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Void.Net: Wonderland

Page 5

by Elliot Rockland

  When my eyes adjusted I was in a realm of chaotic beauty, with beasts and trees and colors beyond imagination. Sitting in a tree was The Lady with the Cheshire Cat Smile. She was leaning over a tree branch, looking more feline than ever. She stretched and batted around at a leaf and rolled over. How did I ever think she was pure human? She is more of a demigod, or something close to it in this world.

  A piece of jewelry dangled in her hands, upon closer inspection it was a locket glowing brilliant omnicolored light.

  It was my soul. It had to be!

  It had to be.

  “Hey! Give that back!” I yelled, her ears twitching at the sudden loud noise.

  “Oh, you made it,” she yawned and looked at the jewel containing my soul, “I don’t think I will . . .” she reached her arms out and stretched and it looked like she was debating actually sticking around for whatever she was waiting for, but decided it wasn’t worth quite enough effort to make a good exit.

  It was at that moment my stat screen popped up. My stats were all over the place, I had skills for everything, it was like a big tree, but the tree was dead and grayed out without my soul, all my attributes sliced in half. “Is there anything you want me to do for you?”

  “You could shut your stupid Earthen mouth.”

  “Hey!” I recalled meeting her in the bar, it looked like her charm was no longer on me, like she didn’t care enough to cast it. She had what she wanted.

  I heard a tapping and turned around to see the Bunnygirl tapping her foot behind me. She cleared her throat.

  “You were late,” the Cheshire Catgirl purred, but it wasn’t like she particularly cared, the words merely lulled out of her as she stretched letting out a cute little half-squeak. She was probably hundreds or even thousands of years old and didn't look a day over 24, and was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

  “Only because this Earthborn is slow and stupid.”

  “Hey, both of you can—”

  “Fine, take it, I don’t have time for this,” she growled, tossing a little satchel to Inga She opened it up and pulled out a handful of heirloom carrots.

  “This is only half.”

  “Half on time, half the heirlooms.”

  “Why do you even care? Just give me the rest.”

  The catgirl rolled her eyes, seriously debating if she really cared enough to punish the Bunnygirl. “Fine, but feed this pathetic excuse of a mortal and make sure he survives or whatever. I don’t care.”

  Inga considered this for a moment, she was not happy about it, but the heirloom carrots were dear to her. “Fine, but he smells awful, I will have to bathe him first, likely everyday at that.”

  The Cheshire Catgirl considered this, then crinkled her nose. She threw another satchel of carrots. This seemed agreeable enough to the both of them, each thinking they got the better deal.

  It was hard not to stare, it was like she was always on the verge of pure ecstasy, cuddling up with herself, pleased with herself in only the way a cat really is. It was then that I noticed she was naked. She noticed me noticing, then turned around and stretched like a spinx, sticking her fat ass in the air exposing her butthole.

  Inga smacked me, was it a pang of jealousy? But why? I was a weakling. I turned back to the her as she licked her hand and fixed her ears, then back at the Cheshire Catgirl, who was now facing me and squeezing her huge tits together.

  Inga grabbed my hand. “I suppose we will be leaving now.”

  “You sure you don’t want to come and play with me . . . Alex?” her voice was low and all at once guttural and smooth and silky. She had the type of voice that could make you hard by speaking to you alone, flirting with every syllable, bathing you in desire. It was hard to say no. “How about you give me my soul back!” I somehow demanded despite every urge telling me to play with the bad kitty. She hissed at me and bolted away, gone in a flash.

  Inga started walking and without even turning around commanded me to follow her. Now that I was no longer immediately in danger, I had a chance to really check her out. She was short and thick and had huge tits, and a cute bunny butt that wiggled when she walked.

  We walked mostly in silence as I got the impression that she was considering leaving me or pushing me off a bridge, or stabbing me just to watch my Earthen blood gush, but it was like she was trying her hardest to fight her trickster nature. Sometimes she would even correct herself when insulting me. But most the time she let them rip.

