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Inflicted: Book 4 (Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance)

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by Katrina Cope


  Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance

  Katrina Cope

  Cosy Burrow Books


  Also by Katrina Cope

  Free eBook

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Books by Katrina Cope


  Your Thoughts

  About the Author

  Also by Katrina Cope

  Valkyrie Academy Dragon Alliance


  Marked (Prequel-Newsletter exclusive)









  Ebook first published in USA in September 2019 by Cosy Burrow Books

  Ebook first published in Great Britain in September 2019 by Cosy Burrow Books

  Text Copyright © 2019 by Katrina Cope

  Cover Design Copyright ©

  The moral right of Katrina Cope to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references or suggestions herein to actual historical events, real people or actual locations are fictitious. All names, characterisations, locations, incidents, and fabrications are solely the product of the author’s imagination, and any, and all, resemblance to actual persons alive or dead or locations or events is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Cosy Burrow Books

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-6486613-3-7

  ASIN: B07VV7K1S6

  Created with Vellum

  Colin & Glenys ~ Thank you for the peace you supplied (with a view) while writing this book

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  Chapter One

  The pounding of my shoes on the floor reverberates off the walls of the corridor. My feet won’t run fast enough. I must move quicker. By the time I reach the main door of the academy, my lungs are screaming for air. I glance at my left hand. The strange current that ran down my arm and out my hand before firing into Rota is a mystery to me. No reasoning in my mind can explain what happened—not even the old woman who touched me only moments before. It was my second encounter with her, and although both meetings were brief, every fiber of my being makes me think she may be a witch. She was too old to be a Valkyrie and too weird to be normal. Although I’m not an expert in this field since I haven’t met a witch before.

  I burst out of the front door of the academy and spin around to check if anybody is following me. Coming up empty, I keep going. Despite my panic, I can’t help thinking about how strange it is that the elderly lady entered the academy. Making things weirder was the briefness of our meeting. It was almost as though she’d sought me out and followed me here.

  My eyes flick, searching relentlessly. Perhaps the old lady is following me. I can’t see her, but that doesn’t mean she’s not. I’m not even sure how she knows my mother, whom I haven’t seen since starting at the academy. As a rule, all students who join the academy must break contact with their families. Academy students must become hardened warriors and learn how to cope and deal with problems by fighting their way through them.

  I’ll have to consult the library to see what it says about witches. Perhaps it holds more books like The Tales of How Brynhildr Got Her Wings. I know it’s just a myth, but I have never given up hope that one day I can become like the winged Valkyries and help reap souls for Valhalla—even if I can’t grow wings.

  My left arm tingles with the strange sensation that continues to run through its veins, and I rub my hand up and down it. Surely it couldn’t have been magic that passed through my arm. Could it? And why would it be this arm? My fingers tickle the scar, and a thought runs through my head. It is the arm that the beast marked when I scared it away from stealing Elan’s egg.

  I shake my head. No. I must be imagining things. I didn’t do anything to Rota back in the bathroom. She must’ve had a medical seizure or something. I couldn’t possibly have harmed her. For a start, I am wingless. That means I have no extraordinary power, and I only work for the winged Valkyries as a slave. On top of that, Valkyries can’t have magic, as far as I know.

  As I stare out into the open lands, I think about running to my room and talking it over with Hildr and Eir, but I’m not sure they will understand. Even if they do, I doubt they could do anything to help me. During all the time we’ve spent together in the last couple of years we have lived together, we have never talked about magic.

  I shake my head and remind myself this isn’t magic. It’s just a figment of my imagination. Rota had some kind of medical seizure or something. That’s got to be all.

  I stop in my tracks—there is no need for me to be running. This isn’t my fault. I change direction and decide to speak with Elan. After all, she has been through a lot today because of me. Her mind must be in a flurry with events from the past day, as well as trying to cope with the injury she received while defending me against the other dragon. She has only been in my life for such a short time, but I am growing more fond of her every day. These dragons are not the vicious creatures that others have led us to believe—well, at least not the dragons like Elan and her clan, who have shown us kindness. As for the other dragons, I should fear the ones in the wild and the ones the winged Valkyries have treated poorly. I do not hold their bitterness against them. If I were treated as badly as they are, I’m pretty sure I would also become vicious.

  I stroll to the place where I left Elan. I instructed her to stay invisible. We don’t want Odin or anyone else capturing her again. She is meant to be free.

