For Love

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For Love Page 14

by Jeannette Winters

  Chris answered, “You can admire me with your eyes, but our lips can’t touch in public. And you can use your body language to show your desire, but never press it up against me. All would have consequences.”

  Yes they would, some sweet and pleasant. But no matter how much she’d like to sample what he was describing, it wasn’t enough to see the inside of a prison in Runashia. “Understood. You mentioned Prince Kalen has a brother. Is there anything I should know about him?” Melissa asked.

  “Yeah. Stay the hell away from him,” David barked.

  Chris reached out and touched her hand. “Melissa, you’ll never be more than a foot away from me.”

  A chill ran through her even at the slightest touch. She wasn’t sure if it was his cologne, his tuxedo, or the way he said her name, but she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. “Don’t you think that’s going to look . . . odd?”

  “Remember, we’re madly in love, darlin’.” Chris winked at her, and she couldn’t hold back her laughter.

  “I’m not sure I’m the darlin’ type.”

  Chris gave her a dashing smile, “Honey? Babe? Sugarpie?”

  Melissa enjoyed this lighthearted side of Chris, but the grunt from David said he didn’t find it humorous at all. Nothing was going to make David happy so why should she bother trying? Replying to Chris, she said, “No. No. And . . . absolutely not.”

  “How about I call you Mel?” Chris asked.

  She did find that sweet, at least when he said it. “Is there something wrong with saying Melissa?”

  “It’s what everyone else calls you.”

  “Exactly,” David interjected as the plane touched down. “I’m glad you’re both enjoying this, but don’t forget, there is a purpose behind our attendance. Let’s make it count.”

  “Roger,” Chris answered.

  Melissa knew very little. Asking wasn’t going to change that. Her role was to look pretty and help Chris look inconspicuous. She knew Chris had made this happen for her, and she was going to make sure she didn’t let him down.

  Melissa had pictured a grand castle with gold all over the place. But somehow it seemed to be more of a home of the rich and famous with a ballroom. Although there was a significant amount of marble pillars, none of it was over the top.

  She was lost in a sea of people. It felt more like she and Chris were party crashers instead of on an assignment. They spoke to many people, yet nothing of any importance. It was all so casual Melissa was surprised they hadn’t stooped as low as needing to talk about the weather.

  Chris hadn’t lied and kept her by his side continuously. But nature was calling, and he couldn’t follow her in there.

  “Trust me, I’ll be right back. But if I don’t go, we might bring unwanted attention to us for a very embarrassing reason.” Chris looked around as though he could come up with an alternate way to solve the situation. “Okay you think about it, but I’m going to the ladies room now.”

  She quickly made her way across the room and barely made it in time. Melissa couldn’t believe Chris had been contemplating not letting her go. They had been there for more than an hour and at no point had she seen anything to give her concern. But then again, she had no idea what to be looking for either. Normally she’d take time to check her makeup and hair before exiting the restroom, but she figured Chris was counting the seconds she’d been gone.

  As she was leaving, she bumped into one of the waiters and knew right away it must have been one of Stone’s men sent to linger close by. Really? I can’t even pee without someone hovering? Melissa wondered if this was how they treated Hydria when she was out on a mission with them. Then again, Hydria had skills Melissa didn’t possess, like professional profiling and self defense. She knew if Hydria had been in Rome, she might have been here now instead of Melissa.

  Although Hydria was beautiful, you couldn’t help but see her strength just by looking into her eyes. And Renzo wasn’t the tuxedo type. Those two had been perfect on the LA SWAT team for a good reason. They could intimidate the shit out of the bad guys. I have a feeling Chris can do the same when he chooses to.

  As she looked across the room to where she’d left him standing, she found she was correct in that assessment. He was glaring at her, and she was tempted to back up and head in a different direction. But this wasn’t a game of cat and mouse. They were here for one purpose only, and that was . . . well, she wasn’t really sure about that either. So she would do what she was told, be by Chris’s side, and pretend to be in love.

