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Void.Net: Wonderland

Page 8

by Elliot Rockland

  The Cheshire Catgirl hissed: “Hands off, he's spoken for.”

  The table erupted in laughter. There were like twelve monstergirls. I was in actual heaven and they were all very interested in me, giving me the most obvious 'fuck me' faces I had ever seen, licking the edges of their cups, and each other.

  I couldn't tell if they were messing with me, just because that's what the Fae liked to do. It was like everywhere I went and everyone I interacted with saw a kick me sign on my back and took it upon themselves to kick me up the line. In a way, they kind of reminded me of cats, an almost alien species who really didn't subscribe to our ideas of feelings of remorse. They simply acted on instinct and impulse, if something looked amusing, they went for it, and that was the way they lived their lives. A posh life of luxury. To the Fae, being bored was a state that you immediately had to relinquish yourself of. Being bored simply would not do.

  "So does anyone need anything?" I asked, I had been walking for over a week or two or maybe even a month, there was no way of telling. It was like a long dream, only I had no idea of the state of my body. I found it wise to just ignore the passing of time, which seemed more prone to tangential spurts as opposed to aligning with entropy and physics and the nature of reality. Time was really only something mortals had to worry about, and it was a source of infinite amusement knowing humans lives are so inconsequential. Inga liked to remind me of it every chance she had.

  "Does anybody need anything? Interesting question . . . What do you say? Anyone?"

  "A refill?" a shrill little voice called, causing another chorus of laughter.

  "The entire world is falling to ruin and this is what you ask of us?"

  "The world is falling to ruin?"

  "God, you humans are so slow. Why do you think I brought you here and took your soul?"

  "Because you felt like it?"

  "Well yes, I did feel like it, you should have seen your face. No, please, help me, I need my soul, I don't want to die or cross over . . ." she mimed crying and everyone had a good laugh.

  "So what is it you need me to do?"

  Someone threw a glass at me, which I was barely able to dodge. Had I not gained some of Inga’s power, it would have smacked me right in the middle of the head, probably getting shards of glass in my eyes, which would have likely been hilarious to them.

  "Well for starters, I want my soul back—"

  "No," she laughed, apparently surprised and tickled at my audacity.

  "Then what do you want from me?"

  What do you want from me. The entire table spoke at once creating an unearthly freaky amorphous blob of voices, it sounded like a poltergeist and was incredibly disturbing.

  "I suppose I might have something for you, sweet Alex. If you think you're up for it," the Cheshire Catgirl teased.

  "Great, just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it." I sat down next to one of the monstergirls and sampled some of the cake and hors d'oeuvres, the hatter seemed to appreciate that I was helping myself.

  The Catgirl yawned and rolled over on her back, exposing her soft tummy and massive tits to everyone. "You sure you wont take any tea?" The Hatter asked stirring around her tea, the Cheshire Catgirl rolling around naked, just pleased as could be with herself.

  "No thank you, I just want to finish this god damned quest so I can figure out if I am still alive or not on the other side. Is that so hard? Can anyone help me? I’m sick of it! I’m here to help, can you comprehend this? Or are you all completely and totally batfucking insane?”

  The hatter and table thought this was hilarious and the Cheshire Catgirl sat up and started licking and pawing at her ears, which were very obviously on her head now. She was still very much humanoid, but had mild cat like features like her ears that I somehow missed in the club and her tail, the way her eyes had a slit running down the center. She purred and crawled over to me, knocking over the pots of tea and smashing the cake and pastries. Nobody seemed to notice or care. You really couldn't get more carefree than a Faeborn catgirl. She was on all fours, knees spread across the formally beautiful spread, tits hanging and swaying. She pulled my chin up, then licked up the side of my face. "I haven't had man-meat in so long, What do you say?"

  I saw my soul dangling around her necklace like a pendant. She had an entire row of them and I gulped. I needed to get through her if I was to get out of this place alive. "If that's what it will take?"

