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His to Hold (The Malone Brother Book 3)

Page 13

by S. L. Sterling

  "As a matter of fact, my client—"

  Mia held her hand up and signaled for Hunter to give her a second. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath before continuing.

  "Actually, no, I didn't. I was doing what you always told me to do from the beginning, and that was cover my ass."

  Hunter stepped in behind her. "My client expects to be paid out all two thousand hours of vacation, and we will also be sending in an offer to settle up all overtime hours owed. I will send over a fax of our offer later this week to you, Dollanger. We will expect it to be cleared up within the next couple of weeks. Don’t make us drag you into court. Mia, after you." Hunter held his hand out to guide her through the door.

  I watched them walk out, a part of me rejoicing inside and wishing I could wrap her in my arms and congratulate her. I had never been prouder of anyone, watching her take control and stand up for herself had turned me on.

  "Excuse me for a moment," I said, leaving the room and following Mia and Hunter.

  I took the elevator down to the main floor and made my way through the lobby, turning the corner to the front door where I saw Mia standing talking with Hunter. Her hand was over her mouth and she looked as if she was crying, his hand on her shoulder doing his best to comfort her.

  Chapter 21


  I had never been so glad to leave a room in my life. With my heart beating hard and fast in my chest the entire time, I had gone through that whole confrontation, all while Bryce sat across from me. What the hell was he even doing there? Was this the big meeting he had told me about?

  Walking down the hall, I picked up my pace. I needed air. I had a million thoughts running through my mind and none of them were good. By the time I hit the lobby, I was almost running, Hunter picking up pace behind me.

  "Mia, Mia..." His hand gripped my arm, stopping me. "Mia, what is wrong? Everything went exactly as we hoped it would." Hunter pulled me over to the side into a quiet little corner in the lobby.

  "Hunter, I don't care about that." I sniffled.

  "Then what is it?"

  "Did he know?" I blurted out, looking him in the eyes.

  "Did who know?"

  "Did Bryce know I worked here? Is that why he picked me up in the airport, to gain insight into this failing company?"

  "Mia, wait a minute."

  I heard Bryce call out, and I glanced over my shoulder to see him approaching us.

  "Don't walk away from him, Mia, talk to him. You need to tell him what you are thinking."

  "I've got to go. I can't do this today." I turned and headed toward the main doors, leaving Hunter standing there. I didn't want to be put into a corner, especially one I certainly didn't want to be in. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. I didn't want it to be true, but somewhere in my gut, I was petrified that it was.

  "Mia, wait." I felt Bryce grab hold of my arm and spin me around. "Why are you rushing away from me.

  "Mia, I'm going to leave the two of you alone. You have a lot to talk about," Hunter said, rubbing my upper arm. "Call me this afternoon. I want to go over the offer before I send it, okay?" He nodded at Bryce and walked out of the building.

  "Mia, what is wrong?" Bryce tried to take hold of my hands, but I pulled them away.

  "First, I want to thank you for everything, Bryce. I really can't thank you enough." I sniffled and wiped the tears from under my eyes. I had to say good-bye in the fastest way possible. I couldn't stand to hear the truth, and if he just let me leave after this, then we would be good. I would do what I always did: disappear into my busy life. Only right now, there was no busy.

  "You’re welcome, but why the tears?"

  "Did you seek me out?"

  He frowned. "What? What are you talking about?"

  I huffed, trying to regain control over my emotions. "I guess I’m supposed to believe that it's just a coincidence that you were dealing with the merger for the company that I worked for?"

  "Of course, it is, Mia. I don't know what you are talking about."

  "The airport, the week at the lake house, you sought me out. Why? Was it just to get information on this company that you didn't have? You needed more dirt, and you knew I worked here, so you sought me out? There is no way I can believe that it's just a coincidence that after all this time I just so happen to run into you."

  "Mia, what are you saying?"