  He was speaking to someone when she returned. “I’m sorry it took so long. Did you miss me?” she asked in a teasing, flirtatious tone but didn’t touch him.

  “Do not worry, Ms. Turchetta. I have been keeping Mr. Stratton entertained. Are you enjoying the party?”

  Melissa wasn’t sure who the man was, but Chris, for the first time, reached out and pulled her closer to him. I assume you’re not a friend. “Yes, very much. And you?”

  “It bores me, but then again, they always do. If my father was well, then I wouldn’t need to bother with affairs such as this.”

  Father? The King? “Then I hope he recovers quickly.”

  He looked down at her and in a tone of disgust replied, “That would make my brother very happy.”

  She should have kept her mouth shut, but the words were out before she could stop them. “But not you?”

  Glaring at her with eyes that were cold as ice, he spoke to Chris. “Your woman doesn’t know how to control her tongue. You may want to remind her she is a guest in Runashia. It would be a shame to see her stay extended in one of our prisons.”

  Her insides shook and her stomach turned, threatening to hurl. She could see Chris tense up; this wasn’t going to be good for either of them. She needed to do some damage control. If someone pays for this, it’s going to be me. Not Chris.

  “I meant no harm or disrespect. My concern was only for you,” Melissa stated.

  He cocked a brow. “Me? That is odd. Do I look as though I need your concern?”

  “I do not look at a person or a situation. I only know that no matter how much one doesn’t want to care, somehow deep inside they do.”

  He half growled out, “And you think I’m weak like others?”

  Chris stepped closer but she kept her distance, not wanting to add fuel to the fire. “Not at all. It takes a strong man to hold his emotions in check.”

  That seemed too have worked a bit. “I am strong. And powerful. I suggest you do not forget it in the future.” Then he turned and walked away.

  When he was out of earshot, Chris gripped her arm and spun her around to face him. “What the hell was that?”

  Although his voice was low, his tone said he was displeased with her. Join the club. I’m not thrilled with me either. “I panicked.”

  “You think?” Chris said. He ran a hand through his hair, looked around, and finally turned back to face her. In a gentler tone he said, “You recovered well. Just . . . don’t do that again. If he would’ve called over the guards, I’d have been forced to intervene.”

  And I’m sure that wouldn’t have gone over well. “I promise, I won’t speak to anyone else tonight.”


  “I take it that wasn’t Prince Kalen,” Melissa said softly.

  “No. It was his older brother. And if you couldn’t tell, the family is not close.”

  “It really is a shame.”

  Chris looked at her puzzled. “Why exactly?”

  “They are fighting but their father is very ill. If he dies, they won’t have the chance to reconcile. That’s very sad.”

  “Melissa, you can’t really believe that can you?” Chris asked.

  “I can.” She had no idea why, but she thought of Mac, a man who was trying to do that exact thing but couldn’t without her help. “Actually, maybe you can help me.”

  “If you think they can be one happy family, you need help.” Chris smiled.

  “I’m serious. I have a patient,
well a former patient, who is going through something just like this.” Except he’s broke . . . and broken.

  “Some things can’t be fixed, Melissa. You should know that. How many times have you tried to help someone heal, yet the injury was too deep?”

  “Chris, the body is one thing but the heart is another. People do change. Don’t you believe that?”

  “Some. And then others, well, they’re just a waste of oxygen.”

  She was sure Chris had encountered many who were deemed beyond reproach in his line of work. But she had to believe everyone had some good in them. It was just harder to see sometimes.

  “Chris, there are times when a person is in so much pain, physical and emotional, they believe they’re not worth saving.” She could tell he wasn’t buying it. So maybe she needed to prove it to him. “Actually you might be able to help me with one. The patient I’m talking about is looking for his son.”

  “Is his son missing?” Chris asked.

  “No. Not that I know of. Or that he knows of. It’s been many years since he’s seen him.”