  I don’t see her, but as I wander closer to the area, a rumbling noise catches my attention. I shake my head. Her snoring would alert the deaf—it’s that loud. So much for staying in hiding. The snoring crescendos as I get closer, and I follow it until I collide with her side. A strange pride fills me as I run my hands along her body against the direction of her scales. Pain shoots up my leg as something snares it. That will definitely be a bruise later. As I work my way down and grasp the object within my hands, I feel its shape. I realize it’s one of her horns.

  “Elan.” I shake the horn. “Elan…”

  A short burst of snorts interrupts the monotone rhythm of snores, followed by a clicking of the tongue, as though she is savoring the flavor of something. This pauses, then her slow and lingering snores break the silence again.

  I stare at the vacant spot in disbelief then reach down to grab her horn and shake it again. “Elan!”

  Slowly, her golden scales form before me, and she raises a weary eyebrow, staring at me vacantly with her golden-brown eyes. I already feel better.

  Kara? Her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth again, then she yawns, exposing her enormous mouth filled wi
th sharp, jagged teeth. Kara, is that you?

  “Who else would it be?”

  She suddenly sits up on her haunches and gazes around. What's wrong? Why are you here? Do you need to go somewhere?

  I chuckle. “Relax, Elan. I’m fine. I’m visiting you to see how you are.”

  But we only just got here. There must be something wrong, or you wouldn’t be out here already. I had just fallen asleep. That salve had a real kick to it, and I think it messed with my brain.

  “Yes, I heard you sleeping. You snore like a trouper, by the way.”

  I do not! I sleep like a baby—not a single sound.

  “You keep telling yourself that.” I pet her patronizingly on the leg. “But I know what I heard.” I smile. “Relax. I’m just here for a visit.”

  She stares at me, the disbelief prominent in her eyes. Something must have happened. What was it?

  “What? I can’t visit an old friend?”

  You can. But I know you have Valkyrie friends, as well. They’re ones you trust. So why would you come to see me instead of Hildr and Eir? Not that I’m complaining. She adds quickly, I love your company.

  Exhaling loudly, I stare out into the distance. “Have you ever seen a weird old lady?”

  Aren’t you old?

  I glare at her. “I’m not old.”

  You are compared to me. I’m like, what… two? And you’re like… She screws up her face. Almost eighteen?

  “Almost. But that is still not old, especially for a Valkyrie. You must be feeling better. You’re starting to get cheeky again.”

  Just saying! You know how it is.

  I roll my eyes. “When I say old, I mean as in wrinkles everywhere and gnarly hands. Have you seen anyone around here that looks like that?”

  No. I haven’t. Why are you asking?

  “Because something strange happened inside.” I look out over the rugged landscape, studying the valley below. The wind catches my hair, blowing its long dark-brown locks across my face. I hook it behind my ear.

  Like what? Elan’s gaze turns intense as her protective nature surfaces.

  “An old woman touched my scarred arm, and a tingling sensation ran down it.” I pull my gaze from the valley and rub my arm, staring at my pale, unchanged skin. “It’s still tingling.”

  Maybe you just knocked your funny bone before she touched it, or perhaps you knocked it when you were flying home.

  I shake my head. “No. It only happened when we arrived back here, and after the older lady stroked it. She came out of nowhere and touched me right in the middle of Rota, Prima, and Mist attacking me in the bathroom when I was doing my duties. And the worst thing is that my left palm connected with Rota when she was trying to do something mean to me.” I stare out into the distance again, trying to let the view take away some of the painful, confusing memory. “The next thing I know, Rota has fallen on the floor, unconscious. It was scary. I didn’t even try to do anything.” I pause while rubbing my arm absentmindedly. My forehead pushes into a frown. “Do you think there is magic in Asgard?”

  Do you think there are gods in Asgard? Sarcasm fills her voice.

  I glare at her with disapproval.

  Her face holds innocence. What? You ask me a question I give you an answer in a query. Is there such a thing as gods in Asgard? She repeats. Is there such a thing as dragons talking to Valkyries? My point being that anything is possible. There are many supernatural forces at play.

  The thought tosses through my mind. She’s right. By pointing out those two small facts, anything is possible.

  But then again, perhaps she just fell and had a seizure. I don’t know. She shrugs. Why don’t you touch me with that hand and see if anything happens to me?

  Worry clouds my vision. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Tsk, tsk. Oh, please. I’m huge. I’d be surprised if you can do anything to me.

  I shrug. “Okay. You asked for it.” I place my left hand against her flank and concentrate.

  Elan throws her head forward and roars.

  Chapter Two

  Yanking my hand away, I look at her with horror. “Oh, no! I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  The scales on her forehead pull together in agony. Hearing a noise behind me, I spin around. Her roar must have attracted attention. This is bad. Someone might be coming to capture Elan, and she can’t defend herself because I hurt her.