  She seemed to like my response and inched her face so close that I could feel her eyelids blinking against mine. I had grown quite fond of being able to read Inga's mind—I always knew when she was feeling chaotic, but with the Cheshire Catgirl, I had no idea what was going through her head. She probably had nothing good in mind.

  Her tongue slathered up my neck to my ear. "Can you just do one thing for me?"

  "Anything, I just—”

  "I need you to just do us one teensie little favor, we need you to stop the Queen of Hearts, or at least talk some sense into her—"

  The hatter spit out her tea laughing like it was the most insane proposal she'd ever heard. "This vile and pathetic human? What's he going to do? Draw her out with his fetid manstink?"

  The table hooted and pounded on the table, causing the Cheshire Catgirl to jump a little. Startling her.

  "Stop The Queen of Hearts?"

  "Shh! Not so loud, her scouts are everywhere."

  “But you both just—”

  “Shh, just stop talking, Alex.”

  "The queen is a thorn in the side of the once prestigious Summer court."

  "I'll admit, killing all the men was kind of funny, but I mean even I can see that was taking it a little far,” the Cheshire Catgirl said, examining her nails.

  "Killing all men?" It was the second time I heard this, and was wondering exactly how much trouble I was in.

  "Yes, she did not like the idea of sharing her power. Traditionally, in the absence of a rightful heir,you are to marry any commoner who could defeat one of the Royal Guard in a duel."

  "And what would we be, without tradition?" said the hatter, unbuttoning her top and letting her huge tits flop out. They were pierced, a little gold chain connecting her nipples, she twisted each one, then the deer antlered girl pulled off her top. She was also stacked, but I tried not to look, these Fae women were crazy. "I suppose I could give it a shot, what do I have to lose?"

  The table erupted, "Your life? perhaps? Earthborn are so frail and weak and you smell so awful."

  The antler girl casually sat on the hatters lap, pressing her tits into her face. Everyone saw this as their queue and they started the Fae's second favorite pass time next to messing with humans: sex.

  For the Fae, sex was as casual as a handshake, it was just something you did with friends and nice strangers. "Alright then, anything else?"

  "You can join us, give us a taste of that big, juicy human cock!"

  "Oh yes! Cock! I haven't had cockmeat in so long!”

  The Cheshire Catgirl stood up. "I suppose I can show you the way out, you have been traveling in circles for weeks, and I guess I'm bored of that now. This way, keep up now."

  The naked catgirl led me away from the party and I got to watch as her hypnotic ass bounced in front of me. There was no doubt she knew and took every opportunity she had to bend over and tease me. Teasing was her love language and favorite activity. It was probably hard for her not to lead me in the complete wrong direction, I bet despite herself, she wanted to mess with me more, but I was sure she could no longer abide the mad queen messing up her chances to fuck with with more mortals.

  She was an equal opportunity trickster and craved variety. I didn't blame her, I supposed I would have gotten a little crazy, too, if I was stuck here for all eternity.


  "So what shot do you think I have? Be real with me." We had been walking for hours now and I was starting to get nervous.

  "None? I mean, it will probably be kind of funny to watch you fail, I've been so boreddd without men
around, many soulbound are left with entire households to themselves and have no time to trick foolish mortals into our realm."

  "That's it then?"

  She gave her cute, cushy butt a smack. "There are ways of tipping the scales in your favor . . ." she meowed and purred and curled her hands submissively.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let's say I have an ace in the hole.”

  “Okay, what?”

  “Give me my milk, first.”

  “Your milk?”

  She mewled then got on her knees in front of me. “I've been a bad kitty, haven't I?”

  “Yes, that's exactly what you've been.”

  I really did want to play with the kittygirl, she was so hot I felt it in my bones. I shrugged my shoulders and the Cheshire Catgirl was on me untying and pulling down my pants like she was starving and the only thing around for miles was cock.

  I was already half-hard when she pulled me out of my pants. “It's so big!”

