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The Undead Survivor Series (Book 2): Undead and the City

Page 26

by Radke, K. E.

  T he car lasted forty minutes before it slowed to a complete stop and died. Lincoln and Wyatt sat quietly staring into the black abyss wondering how long they would last without any weapons, food or water.

  They didn’t even have shirts.

  Eventually the headlights flickered off and Lincoln was left alone with his thoughts. Wyatt silently sobbed next to him. The shock of losing Phoebe hit him like a brick wall and it was the first time he was allowed to grieve.

  Guilt crushed Lincoln, and he placed his head against the seat drowning in every decision he made. They haunted him, bearing down on him like weights. Tears were on the verge of spilling and squeezed his eyes shut.

  The dark was good for one thing. Hiding a vulnerable man until he can face the world again. Broken and damaged in the shadows where he can lose the battle no one knows he’s fighting within. Convict himself of the crimes he never meant to commit and learn how to live with them.

  Learn how to live inside his own prison.

  Any hope for help or a miracle to save his mother’s life was in his hands. She might be bleeding to death in the middle of all those cars trying to stay calm. Or she might already be gone, struck down by the gunman’s first shots. He’d never know if he could have saved her. Or held her hand before she took her last breath on Earth. Somewhere in the dark, she was waiting. Dead or alive—it didn’t matter—because he’d left her all alone.

  Wyatt was the first to move, opening the car door and limping forward. He didn’t want to sit alone in the dark with his thoughts anymore. Reliving the moment he lost Phoebe and what ifs were ripping him apart. So he got up and started walking.

  The pain from his broken ankle took precedent and he focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Before he had a chance to fall, Lincoln was there, helping him along.

  They took too many breaks to count, both lost in haunting thoughts over the past few days. The first sign of life pierced the dark with headlights. Lincoln glanced back at the approaching vehicle. Neither one of them tried to hide or disappear in the dark. They just shuffled forward with the same momentum they’d started with.

  The engine roared louder the closer it got, and Lincoln closed his eyes hoping they’d make it quick. Shoot him in the back of the head. At this point he’d die on the road anyway.

  The vehicle crept forward keeping its distance. When it finally pulled up beside them, Wyatt hurled himself on the ground in relief. The blue Land Cruiser idled next to Lincoln and Noah opened the back door hopping out.

  “You two look like you need a ride,” he said grinning from ear to ear.

  The minute they both relaxed in the backseat, Wyatt started chuckling until he had tears in his eyes. Lincoln joined him and by the time they finished laughing their asses off, Noah turned in his seat and questioned, “I only have one question. Why are your shirts missing?”

  It started another round of relieved laughter.


  Only one car pulled up. It had obviously gone through hell. Not that she expected everyone to come back, Samuel had told her about Phoebe’s condition. But she held her breath as she counted three bodies exit the vehicle. One more was inside, and Renee felt her heart mercilessly pound against her chest. Her grip on the girls tightened, wondering if they’d brought Phoebe back in her new state.

  She called to Samuel and he heard the concerned tone in her voice.

  He went to greet the men and be the first line of defense. In an anxious voice he asked, “Anyone hurt? Everyone okay?” Right next to the SUV, he inspected everyone coming out and then his eyes landed on Gloria. Speechless, his wide eyes found Lincoln’s and he stuttered, “F-fuck.”

  Gloria squinted at Samuel sliding out of the car, “Samuel? God you got fucking old.”

  “Is that Gloria I hear?” Renee hollered from the front door in complete shock. She stepped forward with her hand at her mouth.

  Gloria gazed around trying to find Renee’s voice. They squealed like teenagers and met in the middle hugging each other fiercely. It was like old times again, before the Alzheimer’s highjacked Gloria’s brain. Melanie and Charlotte moved a few feet forward but stopped behind Renee. They peered around the two older women at Lincoln and Wyatt.

  Little hands pulled on Renee’s shirt for comfort as Samuel joined the women. The second Renee tried to herd everyone back inside, Charlotte fidgeted out of her reach and Melanie followed suit. Both girls ran within a few feet of the huddled men.

