it.

  “Nichole Anne Perdit, you will get your butt in the car with us, and I will not hear another word about it,” Daddy bellowed. He must have finally reached his limit. “You signed a contract not only with any potential groom who might select you, but also with the state. If you refuse to go with me to the starship dockyard, I will contact the governor and you will get a military escort down t
here instead.”

  Nikki’s mouth dropped open. Well damn, they were really serious about this. It wasn’t every day a woman was threatened with a military escort if she didn’t do what she was told. Still--”You can’t be serious,” she sputtered. It never hurt to try.

  Her father’s face darkened into a dangerously plum color, and her mother made a small whining noise from where she stood behind her.

  “Nichole,” her father barked. “get your tail in that car…now. Be polite, be gracious. Put on a good show for anyone who is watching. Just get your tail moving right this instant.”

  She fought to not curl her lip disdainfully at the man who raised her. Instead, she grabbed one of her bags, leaving the other three to be carted off by the hired thugs that accompanied her father to her apartment, and stomped out her door and all the way out to the car. She snarled a few carefully chosen expletives to the driver holding the car door open, before finally allowing herself to sit and stew in her unfortunate fate.

  It took depressingly very little time to get to the starship docking yard--really it was just a massive parking lot that was converted into space for the large starships to land on. She wiped away her tears and carefully schooled her features into one of indifference as she stepped out of the car amid a throng of reporters and independent bloggers. Flashes went off everywhere giving her a bit of a headache.

  The other women were already there, looking giddy, and pretty pleased with their allotted future. She could make out their excited giggles as they talked about how great it would that they will all be together, and how wonderful it will be to be a real princess.

  Fucking idiots, she sneered bitterly.

  They wouldn’t care if they were brought in as groups to fuck, so long as they had other women keeping them company during the day, and could call themselves princesses. Disgusting.

  I don’t want to share a man with a harem of women. I want my own. A man who loves me, just the way I am. Not too fucking much to ask.


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