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His to Hold (The Malone Brother Book 3)

Page 10

by S. L. Sterling

  Throughout the afternoon, we talked about the past. We had laughed and laughed, Mia telling me all the things she used to do to try and get my attention. It had probably been one of the best days we had had here together, and I was so thankful to have her back in my life. Even if all we would ever have together was this week, it was enough for me. It would have to be.

  "Grab the eggs and crack two into that bowl."

  I watched Mia carefully pick up and crack the eggs, carefully removing the few pieces of shell that had fallen in. She poured the eggs into the cookie batter and then grabbed the flour.

  "You know they do say that the one you are supposed to be with is usually right under your nose the entire time, right?" I said, stirring the batter together as she continued to pour the flour into the bowl little by little.

  "Let's hope not. I don't want to marry my boss." She laughed, missing the bowl completely and spilling flour on the counter.

  "That makes two of us because I don't want to marry my secretary. She is almost old enough to be my grandmother."

  Mia scrunched up her face, and we both laughed while she dumped in another cup of flour.

  "Seriously, though, who is they? You always hear it, they say this, they say that, but no one ever knows who they are." Mia took a drink of her wine and giggled.

  "Yeah, and I think you have had enough wine there," I said, reaching for her glass and trying to take it from her, but she pulled it away and took another sip.

  "Is that all the ingredients?"

  "I believe so." I placed my hands in the bowl to mix everything together. "Oh no, wait, the chocolate chips."

  Mia grabbed the bag and dumped some into the bowl, laughing hysterically at my shocked expression. Soon the cookies were in the oven, the dishes in the dishwasher, and Mia was sitting up on the counter, swinging her legs, drinking her wine, looking adorably cute.

  "Tell me, the first night we were here, how did you really end up in the bed with me?"

  I let out a chuckle and shook my head. "A man never tells."

  "Oh no, Malone, spill it."

  "You begged me." I smiled sexily at her. "You begged me to stay."

  "I did not."

  "Oh, I am sorry to say you did. I will admit it was rather sexy the way you pouted your lips.” I winked.

  She wasted no time hopping off the counter and approaching me, a soft smile on her lips. How I wanted to kiss her… I don't know what was stopping me.

  I could see something in her eyes. She wanted to say something, do something. I was just about to take the plunge, but we were interrupted by the oven timer. Instead we both jumped and reached for the oven mitts at the same time.

  "You open the door. I'll get the cookies," she announced, tipping to one side as she giggled, a hiccup surprising her.

  "No, sweets, better let me." I grabbed the oven mitt from her hand.

  We plated the cookies and carried them into the living room along with our wine. Soon we were sitting in front of the fire, the TV on, laptop in front of us, and we munched away on the cookies we had made while we searched together for a return flight home.

  Chapter 15


  We sat on the plane watching the in-flight movie and sharing a pair of earbuds. I had taken the window seat. I was snuggled into Bryce's side, and even though he had loaned me one of his hoodies before we left, I was still cold.

  "I hope you’re not coming down with something," he whispered to me as he felt my cheek. "You feel warm to me."

  "I'll be all right. I'm sure it’s nothing serious." I pulled the hood up around my neck and rested my head on his shoulder. I really didn't want this to end. I didn't want to be without him or his warmth for even a second, but we hadn't spoken about what would happen after we returned home. Even though I was returning home to no job, I really wasn't all that upset. Overall, it had been the best week I'd had in a long time, and I had learned that work wasn't everything.

  Two hours later, we had landed back in Kings Cove and we made our way through the airport to the parking lot. We had both been quiet throughout the flight. I couldn't tell from the expression on his face if he was happy or sad that we were back.

  We were approaching the first parking lot when Bryce stopped. "This is where I am parked," he gritted out. Maybe he did look a little sad.

  "Oh, well, I guess this is it then," I said, looking down at the ground. A huge part of me didn't want him to go.