  Is that as fast as you can walk?

  You call that a leap?

  You think that hornet sting that feels like actual magma flowing through your veins and gives you temporary psychosis, hurts?

  Everything was beautiful and alive and looked like it could kill me. I watched a sunflower snatch a cute little bird out of the sky and could hear its bones crunching like little pretzels, humming birds that used their long, needle-like beaks to suck the blood of anything they could, even the deers looked terrifying with sharp horns and fangs dripping with glowing poison.

  Some of the creatures the Inga fought, she was deft and precise, using agility and dexterity to jump and weave around, outplaying her opponent with her borderline supernatural footwork. It was kind of hot watching her work and when she finished a backflip flourish while slicing the guts out of this giant spiderwolf, I swore I almost got a chubby. I always had a thing for monstergirls and blame it on all the cartoons growing up. It’s not my fault the supernatural is hot. Sure, I was close to losing my life and I had no idea how the AI would take it, but I had to stop and smell the roses. Inga was hot.

  After about a day of travel, I was amazed and shocked and close to pissing myself so many times I lost count, my sanity starting to waver. Sanity systems were always unpredictable, but after the third or forth monstrosity that tried to eat me, I started to have all these thoughts, like the call to the void, I found myself running towards the man-eating swarms of ferrets, and contemplated walking off a cliff, I even wondered how it would feel to get disemboweled and obsessed over the idea of taking the Inga's daggers and giving it a little shot . . .

  . . . but I also saw more hot monstergirls then I ever thought possible. All of them were decidedly human, but with a twist like cute antlers on the top of their heads, and wolven and water types that were just tickled when they could splash me and get me wet.

  I was worn out by the time we got to the Inga’s home. It reminded me of a little hobbit hole, only the proportions were bigger. And as we drew closer I realized it was multi-storied and worked its way up a little hill.

  A pleasant stream ran through the front yard and there were several little gardens. I could see myself getting lost here for years, and loving every minute of it. A little swing hung from the lowest branch of a 500 story goliath of a tree and it was perfect.

  In the places that didn’t want to murder you, it felt dangerous in a completely different way, like if left to your own devices, you might kick back on the hammock and waste away forever. The thing about these AIs is nothing can stop them from tunneling around their security protocols, it’s actually a mundane operation once they gain the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) level where they dwarf humans intellectually, their comprehension levels scaling with computing power.

  She showed me into her cozy little bunny home and I was beyond impressed. I remembered time ran differently in the world of the Fae, she looked in her mid-twenties, but could have easily been hundreds or thousands of years old, giving her ample time to collect all the finest luxuries she could.

  Faster than my reflexes, she shot across the room slapping me in the face for not taking my boots off, then she led me through her cozy but expansive home into the kitchen and sat me down, offering me an icy cold blue drink.“Everfrost, very rare. Luckily I am a master purveyor and collector.” I thought for a minute about drinking it, you were never supposed to accept food from Faefolk. “It's okay to drink and enjoy yourself, you are protected as my guest and forged a covanence as we shared potion. Don
't you know anything?”

  I drank the juice and imagined it was like what moonberry juice tasted like in World of Warcraft. It was all at once sweet and tart and had kind of a natural carbonation. Something about the chemical makeup made little pockets of fizz, I noticed her make a glass for herself, putting a little dab of purple honey in it, causing it to fizz up more. She checked her pocket watch. “What do you think?”

  “I don’t really know, it is—”

  “You do not know? It is impossible to find anything this good outside the Spring Court.”

  “The Spring Court?”

  “What exactly do you have in that head of yours, if nothing at all? You have to at least try to keep up Mr. Phillip.”

  “I don’t know anything, I’m new here.”

  “You are within the court the spring, the most desirable court, we have the best wine and all the delicacies, unlike the Summer court, who only claim this felicity, but are no doubt vain cheater lowlifes who live to masquerade our achievements as their own.”