  And she was on top of it, stroking my cock until it was hard. She hastily took one of my hands and put it on her head. “Pat my head!” she demanded.

  I half-smiled and nodded, patting her head. She seemed to love this and starting purring and licking my cock with short, cute little licks. “Please don't die, you have a lot of . . . talent I would hate to see go to waste.”

  “My talent?” my cock did look pretty big. She simply smiled and nodded and moved her sweet tongue down to my balls, tonguing each one while rubbing my head around her soft cheeks and making little kissy faces.

  “Can I suck on it?”

  “Go ahead,” I said patting her head, giving her ears a scratch. “You can suck on it.”

  She started purring the moment she got it in her wet mouth, vibrating my cock and looking up at me with her big eyes. She loved it, I never seen someone enjoy a blowjob so much in my entire life, sucking it sloppy and loud, her slit eyes dilating with pleasure, her hips squirming.

  “Fuck . . .” I groaned as she bent my cock down her throat. She moved her hands to my hips and began quickly bobbing her head around, taking me all the way down to the hilt and back while staring at me with hungry eyes.

  I looked down at the Cheshire Catgirls huge tits, her nipples went erect and she was without a spec of hair down below, a perfectly smooth little slit, but before I could grab them, she threw my hands back on her head and I resumed giving her pets and headpats.

  The Cheshire Catgirl was lost in her deep throating, taking it all the way to the hilt, holding it and flicking her tongue out, tickling my shaft. She wanted it deeper, squeezing my ass for leverage, squishing her nose against my pelvis and shaking her head around.

  My cock started twitching uncontrollably. “Oh fuck, I'm going to cum.”

  The Cheshire Catgirl looked up at me with disappointment. “Hmmf!” I felt her tits clip the edges of my cock, but just a bit as my cock was twitching and pulsing and the sudden shock and burst of adrenaline caused me to release down her throat. She glared at me the entire time as she gulped pump after pump, her eyes glazing over.

  After she was sure she sucked every drop, she started licking me clean, ensuring every drop went down to her tummy. “Pathetic Earthborn, you come so quickly?”

  “I'm sorry, you were just so good, what do you want from me.”

  She seemed to appreciate this, and made me pat her head again. “I suppose it was enough cum.”

  “What? What was the point of that?”

  “The law of equal exchange, of course, try and keep up.”

  “Equal exchange? So does that mean I get my soul back?”

  “So you can try to do something dumb and heroic? I think not, I put far too much work into this to just let you throw it all away.”

  “Did you actually even do anything at all?”

  “You know what they say, the gods smile upon those at play--I'm paraphrasing--the common-tongue is such a barbarian language, it just feels wrong coming out of my mouth. Anyways, tata! Try not to die!”

  “Wait, what about the exchange?”

  She turned around one last time, revealing her huge, perfect tits that I was going to dream about and gave me a smile and a wink before a smoke cloud appeared, and I heard her laughter spiral away from me.

  As she disappeared, I felt pressure in my left hand, then opened them to find three white dice. After further inspection, they looked like the cheap plastic dice you get out of a magic set. “What about my soul?” I asked nobody in particular, then pulled my pants up looking around, wondering what the hell just happened and stuffed the cheap dice set in my pocket.

  I could see the castle in the distance and when I arrived, I almost turned around and ran. Before me were the castle gates, roughly thirty feet tall, made out of plant life and flowers . . . but they were just husks, their life strangled out of them by the swarm of man-sized spiders inhabiting the gate. At one point it was probably beautiful but now all around it was thick, sticky spiderwebs.

  I stood in shock for a moment. I hated spiders. Snakes, daemons, ghosts, sharks, anything, anything but spiders. The Summer Court was supposed to be all about beauty but it was hard to even see it, the once colorful flowers and plant life, gray and dead and covered in thick, nasty web.