  "You have my number, right?" I nodded. "All right, well, give me a call sometime, and make sure you get in touch with Hunter okay? He is expecting your call."

  "I will." I swallowed hard. Why did this feel like the end to me?

  Bryce didn't waste time. He dropped his one bag to the ground and pulled me against him for a hug. Then he grabbed his bag and started on his way to his car.

  I watched him for a couple of minutes, he would turn around and come back, but he kept walking. When I could no longer see him, I turned the cart and pushed my luggage to where I had parked my car and made my way home.

  The only thing on my mind was the same thing that had been on my mind since I had gotten home earlier today: Bryce. I had wanted to call him but was afraid that calling so soon would make me appear desperate. So instead of sitting and torturing myself, I did my laundry, made dinner, and by 10:30 p.m. I shut the TV off and made my way to my bedroom. I laid in the dark with the TV on, wrapped in my duvet, wishing it were his arms around me and not a stupid blanket. I was cold and had started to come down with a sore throat.

  I stared at the green numbers on my alarm clock. It was almost 11:00. Mark had called and left a few messages apologizing and begging me to come back to work. I knew he was under a tremendous amount of pressure with the merger coming up, but he had fired me. I knew he was worried about his job and things didn't look good for the company nor for the company that was looking to acquire it. The meeting with the lawyers was set for the coming week, and I knew this made Mark extremely nervous. Before I called him back, I planned to have a conversation with Hunter as Bryce had suggested. I had already put a call in to him.

  I thought long and hard while away about what direction I wanted to move in, especially after he had fired me. I was tired of being treated like garbage and tired of being taken advantage of by this company. Bryce had been right; it had just taken me this long to see it.

  I let out a deep sigh, watching the little numbers turn on the clock, seconds feeling like minutes, minutes feeling like hours. It was going to be a long night. I wondered if Grant was working tonight. I hadn't spoken to him since before I had left for vacation.

  I grabbed my cell phone and dialed my brother. I knew if he was busy it would go to voice mail, but I was happy that on the third ring a very sleepy voiced Grant answered.


  "Grant, it's me. Did I wake you?"

  "Mia?" His voice took on a questioning tone and he cleared his throat. "Is everything okay? I thought you were on vacation with what’s his name. Give me a minute, will you?"

  I heard the mumbled voice of June, his wife, in the background.

  "No, it’s not the hospital, baby, it’s Mia. Go back to sleep," he said. "Yes, everything is fine with her. Go back to sleep."

  I felt awful. I had probably woken up the whole house.

  "Sorry, Mia. Is everything all right?" he asked, his voice taking on that worried tone again.

  I couldn't blame him. I never called him this late at night, but I figured he would be at the hospital working.

  "I'm so sorry, Grant. I didn't mean to wake you all up. I feel awful. How about I just call you in the morning?"

  "No, Mia, it’s fine. Everything is fine. I'm just coming off a very long fifteen-day stretch at the hospital. Are you back from vacation already?"

  I figured I would be okay, but the second he had uttered those words, my throat got tight and I broke into tears. Everything that had happened over the past week had made me second guess everything in my life up to this point.
  "It was awful. Don broke up with me, the snowstorm messed up all my plans." I went silent, wondering if I should tell him about Bryce. I sniffled, the build-up of pressure in my sinuses causing a bad headache.

  "Oh, Mia, I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

  That did it, I couldn't hold back anymore. The tears started to freely pour down my face. "I can't continue this pace in my everyday life. It's killing me. You were right, Grant, I'm a mess." I continued sobbing into the phone.

  "Mia, I don't want to sound like an inconsiderate brother, you want or need a referral to see someone? I have friends..."

  He had friends all right. His so-called friend had put me into this state. I kept quiet because I knew that wasn't what he meant. He had begged me to seek help after Mom had passed and when I had told him I was having a tough time at work. He didn't persist. He just told me to let him know if I needed help.

  "I'll be fine, Grant."

  "It's not a problem, Mia. If you do need someone, let me know. It will only take me a second to process a referral."