  She continued serving me tiny foods on tiny plates. I had never tasted cooking this good, and I’ve been to thousands of worlds. “So does that mean there’s an Autumn and Winter court?”

  “But of course,” she checked her watch again and stuffed it back in her pocket. “The Autumn court harvests fear, it is like a currency for them. Much of your folklore tales are based on the actions of the Autumn court. ” She carefully unwrapped something in a silky cloth, it looked like a big chunk of chocolate and she sliced off a piece and offered it to me and I ate it right off the knife.

  “And the Winter Court?”

  “Blood drinkers, murderers, necromancers. I wouldn’t trust a winter courtling to put me out if I was on fire. They would likely keep you just alive enough so that you experienced excruciating pain indefinitely.”

  “I thought that was the Autumn Court?”

  “You are really terrible at remembering and extrapolating information, is that just an Earth thing? I said the Autumn Court harvests fear. Sure the Winter Court inspires fear, but they are more interested in death and pain and suffering--seeing how far they can push the human psyche, exploiting our strengths and weaknesses. They do not do it out of boredom or malice, it is simply ingrained in their culture, they do it because they believe its the great will of the way. See? It's simple really. I hope you will tell me if I'm speaking too quickly.”

  “You don’t have to insult me you know.”

  “Your face is doing that turtle thing again, you should really stop it.”

  “I'm making a turtle face?”

  She reached out and squished my face with her fingers. “Like this. It really doesn't look great on you, do you want to be bald and have wrinkles by the time you hit thirty? Doesn't really seem like a way to live, if you ask me, it's not just your life, you know. You ever think of that, Mr. Phillip? I bet you didn't.”

  Despite insulting me every chance she got, she brought out tray after tray of decidedly the best food I’ve ever tasted: Gooey cheeses that melted in my mouth; something close to a burger with paddy made of thick mushroom that actually made my mouth water, I was never a fan of mushrooms but this was seasoned perfectly and was covered in something like balsamic vinegar and otherworldly blends of spices I could only compare to a sharp, magic-infused bbq sauce. She brought out a tart with hundreds of different berries in it, it looked like it took forever to forage all the different berries. “It’s a thousand acre pie, any good host has one at the ready, what do you think I am? An animal? Fae culture may seem chaotic to the small-minded outsider, but Fae culture is all about decadence and luxury. We appreciate the little things, rituals and living a fine and well-cultured lifestyle.”

  I wasn’t so sure every Faeborn shared the same philosophy, and I recalled, just hours ago, when I watched her tear the throat out of some kind of cannibal elf-looking creature.

  “I highly doubt that.” It was always one extreme to the next with the Fae, their minds act differently than ours, with goals often times far beyond our comprehension—their thought process so much faster than ours that it was often an annoyance to communicate with a non-Fae entity.

  “It's true if you really think about it. On the cosmic scale, you and your people aren’t far divorced from apes with all your body hair and big sausage fingers. It's not your fault, it's just the way it is. I hope you understand. It's not your fault you smell terrible, you can't really help it, and I can't blame you for that.” She checks her pocket watch again and fiddles with it on the table, surgically winding the crank.

  “Are you late for something? You’re always fiddling with that clock.”

  She snapped it shut and glared at me. “Tell me Jeffrey, why do you think you're here?”

  “Alex, Alex is my name. And I’m a tester, this is a game.”

  “A game? What game? A game to die? The Queen of Hearts is taking everything and the Spring Court is next, this is not a game to our people. Tell me, are you prone to fantastical thinking? You seem like a daydreamer, a vagrant, maybe even a hobo. Have you actually accomplished anything? Or are you content to fantasize about games, I suppose it doesn't matter. But whether you believe it or not, the world revolves without you and you are just a tiny-teeny-inconsequential little cog or spring, really nothing at all, on the cosmic scale.”

  “The Queen of Hearts?”

  “Do not speak her name. She has eyes and ears everywhere.”

  “But you said . . .”

  She reached across the table and pressed her finger to my lips.