  Panic engulfs me when several winged Valkyries take to the sky. From that height, they will find her in no time—she is no longer invisible. I’m torn between telling her to turn invisible and seeing if she’s all right.

  “I’m so sorry, Elan. Are you all right?” I turn and see that she’s invisible, and a wave of relief and confusion sweeps over me.

  I’m fine. I was just having you on. She chuckles.

  “Elan,” I grumble, failing to see the funny side. “That’s not funny. I was extremely worried.”

  I know. It was worth doing it, just to see your expression.

  I lightly slap the back of my hand against her invisible form, aiming for her leg. “You’re so in trouble. Way to play the guilt trip.” I shoot daggers at her with my eyes. “Did you feel anything at all?”

  When her chuckling subsides, she says, I didn’t feel a thing. You couldn’t have hurt that Valkyrie—nothing came out of your hand. It’s got to be your imagination.

  “Then how do you explain her collapsing to the ground and the tingling in my arm?” I ask.

  It must’ve been a coincidence. Rota must’ve had a seizure or something right after you touched her. It serves her right, really. She shouldn’t be treating you like that.

  “Yeah. Like you dragons get along so well?” I cross my arms, still annoyed that she faked being hurt and made me worry. I watch as the winged Valkyries fly off in the opposite direction, probably just stretching their wings while checking the grounds and making sure there are no threats in the area.

  Strong hues of orange, yellow, and dark blue line the horizon as the sun exits the realm for the night. A deep sadness fills me as I realize that I have to return to the academy. “Elan, what am I going to do?”

  What do you mean? Slowly, she turns visible, and I lean against her side.

  “The way Rota, Prima, and Mist treated me was horrible. What happens if all the winged Valkyries want to treat me like that?”

  You will probably find it is just a rotten few that are going to be mean like that. What you need to do is show how tough you are and how you can stand up to them. She rocks sideways, swaying me slightly. And I know you’ve got it in you. That’s why we chose you. You have a lot to prove yet. I’m not going to give up that easily.

  Standing in silence, I think about what she said. “You’re right, Elan. I need to stand against them like I always have. I need to rise and prove that they are wrong. Just because they’ve had more combat training than me doesn’t make the winged Valkyries better than me.” A strange combination of determination and peace fills me. “How are your injuries healing?”

  They are still sore, but I can feel the ointment working. Thank you. I should be a lot better by morning and after a good feed. She prods me lightly with her wing. Enough about me, you should go inside so I can hunt. I’m starving!

  I push off from her side. “You’re right. See you later. Remember to keep invisible so Odin can’t find you.”

  She disappears from view as I stroke her on the leg in parting.

  I return to the academy, keeping my eyes peeled for any Valkyries who might be pursuing me, including Mistress Sigrun. None come. I walk down the corridor, gaining confidence with each step. Walking toward the dining hall, I pass several winged Valkyries doing nothing more than the usual sneer. The smell of the food wafts my way, and my stomach growls, screaming its protest at having no food since breakfast. I grab a plate and load it up with a charred steak and a side of fries. It’s not my healthiest choice, but after being stuck in the wilderness for so long, I feel like some comfort food. I spot Hildr and E
ir in the far corner, and I make my way over then sit opposite them.

  “Hey, you. Where have you been?” Eir’s gentle eyes search me as if looking for problems.

  “Have you finished all the chores given to you?” Hildr’s green eyes sharpen on me, and she plays with her left ear, which is loaded with piercings.

  I swallow the unchewed mouthful, and it struggles to slide down my throat. “I’ve forgotten about them.”

  “What?” Hildr cries. “How can you forget? You were just given them.”

  “I know, but Rota, Prima, and Mist attacked me in the bathroom.”

  “Pfft. Typical!” Hildr exclaims. “I gather you taught them a lesson, because you look unscathed.”

  Clenching my teeth together, I grimace. “I don’t know what happened. I touched Rota, and she dropped to the floor, unconscious. I panicked and took off the second they released me. I know they are going to blame me.”

  A chair pushes back, its legs grinding on the marble floor, and a wingless Valkyrie unceremoniously plunks herself down at the head of our table with her plate full of food. The three of us stare at her. She doesn’t look familiar, and judging by Hildr’s and Eir’s reactions, they think the same thing. She tosses her long brown locks over her shoulder and picks a fry off her plate. She crunches on it without looking up.

  “Hello.” Eir smiles, and her light-brown eyes shine their welcome. “I’m Eir. This is Hildr, and that’s Kara.” She indicates us with her hand. “Who are you?”


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