  "I know. I was calling because I wanted to let you know I got fired while I was away. I am seeking the help of a lawyer."

  "Good. I told you, what this company is doing is illegal. Who are you going to talk to?”

  "Hunter Malone."

  "Ahh, the good old Malone boys! Great choice. What made you decide to go with him?"

  I cleared my throat and looked up at the ceiling. "Bryce." I held my breath. I wasn't sure what my brother was going to say to that.

  "I didn't know that you still spoke to Bryce. How is he?"

  "He’s good. I haven't kept in touch with him. I ran into him at the airport the night Don broke up with me. I spent the week at his lake house when the storm stranded us." I got quiet again, deciding if I should continue about everything that had happened. Grant must have sensed that.

  "Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

  I chewed my bottom lip, staring up at the ceiling. There were so many things I wanted to talk about: the kids, visiting him, and Bryce.

  Grant didn't say anything. Instead he waited for me to continue.

  I was quiet, the words almost burning my tongue at what I wanted to ask him. "If I told you that I had the best time of my life this week with Bryce, would you be okay with that?"

  I heard him take a drink of something and swallow hard. "I would. Why wouldn't I be? I mean, I seriously can't think of anyone better to help you out and look after you than Bryce. We've kept in touch over the years. He is a good man. And you are right to get in touch with his brother. He’s a damn good lawyer. I don't think any of them would ever steer you wrong."

  "No, Grant, you are missing what I am asking?"

  "What are you asking, Mia?"

  "Well, it’s just I had such a good time with him. I guess what I am asking is if you would be upset if I wanted to start seeing him?"

  Grant was quiet. I could hear him breathing, so I knew he was still there. I didn't say anything else. I just waited for him to answer me.

  "How much of a good time did you have while you were away?" he asked, chewing on something.

  I let out a little giggle at his question. "I'm not sixteen, Grant, and what I did or didn't do with him is none of your concern. But your approval is important to me, that's all."

  "I never said anything!" he exclaimed. "And I know you're not sixteen. Do whatever makes you happy, Mia. That’s all I want to see."

  I grew quiet. I missed my brother so much. "Grant?"


  "If I wanted to come out and visit sometime in the next couple of months, would that be okay?"

  "Mia, of course. We told you anytime. We would love nothing more than to have you here."


  "Yes. Jeanna's birthday is coming up. She’s going to be five. I know that both the kids would love to finally meet their aunt. If you can make it happen, how about you come out for that?"

  I swallowed hard, fighting back the tears. "Okay, I think I can do that," I whispered, my throat getting tight.

  "Sounds like a plan then. And honestly, if you had that great of a time with Bryce and something develops, I will be happy for you."

  Grant and I talked for a little while longer. He shared with me what had been going on at the hospital and with the kids, and I shared a few highlights of my vacation with Bryce. Actually, I hadn't been able to keep his name from my tongue. I figured Grant would more that likely notice, and if he had, he never said anything. We finally got off the phone an hour later, and I could barely keep my eyes open and fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 16


  I glanced down at my watch to see it was only 10:00 in the morning. I had been busy working away on the upcoming merger since I had gotten into the office this morning, but my stomach was already growling. I dialed Hunter's extension to see if he could get out for some lunch. Chase had already turned me down, saying he had a lunch date with his newest conquest.


  I could tell he was concentrating on something when he picked up; the tone of his voice told it all.

  "Hey, you able to get out for lunch today. Thought maybe Willow's Landing might be a good place. I'm dying for the chicken salad."

  "Wish I could. Autumn has a doctor’s appointment this afternoon, and I promised her I would go with her. Plus, I have an appointment with Mia in the next forty minutes, and I already know she is going to have a ton of questions."

  I perked up at Mia's name. I hadn't seen her since we parted ways at the airport. We had been in touch through text, but that was all.

  "All right, man, I have to go. My next appointment is here anyways. Good luck with your doctor’s appointment."