  "You expect me to believe that all of this is something more?"

  Bryce stood there, thinking through my accusations. "What, you think the only reason I got involved with you was to gain inside knowledge about this company? Mia, I'm in love with you."

  The tears poured freely down my cheeks as I stood there looking at him, the hurt in his eyes literally ripping my heart from my chest.

  "You think I was faking it with you?” he went on. “You think all of this has been some sort of game?"

  I slowly nodded my head, wiping more tears from my cheeks. He stood there looking at me, not saying anything for quite a while. He didn't try to comfort me when I thought he would. Instead he came out with an accusation all his own. "Okay, you want to play it that way, then perhaps this is your way of getting back at me?" he stated.

  "What?" I said, looking up at him through blurry eyes.

  "For that night all those years ago? Maybe you are the one who is playing games with me, Mia. Perhaps you saw me in the airport and figured this would be as good a time as any to get back at me for that night at the party."

  "You’re serious right now?" I spat.

  His eyes drilled into mine. I could see the hurt. I could see that he wasn't lying when he said what I assumed wasn't true. I could also see that what he was saying sounded just as ridiculous as what I was saying.

  "Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it?" His sharp look beat down on me.

  "Don't bother coming by tonight. I don't want to see you." I looked up into those baby blues and turned and ran out the front door, jutting out into traffic, car tires screeching and horns blaring as I ran across the street to where I was parked. I jumped into my car and pulled away from the curb, another horn blaring from the car I cut off.

  I drove aimlessly around the city for a while, not really knowing where to go. I finally stopped at the grocery store, wandering the aisles and throwing food I normally would never eat into the cart, then paid and made my way home. I lugged all the groceries into the house, dropping everything down onto the kitchen floor, when my cell phone rang. Don's name flashed across the screen.

  What the hell does he want? I thought to myself. "What?" I barked into the phone.

  "Mia, is that you?"

  "Who else would it be?" I demanded, pulling some of the items from one of the bags and putting them into the fridge.

  "I just thought I would call and let you know I just sent some of your things through FedEx. They were things that you had left here on your last visit. They should arrive sometime in the next couple of days. If not, let me know, and I will call FedEx."

  I didn't say anything. I stopped what I was doing and slid down to the floor. My stomach hurt, my head pounded, and I just wanted everything and everyone to leave me alone. I didn't hang up. Instead I sat there, my hand over my eyes, and whispered, "Don, can I ask you something?"

  The line was quiet. "Sure." Only I didn't say anything; I just sat there afraid of his answer. "Mia, is everything all right?"

  Even though we may not have been right for one another, Don was always one who was able to tell me the truth, even when I didn't want to hear it for myself. He could always pick up on when I was off my game.

  "What is so undesirable about me?"

  "What do you mean? Nothing is undesirable about you. You’re a beautiful person."

  "Then why did you not want to be with me?"

  I heard him let out a sigh. "Mia it's not that I didn't want to be with you. I did. I tried tirelessly to make things work between us, but you don't trust. You never let anyone close enough to you to ever possibly let someone love yo
u. It took me two years to break down your walls, and if we were apart for more than six months at a time, then I had to do it all over again. It was exhausting. You were constantly finding reasons to push me away, just like you do with everyone."

  He was right, he had pegged me perfectly. Thinking back, I had done it with every boyfriend, every friend, and even my own brother. I was the one pushing everyone away.

  Even though Don was still talking, I hung up the phone, letting it fall to the floor. I had made a mess of things once again, only this time it was with someone that I truly wanted to have in my life.

  I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, burying my face into my lap, trying to figure out how the hell I was going to fix us.

  Chapter 22


  I had work that needed to be completed, so I returned to the office after my encounter with Mia. I worked until 6:00 p.m., for as long as I could, until my mind was fully consumed with thoughts of her and how I was going to fix this, how I was going to fix us.

