For Love

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For Love Page 13

by Jeannette Winters

  David looked shocked. “You know about the baby?”

  Josh turned to him and said, “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I had a feeling no one was supposed to know. At least that’s the impression Jada gave me.”

  Oh boy. Here we go. It was almost comical to think David thought Melissa was pregnant and Josh was talking about Ellie. She could easily put a stop to the misunderstanding, but that would require either of them paying her any attention.

  Josh said, “So much for it being a secret.”

  “In this family?” David asked.

  “Will you two stop talking about the baby and just listen to me for a minute?” Melissa snapped. “I want to go home and so does Ellie. Are you coming with us, Josh?”

  “No,” Josh said.

  “Yes,” Chris replied. Josh turned and glared at him. “We don’t need you, Josh. If they want a handsome cocky bastard on the inside, then I’m your guy. I think you should escort these ladies back home.”

  Josh growled, “Since when do you call the shots?”

  To Melissa’s surprise, Chris didn’t flinch. “It’s the only logical answer. This wasn’t your mission anyway. If I’m correct, you’re on vacation.”

  “He’s right. You need to go with them,” David added. “Chris and I have this.”

  Melissa waited and could see Josh was not thrilled with the decision being taken away from him. But he turned to Chris and said, “You better not fuck this up.”

  Chris grunted. “Haven’t let you down yet, why would I start now?”

  Josh left the room and Melissa smiled at Chris. She mouthed, Thank you.

  He nodded, and she shut the door and went after Josh. She hated pulling Josh from what he enjoyed doing, but once she told him how Ellie felt, Melissa was positive he’d see why. Melissa knew it wasn’t good to interrupt meetings with the boys, but Josh needed to consider his priorities. And right now, Ellie needed him. She also knew she wouldn’t always be able to pull the she needs you card, but it was the right thing to do now.

  Things are changing, and he has to change with them.

  * * *

  “That was . . . odd,” Chris said to David.

  “Yeah. Melissa is . . . moody lately. Understandable though.”

  Chris cocked a brow. “She was only trying to make a point.” One I was trying to make too. “We didn’t need Josh.”

  “It would’ve been nice having you both on the inside,” David said.

  “When Kalen said a couple, I don’t think that’s what he meant,” Chris joked.

  David closed the laptop and got up from the couch. “No, but now we need to come up with a replacement. We need to be at the event in three hours. I don’t have time to fly Hydria back here, and I’m not even sure where she and Renzo are right now.”

  “Why don’t you ask Melissa?” Chris suggested.

  David spun around and looked like he wanted to chock the shit out of him. “What the fuck is wrong with you? She’s never been in the field and now, at a time like this, you want to endanger her?”

  “You read the itinerary. What danger is there? Someone going to spill some champagne on her and ruin her dress?” Chris knew David was annoyed at the suggestion, but it was the only feasible option available. Melissa may not be trained, but she wasn’t stupid. No. And that was the problem. She’s too damn everything. Intelligent. Kind. Feisty. Sexy . . .

  “This just proves she shouldn’t go..Melissa can’t be drinking. Not in her condition,” David barked.

  “What condition?” Melissa seemed perfectly healthy to him. Hell, he was impressed by her drive, if not her ability to keep up on the farm.

  “The baby, dumbass,” David snarled out. “I’ve watched you two together, and if I didn’t know that you weren’t, I’d have suspected you were the father.”

  There was a lot Chris might be confused about, but one thing David had correct: I’m no one’s father. He never wanted to be. Like his real father, Chris was married to his work. There was no room for a wife, never mind a child.

  “You have it all wrong; Melissa isn’t pregnant.” She can’t be. I had her on a roof, and that really would be fucked up. Wishing didn’t make it so. He needed to talk to Melissa. David seemed damn sure. Chris wasn’t used to doubting what his gut told him. Could he have missed the signs because he was . . . attracted to her and didn’t want to see them? Either way, he needed to know, and it had nothing to do with Kalen or the event. “I’ll be back.”

  David asked, “Where the hell are you going?”

  “To get answers.” He just wasn’t sure of the questions. Blurting out an accusation was tactless. Thankfully, he had a few minutes to think of something because her room was four floors up and taking the stairs was going to burn off some built up frustration right now.

  When he arrived at her door she was already opening it. “Chris.”

  “Did David tell you I was coming?”

  Melissa shook her head. “No. I was just about to head to his room to see if Jada wanted to fly home with us.” Cocking a brow she asked, “Why are you here?”

  The hallway was no place for this conversation. “Can we discuss this inside?”

  Melissa stepped aside. “Of course.” She shut the door and asked, “You seem . . . upset. Did Josh say something that I missed?”

  “Actually I’m wondering what I’m missing.”

  “I don’t understand. But then again, what’s new with that? I’m always left out of the loop.”

  “Melissa I need to know something, and I’m not sure how to ask,” Chris said. This really wasn’t any of his business. Yet here he was, still wanting to know. But no matter what the answer was, it had nothing to do with him.

  “I guess the best thing to do is just ask.”

  “Are you . . . well?” Chris couldn’t bring himself to say the word.