  "Oh, before you go, Autumn just wants to confirm that you will both be there tomorrow night."

  I rolled my eyes. I still hadn’t asked Mia. I needed to get off my ass and talk to this girl and stop being a coward.

  "Yes, of course, we will both be there," I answered him, clearing my throat. Once we hung up, I picked up my cell phone and quickly sent a text to Mia asking her to call me. My phone rang almost instantly, Mia's name flashing across my screen. "Hello," I answered.

  "Hi, I am just on my way to see your brother. What’s up?" her cheery voice came over the phone. I was glad to see she was in better spirits.

  "Listen, how would you like to have lunch with me today?" I swallowed hard. Last week, I had been balls deep in this woman, and now suddenly I was nervous about asking her to lunch. This didn't make sense to me.

  "Of course, I would love to. Where should we go?"

  "How about I just meet you in the lobby after your meeting?"

  "Sure thing. I guess I'll see you soon then." I could tell she was smiling. I could hear it in her words, and I couldn't wait to see her face.

  I worked through the next fifty minutes with an extra spring in my step and couldn't help but keep glancing at the clock all through my appointment. I knew that I would be seeing my girl soon. Just knowing she was in the building was enough to have my heart beating wildly in my chest.

  "Jon, I guess I will get all these documents drawn up and sent to you via email in the next couple of weeks. Sound good?" I said, walking my client to the door.

  "Sounds great, Bryce." He reached out and shook my hand.

  "If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me."

  I turned and walked back to my desk, my phone vibrating across the wooden top. "Hello, Bryce," I said into the mouthpiece.

  "I'm waiting. You said in the lobby, right?" I heard her soft, sexy voice ask, the sound of it going straight to my cock.

  "I'm on my way."

  I ran out of my office and to the elevator, Janice looking at me. "Bryce, slow down."

  "Sorry, Janice, just on my way to meet a friend for lunch. I'll probably be a little late coming back, so please reschedule my one o'clock." At least, I hoped I would be late, I thought to myself as I steppe
d into the elevator and made my way down to my girl.

  We took a seat at Willow’s Landing, Mia sliding into the booth across from me. She wore this little black dress with knee-high boots and a bright-blue scarf around her neck that set off her eyes. The dress wrapped around her body, accentuating all the best parts of her.

  "What did you want to eat?" I asked, studying her as she read the menu.

  Those pretty eyes looked up from the menu, and she bit her bottom lip—the same lip that not a week ago I had sucked on.

  "Did you feel like sharing something? I haven't been very hungry lately."

  "What did you have in mind?" I took a drink of my water and placed the glass back down on the table.

  "I have a severe craving for nachos."

  "You got it. Did you also want to split a chicken salad?" I asked, closing my menu and dropping it onto the table.

  She nodded her head and smiled at me, setting her menu off to the side as well. Soon we had our salad and nachos and both of us dug in.

  "So I have a question for you, and I hope it doesn't seem too forward. If it does, just tell me no, and we will move on." I was rambling and I knew it.

  "Go for it. After all, how much more forward can we get? You have seen me naked." She laughed and popped a chip into her mouth.

  "Would you like to be my date tomorrow night?" I asked, hoping to avoid telling her where we were going.

  "Um, sure. What is it, a work function? What do I need to wear?" she asked, pulling out her phone. "Oh and time?"

  "Ah, I will pick you up at say 5:00. Dress casual. Jeans and T-shirt are fine."

  She looked at me and smiled, tilting her head. "Bryce, where are we going?"

  "How did your meeting with Hunter go?"

  "Oh no, no way. You aren't getting off that easy. Are you asking me out on a date? Where are we going?" she said, resting her hand on top of mine, and I was trying hard to ignore her question. "Bryce?"

  "Okay, okay, it’s just my family dinner. I made the mistake of telling Hunter when we were back at the lake house that I had run into you, and Autumn asked me if I would bring you. I told her yes without even thinking twice." I shrugged.


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