  Melanie craned her neck for her mother refusing to believe she didn’t come back. She didn’t get any closer and found Charlotte’s warm fingers wrap around hers.

  Renee paused, not sure if she should go after them. Her eyes fled to the only person that would make eye contact with her. Lincoln nodded at her signaling she could leave. The three old friends went inside, and she showed Gloria to the bathroom before rushing back to the window on the side of the house where she spied on the men outside.

  Lincoln glanced at the girls before settling his attention on Wyatt. Wyatt couldn’t even look at Melanie to give her the news. Tears spilled down his face just at the thought of telling her he lost Phoebe. Without realizing it he leaned against Lincoln sobbing.

  Tension rolled over Lincoln and he became uncomfortable looking at Melanie and Charlotte for help. Charlotte put her arms around Melanie gesturing that Lincoln needed to do the same. Lincoln raised his arms and slowly wrapped them around Wyatt, patting his back a few times. Charlotte silently nodded in approval while Melanie stood in denial unable to move from her spot to comfort her father.

  “Okay bud, you’ll be all right. You want me to tell her?” Lincoln asked not sure how long he was supposed to console Wyatt.

  Noah placed a reassuring hand on Wyatt’s shoulder and gave it a few pats before he headed to the trunk. His pack was hauled out and he covered his small frame to pass Lincoln’s glare as he strutted into the safe zone away from all the emotions. Samuel opened the door for Noah as Renee whispered watching the entire thing, “Oh my word. How about that?! Samuel did you see that?”

  “Oh yeah, I’d hate to be Lincoln right now,” Samuel muttered gravely watching the man suffer through Wyatt’s emotional torrent.

  Renee swatted her hand through the air in disbelief. “No! The part where Charlotte showed Lincoln what to do and he actually did it?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  With irritation she grumbled, “Go away. I don’t even know why I bother to tell you things. You don’t even snoop right. It’s a damn shame.”

  “Do you ever think you snoop too—,” Renee interrupted him.

  “Finish. That. Sentence. You will remember that Wyatt is a fresh widower. He’s going to want someone to take care of him. Look how sensitive that man is.”

  Samuel turned a bright shade of crimson, the blood boiling to the tip of his head, “I’ll kill him.”

  Renee smiled to herself and thought, I still got it.


  Lincoln stood silently outside avoiding everyone’s gaze until something fell from the trunk and he spun around out of Wyatt’s grasp. He caught movement and narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the image of an arm through the tinted windows.

  There was definitely a person back there. Lincoln wanted to know how Noah didn’t notice them—unless he’s the one who brought the straggler with them. His fingers curled around his Glock and he treaded lightly along the side of the Land Cruiser until he reached the trunk.

  He averted his aim when Jule gave him a finger wave and a smirk. Sighing loudly Lincoln put the gun back in its holster and lowered his gaze to the ground. “How do we keep collecting little girls?” He asked rhetorically.

  “Who is she?” Charlotte asked defensively. Her eyes bounced between Lincoln and Jule demanding an answer. She took the few steps she needed to put herself in between the new girl with pitch-black hair and Lincoln.

  Lincoln had to catch himself from tripping on his own feet at hearing her voice. Amazed she actually spoke, h
e tried to cover his surprise and grunted out, “She is what you’d call a stowaway.”

  “Someone you didn’t invite,” Charlotte stated with relief.

  One of Lincoln’s eyebrows lifted in question, “Ms. Attitude, you have a reason for being in my trunk?”

  “I did ask. You never said no. And you were the only ride out of town,” Jule answered smugly.

  “Have you been following us the entire time?” Lincoln asked impressed by her resilience. Charlotte did not like his tone and frowned.

  “I hid in the trunk under the blanket and bags. I thought once you were far enough I could come out of hiding and you wouldn’t want to turn around even if you didn’t want me to come along,” she admitted and tried to keep her voice indifferent.

  “Heather said you were smart. I’m almost positive everything you told me was a lie and you know a lot more than you were willing to share when we first met.”

  Jule nodded and the corner of her mouth twitched as she suppressed a smile.