  Melissa crossed her arms and asked, “Do I look sick?” Then she raised her hand, “Don’t answer that. I’m stressed, and I can only imagine what I look like if you’re concerned about my health.”

  “You look fine. It’s just . . . David was concerned, and I thought maybe there was something going on you hadn’t told me.” He normally didn’t dance around a topic. But if she wasn’t pregnant, then asking her really would be offensive. Of course I think this because your brother told me you are.

  “There’s a lot I haven’t told you. And I would suspect the same goes for you. If there is something specific, then please stop wasting my time and just say it.” Her frustration was beginning to shine through and he didn’t blame her at all.

  “Are you pregnant?” Chris asked and held his breath for the answer.

  Melissa’s mouth gaped open. “Who told you that?”


  “Why would that be a topic between the two of you?” Melissa asked.

  “We have a protection detail, more like a monitoring situation, that we need to attend. The prince asked for a couple to attend as his guests. When I suggested you accompany me, David pointed out one damn good reason why you shouldn’t.” And if it’s true, then he’s right.

  Melissa looked stunned. Why not? Her secret was out, and she probably wished it wasn’t. “You’re serious aren’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t joke about this.”

  “You told David you wanted me to help on a . . . mission?”

  “I wouldn’t say help, but more like attend the event as my . . . date. I’d be working and you’d . . . well you would’ve been enjoying the champagne.”

  “Yes,” Melissa blurted out.

  Damn. I was wrong. “You should’ve told me. I never would’ve allowed you to climb on a roof or carry that bundle of wood.”

  “Why? My nails still look fine. And I brought a formal gown in case an occasion like this came up. Well not exactly like this, since I never imagined I’d be allowed to go undercover.”

  He watched Melissa dash to her closet and pull out a black bag. Then she laid it on the bed and unzippe
d it. Pulling out a silky dress, she held it up to him.

  “What the hell is that for?”

  “The dress I’ll wear. Or do you think it’s not appropriate? I should’ve asked how formal this was. If I have time, I’m sure I could find something different. This is Italy you know. Home of fashion.”

  “Melissa, I’m not talking about the dress. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing you to go. Not now.” His tone was sharp and she looked confused.

  “I thought you said—”

  “I did. But that was before. No way am I putting you in that situation. The best thing for you to do is finish packing and go back to the States with Josh and Ellie.”

  He turned to head back to the door when Melissa grabbed his arm, trying to stop him from leaving. Chris easily could’ve pulled away, but he turned to face her. Her eyes glistened with tears.

  “Chris, I can do it. You must’ve thought so too, or you’d never have mentioned it to David. Can’t you believe in me just a little bit longer? I promise, I won’t do anything foolish to jeopardize the . . . mission.”

  He covered her hand with his and said softly, “Do you really think it’s the mission I’m worried about?” Melissa nodded. He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you either,” Melissa said, stepping closer into his arms.

  “Melissa, I need to think of both of you.”

  She wrinkled her nose and asked, “Me and who else?”

  “The baby,” Chris said.

  “Chris, I’m not pregnant,” Melissa announced.

  “You said yes.”

  Melissa laughed. “Yes to going with you, not to being pregnant. Do I look pregnant?” She pointed a warning finger at him and said, “Choose your words wisely or you might not make it to that event.”

  Chris smiled. He had no idea why he was so relieved, but he thought part of it was because if she was pregnant, then some other man had a claim to her. And that would definitely close the door to anything between us. No. He couldn’t think like that. She wasn’t his and never would be. Although the idea of her being a mother wasn’t a terrible one. Hell, she was so loving, kind, and giving, she’d be a wonderful parent. Yet, she didn’t seem too upset about not becoming a mother right now either. Are we more alike than I thought?

  “I think you might need to have a conversation with your brother.”

  “About the mission?” Melissa asked.

  Chris shook his head. “I’d start with your . . . status. He’s pretty sure you’re having a baby. I just don’t know why.”

  “That’s because this family jumps to conclusions.”

  Chris laughed. “That’s a big jump. I have a feeling that seed was planted for a reason. Do you know why?”

  “Is this an interrogation?” Melissa asked.

  “And if it was?” Chris teased.

  “If I tell you all I know, can I go to the event with you?”

  Oh you are good. “I don’t think that would be wise.”

  “Because my brothers won’t approve?” Melissa asked.

  “That would be one reason.” The other is I’d be so damn distracted looking at you, I wouldn’t give a damn about Prince Kalen. The fact that he overstepped his boundaries already and was in her hotel room said she was a distraction. But he knew this event was low key or he’d never have suggested she attend.

  “Why don’t you leave them to me? I’m tired of being treated as though I’m not smart enough to follow directions.”

  “Melissa, you’re off target. If they didn’t trust and have faith in you, they wouldn’t have entrusted you to care for the women they love.”

  “I believe they had a team watching us. And for all I know, you were one of them.” She crossed her arms waiting for his answer.

  “On a few occasions, yes. And that’s why I know what they think of your abilities.”

  “Then why won’t they let me be—”

  “More involved?” Chris asked. She nodded. “You might not realize how important you are to the . . . team. We might be in the distance watching, but you’re right there making sure everything goes smoothly.”