  Chris shook his head. “Then maybe it should stay that way.”

  “A few years back I would’ve agreed with you. He was in such a bad place. Filled with anger and bitterness and . . . had given up on life. I think he actually was hoping to die.” And from what she recalled, Mac had been close to achieving that wish.

  “Yet he didn’t.”

  “No. It wasn’t easy for him, but he faced some ugly truths about his injuries as well as his past. I guess that’s why he’s now looking toward the future.”

  Chris said, “Maybe his future doesn’t include his son.”

  “How can you say that?” Melissa asked.

  “From personal experience, I guess.”

  Chris had spoken briefly about his parents, but she didn’t get the feeling he didn’t love them. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m adopted.”

  “And you don’t love them?” Melissa asked. It really wasn’t the time or place for them to be having this conversation, but then again, she might not get the opportunity later. And it broke her heart thinking Chris might be hurting and no one was there for him. I’ll help him too, if I can. If he’ll let me.

  “They are not the issue. My birth father. He’s . . . nothing to me. And I like it that way.”

  She heard the words but also the pain. “Maybe giving you up was his way of giving you a better life.” Melissa really had no clue, but from her research, that was often the case.

  “You don’t know anything about him, or me. So don’t make assumptions.”

  Melissa reached out and touched his arm very briefly, then pulled back. “You’re right. I don’t. But Chris, I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

  “I don’t need your help,” Chris snarled.

  “It’s obvious you don’t. But maybe you can help me. I asked David and Josh and they were . . . not very forthcoming with information.”

  “Ah, you mean on the flight to Rome?” Chris asked. She nodded. “And you think I’d actually give you information they wouldn’t?”

  “I’m not asking you to break any confidence, just—”

  “Go behind their backs and provide you privileged information. No matter how much I like you, Melissa, that’s not going to happen.”

  You like me? I kind of like you too. Although sometimes I wonder why. Chris was yet another difficult man in her life. Why couldn’t she get one who didn’t question everything? Then again, one who said, yes dear, to everything would drive her bonkers.

  Smiling, she said, “No. I’m not asking you to go against my brothers, but maybe you can help point me in the right direction.”

  “And how am I supposed to do that?”

  “He gave up his son for adoption. How would he go about finding him now?”

  Chris shrugged. “Was it a closed adoption?”

  “I guess so, because he doesn’t know his son’s name now.” She really should’ve asked more questions when Mac talked to her. But the truth was, she didn’t want to get involved. Part of her agreed with Chris. Although Mac had come a long way from the man he was before, if things went wrong, it could set him back. And he could start drinking again. “When I get back to the States I’ll talk to him again.”

  “And tell him what?” Chris asked.

  “That if it’s meant to be, his son will find him.”

  Chris arched his brow. “You changed your mind about helping him?”

  “No. But I thought about the damage I almost did here by speaking my mind. Maybe the best thing I can do is let Mac find his son on his own.”

  “Mac?” Chris asked.

  Melissa nodded. “Mac Muller. He’s the man I was trying to help. He’s . . . tormented by his past and giving up his son seems to be one of the things he can’t let go of.”

  Chris glared down at her and grunted, “He did. Years ago.”

  She had no idea what she’d said, but Chris turned and walked away from her. She watched him speak to one of the waiters before he went out onto one of the balconies. Melissa wanted to follow after him, but the waiter approached her.

  “Stratton asked me to stay with you for a short time. Pretend to talk to me. I don’t care about what, just talk.”

  She forced herself to do as she was instructed by the waiter, but it wasn’t easy. I’m not cut out for this spy shit. My mouth gets me in trouble even with people I care about. She was fond of him, more than she realized. But he was right, she couldn’t fix everything and some things weren’t hers to be involved in. When this was over, and they were alone, Melissa knew she’d need to apologize to Chris for upsetting him. I just wish I knew what it was I said this time.