  “Look at me,” Lincoln said sternly. “I will not put up with your shit here. Do you understand me?” Charlotte took Lincoln’s hand possessively and glared at Jule.

  “Quit staring at me,” Jule growled at Charlotte ignoring Lincoln’s threats. Charlotte pulled the Kershaw knife from her pocket releasing the blade in a swift movement. As a shield she stood in front of Lincoln on guard.

  Jule had her hands up in surrender, “Your daughter?”

  Lincoln paused because the moment Jule said daughter, he saw Charlotte’s entire body stiffen. “No. My protégé. And she’s obviously been practicing with her knife while I’ve been gone.”

  Charlotte visibly relaxed and kept her eyes on Jule.

  “You can put that away Charlotte. Jule will behave herself or I will throw her out on her ass,” Lincoln warned.

  “I do have medical knowledge, you wanted a nurse. Now you got one,” Jule said to prove she could be an asset.

  “When my mother collapsed, you said you couldn’t help.”

  “I could barely walk, and it’s difficult to diagnose a person without the proper equipment. And I had no idea what you were capable of. Call me crazy but I’m not fond of strangers.”

  “Did you just admit that I’m your friend?” Lincoln said with feigned shock. Jule became flustered and her face slowly reddened. Before she could reply with a smart remark Lincoln gave her a stern expression and said, “I meant what I said. I will not put up with your attitude. You will listen. You will learn, and you will earn your keep.”

  After she nodded, he held out a hand and helped her out of the trunk. “Renee will feed you if you’re hungry. Do not give her any shit.” Jule nodded again trying hard to keep her cool and not let the corners of her mouth slip upward.

  Charlotte stood next to Lincoln, both of them watching Jule step up to the door and knock.

  “Do me a favor?” Lincoln nudged Charlotte. She gazed up at him with her knife still out. “Keep an eye on her. And don’t let her push you around.”

  Charlotte brightened at the task, “OK.”

  “Put away the knife, then go check on Melanie. She’s going to need a friend even if she doesn’t know it yet.”


  Since Wyatt was an emotional mess with his daughter in the living room, the men fled to Samuel’s gunroom. They left the women in charge while they cleaned weapons and unpacked. Charlotte was shadowing Jule, both of them eating a snack at the table staring daggers at each other while Renee fussed around everyone happy to be busy.

  Gloria toured the house by herself, asking questions in the softest voice Lincoln’s ever heard come out of her mouth since he was a boy. The door was open to the gunroom and he strained to hear her questions while Noah told Samuel every detail of their escapade over the last few days.

  Samuel’s gunroom had racks of guns on display like Lincoln’s, only he had his and her columns. Renee had a small, colorful collection of her own and she refused to convert their closet. She used it to store her extra clothes and linens.

  Only two packs made it back, Noah’s and Phoebe’s. Both had a walkie-talkie that connected to the one he left with Heather. He pulled the bubble wrap from the tent bag and couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d forgotten all about the ham radio parts he’d gone to the city for in the first place. If it weren’t for Jule, the parts never would have made it back.

  Wyatt knocked on the open door. Renee had found a cane for him to use to help him walk with the cast. The men looked up at him, “I just wanted to say thank—.”

  “Nope,” Noah interrupted. “Don’t bring that sappy shit in here. Lincoln should probably join you in the living room. I’ve never seen him so upset. He lost an AK-47 in the battle. Look at his face.”

  “Actually, I think he’s smiling,” Samuel squinted from across the room.

  Lincoln frowned, “Stop looking at me.” He stared down at Phoebe’s bag and started checking all the little side pockets to make sure they were all empty.

  Phoebe’s notebook landed wide open on the floor and Wyatt snatched it up. The fastest Lincoln had seen him move since he broke his ankle. He flipped through the pages and skimmed the content. A few seconds later he held it up and pinned his enraged eyes on Lincoln. “What. Is. This.” Wyatt growled but his voice cracked in agony at the same time.

  “What is this?!” Wyatt shouted in a crazed voice when no one answered him. His grip on the notebook tightened.

  “It’s Phoebe’s notes,” Lincoln answered calmly.