  I took a long shower when I got home, trying to let go of some of the stress I was carrying. I had planned on coming home, making dinner, having a few drinks, and going to bed, since she didn't want to see me. Those words had hurt, and for part of the afternoon, I considered just giving up and letting her go, but my heart had other ideas. I needed to see her, I needed to fix this with us, and truthfully, I didn't want to lose her.

  It sounded ridiculous, even to me. It may have only been a couple of weeks, but those couple of weeks had been the best of my life.

  I changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater, grabbed a water from the fridge, and headed out the door.

  I drove the long way through town, making one stop on my way: my buddy’s jewelry store. I wasn't in a rush. I was sure she would be up late tonight making her favorite stress meal anyway: meatballs and cookies. I spent a good hour in the store with my friend trying to find the perfect item, and after finding the only thing that spoke to me, I left armed with the little white box wrapped in red ribbon.

  I continued driving through town, thinking of what I was going to say, when I finally came face-to-face with her. Should I just give her the box? No that was what I would have done with Alyssa. Perhaps I should just talk to her first. Whichever way I decided to do it, I was sure she would find something wrong with it and probably kick me to the curb. I had been so unfair to her this afternoon with my accusations.

  Twenty minutes later, I pulled into Mia's driveway. I cut the engine and sat there for ten minutes just staring at the house. The light was on in the living room, and I could see flashes of light from the TV reflecting against the curtains.

  I sat there until I saw her through the curtains, carrying a plate in her hands across the front room where she must have sat down on the couch.

  I couldn't sit out here forever, so I opened the car door and stepped out into the cold night, the remains of the last snowfall crunching under my feet.

  I shoved the little box into my jacket pocket and knocked on the door. Seconds later, the outside light was turned on and my nerves went into overdrive. The inside door pulled open, and Mia stood there. She didn't move to open the inside door and invite me in. Instead she looked at me through the glass. How I wanted to wrap her in my arms and make everything go away.

  "Could I come in?"

  Surprisingly she didn't argue or tell me no. Instead she stepped to the side and opened the door for me. She shut and locked the door behind me and held her hand out for my coat, still not saying a word. After she hung that up, I followed her as she walked into the kitchen carrying her empty plate. There on the counter sat a tray of meatballs, and I could smell the sweetness of her chocolate chip cookies that must have been cooking in the oven.

  A small smile came to my lips.

  "What's so funny?" she asked, squinting at me, a serious expression on her face.

  "Nothing, it’s just I didn't rush over here because I figured this was what you would be doing," I said, pointing to the tray of meatballs.

  "Want one?" she asked, holding the tray up to me.

  I took one, the oven timer letting out a loud beep. She set the tray back down and opened the oven door, pulling out a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

  She pulled another plate down from the cupboard and loaded some meatballs and cookies onto it then held it out for me to take. "Dinner?"

  I smiled, taking the plate from her, only she didn't smile back. Instead she picked up her plate, shoved past me, and went into the living room.

  I took in a deep breath. This was going to be a long night. I followed her into the living room and sat down on the couch beside her. She adjusted herself so her body turned into mine. Bending off a piece of the warm cookie, she popped it into her mouth.

  Nothing was said between the two of us while we ate, but I could feel the tension in the room. I finished my food first and set my empty plate on the table in front of us.

  "I'm sorry..." We both said in unison.

  I couldn't take it anymore. The thought of her being angry with me for saying something as stupid as I had was killing me.

  "I wasn't being fair to you," she mumbled. "I thought about it once I left. I panicked when I saw you sitting there, staring back at me." A single tear escaped her eye. "I was so afraid that you were only after the information on the company and all we had shared wasn't real that it was all I could do to remain in the room."

  "Wasn't real? You think I could fake that, fake any of it?"

  "You're a guy. Of course, you can. Sex to you is all the same, whether it comes with feelings or not." She laughed and rolled her eyes.