  “Funny, I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “That’s because it comes naturally to you. Your job is to make people feel comfortable and safe.”

  “Like everything is normal?” Melissa asked.


  “Then I think I’d be perfect at the event. You do what you do, and I’ll just make us look . . . non-threatening.”

  Chris laughed. “If you think you can convince David to agree, I say go for it. But there is no way in hell he is going to allow it.”

  Melissa smirked and picked up the dress, letting it rest against the front of her. “I hope I brought the right shoes.”

  “Melissa, I didn’t say you’re going.” Chris tried correcting her, but she was already in her own little world. Or at least ignoring me in mine. “We leave within the hour. I suggest you make a run for it if you’re thinking about catching up with David.”

  Chris left her alone in her room and headed back to his. The last sight he had of Melissa was her twilling around with the dress as though she was going to a ball with Prince Charming. Even though you’re not pregnant, what was I thinking? You deserve to wear that dress, but out on a real date, not on some babysitting job for Prince Kalen.

  He’d let her enjoy the moment. It wasn’t going to last. David was going to shut it down and everything would go back to normal. The next time he saw Melissa, it most likely would be from a distance, and that would be better for both of them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The pilot announced, “We’ll be landing in Runashia in ten minutes.”

  She wasn’t going to let her nervousness show. It would only give David a reason to change his mind. Given how difficult it was to talk him into this, she was positive he was looking for one slip up so he could pull the plug.

  “I must have slept, because that flight was shorter than I assumed.” The truth was she had her eyes closed almost the entire flight, thinking how crazy she was for doing this. She’d wanted to get more involved with Turchetta’s Promise, however she never thought her first mission would be attending a royal event. A prince. Holy shit. As the others packed, she’d quickly studied proper etiquette for Runashia. It was more modern than she’d expected, but there were certain things which were a major no, no. No public demonstrations of affection.

  That shouldn’t be much of a problem for Chris and her. It wasn’t as though they’d be making out on the dance floor or anything. Although I wouldn’t mind a private dance later. She adjusted herself in her seat and looked out the window, hoping she wasn’t blushing.

  She was confident David hadn’t picked up on her stress level, but she didn’t want him sensing anything else either. What had her on a tailspin of twisted emotions was how she had gotten there in the first place: Chris recommended her. It blew her mind. Had their week on the farm demonstrated something she’d overlooked? As far as she knew, the desire to do something didn’t mean you were qualified to do it. Yet Chris seemed to have faith in her and somehow had passed that onto David. She’d ask what it was, but wasn’t sure she truly wanted to hear the answer. Chris, you really can make my head spin. She liked reading a good mystery, but being part of one . . . not so much. Chris seemed to be on Team Melissa for now. And that could flip again in the blink of an eye.

  David was all business as he rattled off information, and she tried to absorb it all. “Bennett Stone will be on site with several of his men. They’ll be scattered throughout the event as waiters and in less visible roles. We have been informed security is tight, so none of Stone’s team will be armed. This will make things difficult if shit goes down, but we are not anticipating any problems. This is strictly a fact-finding mission. Prince Kalen has not seen his brother since he was . . . detained under his orders.”

  Chris interjected, “And ye
t we think there won’t be any trouble? Kalen doesn’t seem to be one who knows how to shut his mouth. What if he accuses his brother of kidnapping him a few months ago?”

  “Then I’m sure the royal guards will address it. Prince Kalen, although a pain in the ass, knows no matter what is going on with the family, the king still holds all the power. If he does anything to shame the family, Kalen will be dealt with by the king,” David explained.

  I’m not sure I want to know what “dealt with” means. Horrible thoughts flooded her mind, and she knew each was a possibility from what she’d read about Runashia. It might look pretty from the plane, but she already knew she’d never have travelled there alone. Heck, I’m scared and I’m not even off the plane yet.

  “Is there anything else I . . . we, should know?” Melissa asked.

  “Stone will have a limo picking you both up at the airport to take you to the palace. You both know what you need to do?” She knew David was directing that question at her.

  “I do. Mingle. Look happy. Smile,” Melissa responded confidently.

  “And flirt with Chris. Make it look believable. Prince Kalen will be introducing you as a couple.” David turned to Chris and said, “Look like you’re in love or at least enjoying her company. This was your damn idea, and right now you’re so serious I’m more concerned you’re the one who’s going to blow it.”

  “This isn’t my first time,” Chris replied.

  David leaned over but Melissa could still hear. “But this is the first time with my sister. If anything goes wrong—”

  “I know. You’ll have my ass. Don’t worry about what Melissa and I are doing. You just make sure Kalen doesn’t do anything . . . unpredictable,” Chris said as though the client wasn’t very cooperative.

  Just focus on what I need to, not what they are going to be doing. Prince Kalen wasn’t her problem. But she was concerned with how affectionate David wanted them to be. She hated bringing it up, but not asking could cost them their freedom.

  “If I read correctly, they . . . frown upon couples flaunting love in public. Is there any concern that we may offend them?” Melissa asked.


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