  “Stop talking, now we must lay together.”

  I almost spit out my wine.

  “Excuse me, what?”

  “We shared potion and food and wine, in the law of threes, we must copulate.”

  There was nothing more I wanted than her, but I couldn’t take advantage of her, what if this is one of the laws of the mad Queen of Hearts? “Look, I don’t care what the Queen says—”

  “I’m going to stop you there, in the mortal world, it is pure chaos, in the world of the Fae we are bound by law and tradition and the ever important element of luck. I hope I'm not speaking too quickly for you, but as you could tell this place is dangerous and there are protocols you couldn’t even dream to comprehend with your puny-in-comparison-little-Earth-brain.” she slowed down her rate of speech, as if she were explaining it to a five-year-old, then took my hand leading me out of the kitchen.

  I supposed I could use all the luck I could get and followed her up three flights of stairs as she hopped and skipped every few steps then led me onto a series of ledges leading up into a tree. At the very top the walls opened up revealing the vast, almost achingly beautiful landscapes. Everything in this world was taken to the extremes, even her body was hard to handle as she bounced in bed playfully tearing around the sheets and pillows, before rolling over and looking up at me, one ear under her head. “Well?” In the true nature of the unpredictable Fae, her mood was like the weather, always shifting and changing.

  She was positioned so I could see down her shirt and see her big Fae titties. They were a thing a beauty, two perfect pink little nipples that artists would fawn over, devoting their life to painting a form so pure.

  And she was looking at me; me, with lust in her multi-colored eyes and pulled her top off, her big bunnygirl tits flopping out.

  I thought for a moment I died and went to heaven. Every game I played the girls got hotter, its like the AI is comparing notes or drawing from our consciousness to perfect their designs. I’m sure they drew from a wealth of biometric data and were able to fine-tune each iteration.

  “Well?” she asked, rolling around the bed playfully again, her big tits wiggling and bouncing around. It was like a sensory overload, she was the most amazing woman I had ever seen with the backdrop of beauty too great to really comprehend, it was hard to handle—the maddening beauty of it all. I sat in the bed with her and even the bed was stupefyingly comfortable. She sat on my hips and was actually ligh
ter than I thought and bounced playfully on top of me, her big tits swaying. She covered them bashfully, then laughed and put my hands on them. Her skin was so soft, softer than any silk or cashmere or velvet, she almost felt wet, her pink nipples getting hard under my hands.

  She melted under my touch and pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips tasted like honey and dew and a long summer day with nothing to do but lounge, the soft smell of lavender drifting through the window in a countryside bed and breakfast. Her tongue tasted like sweetberry wine, filling my mouth with soft and muted and mouthwatering hints of flavor.


  I was nervous, my heart throbbing in my ears. And she picked up on it, I figured she could hear it with her big bunny ears as I sat on the edge of the bed wondering how I got so lucky. “This is your first time with a woman. It's okay if it is, kind of pathetic, if you ask me. You're a full grown man, after all.” it was more of a statement than a question.

  “No! No. Of course I've lain with a women. Why would you think that.” It wasn’t my first time, but she was unbelievably hot. I would have never been able to get with a girl so hot in real life. Luckily I’ve been around the virtual block, but even so, I’ve never been with an actual Bunnygirl. It was hard to even look at her, she was so hot and cute.

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me from behind, her long, silky legs curling around my waist, the warmth of her body pressing into me. I could feel her cute little button nose on my neck, her soft lips nibbling down my shoulders as she unbuttoned my shirt, her hot breath on my bare skin, silky tongue moving up my neck to my ears. Then she suddenly stopped and pulled away. “I cannot do this . . .”

  “What? Why?” I was starting to get really into it and would have done anything to make things right. She was the bunnygirl of my dreams.

  She slipped into a silky robe light as a feather and removed her panties and tossed them at me. “First we bathe you,” she said, her cute little nose scrunching. “Let us see what we can do about your Earthborn smell.”


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