  "That isn’t true Mia. Maybe once I could, but never more than that, and never in my entire life have I told a woman I loved them when I haven't. And if you seriously think I could do that, then you don't know me at all," I said pointedly.

  "Bryce I—"

  I stood up and went to grab my jacket from the closet.

  "You're leaving? Fine, just go, Bryce," she choked out.

  I pulled my coat off the hanger and searched the pockets, finally pulling the little box out, and then hung my jacket on the handle. I walked back over and sat down beside her without saying a word.

  "Mia I'm sorry too. I was out of line when I said what I said to you about you getting back at me. I was hurt and thought it was easiest to cover it up by lashing out at you." I held the box out to her, and her eyes traveled to my hands. "Take it," I whispered.

  She cautiously reached out and took the box from my hand, her fingers grazing mine, instantly sending a wave of heat through me. I watched her tear-streaked face as she slowly pulled at the ribbon. Untying it, she lifted the lid off the box. The tears then started to pour, as soon as she looked at what was inside, and she put the lid back over top of it.

  "What is it? Don’t you like it?" I asked.

  "It's not that. I love it."

  "Then what is it?" I asked, placing two fingers under her chin and pulling her head in my direction so she would look at me.

  "It's just, I was so unfair to you about that comment I made today. I'm a master at pushing people away. I spoke to Don today and asked him what was so undesirable about me. That was his answer. I'm scared. I don't want to lose you, but my instinct is telling me to push you away from me." She sniffled.

  "Well, then I guess it’s a good thing that us Malone boys don't give up that easy, isn't it? I'm not going anywhere, Mia. My heart belongs to you. You are my home." I moved closer to her and pulled her into my arms.

  "How can you possibly know that? It's only been—"

  "I’s only been a couple of weeks. Actually, that isn't true. It’s been years, Mia. Years of wanting you," I said, the back of my hand brushing against her cheek. "It just took seeing you again to realize it. Out of sight, out of mind is true, but when your heart holds feelings for someone, it kindly reminds you not to give up so easily. So, I’m not going to stop until I get it.”

he buried her face into my neck and let out a sob. We sat together for a while, her head resting on my shoulder. Once she had calmed down, I kissed her forehead and took the little box off her lap, opening it. I removed the white gold chain that held the little infinity charm.

  "Sit forward and hold your hair up."

  She did as I asked, and I placed the chain around her neck.

  "This was the only thing there that spoke to me. It represents how long and how much I finally realized that I loved you," I whispered into her ear and kissed the side of her neck, inching toward the top of her shoulder.

  She shut the TV off and took my hand in hers, pulling me up. The sexy playfulness in her eyes nearly sent me to my knees as she led me down the hall toward her bedroom. With each step, she shed an article of clothing—first her socks, then her pants, next her shirt, until she stood in front of her bedroom door in nothing but a black lace bra and panties and the necklace I had bought her. I went to step forward to kiss her, but she placed her hand on my chest and stepped into her bedroom.

  Grabbing my sweater, I pulled it over my head and undid the button on my jeans, a loud clinking sound as my belt hit her hardwood floors. I took a step forward while she took a step back, until she had fallen back onto the bed.

  I ripped the cups of her bra down, exposing her breasts to me, and sucked her one nipple into my mouth while rolling the other between my finger and thumb. Mia instantly inhaled and let out a moan as her back lifted off the bed. I left her breasts and ran my hand down the center of her stomach to the waist of her panties, and in once swift pull, I ripped them from her body. She let out a gasp.

  "Bryce, those were my favorite..."

  "Shhhh, I will get you more."

  She giggled as I placed a hand on each of her knees, pushing her legs open. As I looked down, I could see she was already soaked. I looked back up to see her lust-filled eyes watching me. I kept watching her as I ran my fingers through her wetness and up over her clit. Her eyes closed and she let out a soft moan. I pushed my boxers down, my cock already hard and throbbing. I needed inside of her right now.


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