  * * *

  Chris was barely able to control himself. When Melissa said his father’s name, he almost flipped. Was Mac using her to get to him? He couldn’t picture Melissa actually helping Mac on her own.

  It wasn’t as though he’d left her alone for long, just enough time for him to catch his breath and gather his thoughts. Melissa had thrown him twice tonight, and he wasn’t sure he could take much more. Thankfully, Stone’s men were close by and could easily step in for a few minutes. When he returned, Chris was in a different frame of mind.

  “Do you want to dance?” He only asked because he could see she felt horrible and they weren’t looking like the loving couple they were supposed to be.

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Melissa said softly.

  “I wouldn’t ask otherwise.” Chris could tell himself it was for appearances only, but the truth was, he wanted to hold her. Although in public, they weren’t going to be able to dance as close as he’d like. He offered her his hand and she took it. Once on the dance floor she lifted a hand and put it on his shoulder while he held the other. A waltz was playing, and Chris remembered his mother telling him to count while moving. He knew it wasn’t going to be the performance of a lifetime, but all it needed to do was distract her from their conversation earlier.

  As the music played, he thought about each movement he was making. Melissa giggled and he asked, “Is it that bad?”

  “No. I have a few toes you haven’t stepped on yet.”

  Chris had hoped he’d only brushed the side of her shoes, but apparently not. “We should stop while you can still walk.”

  “It’ll give me an excuse to have you carry me to the plane later,” Melissa said, smiling at him.

  Either she was a much better actress than he’d thought, or she was damn serious. He wasn’t sure which he wanted it to be. Chris knew he didn’t want the dance to end, but then again, he wanted this entire night to be over.

  He’d been listening on his earpiece as Stone’s men monitored the crowd. There was a point where things had gotten tense between the two princes, but it quickly quieted down. No one could figure out why, but whatever it was, no one minded a smooth running event.

  As though he’d spoken too quickly, Kalen walked over to where they were danc
ing and asked, “May I cut in?”

  Chris said, “I’m not dancing with you.”

  “I meant with Ms. Turchetta,” Kalen added dryly.

  He didn’t want Melissa going anywhere with either one of the brothers. Kalen might be the one they were protecting, but as far as Chris was concerned, Melissa’s welfare came first. Chris didn’t release his hold on Melissa.

  “I do not believe it is customary for a man to dance with another man’s woman.” It was an unusual thing for him to say, but claiming Melissa as his might be the deterrent Kalen needed.

  Kalen nodded and said, “You are correct. Forgive my ignorance. I was under the assumption she worked with you.”

  “No,” Chris said and then asked, “Was there something else you wanted?”

  Kalen replied. “Ms. Turchetta, you spoke to my brother earlier. I want to know what you said.”

  “I . . .” Melissa turned to Chris, obviously worried about causing more trouble.

  Chris explained, “They spoke about your father’s health. She wished him well. That’s all.”

  Kalen chuckled. “Her eyes say that is not entirely true.”

  “Drop it. This is not the place,” Chris said.

  “You forget yourself, Stratton. This is not your home. It is mine, and I will ask what I want and do as I wish. You and your men cannot stop me,” Kalen snarled.

  “But I can,” Kalen’s brother said from behind them. “Now leave them. Father asked to see us both. You may come with me or not. I do not care. But you will not harm this woman in any way. If you do, I will have my guards turn their backs as Mr. Stratton deals with you. Understood?”

  Kalen shot Chris a warning look but backed off. Chris no longer was sure which brother was the good guy and which was not. It seemed the dysfunctional family was more messed up than they had thought.

  “Although my brother has made a wise choice, I cannot guarantee it will remain that way. I’ll have my driver take you to wherever you want to go.” He turned to Melissa and said, “I do not know if I can ever make peace with my brother, but I shall try with my father. If he dies tonight, then my mind will be clear of regret.” He bowed slightly then said, “Good evening, Ms. Turchetta.”


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