  “Notes to what?” he flipped through the pages again and his hands started to slightly tremble. Barely audible he glared at Lincoln with watery eyes and said, “You knew?”

  “She asked me not—,” Lincoln shut his mouth when Wyatt pulled the H&K out and aimed it at him.

  Samuel was quick on the draw and aimed at Wyatt, “There will be no threatening people in my house.”

  “Tell me Samuel,” Wyatt said with a hysterical glint in his eye. He did not lower the gun and his hands weren’t trembling anymore. “What would you do if you had to watch your wife die? Took her into a city instead of spending your last moments together in peace with your daughter? What would you do if the asshole who prevented all that was standing right in front of you?”

  “Women are smart Wyatt. I’m sure she had her reasons. And you’re allowed to be pissed off. But you need to put your gun down,” Samuel said diplomatically. What Samuel didn’t say was he’d probably kill Lincoln—and might have regretted it later. But Renee would never have kept a secret like that from him. And he believed Phoebe, whatever her reasoning was, did the right thing for Wyatt.

  Noah had his hands out in front of him, “Wyatt, you need to think about Melanie right now. And you need to ask yourself if Phoebe would want this.”

  “I don’t know what Phoebe wants because she’s dead!” Wyatt furiously bellowed. His hand tightened on the H&K and his trigger finger twitched.

  A pan swooped out from the doorway and hit Wyatt over the head. He fell to his knees losing the grip on his gun and Noah and Lincoln tackled him. Renee stood above the three of them with the pan by her side. “I don’t care how old you are, you will behave in my house.”

  “Get the fuck off me,” Wyatt yelled, restrained on the floor.

  “Did you fuck his wife Peter?” Gloria asked with a mischievous lilt to her voice. She leaned against the doorframe igniting the fuse.

  Wyatt bucked Lincoln and Noah off him in a fit of rage and wrapped his hands around Lincoln’s neck. Lincoln punched Wyatt in the side and they rolled all over the floor until Noah and Samuel separated them.

  “Every woman you touch dies you piece of shit!” Wyatt roared. “Maybe it’s you. Maybe you carry the fucking virus.” He flailed around until Samuel and Noah let him go. “I hope you kill everyone in this fucking room.” Wyatt stormed out and took the notebook with him. He’d let the seed of paranoia he planted do the work for him.

  Gloria’s eyes glittered with happiness.

p; Lincoln’s eyes fled from one person to the next. They were all staring at him with new interest. Their thoughts warring around in their heads trying to convince themselves that Lincoln wasn’t a threat to them—trying to come up with an explanation to debunk Wyatt’s statement.

  “This is ridiculous,” Renee huffed. “Lincoln did not cause those women to turn.

  “Why do you keep calling him Lincoln? It’s insulting,” Gloria scoffed.

  Noah came to his defense, “Sabrina was bit for her own stupidity, and Camille was still alive the last time he saw her. And Phoebe, who knows what happened to her, but she barely had any contact with him. Wyatt and Melanie are just fine.”

  An engine turned over sounding louder than normal in the deafening silence.

  Everyone burst out of the gunroom and huddled near the window just in time to watch Samuel’s Cadillac race down the road with a trail of dust behind it. Charlotte stood front and center squished against the windowsill and said, “He said if you want your car back. You can come and get it.”

  “Did he say where he was going?” Renee asked.

  “No. Just that he wasn’t staying here,” Charlotte replied. “I think he might be stupid enough to steal the supplies we hid in your house,” she said to Lincoln.

  “I guess it’s time to go home,” Lincoln said in a rough voice with a weary edge.

  He had no doubt Wyatt was going home. It was the only place left for him to go. But in order to survive Wyatt would need supplies. And Wyatt knew exactly where Lincoln stashed his.

  It was time to defend his domain.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Undead and the City.

  Lincoln finally gets to go home, but what will he find? The next zombie book is in the works! While you wait, I invite you to read Entangled Collateral. A page turning mystery.

  Being valuable ...

  Can be dangerous.

  They made her a pawn in their scheme. And in a fit of desperation she took a job to help find a missing person.

  Their only lead ...


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