  The spiders were monstrosities, black and hairy with shiny, plastic-like exoskeletons and a mass of tentacle like fangs and pinchers extruding from their heads. They were true horrors and I didn't want anything to do with them.

  I circled around the gate looking for a way in. It was like a graveyard, the unfortunate standing as mummies, wrapped up in thick spiderweb. Half of them looked like they were trying to escape, forever frozen in their final moments of terror. I shuttered and figured they were probably also hosts for little spider babies. Everything here wanted to kill you in the most gruesome way possible, I bet the fear gave our blood a nice, tangy edge.

  I finally found the front gate which was also covered in thick web, but as I stepped towards it, the spiders didn't lunge towards me. I actually had the impression they were inviting me in, I just had to walk through the tunnel clogged thick with webbing.

  Of course it was probably a trap, but I was running out of time. I had no idea how the time scaling worked as the first actual person to play this game. They tried sending digital testers in for awhile, but it was at the height of triviality for the AI to reprogram the testers to do their bidding. Human code is nothing for the AGI, so front-line testers such as myself are the first and final line of defense, protecting people from getting their brain cooked like bacon (or any number of equally dreadful fates).

  I sighed and pulled out my sword. Several more of the spiders crawled over the top of the gate, their nasty front legs cresting first, followed by the rest of their glassy bodies.

  But it still felt like they welcomed me.

  If I dared.

  But I had enough of their little mind games and walked through, wading through the sticky web that almost went to my waist. It was tough walking through it, my legs quickly getting tired, my energy sapped from me. It was almost like quicksand, the more severe the movement the more I sank down in it.

  Before I even made it to the entrance I was already exhausted. I wouldn't put up much of a fight now, which was probably the intention and if I tried to turn back and run, I was spider food. When I finally got to the gate, it was hard to draw enough strength to slice through. It was like I just finished working out on a stair-climber for hours. I was winded and hungry and thirsty. I hoped she at least had food on the other side and heaved my sword overhand bringing it down the center.

  Thankfully, it was easier to slice through than traverse and didn’t take me long to breach the outer layer into the dark tunnel connecting to the inner sanctum. I imagined it in its prime, at one time, you could get lost in the beauty, enchanted even, only to wither away or grow so old all of your family and friends were dead by the time they sent you back to the mortal realm.

  If they let you go.

I was less than pleased to realize the inner cloisters were crawling with spiders and there were webs as far as the eye could see, but luckily there was a pathway leading directly into the towering castle carved into miles-high trees. It was like they trained them to form a massive castle stretching far beyond sightline, the orange and red sun bleeding through the canopy covered in spiderwebs.

  I hated everything about this place—there were spiders of all kinds skittering up the castle made of trees, there were so many of them you could hardly see the trees. It reminded me of that scene in Indiana Jones, with the tunnel covered in bugs crawling around and falling on them, only this was all spiders: Big spiders, small ones, red ones, black ones. But there was nowhere to go but the spider-covered-tree-castle. I didn't come this far just to quit and started walking through the courtyard, the spiders so close that if I stepped even a foot off the path, I would be ankle deep in the chirping little horrors. I imagined they were like piranhas, they would eat me up leaving only a pile of bones within minutes.

  Luckily, there were no spiders inside the kingdom, but there was a thin coating of web that had kind of a golden sheen. I tried my best to avoid it and wandered the labyrinthine castle for longer than I wanted.

  It was huge, the trees composing the entirety of the castle must have been hundreds and thousands of years old. I wondered how long The Queen of Hearts was in reign, and was worried what she might do to me, realizing I was a male. Hopefully she didn't think I was here to claim her hand, that would actually be my worst nightmare, forever confined to the kingdom of spiders. No thank you, I had much better things to do, mainly anything but that.

  I turned a corner and a row of armor greeted me in silence. It looked like each set would have fetched a king's ransom. I cautiously approached afraid that, at any moment, the armor would start to move on their own with each of the intricately forged masks seeming to stare into my soul.


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